PGC money woes

wayne c
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2011/04/05 22:32:49 (permalink)

PGC money woes

Remember Carl roe swearing up and down that they wouldnt be making much off of the meager mineral rights that pgc held? lol.

Remember him on bended knee annually begging for a fee increase, even though he knew the cash cow was about to be milked?

Well the squeezing of the teats has begun.

From the upcoming pgc meeting agenda on the website:

C. Restricted Surface Use Oil/Gas Production Agreement, State Game Land No. 114, Lycoming County
Commentary: Anadarko E&P Company, LP (Anadarko) and EXCO Resources (PA), LLC (EXCO) have requested that the Commission offer its oil and gas ownership under all of State Game Land No. 114 for restricted surface use production. The proposed two restricted surface use tracts, containing 571 +/- acres for EXCO and 2,310.5 +/- acres for Anadarko, are located in Anthony, Cogan House, and Mifflin Townships, Lycoming County (Exhibit OGM 1). The agreement offers are being made after staff evaluation of prospective bidders based on currently existing lease holds surrounding the State game lands.
Both EXCO and Anadarko have initiated well drilling and development programs on private lands adjacent to the State game land. Both operators have the ability to unitize and produce the Commission’s oil/gas reserve by developing well locations on private lands and directional drilling beneath the State game lands. Therefore, both of the agreements prohibit any well pad construction or drilling on the State game lands, and further restrict surface uses from infrastructure development on the State game lands via pipelines, access roads, and geophysical testing in an effort to prudently develop the Commission’s oil/gas reserve and simultaneously protect the wildlife resources and recreational uses on State Game Land No. 114. The agreements include a 5 year primary term, a $3,000 per acre up-front bonus payment, and an initial royalty rate of 18% with a step royalty increase of 20% of the gas production upon each well’s initial payback having been reached.
The sum of the bonus payment and rentals ($8,644,500) will be deposited
into the Game Fund and/or deposited into an interest bearing escrow account for future purchase of wildlife habitats and lands acceptable to the Commission. All royalties will be directly deposited into the Game Fund. Oil/gas development will be regulated by the Commonwealth’s oil/gas regulations and the Commission’s standard restricted surface use Oil/Gas Production Agreement.
Recommendation: The Executive Director and staff recommend that this restricted surface use Oil/Gas Production Agreement be approved and that the Commission authorize the Bureau of Wildlife Habitat Management to proceed with the agreement as listed above.

