Boat Explodes

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2011/05/31 09:41:51 (permalink)

Boat Explodes

  Monday evening a boat exploded at the yaht club, killing one injuring 6. Details are still sketchy. My guess is the blower wasn't running. Tragic for all involved.
post edited by Mr.Slickfish - 2011/05/31 09:44:11

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/05/31 11:39:21 (permalink)
    Scary stuff right there....terrible shame.

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/05/31 11:48:49 (permalink)
    Thats a shame. Hope all envolved comes out ok.

    Lake Erie Fishing Charters out of Erie, PA.
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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/05/31 14:42:17 (permalink)
    Had a neighbors boat do that one time, shook the pictures on the walls in our house. Luckily no one was killed, just lots of singed hair and some temporary blindness and the boat went to the bottom pretty fast. Sorry to hear this news.

    A year or so ago we got into the discussion of whether or not to lift the dog box before starting, (yes, I run the blower as well) I always do and every expert that I've asked agrees. Yes, it's a pain but better safe than sorry...
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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/05/31 14:45:13 (permalink)
    The people on the boat were two local couple Gannon alumni and a fellow physical therapics, the wife died in the explosion... please keep their family and friends in your prayers as they were some of the nicest people you would have ever met.
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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/01 15:21:43 (permalink)
    I remember something like this happening on Conneaut Lake mid sixties right in front of Midway Hotel.   Young guy refueling his boat, k-boom, blew him and his wife to kingdom come, and their infant child was thrown out into water and some kid jumped in and saved the baby.  People were into water skiing, not fishing, of course it's Conneaut Lake so that's a redundancy.
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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/01 15:26:47 (permalink)
    Not being a big boat owner I never realized gas fumes in the hold were such a problem.
    Sad to see folks loose their life over something as simple as refueling your boat.

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/01 16:01:45 (permalink)
    The fumes are heavy and will lay in the bilge. Using the blower is a must but that also can be dangerous as the blower motor can also ignite the fumes. I know the government has a ton of safety laws but a senor to detect fumes wouldn't be a bad idea. Alway run your blower when refueling and also when starting a cold motor. I/O only of course.I had a friend completely blown out of his boat years back on the Beaver river after refueling.He forgot to run the blower.
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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/01 17:32:09 (permalink)
    Should make the toggle for the blower extend over the key so that the first thing you
    touch is the toggle. Then you would remember the blower.
    Opening the motor hood or hatch will get the fumes out faster.
    Real shame for anyone to be killed because of negligence.
    Pray for their healing.

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/01 20:10:58 (permalink)
    The best detector in the world is your nose. Open the dog house and "SNIFF" any hint of gas fumes is a reason to stop, stop, stop and find the cause. Every year it's something where there is a loss of life. I wish us all a safe season on the big water.

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/01 20:58:37 (permalink)
    I believe the boat was new to them, something in the 30 foot range from what I heard. Like stated above the families were from a local Physical Therapy chain and the young kid is around 5 or 6 I believe, family friends. There was also a yachtclub worker that is a Harborcreek Graduate from 2009, nice girl. Most of them were taken to Pittsburgh for the burn unit. I do not want to name names to respect the families involved. It really is a tragedy though.
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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/02 09:41:40 (permalink)

    Found this on a marine web site.......good information for those that want to think safety.


    Proper fueling procedures are very important in preventing onboard fires. Gasoline vapors are heavier than air and can spread rapidly into enclosed spaces. You should check the bilges and all closed compartments for gasoline vapors. The sniff test is the most effective method for detecting fuel leaks.
    The proper way to fuel your boat is as follows:
    Secure boat to the dock.
    Switch off engine(s).
    Extinguish all open flames.
    Do not use electrical switches.
    No smoking.
    Ports, hatches, and doors closed.
    Make certain all passengers are ashore.
    Determine quantity of fuel required and make sure it is the proper type of fuel.
    Hold hose nozzle firmly against fill pipe opening.
    Do not overfill.
    Wipe up all spillage.
    Open ports, hatches, and doors to ventilate.
    Turn blower on for four minutes minimum.
    Do the sniff test.
    Start engines(s).
    Re-board Passengers.
    Untie from dock and cast off.

