Trout stocking
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/15 23:50:06
dUUd, get back on your meds. Not only are you wrong, but you're barely making complete sentences anymore. You're more fun to pick on when you think you're on top of things and that people actually want you around. But i'm done derailing this (mostly entertaining) topic. if you have anything else to say to me, send me a PM. Oh...i forgot you're too afraid of all your fisherie friends to enable PMs. I guess just laugh at all of the witty things you would say to me if you werent pathetic.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/15 23:52:02
my pm's are wide open. dont be so defensive. if you have a problem with the authorities express it to them. crying here wont help. just sayin'
post edited by **commander** - 2011/05/16 00:21:19
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/15 23:56:25
if you have a problem with the authorities express it to them Learn to read Go back through my posts and show the class where i said i have a problem with the authorities. We'll wait. ...since you're PMing again, feel free to take any personal gripe with me to that portion of the site. This thread's for discussing the matter at hand.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/15 23:58:29
ORIGINAL: Cold First off, Scampbells88--I'd dare say you have no clue or idea as to what a WCO does or doesn't do.....if you are so much better......take the civil service exam and provide some quality service to the residents of the Commonwealth of PA.... Dumbest argument *ever* If that argument holds even a drop of water, then nobody other than past presidents get to complain about Obama. Nobody other than politicians get to complain about politics, and if you never played in the NFL, don't analyze the game. If a WCO doesn't need any understanding of the wildlife that he or she is supposed to be protecting, why not disband them and have the PA State Police take over their responsibilities? Those whole point is to have a seperate body familiar with the laws, regs, and issues pertaining to their specific area of concern. That said, knowledge, understanding, and a job does not a lifelong passion make. Just because they may know the ins and outs of stream biology or maybe they're only able to explain what the size limits are for the species in the waters they patrol...none of that means that it's anything other than a punch-the-clock necessity of life for them. Indeed, often the best way to ruin a favorite interest is to start to accept pay for it. After a year of poachers, first day of trout madness, or the steelhead circus, I'd probably be just as callous as the next fish cop. tell the authorities you have a problem with the WCO's knowledge. just sayin'
post edited by **commander** - 2011/05/16 00:20:27
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 00:02:26
I don't see anything in there that says I have a problem with the authorities. *yawn* I *am*, however, glad to see you rearing your ugly head again. This site was starting to get boring. Have enough money left from your last welfare check to pay for some internet? I'll wait for a PM from here on out.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 00:04:15
as said earlier. if you have a problem with a WCO's job description and supposed lack of knowledge, the next time you see them let them know. you may say youll wait for a pm but you just cant resist responding  . just sayin'
post edited by **commander** - 2011/05/16 00:06:38
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 00:09:07
So at any rate. I'll gladly loan my tape rule for the measurements, provided ya'll wash it afterwards. It's broke, and only extends to 3 inches. But I'm sure that'll be plenty.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 00:10:55
awww spoon. i can take that comment but cold's feelings are gonna be hurt...and i like cold. he's a hoot. sensitive, but a hoot. just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 08:44:54
maybe the guys are dumb as steel, not questioning that one bit--- thing is, you can't go to burger king and order just won't work.......I understand you feel the WCOs should be highly educated and understand all about the fishing world, but most of them do not.......some take the job because they love to hunt....hunting season is when the PFBC starts to slowdown and serve their warrants....... I'm not a fan of the PFBC.......but it is hit or miss with the WCOs, either they know their stuff......or they don't......but all know how to be a conservation law enforcement officer.....that is what they are trained to do......they get minimal education in bug id, fish id (how stupid is that--a wco who can't fish or ID a fish) now, the deputy force........that should really make your head shake......... and having stocking CREWS is absolutely the dumbest thing in the world.......some wcos used to pat themselves on the back because he or she had a crew with matching whatever.......bottom line is this---the PFBC could never in a day stock the fish without any help....but giving a certain select group SPECIAL TREATMENT is stupid.......and like I said, you have 2 minutes from the time you are handed the bucket--to dump the trout........... sidenote: those big fish don't travel well---especially big brook trout....... ORIGINAL: SCampbells88 well forgive me 2b... you are retired from the pfbc aren't you? must have hit the sour spout. I still think the ones in the counties I frequent are dumb... dumber than steel.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 09:03:44
