Trout stocking

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2011/05/14 17:30:41 (permalink)

Trout stocking

I was at a stream this week that was being stocked with trout. There was 6 vehicles of anglers assisting the stocking. At 1 stop, a fellow who was there was givin 2 buckets of fish to stock. He carried the buckets about 250 yards from the bridge. He was the last person at that stop to get trout. At about 100 yards from the truck, the official "trout stocking" crew, by their glo green shirts, started to yell at the guy to just dump them anywhere because they had 5 more stops to make and didn't want to take all day. Another guy with a bucket walked about the same distance downstream but was back earlier because he was the first to get his bucket. The local warden, nicely, explained to the guy who was "holding them up" that in the warm weather the fish are more stressed and also they will just group in a ball and be downstream the 250 yards in a very short time. Then he asked the man ," how many were dead when you dumped them in?" Nothing was said to the first gent because he had on the "green shirt". Small wonder why people don't want to help stock. Guy maybe held them up 4 or 5 minutes at the most. If the same thing happened at the next 5 stops, they would have taken only 25 more minutes of their day. I have witnessed this on numerous pre-season stockings and a lot on in season stockings in my day. I told a crew about 5 years ago, when I heard them whinning about someone else doing that to just stop at the next bridge and unload the entire truck then they have the rest of the day to do what must be real important. Maybe I'm lookin at this wrong. Any thoughts or stories??...WF....I hope this is the correct place for this thread.

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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/14 17:43:52 (permalink)
    I hear what you are saying wf about 4 or 5 years ago I helped stock salmon creek in forest county I carried a bucket about 200 yds up stream and when I got back I got a ten minute lecture from the warden for going so far from the bridge and he said no doubt some of them would die. in the mean time the local trout club was trying to set up there float stocker and they had buckets of fish sitting there on the bank well they were trying to fix something and the warden said absolutly nothing to them. I told him when he was done lecturing me that they need to quit whining about never having any help when they treat people like this and he just laughed at me.needless to say they can stock there own fish from now on as far as I am concerned.
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/14 17:54:46 (permalink)
    Unfortunately that's the perception from my experiences as well.  I try not to lay all the blame on a few individuals at the hatcheries though.  Just trying to get through their work day, but generally don't seem to have a vested interest in the result.  So the fish go into the easiest access for the truck.  Volunteers are down as well.  A friend went with the state on the local pre-season stocking day this year and told me there was only one other adult besides himself and 2 kids.  I used to skip school to help out and caught a lot of flack for walking too far from the truck.  Didn't let it bother me and never did I see one go belly up from it.  But back then, they'd get done by 11:00 AM b/c two dozen folks would show up and they'd load pick-up trucks with buckets and drive them down into harder access areas.

    Anyway, seems the local club does most of the distribution away from bridges.  But they are dwindling in numbers and volunteers too.  Don't even float stock anymore so their options are somewhat limited.

    I was home last weekend and the area was stocked the Thursday before.  You wouldn't believe how few people were out fishing.  And most of the ones I did see had out of state plates or could tell from their accents they drove up from down-state.  Doesn't seem like many of the locals even care anymore.  My old man gave it up, best friend too.
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/14 21:02:09 (permalink)
    My grandfather likes to help stock trout in the local streams, and this year since i was off of work i tagged along to a stream i haven't fished in years. they put a big pally, 20+ inches at every stop. But the real thing that bothered me about it was that, instead of putting it in a bucket, the warden just netted it, and then preceded to walk casually to the stream. the one died, and i know one walk was about 200-300 yards from the stopping point, but not sure if that fish survived or not. But the warden is actually a nice guy, and some people told him that unless the stream is right by the road that it isnt good for the fish and he stopped doing this. But from the sounds of it, the warden that SF and WF dealt with were just ignorant, and is just another reason for people to not help them. just my 2 cents

