Trail cams on SGL.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/21 18:45:56
" I think it was pretty clear that the director gave the ok to use trail cams but RSB stated by "Law" they are illegal to use on SGL." Good grief! Exactly how hard IS your head? Once again, RSB did NOT say that he, or ANY other WCO would cite someone for a trail cam. Tell you what. Compile a list of those who were cited, or the LE statistics listing the number of citations ( if any ) written for doing nothing but placing a cam on game lands. The we can continue this discussion about this terrible "problem".
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/21 18:55:27
OA= Received--thanks much.
RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/21 19:15:35
The law is, as the law is written. Written law states one thing, Director states differently. Doesn't matter if anyone has been sited or not. Law is Law ! Never said it was a problem either. I said it could be. Maybe you need to go back to the bigging of this thread and catch up. Apparently you seem a little disoriented. ORIGINAL: spoonchucker " I think it was pretty clear that the director gave the ok to use trail cams but RSB stated by "Law" they are illegal to use on SGL." Good grief! Exactly how hard IS your head? Once again, RSB did NOT say that he, or ANY other WCO would cite someone for a trail cam. Tell you what. Compile a list of those who were cited, or the LE statistics listing the number of citations ( if any ) written for doing nothing but placing a cam on game lands. The we can continue this discussion about this terrible "problem".
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/21 22:23:33
I don’t see that there is ANY problem with the law or the way things are presently being handled as it relates to trail cameras. The only problem I see is the one in the heads of a few people who seem to be intent on turning it into a problem that has never existed in the past. If enough people push the issue it will lead to regulations that do put regulations and thus some type of restrictions on using trail cameras on game lands. Is that what you want? Is that what will best serve the sportsmen of this state? Some people just insist on picking at nits until they actually have the problem that was previously only a perceived problem. When people start solving problems before there is a problem they are actually creating a problem where none previously existed. There has also been a question raised concerning the difference between laws and regulations and which has precedence. Laws are enacted by the Legislature after what is often a lengthy discussion and vote. Then if passed is signed into law by the Governor. It usually takes several months to even years to change laws. Since some things within nearly all codes needed to be changed often, such as seasons, bag limits, orange regulations, etc. and a host of other minor changes that deal with many other issues, the Legislature has also created a law that allows most agencies to establish regulations that are consistent with and within the framework of the laws they already passed. A Board, Panel, Staff or other Governing Body then set those regulations as allowed by the laws governing that agency. That is necessary to make those short term and frequent changes in a timely manner. Otherwise the law would have to be changed within the Game Code every year just to do simple things like change the starting and ending dates for the seasons and even the shooting hours. Basically in the case of the Game Commission there are the laws (in Title 34) that have been enacted through the Legislative process. Then of equal legal authority and enforcement we have the regulations (in 58 Pa Code) that have been enacted by the Board of Commissioners under the legal authority within the laws granted to the Commission to establish regulations consistent with the laws (you can find that authority primarily Section 2102 of Title 34 though there are also other sections of the law that will further relate to various regulations). I am going to include a link to the law where people can read Section 2102 so everyone can see where in the law from which the Game Commission actually gets the legal authority to establish regulations. It is important to understand that laws and regulations are equally enforceable though the charge will actually be made under a violation of the law even though it might very well also reference into a specific regulation to show what has actually been violated. R.S. Bodenhorn
post edited by RSB - 2011/07/21 22:37:40
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/21 23:33:02
" Basically in the case of the Game Commission there are the laws (in Title 34) that have been enacted through the Legislative process. Then of equal legal authority and enforcement we have the regulations (in 58 Pa Code) that have been enacted by the Board of Commissioners under the legal authority within the laws granted to the Commission to establish regulations consistent with the laws (you can find that authority primarily Section 2102 of Title 34 though there are also other sections of the law that will further relate to various regulations)." Thank you for the reply. I am truly not trying to pick nits. But did you not write that backward. I believe, and I might be wrong. That it is the LAW under title 58 (Pa code) that is enacted legislatively. And the REGULATIONS under title 34 ( Game & wildlife code ) that are enacted by the BOC, under the authority granted by TITLE 58. Since title 34 relates specifically to Game & Wildlife, but Title 58 refers to ALL commisions ( Fish & Boat, Game, Gaming, Boxing, etc. ). This would almost have to be the case. I suspect you were just thinking of the two titles in reverse as you typed.
post edited by spoonchucker - 2011/07/21 23:47:05
Get Informed, Get Involved, And Make A Difference. Step Up, or Step Aside The next time you say "Somebody should do something", remember that YOU are somebody. GL
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/22 12:16:48
ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout      you are so FUNNY !!!! I was not piloting the balloon, so your personal attack is unwarranted, just as the several you have made of late. "I didn't rob the bank officer.. I was waiting in the car "        as for personnel attacks how's these both from you to me in the last post !!!! You are so defensive, you may need to look into that.