D. Restricted Surface Use Oil/Gas Production Agreement, State Game Land No. 172, Bradford County
Commentary: Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC of Oklahoma City, OK requested the Commission offer its oil and gas ownership under all of State Game Land No. 172. The proposed tract, containing a total of 722.3 acres, is located in Terry and Wilmot Townships, Bradford County (Exhibit OGM 2).
The terms of the agreement are a paid up, 5 year, restricted surface use Oil/Gas Production Agreement, a $5,000 per acre bonus payment and a 20% royalty. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC has a strong lease position surrounding State Game Land No. 172 and has initiated well drilling and development programs on private lands adjacent to the State game land. Chesapeake Appalachia has the ability to unitize the Commission’s oil/gas reserve by developing well locations on private lands and directional drilling beneath the State game lands. Therefore, the agreement prohibits any well pad construction or drilling on the State game lands, and further restricts surface uses from infrastructure development on the State game lands via pipelines, access roads, and geophysical testing in an effort to safeguard the prudent development of the Commissions oil/gas reserve and simultaneously protect the wildlife resources and recreational use of State Game Land No. 172.
The sum of bonus payment and rentals ($3,611,500) will be deposited into the Game Fund and/or deposited into an interest bearing escrow account for future purchase of wildlife habitats and lands acceptable to the Commission. All royalties will be directly deposited into the Game Fund. Oil and gas development will be regulated by the Commonwealth’s oil/gas regulations and the Commission’s standard restricted surface use Oil/Gas Production Agreement.
Recommendation: The Executive Director and staff recommend that this restricted surface use Oil/Gas Production Agreement be approved and that the Commission authorize the Bureau of Wildlife Habitat Management to proceed with the agreement as listed above.
4 1
4 2
E. Oil/Gas Production Agreement/Land Exchange, State Game Land No. 268, Tioga County
Commentary: Endless Mountain Energy requests the Commission offer its oil and gas ownership under a portion of State Game Land No. 268. The tract, containing a total of 1,930 +/- acres, is located in Morris Township, Tioga County (Exhibit OGM 3).
In exchange for an oil/gas agreement, Endless Mountain Energy will cause to convey to the Commission a 584.78 acre tract of land adjacent to State Game Land No. 62 known as the Kane Tract in Hamlin Township, McKean County (Exhibit OGM 4). The Kane Tract is valued at $700 per acre. The reservations on the property are a 10 year timber reservation and an oil and gas reservation. This tract has undergone shallow, vertical drilling under an existing oil/gas lease. The 10 year timber reservation was developed between the former property owner and the Commission’s staff to better benefit the Commission’s wildlife goals.
The terms of the agreement are a paid up, 5 year, oil/gas agreement, a $3,500 per acre bonus payment, a $15,000 well location fee, $25 per acre rental, and a 20% royalty. Of the total bonus payment, $409,346 will be credited towards the conveyance to the Commission of the Kane Tract. The remainder of the bonus payment, $6,345,654, will be deposited into the Game Fund or an interest bearing escrow account and to be used for the future purchase of wildlife habitats and lands acceptable to the Commission. All royalties will be directly deposited into the Game Fund.
Oil and gas development will be regulated by the Commonwealth’s oil/gas regulations and the Commission’s standard Oil/Gas Production Agreement and a $25,000 performance bond. The Oil/Gas Production Agreement will include the Commission’s standard wildlife and protection measures and further limits well development to a total of three well pads and related surface infrastructure.
Recommendation: The Executive Director and staff recommend this Oil/Gas Production Agreement be approved and that the Commission authorize the Bureau of Wildlife Habitat Management to proceed with the agreement as listed above.


Yeah, real paupers there! lmao. Guess ol' Carl can get off his knees and quit beggining for a year or two now? Not only has their reserve fund stayed fat all this time, its about to grow substantially and this is just the tip of the drilling iceberg.
post edited by wayne c - 2011/04/05 22:38:50

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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/06 08:59:53 (permalink)
    We got the best of both worlds on those leases. Most of the drilling and land disturbance is on someone elses land and the game fund gets the money. It will be interesting to see if the money gets used for game research and projects or non-game research and projects.
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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/06 09:54:49 (permalink)
    So here goes the PGC exercising their ability to fund themselves by means other than hunter license dollars. How big will it get ? Could be astronomical.

    My reports and advice are for everyone to enjoy, not just the paying customers.
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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/06 10:00:45 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: SilverKype

    So here goes the PGC exercising their ability to fund themselves by means other than hunter license dollars. How big will it get ? Could be astronomical.

    Maybe they can absorb DCNR now instead of the other way around-- LOL.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
    wayne c
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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/06 16:20:14 (permalink)
    We got the best of both worlds on those leases. Most of the drilling and land disturbance is on someone elses land and the game fund gets the money. It will be interesting to see if the money gets used for game research and projects or non-game research and projects.

    THere is no mystery. Theyve basically been outright telling us what they are gonna use it for, for years now. Sure they'll spend a bit more here and there. Especially on the deer mismanagement propaganda machin and udging by the wildlife management plan on their site, you can bet your bottom dollar there will be much more spending on nongame. . But the number one goal is to pad the reserve fund.

    How many times have the environut nitwits and pgc said they needed more reliable funding source so that they could continue on with the deer plan unfettered by political pressure and forego the need to beg for fee increases that they cant get if they are overly offending the public and legislators. ITs been stated by the audubon nut crew, Its been stated by Alt, and if im not mistaken dcnr has even made mention. Well boys, the dream of their is coming to fruition.

