"Project Healing Waters" update

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 07:36:21 (permalink)
Wow...its almost time..:) You getting excited? I sure am.
There has been some worries as to what time the vets will be here on the 7th.
Ray from PHW will inform me just as soon as he can. Some vets will be driving themselves so
an exact time is hard to predict. Hopefully all will be here by 2.
Guides: With the time limits, there will be no Friday fishing with the vets. Unless one shows up early.
I,ll make sure Ray gives these heros my no. so someone can be there to help them settle in their cabins.
This is a fantastic thing we are doing and I want to thank all those that have put so much of their time and
money into this. I will update here real soon. God Bless you all, John

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 08:26:26 (permalink)

I can't help at all as a guide, since I'm not experienced much at all on the streams up there... but if any vets do decide to come in early I will be at my camp from Wednesday evening on. So I will get you my cell # and if there are any vets coming in early I can lend a hand.
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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 08:29:31 (permalink)
John - Hans and I are hoping to meet all the vets down at Uncle Johns to help them settle in. So PM me with times. Might just have to hang out there for the day until each one arrives.

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 08:40:09 (permalink)
have these vets ever fly fished before or fished for steelhead?
if not it might be a good idea to get these vets together at crowley's early enough to show them simple knots used.

it's not luck
if success is consistent 

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 09:07:37 (permalink)
I can not answer if they have even fished before.
I just got off phone with Ray and he will let me know tomorrow
the names of the vets and the times of arrival. I suggested they
get in to the cabins by 2. So....until I hear from him....

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 09:08:04 (permalink)
Vets will be formally "introduced to their guides at the "Night Before" (if they don't meet up earlier at the cabins). The way it will go is: after/during the meet & greet portion of the dinner we will give each guide a number. Each number will correspond to a rod number (kept secret) then each vet will draw a number and will get the rod and will fish with the guide holding the number; guides will present the vets with their rod/reels at that time. That will make it fair for all. We will also introduce guests at that time. Guides and vets will have a seperate table set aside for them.

Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 09:27:33 (permalink)
The vets will be picked from the Batavia Va. hospital by the way.

mossy oak
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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 19:53:06 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: indsguiz

Vets will be formally "introduced to their guides at the "Night Before" (if they don't meet up earlier at the cabins). The way it will go is: after/during the meet & greet portion of the dinner we will give each guide a number. Each number will correspond to a rod number (kept secret) then each vet will draw a number and will get the rod and will fish with the guide holding the number; guides will present the vets with their rod/reels at that time. That will make it fair for all. We will also introduce guests at that time. Guides and vets will have a seperate table set aside for them.

Not sure about the other guys that are guiding, but I'd like the chance to see if I strike up a bond with one and maybe chose that person to guide....just a thought.

As for the meet and greet....let's keep in mind that many of us have folks coming into to town that Friday that we don't see often and have other plans. So can we get the formalities out of the way in a TIMELY manner and not shoot the whole night in the foot? I know how long winded you can get Jack, lol. Seriously, be nice to meet and do the other stuff before we eat so we can get on with other obligations.

Something to think about...


so save your breath I could not hear, I think I made it very clear...

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 21:15:53 (permalink)
I know I probably won't get to meet any of the vets prior to Crowley's. I'd like to see the rod presentation with the guides kick off the night maybe. Whatever though. I do agree with MO about hopefully getting to meet up with other members later that night. I know a lot of us get one chance a year to see some really good friends.

<---  The Holy Trinity
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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 22:00:39 (permalink)
That isn,t a problem. We will all be together or close to each other.
If you like to talk to one of the Vets ...please do so.
The drawing is the fairest and is more exciting to the vet. Have fun. We are together
as a team. ****..be yourselfs! You guys are fun to be with.
I,m not giving any speaches so don,t ask. I will intoduce you at the tables.
After that do as you want. Now any thing else, please bring it up now. We only have a week and need to
be sure we are all on the same page. 
Its all yours Jack:

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/29 22:18:58 (permalink)
This is a great thing happening.As a disabled Vet,please don't crowd these guys.Just laid back,that's what we all want.Enjoy the day.John,figured out how to post.Ray
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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/30 20:06:19 (permalink)
I have two questions, can all the vets walk and how well can they walk? What time is the rod presentation and dinner at crowleys?

