SEPA Regional Opener--How'd it go for you?

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2011/04/02 14:51:39 (permalink)

SEPA Regional Opener--How'd it go for you?

Hit up a small local crick with my oldest boy and father-in-law this morning. Told the wife last night if the 3 1/2 year old wakes up, bring him out for starting time.

Lo and behold, she pulls in with my son Ryan in tow about quarter to eight. He was excited to see us all and even more so to start fishing. In about a half hour, I hooked and he caught and released nine, with my father-in-law and oldest son c&r-ing too many to count.

It was certainly a special day for his first opener, and to have my wife streamside for the first time since having the young-un.

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    Pro Angler
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    RE: SEPA Regional Opener--How'd it go for you? 2011/04/02 23:14:50 (permalink)
    Thats great! I was suppose to take my grandson today but got ill instead.
    Hope to be out that way when I,m better.
    A future trouter for sure..:)

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    RE: SEPA Regional Opener--How'd it go for you? 2011/04/03 03:24:26 (permalink)
    first opening day in over 20 years that I missed......the kids had Tball in the we all stayed home.....I had planned to get out in the evening to wet a line, but the wife decided to attend a wedding that turned into an all day event.....11am she home at 830 pm....absolutely, I didn't get to take nap before leaving for work.........
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    RE: SEPA Regional Opener--How'd it go for you? 2011/04/06 16:35:04 (permalink)
    Unfortunately, worst one in a while from a #'s perspective AND from a fishing perspective.  On the #'s side, C&R'd 6 (5 Bows, 1 Brown) in the Quittapahilla Ck. in Lebanon Co. between 8 and 1pm.  Very slow early.  I'm a first day bait chucker, and used my standard fat heads, shrimp eggs, and red worms.  Worked them low and slow given temps--know what I'm doing, usually have 15-30 C&R'd by Noon.  Chocked it up to cold temps + crystal clear water + crowds = lockjaw.  Moved downstream, more color, later in the day w water temps rising a bit, and more fish . . . BUT, ran into 6 of the most disrespectful morons I have EVER seen on a stream.  Had chest waders and walked right down the middle of the stream w/o any regard for anyone around them. . . in front of seniors, kids, and a nice young man who had a developmental disability trying to enjoy the resource.  I called them on it and got the classy "you're lucky we don't kick your #$!@%$#$! buddy".  I of course told them that if they were up to the challenge, I'd be more than happy to oblige (I'm rapidly evolving into one of those 'old guys' who has a strong distaste for punks, even if it would be in my best interest to let them be). 
    Didn't happen, but I decided the fun had effectively been beaten out of my day and I left.  
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    RE: SEPA Regional Opener--How'd it go for you? 2011/04/07 11:06:07 (permalink)
    the weather has been goofy the last few weeks, certain that had something to do with the fish not responding....along with everything else you mentioned........sorry you and the other folks had to deal with a few GOONS.......but the goons will be gone shortly.......SE PA is nice......once the stocking trucks stop rolling around......most of the trout fisherman stay home......and then we can all fish with space between us, birds chirping and trout eating our bait, flies, spinners etc.....

    One early june day...I had two friends visit.......we fished Manatawny Creek---we fished for 3 hours or so......landed well over 30 fish between of my friends goes, Where are all the people.....I said this is SE PA and most of the trout fisherman don't come unless there is a white truck here.....he just kept laughing.......and we just kept catching with bait, one with spinners and one guy with flies.........

    sometimes, you just have to ignore those who beg us to notice them..........
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