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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/14 21:16:07 (permalink)
    FF22, In this case , I don't think ignorance was the case. Things I left out,at the last stop, they have been really loading the fish in and the "trout crew" will all be there to fish that section when the stock truck leaves. I believe he was bucklin under the pressure of the crew because they wwere the ones complaining to begin with....WF
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/14 21:41:29 (permalink)
    I would have said upfront that I,m taking some fish away from the first pool ,or not helping.
    You do get alot of grief with the volantires.
    Some are real lazy.The nearest spot he goes to.
    But I see no harm if a guy wants to put some away from the truck followers.
    post edited by Mikastorm - 2011/05/14 21:44:20

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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 00:00:57 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: World Famous

    FF22, In this case , I don't think ignorance was the case. Things I left out,at the last stop, they have been really loading the fish in and the "trout crew" will all be there to fish that section when the stock truck leaves. I believe he was bucklin under the pressure of the crew because they wwere the ones complaining to begin with....WF

    I see where your coming from there! i mean you got to have people help, but at the same time, maybe stating up front that all areas will be stocked as heavy as the next would be a way to go about the "trout crews". But regardless, taking the fish away from the easily accessed holes shouldnt be a problem. i mean they will spread out regardless, but just not sure i fully understand why they would complain about a few extra minutes anyways. only thing i could think of is that they had another stream to stock with same tanker.
    post edited by flyfisherman22 - 2011/05/15 00:01:22

    For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught, not even how he has caught them, but what he has caught when he has caught no fish."
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 00:06:35 (permalink)
    Please, I know this is a tad long, but read...

    I had a conversation with a warden this year after getting checked for my license (has happened twice now by the same warden.  I didn't have it on display the first time because I didn't want to poke holes in my wading jacket.  Received no fine because I was of course respectful.)  The next time, I didn't have my usual gear on and was wearing a cut off ;) and a bandanna, however, did have my license displayed.  I then asked him what he thought the fish were feeding on (the fish were rolling on the bottom and nudging nymphs and larvae)... he said probably worms, minnows, and crayfish hahah.

    I am perplexed with most commissioners lack of knowledge of aquatic life, trout diets, and just general knowledge at all... they've become so accustomed to stocking fish in waters that don't support fish, worse yet, stocking in class b's that do support repro, and checking licenses on guys like me who don't even touch a fish after it's caught.  I simply turned the hook out out of three stocked trout in front of him before being checked the second time.  Yet, the fellow downstream with three on a stringer was not bothered because he was wading in some fast water. 

    And these guys all supposedly have degrees in biology, and better yet, the majority come out our beloved Penn State.  What a joke...

    ... on an even bigger tangent.  I have some physical problems and receive some narcotic and schedule 4 drugs on a monthly basis.  Upon a routine drug screen that is randomly done to ensure no abuse, the nurse came in and asked me if I had taken any drugs other than what the doc prescribed (which is percocet and Klonopin).  I replied no and asked what the tox screen was showing.  She said, Oxy... I said, um, yea, percocet is oxycodone and metabolizes as oxy.  She replied no, only oxycontin and roxicodone do that and my screen should show hydrocone, which of course is vicodin.  She then asked another nurse who agreed with her.  I started to get a little mad and said to get the doctor.  He of course explained that all was okay, and I'm sure was embarrassed his patient, who doesn't even have a degree in the health field, knew more about drug metabolites than his nursing staff.  They apologized a dozen times and said to each other, maybe we should get on google tonight and write this stuff down.

    GOOD OLD AMERICA! nurses with degrees who can't even distinguish what pain meds metabolize as administering and distinguish the results and wardens who don't even know what a nymph is.   
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 00:36:45 (permalink)
    Having a biology degree from PSU does under no circumstances mean that they person had to study anything pertaining to fisheries. I graduated with one warden, and have talked to several others. Most all have Biology degrees, but Ive only met one warden that has a Fisheries biology degree from Mansfield U.

