Bug reminder!

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2011/06/17 08:55:11 (permalink)

Bug reminder!

Tis the season for ticks, ticks, and more ticks. Watch out for em, or, like me, you could become the proud new owner of Lyme disease! Trust me, you don't want any part of this fever. I got my meds, but the wait for them to kick in gets kinda long when you can barely sleep. Muscles are as stiff as can be. One hour you're freezing, and the next you're whole bed is soaked in sweat.

I guess being an outdoorsman has finally paid off! I get to experience nature in all of it's radiant glory. She can be a cruel mistress.

I'd rather be fishin...

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    RE: Bug reminder! 2011/06/17 09:59:11 (permalink)
    Sorry to hear. Hopefully the meds kick in fast and get you back to your normal self. I hate those little (pr)ticks!
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    RE: Bug reminder! 2011/06/17 11:29:07 (permalink)
    i have had 2 on me so far this year 1 was walking the other was in and i had to get him out

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    RE: Bug reminder! 2011/06/17 11:40:43 (permalink)
    Sorry to hear Wrighter... hopefully the meds kick in soon so you can get back out and enjoy your summer!
    This year I've had 5 or 6 so far attached (actually had 3 after one fishing trip, even though high boots, long pants and long sleeve jacket ), and another 2 or three I got before they attached. I guess I've been lucky so far that I have missed the ones with Lyme's.... this has been the worst year I can remember for them, we are having to check our animals every day, even with the monthly repellant meds on them.
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    RE: Bug reminder! 2011/06/17 12:07:47 (permalink)
    Wrighter, sorry to hear about you situation. I'll pray the meds help and you get to feeling better soon.

    When I was in the Marine Corps we were out in the field all the time and the ticks could get bad!
    One thing we would to to keep them off of us is tear the heads off of the paper matches we would get in our MRE and take them like asprin. Just swollow them and wash them down with some water. the sulpher from the match heads would get in your system and the ticks didn't seem to want anything to do with us after that.

    I'm not sure how good this is for you, but it did seem to keep the ticks off.
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    RE: Bug reminder! 2011/06/17 12:37:54 (permalink)
    Thankfully, I've got two days of the meds behind me now, and I'm starting to come around. The past three days I wouldn't have been at my computer.

    The doc had a family member who had gotten it, and asked about a rash pretty quickly. She said to nip it in the butt as early as possible. Seek out the little fiends, and if they leave a rash, get it checked out. Wikipedia has some good at-home info and some photos to identify the rash. The later stages seem like they can get pretty fierce.

    I'd rather be fishin...
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    RE: Bug reminder! 2011/06/17 12:57:25 (permalink)
    Hope you get to feeling better soon wrighter. I know two people who have had it this spring, and they were miserable too.

    Like fisherlady said, be diligent about your pets as well. My black lab Hank got Lyme a few years ago from a pheasant hunt on a warm day. The numbers of ticks on the Gamelands in Butler County are horrible. We missed a good part of the south zone duck season because he was so lame. He's fine now. BTW, if your pet needs antibiotics, you can get 'em free at Giant Eagle, as long as they're one of the antibiotics in their free program. His Lyme medication was free (can't remember which one it was exactly).

    Your flea and tick stuff for your pet matters. If you've got a water dog, or a dog that gets wet or bathed frequently DO NOT USE ADVANTIX. I used it because it also repels ticks, but my vet told me it is horrible for dogs that get wet, even a few times a month. Been using Frontline since then and haven't had any problems.

    Something else the vet told me that was interesting. Cold weather and frost DOES NOT KILL TICKS. They simply go dormant, but with just one warm day they can get active again. So, be diligent year round for yourself and your pets.
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    RE: Bug reminder! 2011/06/17 13:16:00 (permalink)

    Fishinpreacher's post above got me to wondering so I did a bit of research on sulfur in general and found some pretty cool info, Sulfur is used for things other than creating the smell added to natural gas for safety purposes and in making gun powder... it is also used extensively as an insecticide and in other agricultural products for fertilizers and soil conditioners. Pretty neat little element.
    But back to the purpose of the search... I actually found that there was an old 'folk remedy' for using Sulfur as a way to deter ticks! Now, I am not advising it's use, or suggesting it be done, especially when some folks are sensitive to Sulfur products (anyone allergic to the antibiotic Sulfa or Sulfa derivitive meds?) but this is interesting non the less...


    sounds like fishinpreachers military buddies must have had someone in their past with some 'home remedy' experience!
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    RE: Bug reminder! 2011/06/17 14:46:17 (permalink)
    i have heard the military thing as well.  a friend of the family who was a green beret said that down in panama they would eat the head off of matches to keep the misquitos off.  they said when you sweat you could smell the sulfur

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    RE: Bug reminder! 2011/06/17 16:06:40 (permalink)
    I had my first tick buried in my skin this year. I have killed plenty crawling on me, but never had one attach before. I sorta freaked out and always heard it was "terrible/worst thing you could do" to pull a tick out and leave the head inside you. Well, I took the safe route and went to the ER to have a professional deal with it, and after a couple different methods of injecting adrenaline into the tick zone to get it to back out, they just yanked the thing right out. This tick had not fed on me yet. They gave me one dose of an antibiotic to take care of lyme's disease before it even got a foothold, if it was even present. Moral of the story, yank the **** thing out and go get the one pill of anitbiotic to prevent lymes.
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