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/02 13:20:53 (permalink)
    Were the alumni from Gannon also PT's? My wife is an OT graduate of Gannon and I am just wondering if she had classes with them or possibly new them? Any idea on what year they graduated?
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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/02 13:42:37 (permalink)
    The blower being on would not have saved any lives in this instance I'm afraid. A colleague of mine new the victims very well...they were family of his wife. There appearently was a fual leak somewhere in the engine compartment and the fuel ignited by the engine heat or sparks somewhere.....The only thing that might have prevented the explosion would have been the presence of mind to STOP when the smell of fuel was present.

    We can't take these things for granted....I often times is stories like these that make me extra cautious every time a start that boat.

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/02 15:38:39 (permalink)
    When I first purchased my boat (a used Wellcrat) it had been sitting in an old barn for 3 years. While I was cleaning it for the first time, I kept smelling gas? After about two hours of investigation, I discovered the fuel filling line had seperated from the filler neck on the tank by almost 2 inches. It had shrunk that much from lack of use. Had I not checked for the location of the smell, I would have put 60 gallons of fuel direct into the bilge.

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/03 09:40:46 (permalink)
    Just a heads up...Special notice for those that try to save money. Take a look at the carb section and the electrical section


    For those of us in the marine industry, a common occurrence is to be questioned by customers about auto vs. marine parts. A common scenario is to have a customer ask for a replacement part for his boat. The part in question is a starter for a 350 GM block. You give the customer a price, and he looks at you with a blank look on his face. He, then states (very angrily) "I can get one at the local auto retailer for $29.95".

    In the marine industry, this little scenario occurs all the time. Many boaters are unaware of the difference between an automotive and a marine engine and their respective accessories. The most notable differences include the exhaust systems, the cooling systems, the electrical systems, and the fuel systems. Additionally, items such as heads and cams are usually different. For the purpose of this article, we will only be hitting the highlights on select systems.

    In regard to the cooling systems, one of the major differences is found in the water-circulating pump. This is especially noticable when you have a raw water cooled engine. Unlike their automotive counterpart, a marine pump works in an open cooling system. This type of system is extremely corrosive to the pump. Therefore, the pump must be altered for longevity. A marine pump has a special ceramic seal, stainless steel backing plate, and a bronze impeller to resist corrosion. An automotive style pump, with its stamped steel impeller, would fail due to corrosion in a short time.

    The electrical systems in a marine application are also extremely specialized. In an automobile, any gasoline vapors that accumulate will readily dissipate through the bottom of the engine compartment. However, a boat with its sealed engine compartment, does not have that luxury. Therefore, any spark could literally cause a boat to explode. All electrical components in a boat are either completely sealed or specially vented to prevent such a catastrophe. This includes the starter, alternator, distributor, and many other engine electrical components.

    Carburetors typically have what is known in the industry as J type fuel bowls. These allow for the extreme vibration, pitching and yawl experienced on boats. This allows fuel to be drawn in exteme conditions and keeps fuel from being ejected from the carburetor barrels.

    Heads and cams are set up for a completly different torque curve. A marine engine must develop most of its torque on the low end of throttle range. This allows for the ability to use a single gear transmition system. Think of it this way:
    You get in your car
    Start it up
    Drive to the highway
    Put your foot to the floor and hold it there for an hour
    Its a little different, well for most of us.

    Although we have only briefly touched on some of the differences between an automotive and marine application; hopefully, it will serve to remind us that there is a difference, and that the reasons for these differences need to be shared with our customers and friends in the boating community. Hopefully, when shared, this information can eliminate some of the "blank stares" in regards to parts, and maybe prevent some dangerious situations.

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/03 09:54:41 (permalink)
    Good info thanks. Learn something new everyday.

    Mabee it will help save someones life and or boat...

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: Boat Explodes 2011/06/03 10:17:20 (permalink)
    a very tragic accident, thoughts and prayers to those affected
    boat safety is very important and constantly overlooked by many

    the only gas i have to worry about on my boat is the kind generated if i have one too many taco's
    kayaks are good that way
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