    For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught, not even how he has caught them, but what he has caught when he has caught no fish."
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 13:10:37 (permalink)
    i can assure that someone w. a bio degree today, if they are to be a fish commissioner, should know something about fresh water aquatics with everything going on today.. if not, maybe they should rethink the credential requirements. 
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 13:36:08 (permalink)
    It is not a requirement for a WCO to have a degree of any sort....
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 13:41:18 (permalink)

    WCO's do NOT generally have degrees in biology. And they are NOT commissioners.

    If you want to regale us with your genious, at least get your facts straight.

    By the way minnows are often found among the rocks/gravel, and trout ( browns in particular ) DO eat crayfish.

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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 13:44:18 (permalink)
    no kidding... the fish commissioners I have all talked to you, young kids, were fresh out of PSU with degrees in biology

    I asked him what was hatching, he was clueless. 

    i think i know fish eat minnows and crayfish spoon.

    and i still stand firm that if you are a fish commissioner or wco, you should have some background in biology.
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 13:49:28 (permalink)
    i never said it WAS a requirement, I said maybe they should RETHINK.  they're all idiots in my eyes.  Far better things to be doing oppose to riding around checking licenses at access points.
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 14:05:10 (permalink)
    I would suggest you look at the job duties of a WCO.  Then perhaps you would understand that it isn't necessary for them to have a degree in order to perform their duties.  You would also understand that checking people to ensure that they have the proper licenses is part of what law enforcement does.     
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 14:17:30 (permalink)
    ugh... dude, I understand all of that.  All I was trying to state is that maybe wco's/pfbc should start to focus on other things of more importance and some are incompetent when it comes to fishery knowledge.  Sure, those enforcing the law don't need it, but shouldn't they have it?  Is that all there is to being a WCO?  Writing tickets?  Driving around at access points?  They sure as heck don't patrol any areas that their money is not invested into. 

    of course you'll say, why should they...

    conversation over... redundant.
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 14:34:17 (permalink)
    As a side note to watching the trout stockings; wasnt they to put in fewer but larger trout? Haven't seen very many large trout.The first and second year of the new trout program of fewer but larger,the trout were, as advertised. As for the stockies I have personaly caught,this year, very few would I consider taking home. The bleeders I always kill and the size is definetly nothing to write home about....WF
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 14:51:04 (permalink)
    In the streams I've fished, the inches were all in goldens.  A few bows in browns in the 15+ but nothing over 20.  
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 15:15:32 (permalink)
    I have noticed an increased catch in 12-13" fish, but I'd say in general, the "fewer, but larger" motto has hardly been noticeable.  Just more propaganda.

    The problem I have with it all is that when the stocking numbers go down, fewer get stocked in less accessible areas.  To sell licenses they need to dump at the bridges which leaves little for the hikers.  Sad, but inescapable.  Just b/c I understand it, doesn't mean I agree with it.
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 19:57:15 (permalink)
    Most fish wardens do not have a degree in Biology.......and I would bet most are not in depth anglers........they are Law Enforcement Officers.......bottom line.......

    Scampbells88--I'd dare say you have no clue or idea as to what a WCO does or doesn't do.....if you are so much better......take the civil service exam and provide some quality service to the residents of the Commonwealth of PA....

    Stocking Note-- 2 minutes in the bucket.....that is, even if the stocking helper or WCO is taking a stroll with the fish-- he or she is to STOCK the fish within' 2 minutes of being given the bucket......