    The pgc bank account will be padded as they work through this slight deer management "speed bump" that they had hit....with basically forced a few short term changes that didnt exactly mesh with their agenda.

    Rest assured, 2 commissioners are on their way out, and i think i could bet what type will be selected. Also As long as we have Roe, dubrock and rosenberry running the deer show at pgc, the "goals" wont change. They may be pushed aside temporarily as needed, but the agenda is alive and well and i believe the plans are in place for a deeper drive to the goal line this time.

    PGC and that much cash into the future is a scary scary thought.

    post edited by wayne c - 2011/04/06 16:29:38
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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/06 16:27:44 (permalink)
    Drove past GL 309 a few times last season and saw that they had put in a nice parking area. I was thinking money well spent to provide access to hunt the GL's. WRONG ! The parking area is now full of logs and a skidder. Looks like a once nice place to hunt is now skidder roads and ruts. It's all about money in their pockets.
    wayne c
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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/06 16:35:25 (permalink)
    Logging sucks in the short term, and i understand some being upset by it, but its great for the habitat. Thats one thing i will never complain about. It beats the hell out of miles and miles of mature forest for deer and some other game species.

    I know what you mean about spending time and effort towards hunters though. On one gamelands down here, same thing happened kinda. At one popular spot among small game hunters, and a spot where they stocked ringnecks, there was a rough barely 2 car pull of to get vehicles off the road for years.

    Several years ago, about 20 yards up the road, they widened out a really nice lot, figured they were sprucing up the place. Could several cars if needed. A few weeks later i went by, and low and behold what was out in front of the newly contructed lot? Why, a newly constructed BIRD WATCHING PAVILLION! lmao.
    post edited by wayne c - 2011/04/06 16:37:18
    wayne c
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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/06 16:55:15 (permalink)
    So here goes the PGC exercising their ability to fund themselves by means other than hunter license dollars.

    Still money derived from hunters. Making money from the lands our money bought. Though i dont know if its any better than if they got the money from the general public, seeing as we wont have anything to say about how that money is spent anyway. And in fact, its likely it will be used in ways flat out detrimental to us.

    post edited by wayne c - 2011/04/06 16:56:27
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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/06 17:34:26 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures

    Drove past GL 309 a few times last season and saw that they had put in a nice parking area. I was thinking money well spent to provide access to hunt the GL's. WRONG ! The parking area is now full of logs and a skidder. Looks like a once nice place to hunt is now skidder roads and ruts. It's all about money in their pockets.

    I take offense to that being a logger.

    I treat every piece of woods I cut as if it were MY land.
    Not all loggers rip the he11 out of the woods.

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    Dr. Trout
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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/06 18:55:56 (permalink)
    I agree Bings..

    around here after the logging is done the PGC makes the loggers repair most damage and the "landings" DO become nice parking lots.. and SOMETIMES the "skidder tail" becomes a seeded trail from the parking lot to where most of the cuttting was done...

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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/07 00:18:22 (permalink)
    State Game Lands 309 used be nice years ago. The Game Commission has put in over 8 gas wells and bulldozed lots of timber for the well roads. To join other wells on adjoining property the cut even another road. Now it looks like more timber will go as well due to logging. Where only talking about 900 acres here. What a way to put cash in the PGC's pocket. As for the landing that was once a parking area, they put down lots of gravel last fall and now it's gone. What a waste of money, but hey they got lots of money right?
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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/07 00:25:06 (permalink)
    take offense to that being a logger.

    I treat every piece of woods I cut as if it were MY land.
    Not all loggers rip the he11 out of the woods. [/quote

    LOL, I know it wasn't you Bings. Agreed though not all, apparently the PGC doesn't care and goes with who puts more cash in their pockets.

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    RE: PGC money woes 2011/04/07 07:54:07 (permalink)
    Now you can see Roes deceitfulness very clearly.

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