Carp on circle hooks ?

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2011/05/09 11:10:48 (permalink)

Carp on circle hooks ?

Do any of you guys use them on carp ? My kids fish a derby every year and the lake has lots of carp in it. They've actually won it the last two years targeting them. I usually use corn and leave the bail open and let them run, tighten the line set the hook for them & hand them the rod. They are real young & have not yet mastered setting the hook without slack in the line.I was thinking of trying circle hooks and just have them close the bail and reel once the line tightens up. How do you think this would work on carp ? I never really used this style of hook B4, I know how they work and wanted to see if they do on carp.
Thanks !

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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/09 12:08:23 (permalink)
    I use them with the kids for carpin' and cat fishin'..........with Carp and Cats, you usually don't have to set the hook........just run after or swim after the rod and hold on for dear life.......
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/09 13:25:04 (permalink)
    Thanks, so just let them swim till the the line tightens up and fish on ?
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/09 18:24:21 (permalink)
    I miss to many with them....I like the octopus #4....
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/12 09:29:45 (permalink)
    I Fish with a friend that uses circle hooks on both cats and carp.  His hook up ration is much better than mine.  JEB it sounds perfect using circle hooks for the kids.  All they have to do is real in and fish on.
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/12 18:18:43 (permalink)
    I like the octos and circles because they're wider hooks. It helps hold the bait on and hold more of it. It also has more of a chance of hooking something on the set. I use them of the appropriate size for all bait fishing anymore unless I'm rigging snells. For carp go with some smaller to mid sized depending on the size you're catching. They sell some bigger circle hook leaders, but you can make your own in any size with the hooks, heavy line, and strong swivels.

    Circles are supposed to set into the corner of the fishes mouth too. The quick removal is easier on the fish, if you're into that.

    I'd rather be fishin...
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/12 19:21:46 (permalink)
    i dont target carp but i do catch a fair amount of them while catfishin. i've had very good hookup success using size 4-1/0 gamakatsu circle hooks. every carp i've ever caught on a circle hook has been hooked right in the corner of the mouth.
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/13 01:06:14 (permalink)
    i sure hope they work good. i accidently bought a pack of circle hooks so i tied a bunch of carp flie with them.
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/14 14:12:39 (permalink)
    yep what he said
    ORIGINAL: fishmeup

    I miss to many with them....I like the octopus #4....

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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/15 12:33:13 (permalink)
    If you are fishing for carp....Google hair rig's,how to...This a good way to catch carp...
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/05/17 18:47:24 (permalink)
    Thanks guys
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/06/07 11:20:10 (permalink)
    The circle hooks worked great for the kids, used size 6 Matzou's and had no issues. All in the corner of the mouth and the kids didn't have to set the hook. Just let the line tighten up and reel.
    My 7 year old landed a 26" and won 1st place with her fish. her Pic is on the Southwest Pa forum & my fisherie photo album as well.
    Thanks for the advice !
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/06/11 23:13:48 (permalink)
    Maybe a noob question but what is the advantage to circle and octopus hooks as opposed to a regular old Eagle Claw baitholder/snell?

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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/06/12 03:00:44 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: fishmeup

    If you are fishing for carp....Google hair rig's,how to...This a good way to catch carp...

    Ditto, forget the circles.  All hair rig hook-ups are in the corner of the mouth.  Just make sure the hooks are sharp.

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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/06/12 10:54:20 (permalink)
    Take a look at eagle claw vs gamakatsu hooks in the package eagle claws are just plain dull if you ask me. But if,you read the original post the advantage of a circle hook is that you don't have,to set the hook. I like the gamak octo hooks just cuz I think the short shank is less visible outside the bait. Plus they're very strong and very sharp. But its just a matter of personal preference really. If the eagle claws work good for ya no need to change really. P.s. I still use e c bait holders when I'm fishing w crawlers.
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/06/12 16:24:13 (permalink)
    Gamakatsu are ridiculous sharp, size 2 bread ball kills them. My aunt just got a house on the Slippery Rock Creek and holly smokes is it a great time. The shank on the hooks actually hurt sometimes if your not careful
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/06/15 17:57:19 (permalink)
    I plan on updating the videos I did before too long. One huge thing that most people don't understand about the hair rig is what it does in the mouth of the fish. When you put your bait on the hair place it in your palm and then pull slowly on the end where the swivel would go and pull down. You will watch the hook turn and hook itself in the palm of your hand and the same happens in the fishes mouth as it goes to eject the bait. I used to be one of the guys that used bait on the hook and this way greatly improves your catch rate.
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/06/16 14:28:58 (permalink)
    Sounds exactly like what a circle hook does ... I'm familiar w hair rigs just seems like too much f'ing around and new tackle for as much as I carp fish. Last 4 times I went carpin I sight fished em in a creek. Set the hook as soon as they suck it up I don't think it would matter at all what kind of hook/rig you would use in that instance. Long as the hooks don't bend.
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/07/15 21:50:00 (permalink)
    octopus cirle # 2 usually does the trick. let them play with it untill your pole starts going nuts then the fish is on. the octo hook has a indented barb that is designed to slide to the corner of the fishs mouth once it takes off with it, in result, setting the perfect hook.
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/08/06 10:57:27 (permalink)
    dont hair rigs snag fish
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/08/06 16:51:54 (permalink)
    Yes, all hooks do.  But the hair rig does it right the vast majority of the time.  If you mean hair rigs are illegally snagging, absolutely not.  There is not a single more important carp fishing invention than the hair rig.  Once you understand how a carp feeds, you won't leave home without it.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/08/09 11:22:20 (permalink)
    My question is this then I guess. Does the hook stay on the inside of the mouth or does it hook them on the outside ? I thought it was the outside.
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    RE: Carp on circle hooks ? 2011/08/09 23:18:03 (permalink)
    Jeb the way the hair works is the bait is in front of the hook. When the fish inhales the bait and hook in the mouth and then the fish goes to exhale the bait back out the hook turns and sets itself in the corner of the lip on the inside. The hair is not a snag rig at all. I have only had one fish snag itself outside and thats through a ton of fish. The circle hook is designed to turn like a hair but the downfall of a circle hook is you now have to rely on the hook piercing through the bait and then into the mouth. Also with a circle hook half of the good baits used for carp are not made to use directly on a hook. The hair outperforms the plain hook by a good 75% easily. Its very noticeable the difference in the catch rate as long as you do everything correct.
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