    You would be surprised where our WCO's come from..........some do have in depth knowledge of fishing and fishing skills.......others do not.....some have awesome boat handling skills, while others do not.......the bottom line is that if you want a job with benefits you take the civil service exam........if you do well, you might be offered a job........all trainees receive many many months of training (police academy and then 6 months or so with the Fish and Boat Commission learning PFBC laws, rules, regs...etc....there is plenty of training on wetlands, pollution, fish ID etc....) so, the officers are trained but most are not going to be able to tell you a sulphur from cahill.......some will.......the officers come from all walks of life and certainly earn their paychecks.........anyone who thinks or even states, all they do is drive around.....certainly has no clue as to what these men and women do on a daily basis......remember....67 counties with what, maybe 80 full-time the can you cover every stream.....every minute.........the bottom line is this....most folks don't want to do this thankless job........they, PFBC try to put classes together when money allows........and even so, if they start with 12 cadets, they may only graduate 9.......people just say---not worth the money.........

    and believe you me........I am not a fan of the PFBC........just get educated before you start spouting off about something you know absolutely nothing about
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 20:05:58 (permalink)
    and seriously.......what dude with a PState degree that cost him-- a gazillion dollars is going to say.....hell yeah.....I'll sign up for the 26 grand or so first year job.....that sounds awesome....people do the job because they like the job or they do the job because it gives them benefits........some WCO's are better than others......some WCO's are smarter than is like that in any business......or company........can't all be the same.........are there some dullards when it comes to WCO's...yes there are......but, they took the test, passed it......accepted a position and earned the title WCO.............and don't forget.....there are over 200 deputies who wear the same uniform........and are not trained to know everything....they are volunteers........and without the deputy force.....the PFBC would be hurting even worse than they are now........

    how about this.......have the PFBC accept folks for the sole purpose of sending them to Pstate to earn a Biology degree.....and also have them earn a LE degree.......then pay them what they are worth.......most of the guys are crying about licenses prices......what do think a license would cost if every WCO had a degree in Biology from Pstate.........
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 21:55:52 (permalink)
    I also helped stock a well known local trout stream last week.   For the most part, the stocking crew was very receptive on where to put the fish.  They had a set amount of buckets that they typically put at each stop, but they'd let us carry the fish up and down stream from the bridges, and when we told them one hole was pretty heavily fished, they went ahead and put 5 extra buckets at that stop.  They even asked where a good place to stock was at one hole they were unfamiliar with.

    Now that said, this stream had 2 truck loads of fish stocked in it, and only 16 large fish were put in total.  10 breeder Rainbows 16" to 20" and and 6 large browns in the same size range.   They said that no Palaminos are stocked after the opener.   I think the whole "bigger fish" think is totally bunk.  Who cares if the average trout went from 11" to 12".  Does that increase anybody's fishing experience?   They still put way too few large trout in.   I'd rather they cut the amount of average sized fish in and put in more lunkers.  I've already caught about 100 trout so far this season, and only 2 were nice fish.  One 20" Palomino and one 16" rainbow.      I think one out of every 10-15 fish should be 16"+, and they should put in more 20" fish.  I've been trout fishing for 30 years, probably caught 1500+ trout, and seen thousands more caught and I've only ever seen 2 trout ever caught over 24".     Catching something I'd consider worth mounting is almost impossible as things stand right now.

    Keep the average fish the same size, stock maybe 15% fewer of them, and replace those fish with an equal dollar amount of trophy trout.   For these things I stand.... 
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 22:35:22 (permalink)
    Andy, thats what they said they were doing 4 years ago. The first year of the fewer but larger, on the stream I fish alot, they put 7 large fish{20-25 inches] at each stop. Next year I saw no big fish but each stop received a fair amount of 15-18 inch browns and a few pallis. Now, a few pallis, not real large, and maybe 1 or so 19-20 inch fish. I'm glad you had a receptive trout crew, seems like a minority happening by the posts however....The PaFC said"fewer but larger" trout. The PaGC said "fewer but wilder ringnecks"{anybody see any anymore]. Also fewer but larger bucks. Kinda see a little theme going on here. But then again,I see things different and I'm dumber then a bag of rocks.....WF
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 22:35:55 (permalink)
    well forgive me 2b... you are retired from the pfbc aren't you? must have hit the sour spout.

