how to catch a flat head

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2011/06/02 02:45:32 (permalink)

how to catch a flat head

i live by the shanango river and i know there are some monster flatheads in there and i wan2 catch one but how? never caught one i heard they only go for live bait but idk what bait should i use and what should i look for? any help would be awesome thanks

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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/02 08:12:05 (permalink)
    Best bait IMO is either rock bass or bluegill on a fishfinder rig.

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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/02 11:00:20 (permalink)
    Even though I always have a rod out w a big live bait most flatheads I caught last year came on fresh cut blue gill heads. Don't get me wrong, everyone says live is the way to go but its not always a necessity. TypicAlly you wanna,look for somewhat slow shallow flat near deeper water at night. Big hooks I use,4/0 to 8/0 depending in bait size. And a slip sinker rig. You should get em. I like to let them run w it for a few seconds before setting the hook . good luck post your results please
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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/02 11:02:58 (permalink)
    I've caught plenty on dead bait (chubs,shiners etc..) never really used live bait, but as mentioned they love live gills.
    I would try to fish a flat next to a drop off at night, they tend to cruise the flat next to deep water when feeding. I'm not a cat expert, but thats what I would suggest.
    Try below the dam.
    post edited by JEB - 2011/06/02 11:05:12
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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/02 11:23:31 (permalink)
    when i was younger i used to go to local bait shops and ask if i could have there dead shiners. Most of the time they gave them to me. I had a lot of luck with these baits. Just cut them in half and chuck'em out. Blue gills work great also. Dead or Alive. Good luck.

    Lake Erie Fishing Charters out of Erie, PA.
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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/03 12:43:52 (permalink)
    *see best tactics for big cats on the previous page
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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/03 23:53:38 (permalink)
    thanks for all the help yall im gona give er a shot here pretty soon ill post some pics if i get that hoss
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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/04 08:45:00 (permalink)
    blue gills creek chubs suckers or cut trout and u can use all dead or alive
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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/04 11:12:51 (permalink)
    all good point's here!! this time of year i fish for two fish flatheads and bait and everything is bait from 4in to 18in so don't be afaraid to throw a 12+ white, rock or smallie out there, live or dead. go to any strip mine up there and load up on gills and such and if you find green sunfish catch as many as you can some of the best live bait, very feisty and don't mind a hook in there also big heads of anything have worked well with me in the past.if your going to use cut bait make sure it's fresh, not stinky there not like channels...FRESH..FRESH..BAIT. i had a run last year on a 17in smallie i had just caught messing around with a crankbait and hooked his****up and chunked 'em out, the flatty ran me in a snagg and snaped off. just saying there is no such thing as too big of bait. good luck and take some pix, the spillway up there always put's out a top 5 big fish of the year, it's a nice spot wish i still lived up there.
    post edited by moose22dog - 2011/06/04 11:16:20

    your "game fish" is my flathead!!
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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/05 03:26:35 (permalink)
    moose you talking sharpsville? i fish there all the time i love it never know what your gona catch and i need to get a bigger pole for theses beasts i cant wait to catch one
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    RE: how to catch a flat head 2011/06/07 03:06:49 (permalink)
    yes sharpsville. i use to talk to a guy that fishs for flats there and use to do very well, for the life of me can't rember what fourm that was on, hell maybe just rember seeing his pix had quit abit of 20's and 30's..thats lbs not inches. a heavy action rod is nice for flats so you can get them out of snaggs before the bury themselfs, they seem to know where ther are and run right for them. down here i use my surf gear with braid up to 100lb's...good luck and get out there before they spawn which is getting close...tight lines moose

    her's a dink from tonight..only 9lb's.
    post edited by moose22dog - 2011/06/07 03:09:33

    your "game fish" is my flathead!!
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