YOU are trying to grasp at straws in order to make a point and the only thing you end up doing is making a fool of yourself. to you, crashing an aircraft and causing possible injury to the four people aboard is akin to strapping a trail camera to a tree. You might be old, but you really need to grow up. I doubt I have put that many in a post directed at anyone EVER !!!! PLUS my point about the balloon landing was simply to say there are and SHOULD be exceptions to every rule.... and I doubt anyhonme can go thru life and not realize just that.. there are exceptions to just about every rule.... BTW.. if what you say is true the pilot has no control of the landing and that it is actually "crash landing" every time out maybe they should be illegal.... In addition, a balloon looking for a landing spot is deemed an aircraft in distress, just like when small planes land on a road and just how often does a plane land on the road compared to an out of control in distress balloon landing ???? I was going to respond to this, but realized you aren't worth the time. Besides, my Mother always told me never to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person, it's just not fair to them. So in the interest of fairness, this will be my only response to you....
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/22 14:48:18
you sure picked the right type person to represent you guys.. devils !!! LMAO Notice who is the HAPPY GUY !!!!!! and this tells me alot about you ==== I was going to respond to this, but realized you aren't worth the time. But relpied anyhow ..... and that's a logical thinker ???????   
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/07/22 14:50:11
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/22 19:50:35
ORIGINAL: spoonchucker " Basically in the case of the Game Commission there are the laws (in Title 34) that have been enacted through the Legislative process. Then of equal legal authority and enforcement we have the regulations (in 58 Pa Code) that have been enacted by the Board of Commissioners under the legal authority within the laws granted to the Commission to establish regulations consistent with the laws (you can find that authority primarily Section 2102 of Title 34 though there are also other sections of the law that will further relate to various regulations)." Thank you for the reply. I am truly not trying to pick nits. But did you not write that backward. I believe, and I might be wrong. That it is the LAW under title 58 (Pa code) that is enacted legislatively. And the REGULATIONS under title 34 ( Game & wildlife code ) that are enacted by the BOC, under the authority granted by TITLE 58. Since title 34 relates specifically to Game & Wildlife, but Title 58 refers to ALL commisions ( Fish & Boat, Game, Gaming, Boxing, etc. ). This would almost have to be the case. I suspect you were just thinking of the two titles in reverse as you typed. I wasn’t thinking of you as one of the nit pickers, I see you as generally one of the good guys. But, I actually do have it correct as to which is law and which is regulation. Title 34 is the law and 58 Pa Code (or Title 58 as it is sometimes referred) are the regulations promulgated under the authority of the law within Title 34. You can find the laws within this link to Title 34 here [color=#800080 size=3] and the regulations that go with those laws here in Title 58. [color=#800080 size=3] R.S. Bodenhorn
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/24 07:13:31
Guess I'm a nitpicker then. Doc here is the reason you adhere to the law and not what you were told by your local WCO. 39 years it was okay till a new WCO came into town... I didn't know it was illegal to consume alchohol on Gamelands, better check those hikers and hosreback riders.... The Three Point Sportsmen’s Club, located near Clarence, has held children and senior-citizen trout fishing rodeos for 39 years. Their events have become northern Centre County traditions — large community affairs involving the club’s biggest fundraisers of the year. More than 250 children registered for last spring’s event. According to club secretary Jeff Horner, the funds are used to support the organization’s cooperative trout nursery. “The Fish and Boat Commission supplies us with trout fingerlings each year and we feed and stock them,†Horner explained. “The two fishing derbies provide the money for us to feed the trout.†At least nine streams are stocked by the club each spring, including Eddie Lick Run, Little Sandy Run, Wolf Run, Six Mile Run and Black Moshannon Creek. The club has had a cooperative trout nursery in Centre County since 1972. The fish are also used to support their derbies, which are free to participants. Revenue is generated by the club by selling food, drink and holding raffles at the events. It is the “drink†part that caused a run-in with the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Late in May, just a day before their children’s derby, the club was visited by new PGC Wildlife Conservation Officer Dan Murray, who had been recently assigned to that northern Centre County district. According to Northcentral Law Enforcement supervisor Rick Macklem, there have been numerous drug and alcohol violations on State Game Lands 100. WCO Murray was just out familiarizing himself with his district and visited SGL 100 to check things over. At an SGL parking area, Murray discovered garbage cans overflowing with trash that included beer cans. The Three Point Sportsmen’s trout nursery and the ponds that they use for their trout rodeos are on SGL 100, where they hold a lease to run the trout hatchery. Richard Biggans, long-running club president, was nearby preparing for the club’s Children’s Rodeo when Murray happened by. “The new officer asked me about the beer cans,†Biggans said. “I replied with, ‘Isn’t that where the trash is supposed to go — in the trash cans?’ “Well, let’s just say that we both made wrong first impressions,†Biggans continued. “During the conversation, he told me that it was illegal to drink alcoholic beverages on state game lands, and I told him that we would be selling beer to the adults at our rodeos the next day. (Murray) said that was a real problem.