The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/09/30 20:20:30 (permalink)
We will present the rods after a brief time of greeting, then we will eat. I'll try to keep my speech to less than 55 minutes. Just for you Mike. Basically we will all arrive at 7-7:30 mill around and meet old friends. I'll call the thing to start and we'll draw for the guides and rods. Introduce some special guests. Then eat and converse. You are not going to be bolted to your table. You will be free to move around the resturant as soon as Skip turns off the "fasten seat belts" sign.
post edited by indsguiz - 2011/10/01 10:25:04

Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/01 09:30:02 (permalink)
I talked to Ray Markiewicz of PHW and he has given me 4 names and will get the rest for me later today.
All vets are trama victems. No limits on walking. We just want to get their minds off what they exsperienced.
Just be yourselves and have fun. I will post the names up just as soon as I get them. Thanks,John
post edited by Mikastorm - 2011/10/01 10:36:25

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/01 18:43:14 (permalink)
Here are 7 names:

Paul Campbell..Viet. Vet
Steve Whalin..
Dave Bowman..Viet.Vet
John Tinti..Viet.Vet
Ed Conway
Bruce Dailey.-never fly fished before
Dwight Spear

Dylon Taylor..volunteer...driving Bruce Dailey who doesn,t drive.
Will have 1 more Thursday we hope

We will present rods on Saturday before we take off to fish.

post edited by Mikastorm - 2011/10/06 17:19:21

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/03 11:25:15 (permalink)
Ray126 to mc the rod presentations. Please stick around for this.
Getting close and the weather will be great!

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/04 10:52:39 (permalink)
This is going to be an EPIC day Those of you that choose not to be there are missing the bus......


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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/04 11:21:15 (permalink)
Do any of the vets need a ride to Erie on Friday? I realize how much gas prices can affect some people on a limited budget. I could comfortably fit 4 vets with gear to and from the event if transportation is needed. Are they staying until Sunday? I'm not quite the professional fly fisherman as most at the event, or I would've been honored to have been a guide. But I would like to help out in some way, to make this the most memorable time for them.
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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/04 11:50:41 (permalink)
Mark, thank you. I,ll know more tomorrow. Most of the vets are from Batavia Va. hospital. Some may be driving themselves. Not sure.
They will be staying at Uncle Johns campgrounds Friday and Saturday night. They may fish Sunday. Thats their call. Thanks and
be looking forward to meeting up with you.

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/05 01:28:51 (permalink)
I would like to tag along for a bit in the morning to see these guys in Action........ if you guys don't mind.... Not fishing at all but I will have the camera and play net man for a bit... I need to be back at the pavilion about 10:30 or to get ready to feed all you fat guys.... Myself included in that group


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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/05 08:08:01 (permalink)
I was hoping you would be there pal.

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/05 19:04:28 (permalink)
These are all Vietnam Vets
ORIGINAL: Mikastorm

Here are 7 names:

Paul Campbell..Viet. Vet
Steve Whalin..
Dave Bowman..Viet.Vet
John Tinti..Viet.Vet
Ed Conway
Bruce Dailey.-never fly fished before
Dwight Spear

Dylon Taylor..volunteer...driving Bruce Dailey who doesn,t drive.
Will have 1 more Thursday we hope

We will present rods on Saturday before we take off to fish.

post edited by Mikastorm - 2011/10/06 17:20:08

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/05 20:14:48 (permalink)
Also wanted to say that we will all be together and fishing a certain part of Elk. (already picked)

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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/05 20:19:04 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: coldfront

skip, if you want company, count me in. i have a place in my heart for nam vets.



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RE: "Project Healing Waters" update 2011/10/06 21:07:39 (permalink)
We have 7 vets for sure. Haven,t heard about the 8th.
But want to thank everyone for what they are doing.
This has meant so much to me and to see all the great replies and
outpouring of caring people, has shown me that there are really awesome folks here.
I,m leaving early in the a.m. and will not be back on till Sunday. So .......................
I love you all. Thanks!

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