    I still think the ones in the counties I frequent are dumb... dumber than steel.
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 22:52:14 (permalink)
    First off,

    Scampbells88--I'd dare say you have no clue or idea as to what a WCO does or doesn't do.....if you are so much better......take the civil service exam and provide some quality service to the residents of the Commonwealth of PA....

    Dumbest argument *ever*

    If that argument holds even a drop of water, then nobody other than past presidents get to complain about Obama. Nobody other than politicians get to complain about politics, and if you never played in the NFL, don't analyze the game.

    If a WCO doesn't need any understanding of the wildlife that he or she is supposed to be protecting, why not disband them and have the PA State Police take over their responsibilities? Those whole point is to have a seperate body familiar with the laws, regs, and issues pertaining to their specific area of concern.

    That said, knowledge, understanding, and a job does not a lifelong passion make.

    Just because they may know the ins and outs of stream biology or maybe they're only able to explain what the size limits are for the species in the waters they patrol...none of that means that it's anything other than a punch-the-clock necessity of life for them. Indeed, often the best way to ruin a favorite interest is to start to accept pay for it. After a year of poachers, first day of trout madness, or the steelhead circus, I'd probably be just as callous as the next fish cop.

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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 22:55:38 (permalink)
    if thats how you feel you should tell them that when you see them and explain what you expect of them. im sure it will help. just sayin'

    "I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 23:00:40 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Cold

    First off,

    Scampbells88--I'd dare say you have no clue or idea as to what a WCO does or doesn't do.....if you are so much better......take the civil service exam and provide some quality service to the residents of the Commonwealth of PA....

    Dumbest argument *ever*

    If that argument holds even a drop of water, then nobody other than past presidents get to complain about Obama. Nobody other than politicians get to complain about politics, and if you never played in the NFL, don't analyze the game.

    If a WCO doesn't need any understanding of the wildlife that he or she is supposed to be protecting, why not disband them and have the PA State Police take over their responsibilities? Those whole point is to have a seperate body familiar with the laws, regs, and issues pertaining to their specific area of concern.

    That said, knowledge, understanding, and a job does not a lifelong passion make.

    Just because they may know the ins and outs of stream biology or maybe they're only able to explain what the size limits are for the species in the waters they patrol...none of that means that it's anything other than a punch-the-clock necessity of life for them. Indeed, often the best way to ruin a favorite interest is to start to accept pay for it. After a year of poachers, first day of trout madness, or the steelhead circus, I'd probably be just as callous as the next fish cop.

    if thats how you feel you should tell them that next time you see them. then tell them you know their job better than the description theyre working under and were hired to do. im sure it will help. just sayin'
    post edited by **commander** - 2011/05/16 00:23:56

    "I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 23:15:49 (permalink)
    I'm sure they'll really know i mean business when I tell em that I'm so important that a friendless old man has devoted his entire life to waiting around on the internet to respond to everything I post on one website. When I mention the name commander, they're probably likely to collapse in awe and respect.

    Seriously, dUUd, I'm glad that trying to pick apart my posts is one of the few things keeping you from sinking into the abyss of loneliness and depression, all alone in your basement.
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 23:20:40 (permalink)
    if youve got issues express them to the powers that be. theres no way anybody could respond to everything you post when you live online. dont be so defensive, though. express your feelings to the authorities and im sure it will help. just sayin'

    "I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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    RE: Trout stocking 2011/05/15 23:23:44 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Cold

    I'm sure they'll really know i mean business when I tell em that I'm so important that a friendless old man has devoted his entire life to waiting around on the internet to respond to everything I post on one website. When I mention the name commander, they're probably likely to collapse in awe and respect.

    Seriously, dUUd, I'm glad that trying to pick apart my posts is one of the few things keeping you from sinking into the abyss of loneliness and depression, all alone in your basement.

    just curious. do you really think anybody pays that much attention to your posts? tell the authorities. crying here wont help. just askin' just sayin'
    post edited by **commander** - 2011/05/16 00:26:26

    "I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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