†According to Biggans, the organization was allowed to move ahead as planned with their Children’s Rodeo on May 29, and Senior Citizens’ Rodeo on June 3, because it was so close to the scheduled events. However, Murray told him that things would have to change. A meeting would be set up between the club and the commission this summer. “We thought that we were in all kind of trouble,†Biggans said. “Rumors started, and we all thought that the Game Commission was going to stop our rodeos, gate the road and shut down our hatchery. We didn’t know what to think.†Rumors brewed and grew during June and much of July. Fortunately, all of the rumors are now behind them. A meeting between the commission and the club was held on July 16, and details were worked out to allow the club to continue holding their rodeos on SGL 100. “There was absolutely no truth to the rumor that we were going to shut the club down. However, they were in clear violation of two Game Lands rules — holding a large-group event without a permit and selling alcohol,†Macklem said. “Anytime an event with 10 or more people is held on a game lands, a permit is needed. The club agreed to get the permit, keep the area clean, and we have an understanding that they will never sell or serve alcoholic beverages again, he continued. Everything is now kosher.†Club officers commented that what started out as a bad situation has turned around to where the club now has a better relationship with the commission. “They are working with us now. We just need to get the permit,†Horner said. Biggans agreed. “I can’t say anything bad about Murray. He was just doing his job and I didn’t know the rules. “The meeting went real well and we used the opportunity to discuss getting power to our hatchery. We have trouble keeping our trout alive on a hot summer like this one, and we’d like power to be able to run oxygenators. Now we have to rely on an old generator that doesn’t work very well and it costs us a lot for fuel.†According to Biggans, their club is now on the agency’s “fast track†for permission to get electrical service. “I’m sure that there will be some grumbling about not having beer at our rodeos, but we won’t sell alcohol again. Officer Murray even offered to help us next year,†he added. Link to the full article. Read more:
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/24 10:37:04
I was glad to read it had a good outcome !!! 39 years ago a lot of things were legal or okay, or at least over looked that are not legal today.... you used to be able to pay for a permit to gather firewood too but folks "killed" that plan by cutting down good trees.... I have heard many say they thought you still could get a permit, in fact the local WCO busted several last fall on a near by "clear-cut" ...... times/rules change How about the guy who got "busted" for cutting and gathering leeks on SGL nearby.. the guy then turned in some locals kids for swimming in the local (60+ year old) swimming hole in the nearby by stream... not allow to do that either on SGL, so the WCO had to check and "bust" a few kids.. now the 60+ year old swimming hole is basically closed.... another example ... It has always been illegal to drink and drive as I recall, but I think both you and I can remember a day when a policeman just may put you in his car and drive you home rather than lock you up... I can remember when there was no such thing as littering laws..but at the same time folks did not drive down the road throwing garbage out their car windows either... so in your example the PGC overlooked the violations ... I'll bet because of the youth involvement.. and the beer sales were no problem back then. it sounded like the parking lot garbage with beer cans had nothing to do with the club event... so someone probably got busted for drinking on SGL in the parking lot then decided to get revenge and turned in the club for selling and having beer..If I get busted so will someone else attitude... remember the photo from last summer of one of my favorite fishing holes and the beer cans and trash left... so I cleaned it up, that's the type thing that would get someone "watching an area" --- then when the poor angler reaches in his cooler to relax and sip on a cold one here comes the local authorities and a fine issued... R-E-S-P-E-C-T ... another thing that is going to be old school and a thing of the past in the future.....
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/07/24 10:46:11
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/25 08:58:01
ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout you sure picked the right type person to represent you guys.. devils !!! LMAO Notice who is the HAPPY GUY !!!!!! and this tells me alot about you ==== I was going to respond to this, but realized you aren't worth the time. But relpied anyhow ..... and that's a logical thinker ???????     What I wrote was that it wasn't worth it to respond to you -- meaning taking the time to refute each and every one of your misguided, short-sighted, idiotic, illogical, opiniated without basis in fact drivel, that just shows how dumb some people can be and they don't mind proving it in a public forum. The 30 seconds or so that it took me to post a cartoon, which was done as an experiment of sorts, took no effort at all, and I am sure was found to be happyu by those that are not so bitter about anyone having a different point of view. What was the experiment that utilized selfdepricating humor to prove a point? It was an experiment designed to get your response in order to clearly point out that you see those that have a difference of opinion as devils or evil that must be defeated at all costs, even if those costs include exposing how ill informed and unthinking you are. That you, like RSB who's progression of thinging is "ask questions, you're a nitpicker, you're a nitpicker, you're not 'one of the good guys,'" which would logically progress to having an attitude which in turn means that you are a goon or a thug -- or perhaps a devil. The logical and critical thinkers do not blindly follow orders, like the poor sap with the wheel barrow, but rather ask questions, seeking to further their knowledge base before making an informed, adult decision. And sometimes, just sometimes, the devil is in the details. And sometimes, just sometimes, some people are so stupid they're happy.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/25 09:25:27
Doc you keep refering to "back then". Isn't this an ANNUAL event for 39 years ??? If it happened once 39 years ago , yes different times. But I was just trying to point out that with a new sherrif in town what has been legal and/or overlooked for 39 years could change with the changing of personel.