COLD-- never said he couldn't complain........just to understand what the job description is of a I said, you can't go to Burger King and expect to get a nice juicy lobster I give way to the smartest of the smart on this board...... either you know something or you don't........if you don't know or have not done.........ask questions and get educated.......but this is the internet........and everyone (cold) is a freakn genius see Scampbells88 post was fine..........didn't know we were arguing....and to quote what you quoted and say dumbest argument ever was DUMB.......all I did there was to suggest that Scambells88 help the cause.....become a solution to his problem.....nothing more than that......not sure how that was an argument......but it's OK, maybe I didn't get what COLD was laying down.......then again, I don't really care what COLD is laying down....... the only point of the entire rant of Scambells88 was that you can't expect more when more is not in the job title......but then again, a few of you guys know more about the PFBC than me and you all certainly know more about being a WCO than, in the end I am wrong and sorry....... ORIGINAL: Cold First off, Scampbells88--I'd dare say you have no clue or idea as to what a WCO does or doesn't do.....if you are so much better......take the civil service exam and provide some quality service to the residents of the Commonwealth of PA.... Dumbest argument *ever* If that argument holds even a drop of water, then nobody other than past presidents get to complain about Obama. Nobody other than politicians get to complain about politics, and if you never played in the NFL, don't analyze the game. If a WCO doesn't need any understanding of the wildlife that he or she is supposed to be protecting, why not disband them and have the PA State Police take over their responsibilities? Those whole point is to have a seperate body familiar with the laws, regs, and issues pertaining to their specific area of concern. That said, knowledge, understanding, and a job does not a lifelong passion make. Just because they may know the ins and outs of stream biology or maybe they're only able to explain what the size limits are for the species in the waters they patrol...none of that means that it's anything other than a punch-the-clock necessity of life for them. Indeed, often the best way to ruin a favorite interest is to start to accept pay for it. After a year of poachers, first day of trout madness, or the steelhead circus, I'd probably be just as callous as the next fish cop.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 09:57:26
ORIGINAL: World Famous Andy, thats what they said they were doing 4 years ago. The first year of the fewer but larger, on the stream I fish alot, they put 7 large fish{20-25 inches] at each stop. Next year I saw no big fish but each stop received a fair amount of 15-18 inch browns and a few pallis. Now, a few pallis, not real large, and maybe 1 or so 19-20 inch fish. I'm glad you had a receptive trout crew, seems like a minority happening by the posts however....The PaFC said"fewer but larger" trout. The PaGC said "fewer but wilder ringnecks"{anybody see any anymore]. Also fewer but larger bucks. Kinda see a little theme going on here. But then again,I see things different and I'm dumber then a bag of rocks.....WF I don't believe they ever said "more big fish". They said "bigger fish". Which mean instead of stocking mostly 9" to 10" trout, the average sized fish is now 11" or 12". They basically gave us an extra inch on the average fish and cut the total number of trout stocked. They never offered or gave us more "BIG fish", and I see that as a huge problem. Anyone who wants to put in the time should be able to land a lunker 20"+ every year. I just find it so frustrating to catch over 100 trout a season searching for one nice one only to be rewarded for my efforts with a ton of 12" fish and maybe 1 or 2 palominos that reach 20" maximum. If there are 20 fish in an average bucket, at least one of those should be a lunker in my opinion. Catching one monster is as much fun as catching 10 small ones.
post edited by AndyLee - 2011/05/16 10:37:07
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 10:21:54
2/22/2007 Bigger Trout Bigger is better! And as one worm learns, big trout are coming to Pennsylvania. a2a_config = { linkname: 'PAcast', linkurl: '' }; Overall, there will be a 30 percent increase in the weight of these fish, and the average length will increase to 11 inches – with more than a few trophy-sized fish mixed in as well. Since the Commission’s hatchery system production is capped at 1.9 million pounds of trout, statewide the number of individual trout produced was adjusted accordingly.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 11:03:18
2B, Wasn't trying to take sides or ruffle your feathers to the point that your posts are only being held together by a general idea and lots of dots.........BUT: By 'argument' I didn't mean a bickering argument. I meant argument in the sense of a point presented, specifically, your rhetorical argument of 'if you have a problem with the PFBC why dont you take the civil service exam and do a better job?'. The reason this is nonsense is because you're implying that if he sees a problem with it, he should devote his life and job to fixing that one single problem, which is, of course, ridiculous. For the record, I don't agree with campbell either. These guys are paid to enforce the laws, not know what bugs are hatching. In fact, even avid anglers who aren't fly fishermen likely wouldn't know or care about such things. Are many of them morons? Sure, probably. Do they do their jobs effectively? Maybe. Do I have a problem with them? No. I've only had one negative run-in with the fish cops, and that was a guy that apparently had nothing better to do than to harass me for fishing a DHALO a few days before the trout opener. I was doing nothing wrong, so eventually, I was left to continue fishing. Annoying, but no big deal. Sorry to disappoint you by not getting equally upset by your post, but you just seem a bit confused as to where I stand. If you're coming to this site to learn anything, you're coming for the wrong reasons. Visit this place for entertainment and nothing else.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/16 13:38:08
