Using 3 rods ===

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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/03 09:56:41 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: TastyTrout

Where does all this leave ice fisherman?  If the law is focuses on life jackets in cold weather while in a device meant to keep you afloat (boat/canoe), how will this impact people who are ice fishing in really cold water and walking on what is in fact frozen water with no boat/canoe seperating you from the water?  I can't imagine sitting in a small ice hut and trying to add in one of these "comfortable" life jackets.


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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/03 13:24:59 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: chrishinesg

it totally sucks someone died but we cannot make a law for a 1 in a million possibility...if so everything would have a law supposedly protecting the other 999,999...i truly do hate hearing about someones tragic death but dont assume i cannot take care of myself by passing laws...if i die tragically in some 1 in a million case, please do not discuss passing a law to protect all the others that it probably wouldnt happen to in a 100 sure someone, somewhere got stuck by a rusty hook, the puncture became infected and the person ultimately died...should there be a law to have a cork on the ends of our hooks at all times...even while fishing...i think not

i agree. it is impossible to legislate all possible scenarios that could cause a freak death or accident.    
i still want 3 rods. 
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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/03 14:55:16 (permalink)
people are hitting it right one the head..yes this may have happened before but it's a one in a million shot...every watch 1000 ways to die on TV? People die doing the most basic things. According to this theory there's probably a lot more ridiculous laws put in place. Where a life jacket if you feel unsafe...otherwise let us be.
wayne c
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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/14 21:01:19 (permalink)
Well...what ever came of this life jacket stuff at the meeting?
wayne c
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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/15 15:01:12 (permalink)
A proposal to require mandatory life jacket use during the cold weather months from November 1 through April 30 for anyone operating a canoe, kayak or motorboat 16 feet or less, including when boats are anchored;

Does anyone have any idea about whats up with this????

According to doc trouts initial post quote, it says 16 feet or less.

It also says the same on the meeting announcement on the pfbc website prior to the meeting.

But in the latest press release since the meeting here is what it says:

"In other formal action today, Commissioners approved:

Publication of a notice of proposed rulemaking to require mandatory life jacket use during the cold weather months from November 1 through April 30 for all persons on boats less than 16 feet in length, and on all canoes and kayaks. If approved on final rulemaking, this requirement would go into effect on Nov. 1, 2012; "

So, which is it? Did they change the wording at the meeting to be a little more reasonable, or did they make a mistake on the first statement or the second????
post edited by wayne c - 2011/04/15 15:02:08
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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/15 16:36:37 (permalink)
Most of the rules that are passed to save us, are lobbied by the Insurance companies. Nobody gives a rat's ****, if we die or get hurt. It saves money, if we are not hospitalized for long period of time. Im sure our forefathers wouldn't believe what is going on today. Government says you can't smoke here- you have to wear a seat belt- you have to wear a PFD.- etc,etc,etc. It's your life and if it isn't hurting someone else, you should have the right to do your thing. Although some are good to protect children who can't make the decision on their own. (car seats). Pretty soon you won't be allowed to have sex on Sunday's.

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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/16 22:36:51 (permalink)
The 3-Rod Rule passed!!!


Blacktop Charters
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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/16 22:53:23 (permalink)
Yeah, but it doesn't go in till next year. So you'll still have to make at least one full pass each trip until then.

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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/17 13:28:37 (permalink)
LOL, I hear ya Spoony.

It's a great benefit for the guys who only have 2 or 3 persons on board. 


Blacktop Charters
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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/17 14:12:19 (permalink)
I'm not sure Helmut can handle 24 rods anyway.

Yeah it'll be nice for my boat. I'm not sure why they didn't make it effective this year. They made the regulation less restrictive, not more. So anyone who might not see the notice of the change, and fished as they always have ( 2 rods per ) would still be within the law. I could see it if it were the other way around.

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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/17 19:52:37 (permalink)

Blacktop Charters
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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/04/17 20:09:04 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: Split Shot

Most of the rules that are passed to save us, are lobbied by the Insurance companies. Nobody gives a rat's ****, if we die or get hurt. It saves money, if we are not hospitalized for long period of time. Im sure our forefathers wouldn't believe what is going on today. Government says you can't smoke here- you have to wear a seat belt- you have to wear a PFD.- etc,etc,etc. It's your life and if it isn't hurting someone else, you should have the right to do your thing. Although some are good to protect children who can't make the decision on their own. (car seats). Pretty soon you won't be allowed to have sex on Sunday's.

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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/10/31 12:26:07 (permalink)
Ironhed, I tuned into this thread attempting to get any news on the 3-rod rule in PA and all I was seeing was discussion about life jackets, until I read your post.   Is the 3-rod rule in PA a reality??   I know it passed in NY in August, but have not been tuned into the PA side of things.   And I've been in Minneapolis much of the summer.   Are there any restrictions?   (like ice-fishing, boats only, not on trout waters...etc) 

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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/10/31 12:32:29 (permalink)
I believe the 3 rods per angler rule will be effective in PA on Jan 1, 2012.  I have not seen any specifics, but I would have to imagine it will be all encompassing for all styles/techniques of fishing.
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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/10/31 14:38:06 (permalink)
no google in minnehaha? its on the pfbc website. 3 rods legal 1/1/12. just sayin' just helpin'

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RE: Using 3 rods === 2011/11/01 12:43:14 (permalink)
I like the 3 rod rule for trolling purposes only but could you imagine guys throwing 3 rods off walnut with powerbait that would be ridiculous. Guys should be aloud to decide whether wear a life vest I don't want to have to put one on just to troll the mouths for steelhead that will suck wearing tons of layers in mid december while having a large orange vest on
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