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/25 17:06:18
BINGS == I see your point but what I was mainly trying to point out is that when it first started it may not have been against law and as time pasted it was just never looked into or the event was just accepted and any "law breaking" was overlooked.. I'm not that familiar with it so it's just guessing on my part.. but you are right it may have been a "new sheriff" in town or maybe someone just "blew the whistle" on the event to "stir the pot" any way I am glad it got resolved... I understand the point about different LEO enforcing laws to different degrees, but I think part of that is just human nature and most folks know it goes on and don't worry about it unless they get "busted" then the "sour grapes" take effect and at times, for some folks, last forever.
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/07/25 17:27:22
Dr. Trout
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/25 17:26:53
It was an experiment designed to get your response in order to clearly point out that you see those that have a difference of opinion as devils or evil that must be defeated at all costs, You must be one of those "deep thinker types"... has nothing to do with me thinking those with opposing views are evil or devils ... I just found it interesting you chose that cartoon and chose to make the logical thinkers the devils... I'd have done a better search for a better cartoon myself.. I'm way to shallow to do all the interpretive thinking you do ... the less deep thinking the better is my motto... I find that far less stressful... and stress is one thing I have never had to deal with.. I just do not let things bother me that much and I can always laugh at myself.. something I am sure you do not allow yourself to do... I'm a pretty much go with the flow type guy.. the average joe ,.. hanging right on the "norm" and I love being there .... I think that is why I am happier and over all healthier than alot of 66 year old guys I know... ONE BAD point === I'm easily taken advantage of and am WAY to trusting of others... when all is said and done ... I'm a pretty much "go with the flow", "don't rock the boat" type guy.. question === why is the poor guy pushing the wheel barrow a sap ???? I'd say he is alot like me.. going thru life smiling, whistling, and happy even when dealing with evil, negative, or bad situations... they (devils) are not getting thru because he does not want to accept them... acepting their logical thinking would be sad, evil, depressing etc, etc.. he just keeps on truckin along happy as a "lark" and that in your opinion is a sap... and why you and I would probably agree on very little in this world...
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/26 07:32:01
ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout It was an experiment designed to get your response in order to clearly point out that you see those that have a difference of opinion as devils or evil that must be defeated at all costs, You must be one of those "deep thinker types"... has nothing to do with me thinking those with opposing views are evil or devils ... I just found it interesting you chose that cartoon and chose to make the logical thinkers the devils... I'd have done a better search for a better cartoon myself.. I'm way to shallow to do all the interpretive thinking you do ... the less deep thinking the better is my motto... I find that far less stressful... and stress is one thing I have never had to deal with.. I just do not let things bother me that much and I can always laugh at myself.. something I am sure you do not allow yourself to do... I'm a pretty much go with the flow type guy.. the average joe ,.. hanging right on the "norm" and I love being there .... I think that is why I am happier and over all healthier than alot of 66 year old guys I know... ONE BAD point === I'm easily taken advantage of and am WAY to trusting of others... when all is said and done ... I'm a pretty much "go with the flow", "don't rock the boat" type guy.. question === why is the poor guy pushing the wheel barrow a sap ???? I'd say he is alot like me.. going thru life smiling, whistling, and happy even when dealing with evil, negative, or bad situations... they (devils) are not getting thru because he does not want to accept them... acepting their logical thinking would be sad, evil, depressing etc, etc.. he just keeps on truckin along happy as a "lark" and that in your opinion is a sap... and why you and I would probably agree on very little in this world... Like I said, it took 30 seconds because that was what response was warranted. As for a response to this post, I won't even spend the time searching for a picture of an ostrich with its head stuck in the sand.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/26 14:24:17
[image]  [/image]
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/26 16:40:30
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RE: Trail cams on SGL.
2011/07/26 17:37:24
ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout I'm way to shallow to do all the interpretive thinking you do ... the less deep thinking the better is my motto... You're living the dream!! Kinda like that cow that gets fed and has her teats pulled twice a day waiting to be butchered. Ignorance is bliss they say. Moo. I can always laugh at myself.. something I am sure you do not allow yourself to do... I can't speak for DDDD, but I allow myself to laugh at you rather often.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.