I ma getting dizzy scrolling down through Colds posts, not the content, but the gaga. Anyway. When we were back in Tioga county we would help with the stocking. Having Pine Creek in the PA Grand Canyon right behind our place and Stony Fork Creek right beside us helped. What I was thankful for was the way that the Tioga Trout Troop and the WCOs --and 1 from the game commisson--who took to Danny and helped him out with stocking. They even let him up on the truck to load a bucket. Most in the trout troop were retired gentlemen and they were all too happy to have a pair of young legs running up and down the hill to the creek. It was great experience for him.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/17 18:45:16
ORIGINAL: Claypool313 I have noticed an increased catch in 12-13" fish, but I'd say in general, the "fewer, but larger" motto has hardly been noticeable. Just more propaganda. The size has increased ! 12-13" stockies is larger than the average in the past. Don't you remember catching 9-11" fish as the norm. I sure do, I haven't caught anything state stocked this year under 12" and haven't for a few years.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/17 18:52:56
ORIGINAL: SCampbells88 i never said it WAS a requirement, I said maybe they should RETHINK. they're all idiots in my eyes. Far better things to be doing oppose to riding around checking licenses at access points. They do more than just that, they assist the state and local police depts whenever necessary, also the PAGC as well. They investigate pollution issues as well. Plus many are just DWCO's and are volunteering thier time (not getting paid). Would you go to work for free ????? I agree, they should not just check the parking area and bridges, they should get out a little bit more, but PA does a pretty good job with the trout program. A lot better than most states, we stock the most fish other the california, which is way bigger.... Some people are never happy
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/17 19:24:02
The average size has increased. However this year, I have gotten a very small percentage of stocked trout over 12 in. Really though, 11 inches or 12, not much difference. On the 2 minute time limit of trout in the bucket; I have heard that before but you always see the guys with the pickups or quads taking fish to hard to reach areas so that kinda shoots a hole in the chewing out of the walkers who take 5 minutes to throw fish away from the bridges....WF
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/17 20:02:25
They investigate pollution issues as well. When did this change? I reported a pollution violation a short time ago, and the DEP picked it up and handled it (quite well), not the PFBC.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/18 07:04:25
ORIGINAL: Cold They investigate pollution issues as well. When did this change? I reported a pollution violation a short time ago, and the DEP picked it up and handled it (quite well), not the PFBC. I know you can't believe everything you read in print.However in the Pa Angler & Boater magazine under WCO diaries they mention investigating pollution issues in their commentary quit often.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/18 07:06:46
ORIGINAL: Cold They investigate pollution issues as well. When did this change? I reported a pollution violation a short time ago, and the DEP picked it up and handled it (quite well), not the PFBC. I know you can’t believe everything you read in print. However, in the Pa Angler & Boater magazine under WCO diaries they discuss investigating pollution issues quit often.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/18 07:32:42
Interesting. I sent emails to both agencies and to date, the PFBC has still never sent any feedback, while the DEP sent a reply within 24 hours and within a week sent me a detailed explanation of their investigation and what was going on. Even had their guy who followed up on it call me (I didn't request that). I was highly impressed.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/18 11:16:21
I believe the term 'investigate' is being used very loosely here. The PFBC may identify possibly pollution concerns, but ultimately they are forwarded to the DEP. The DEP will do the 'investigation' and take the appropriate action, not the PFBC.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/18 11:26:41
ORIGINAL: Esox_Hunter I believe the term 'investigate' is being used very loosely here. The PFBC may identify possibly pollution concerns, but ultimately they are forwarded to the DEP. The DEP will do the 'investigation' and take the appropriate action, not the PFBC. Good point, I'm sure they do not do the detailed analysis on these issues, you would have to be a chemist for that. But, I do beleive they check them out. All I'm saying is they do more than just check licenses. Some in the N Central counties have huge ares to patrol and it's hard to be everywhere all the time. You get the good with the bad, not every WCO is top notch, but there are some good ones. Our last one here in Beaver County was pretty good, knowledgeable,fair,friendly and would always BS w/you for while.
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RE: Trout stocking
2011/05/18 12:41:06
IMO, a WCO just like a basketball coach for instance, should have some knowledge/experience in the game. I know some coaches have found success in winning and never even played the game perhaps, but thats rare. So back to the topic at hand...I don't feel a WCO should have a degree in marine biology or forrestry, but I do feel he/she should have some background/interest in the laws and wildlife he/she is policing. This way he/she can use better judgement when dealing with lawbreakers and good sportsmen alike. I'm not saying this is or even should be a requirement, I'm just saying that its what would certainly make a better WCO officer. Often, like in many other professional/career fields, a big impressive list of degrees means DIDDLY. That said...most of the WCO's that I have come across, although often brash, are pretty knowledgable in regards to the outdoors.
post edited by ShutUpNFish - 2011/05/18 12:42:21