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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/16 19:43:16
Dr. Trout
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/16 20:22:51
retired guy
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/16 20:34:23
Thanks RSB- First -for pinching those guys- even though they probably never knew you and your son were there they were wrong in their approach to turkey hunting. Second- for the great news bout that 'hunter' and his court conviction.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/16 20:59:38
The Manilla Case had nothing to do with turkey hunting. Manilla shot Groh with a rifle during deer season after Groh had harvested a buck. The shooting occurred in Bucks Co. when rifles are illegal for hunting deer. Manilla changed his plea from ."no contest" to guilty
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/16 21:13:18
I considered that to be stalking in the truest sense of the word and had they not pled guilty we would have found out if the court agreed with me on it being stalking. Though there perhaps isn’t a clear definition of stalking in the law it isn’t too hard to recognize it when you see it. It then becomes a matter of the WCO filing the charges and being able to articulate the facts that led to the charges before the court if they subject takes a hearing. Did you cite both hunters for stalking that turkey or did you only cite the hunter who wasn't calling? What section of the code did you cite on the field citation? Has there ever been a case where a court has ruled that a hunter was guilty of stalking a turkey?As yet I have not been able to find any section of the code that defines stalking turkeys or that states stalking turkeys is illegal in both the spring and fall seasons. Is it legal to use dogs to break up a flock in the fall and is it legal under any circumstance to harvest a turkey that a hunter hasn't called to within shooting range?
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/16 22:18:13
Deer- clearly we KNOW that the guy was deer hunting- the thread conversation and moved a bit to include SLOBS in general too. Saw a TV show where they have little dogs that break up the flocks down South and while the hunter is doing his 'gathering call' to bring the Turkeys in for a shot that darned dog crawls into a sack so they wont see it. But then the chase Deer with dogs down there too and shoot with OO in some places. Probably not legal here in CT although never saw anything in the book that jumped right out bout dogs for Turkey. Know that I have spooked a flock or two and then had good shooting when calling them back in the Fall- dont know if marching through the woods intending to bust a long off flock is considered Stalking or not- Probably more of that fine line stuff. Always considered Stalking sneaking along looking for a shot- not marching right in intending to bustem for a chance later on after your set up and callin them back in. Pretty clear the intent of that law was to prevent somebody from sneaking up on a calling hunter and mistaking him for a bird- Docs stats and experiences of some here show it happens too often
post edited by retired guy - 2011/07/16 22:19:52
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/16 22:21:34
ORIGINAL: deerfly I considered that to be stalking in the truest sense of the word and had they not pled guilty we would have found out if the court agreed with me on it being stalking. Though there perhaps isn’t a clear definition of stalking in the law it isn’t too hard to recognize it when you see it. It then becomes a matter of the WCO filing the charges and being able to articulate the facts that led to the charges before the court if they subject takes a hearing. Did you cite both hunters for stalking that turkey or did you only cite the hunter who wasn't calling? What section of the code did you cite on the field citation? Has there ever been a case where a court has ruled that a hunter was guilty of stalking a turkey?As yet I have not been able to find any section of the code that defines stalking turkeys or that states stalking turkeys is illegal in both the spring and fall seasons. Is it legal to use dogs to break up a flock in the fall and is it legal under any circumstance to harvest a turkey that a hunter hasn't called to within shooting range? I cited them both and used the section for a violation of Regulations (2102) in Title 34 with reference to the regulations section you posted earlier. They were clearly stalking turkeys and hunting by a method other than calling even though they were also using a call. It was perhaps not a clear cut or classical case of hunting by other than calling but it was well outside the intent of what the regulation intended. I also cited them for failure to wear orange while moving since it was required during that time period. Often we need to make a judgment call based on the totality of the circumstances of what we observed, or discovered through investigation, then let the court make the decision if they elect to challenge the charges. Yes dogs are legal in the fall. Hunters are generally afforded more leeway in their hunting styles in the fall season than they are in the spring season even though the regulations require hunting by calling in both seasons. Stalking turkeys though is always both illegal and very dangerous. Not stalking turkeys is also one of the key points we bring forward in ALL hunter education classes. Technically it is also illegal to ambush a turkey but with rifles as a legal firearm in the fall in most units we know a lot of it happens. R.S. Bodenhorn
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/16 22:51:04
The purpose of busting a flock in the fall is to call them back together. If you have never done it you would be absolutley amazed at how quick the action gets. Almost immediately after being busted the Turkeys start to CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK back and forth to each other in an attempt to get back together. Immediately move bout 40 yards from the bust location and quickly set up a decoy and start to mimic the gathering calls the birds make. They come in VERY quickly and occasionally at the run. They are a very different bird than Spring turkey.
RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 01:34:20
RSB can one follow turkey tracks in the snow ? Would you consider this stalking ?
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 10:00:26
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures RSB can one follow turkey tracks in the snow ? Would you consider this stalking ? Following turkey tracks would certainly fit a normal definition of stalking. But, people have been tracking turkeys in the snow for many decades and I have never heard of anyone being cited, questioned or in any way prohibited from following turkey tracks in the snow. I don’t think the real problem that resulted in the present stalking prohibition came from hunters tracking a turkey in the snow though. The problem came from people stalking turkey calling and someone getting shot as a result. I would say as long as a person is not trying to sneak up on turkey sounds or calling they are not going to have many issues. It is hunters sneaking toward other hunters that tend to lead to the dangers and problems of hunters shooting one another. I see this regulation as just a method of trying to prevent hunters from stalking calling turkeys that turn out to be hunters instead of turkeys. It is simply trying to reduce the number of hunters shooting other hunters. R.S. Bodenhorn
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 10:33:34
Thanks for that RSB- even though I'm not a PA guy a reasonable common sense application of any law is the way it is supposed to be interpreted and addresed wherever. Especially considering original intent. Its all this 'fine lining' that gets in the way of that and as L/E knows leads to lousy 'case law' decisions that forever can change the way a law is interpreted. Surprised you guys can hunt Turkey with a rifle- guess its cause ya have the luxory of some big country. We still hafta use the shotgun in Fall too. If we had a rifle ya wouldnt hafta bust the flock and callem back in. Would still suggest it though as it is a real exciting and memorable way to harvest a bird..It also works the vast majority of time.
post edited by retired guy - 2011/07/17 10:34:49
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 12:01:31
Yes dogs are legal in the fall. Hunters are generally afforded more leeway in their hunting styles in the fall season than they are in the spring season even though the regulations require hunting by calling in both seasons. Â Stalking turkeys though is always both illegal and very dangerous. Not stalking turkeys is also one of the key points we bring forward in ALL hunter education classes. Â Technically it is also illegal to ambush a turkey but with rifles as a legal firearm in the fall in most units we know a lot of it happens. Â Personally I think it is pathetic and irresponsible for the PGC to condone and support methods for turkey hunting that are clearly illegal, while at the same time citing hunters for stalking when stalking is not defined in the code and is not specifically referenced in the code. Instead hunters are supposed to know the intent of the laws and risk getting cited for doing something they thought was perfectly legal based on the PGC's support for certain hunting methods such as using dogs or rifles.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 12:14:44
ORIGINAL: deerfly Personally I think it is pathetic and irresponsible for the PGC to condone and support methods for turkey hunting that are clearly illegal, while at the same time citing hunters for stalking when stalking is not defined in the code and is not specifically referenced in the code. Personally, your continued attacking of anything PGC is what is pathetic. The agenda is as clear now as it was when you began your crusade here.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 12:16:24
I do hope you realize that probably 80% of today's hunter have never even looked at the code book .. heck many do not even read the digest .. most rely on the digest and that usually will keep them out of trouble ... the digest does state it is not 100% of the rules.. but if followed in most cases the hunter will not be doing something that he or she will get cited for... and if anyone has any questions they can call or write the PGC and get an answer ... I realize in my case I am fortunate to know the PGC/PBFC WCOs and deputies in my area, but that's thanks to being a director and hosting the monthly sportman's meeting at the local sportsman's club .. they have all been at it one time or another...
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/07/17 12:20:45
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 12:30:26
I do hope you realize that probably 80% of today's hunter have never even looked at the code book .. heck many do not even read the digest .. Where did you get the 80% figure? Ignorance of the law is no excuse and just reading the Digest will give hunters the impression that certain methods are legal when in fact they are clearly illegal and the fact that the PGC and WCOs chose not to enforce the law does not change the fact that the hunters are violating the law and could be subject to prosecution if a WCO decides for any reason to enforce the letter of the law like RSB did in his stalking case.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 12:48:30
I read it some where in an outdoor writer's article ........ and agree based on my personel experiences with questions I get asked all the time... The worst is the mentored youth prograsm and it is spelled out well in the digest... In fact ...I had a phone call from a club member Thursday evening about it ... also get asked about the age for kids to have to have a fishing license all the time at the club ...
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/07/17 12:51:16
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 13:26:04
Does the Pennsylvania State Police have a message board? Maybe Deerfly can get somewhere with his understanding of officer discretion with them........
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 13:55:44
When was the last time you heard the PSP condone or support violating any law? Do they tell drivers that they don't have to come to a complete stop at stop signs if they see there are no cars coming?
RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 14:28:55
ORIGINAL: retired guy    Thanks for that RSB- even though I'm not a PA guy a reasonable common sense application of any law is the way it is supposed to be interpreted and addresed wherever. Especially considering original intent.       Its all this 'fine lining' that gets in the way of that and as L/E knows leads to lousy 'case law' decisions that forever can change the way a law is interpreted.      Surprised you guys can hunt Turkey with a rifle- guess its cause ya have the luxory of some big country. We still hafta use the shotgun in Fall too.      If we had a rifle ya wouldnt hafta bust the flock and callem back in. Would still suggest it though as it is a real exciting and memorable way to harvest a bird..It also works the vast majority of time. If we had a rifle ya wouldnt hafta bust the flock and callem back in. Would still suggest it though as it is a real exciting and memorable way to harvest a bird..It also works the vast majority of time Im my opinion turkey hunting is all about calling in a bird rather it be spring or fall. Shooting a feeding bird at long distance with a rifle does nothing for me. Its not the kill it's the hunt that I enjoy. RG, rifles are legal in certain areas of Pa while only shotguns in other areas during the fall.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 14:32:21
No but I have had a NYSP use a little discretion and only give me a WARNING for doing 50mph in a 35 zone. I was totally honest with the man when he asked if I knew why I was stopped and how fast did I think I was going. I think that played heavily into his descision. He used a little discretion and didn't whack me the $200 fine. Never sped through that town again..
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 14:35:11
ORIGINAL: dpms ORIGINAL: deerfly Personally I think it is pathetic and irresponsible for the PGC to condone and support methods for turkey hunting that are clearly illegal, while at the same time citing hunters for stalking when stalking is not defined in the code and is not specifically referenced in the code. Personally, your continued attacking of anything PGC is what is pathetic. The agenda is as clear now as it was when you began your crusade here. Attacking and personal opinions are two different things. When one post just to criticize another member and has no input as far as topic goes, then they are guilty of such an attack. Care to add anything pertaining to topic DPMS ?
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 15:10:16
The difference is I am sure the trooper made it clear that you were violating the law while the PGC is knowingly condoning and supporting violating the law.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 15:13:54
Right there with ya OA- Calling is the only thing that 'does it' for me too when it comes to Turkey. Know a place where I could sit and waitem out and be pretty sure of seeing a bird late in the day- wont bother-would rather try to callem in and be skunked.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 16:46:49
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures When one post just to criticize another member and has no input as far as topic goes, then they are guilty of such an attack. Care to add anything pertaining to topic DPMS ? I would agree with your assessment. I would disagree with who you most likely feel are the constant offenders. That is up to moderation. I will add that my opinion on the topic of trail cameras on SGL is a non-issue unless damage is done to the tree.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 17:34:55
Maybe dpms can tell us how close we can get to a gobbling gobbler before we are guilty of stalking and whether it is legal to shoot a gobbler while returning to your car or camp during legal shooting hours in the spring season! Every turkey hunter is responsible for knowing those answers so unless dpms doesn't hunt turkeys he should know the answers.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 18:04:38
I hunt with my understanding of the game laws as my guide. Nuff said.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 18:28:14
In other words you have no idea what the correct answer to those questions might be and you just do what you want to do or what you think might be legal and hope you don't get caught. Personally, I believe too many hunters have the same attitude and just do what they want to do with little regard for the letter of the law.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 18:35:12
Baiting. The act of trying to lure. Not biting...... Continue on with your crusade.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 19:10:58
No, I was not baiting!! I was just pointing out that you don't understand the regulations any better than any other hunter, but we are all expected to comply with those regs even though we have no idea which regs the PGC intends to enforce or how they intend to enforce them.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/17 19:37:27
I guess I should sent an e-mail to your local PSP barracks and explain to them that in the future you expect to not only be stopped but also cited when they hit you with radar at a couple miles over the speed limit. Usually they use some Officer discretion and don’t even stop a person unless they are at least 10 miles over the limit. Of course if they establish that you were 10 mile over the limit and hit a pedestrian or lost control and hit another vehicle you will get cited for having been going to fast. That is no different than a WCO using Officer discretion on some regulation violations right up until it becomes a matter that needs to be addressed with charges. It is all part of that common sense factor more Officers use on a daily bases. Just like yesterday when I caught the group camped on game lands. It was a clear violation and I could certainly have cited them but I elected instead to want them and give them directions to where they could legally camp on the National Forest. Sometimes when it is already dark and find campers I will let them spend the night and move the next day. I guess you figure I should just go ahead and issue them citations though, right? R.S. Bodenhorn