ARs the New Fad

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2011/03/22 18:10:10 (permalink)

ARs the New Fad

Here is a link to an interesting article on antler restrictions.

It does a good job of explaining the difference between the adult breeding B/D ratio and the antlered to antlerless ratio most hunters use to judge the B/D ratio.

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    retired guy
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/22 21:05:24 (permalink)
          I buy that  more or less completley. Used to see far more Doe in the woods and fields and always felt my home area had  many more Doe than Buck.
       Took up legal night spotting ( no guns in car- no shooting - not during seasons) a number of years ago and was shocked to see so many bucks- some very nice ones too that I never saw during the day.
       Thats when I began to target the larger guys and learned to wait them out. It really helps to know that they ARE there. I do buy into that - they get smarter as they age stuff. The number of big guys was surprising.
         Our state does not employ any type of AR and my experience tends to backup the notion of this report that the kill w/o Ar spreads the mortality rates.
    post edited by retired guy - 2011/03/22 21:06:45
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/24 11:37:03 (permalink)
    The PGC knew most of that before starting AR/HR as the Western states had already decided AR's were not working and there were studies from other states that also questioned their benefits. You have to remember that the real reason for AR's in Pennsylvania was not to improve the size of the antlers but to sell a dream while making it harder to find a buck to shoot so that many would take a doe instead. In that respect they were a resounding success.
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/24 12:55:22 (permalink)
    it's like a fingerless man telling a stupid kid not to hold onto the lit firecracker.  Stupid is as stupid does and you can't fix that.  When is this bunch going to have the balls to admit this idea was a failure and rescind it?  You trophy hunters always had the opportunity to pursue big antlers to prove your superiority to the rest of us slobs, and you still will if/when APR is rescinded.  As far as I know there isn't a restriction on shooting a buck that is TOO BIG.....I'd LOVE to see that!  Protect the best and the biggest to ensure the genetics passed on.
    The claim that the changes made to PA's deer management policy was based on scientific evidence is laughable.  It's been well documented that AR has failed virtually everywhere it's been tried previously, but in we went with both feet.
    The fact that they made TWO changes simultaneuosly only assures that nothing can be accurately concluded from the past 10 years.  Any scientist worth a **** (Yes, this includes you useful idiot PGC biologists who failed to voice your opposition based on your knowledge of this principal) will tell you that if you want to achieve any sort of viable results from an experiment, you make ONE change at a time and monitor the results.  Their approach predictably only resulted in conflict, confusion, and obfuscation of facts.  AR was completely unnecessary; but alas that was well documented before this bunch of idiots sold it to a bigger bunch of morons.......
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/24 13:19:27 (permalink)
    Well you see Zug, there's this big dartboard at the headquarters and....WF
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/24 16:14:13 (permalink)
    I was surprised to see how honest the NY DEC was about what hunters could expect from APRS. It isn't even close to what Alt told the hunters in PA.
    What Should Hunters Expect with An Antler Restriction Program?
    Although programs using antler restrictions may have several effects on a deer herd, people should have realistic expectations on what they may see accomplished. Some changes will be obvious and others, if they occur, may be subtle and difficult to note in the field.

    Buck Numbers, Size and Age

    More young bucks surviving the hunting season and into the older age classes.
    Higher overall buck numbers at the start of subsequent hunting seasons.
    A large portion of each Fall's buck population would be young bucks that do not meet the minimum harvest criteria and therefore could not be harvested.
    The extent of the age and size that some bucks obtain will depend on habitat quality and the specifics of the antler restriction program.
    Breeding Behavior and Success

    New York's deer population has demonstrated rapid growth potential and shows no evidence of compromised breeding success. No significant change in herd productivity should be expected.
    More bucks, including older bucks, may increase competition for breeding opportunities between bucks and may increase the intensity of the rut.
    The timing of the rut is largely tied to seasonal changes (day length) so dramatic changes in breeding timing or success should not be expected with an antler restriction.
    Harvest Prospects

    The population management goal for an area would not change, but herd composition and harvest opportunity would change.
    Implementation of antler restrictions results in an initial period of significantly reduced buck harvest and somewhat lower buck harvest potential for the long term.
    Hunters must be more selective and a portion of the bucks they see will have to be passed up.

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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/24 17:26:57 (permalink)
    Hey Zug---
      Not everyone who likes to go for mature Bucks is flaunting it around other hunters. Mine go from the woods to the truck to the garage and cutting board- period. The satisfaction is MINE alone cause I only hunt those guys alone.
      That being said I have seen guys who drive them around in the back of the truck till they rot- just to show them off-More often than not its the first big one they ever got in a lifetime of hunting. Proud is OK, its a part of hunting so I dont begrudge them their moment.
      Most Horn guys  do it cause to them its just makes a hard thing harder and there is a certain personal satisfaction to that. Like trying to golf at par.
       Unless your  scouting and positioning is correct  and you fill that buck tag day one in the first hour or two in the woods it can also lead to a long scoreless season.. Sometimes the stars just line up right though ( but not in my golf game).
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/26 08:22:17 (permalink)
    ****, I opened this thread thinking it was gonna be about AR's,  AR -15' s that is.
    To my dismay, it's gonna be yet another useless deer thread.

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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/26 08:46:00 (permalink)
    And yet you felt the need to add to the discussion rather than just move on.
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/27 23:28:06 (permalink)
    No "Deer Thread" is useless. I have to admit however that it is awful depressing to see so many buying into the "Trophy Hunting / AR" propaganda. Really actually makes me sick to my stomach that guys care how big their buck is. I hunt because I love to hunt, and if a nice one happens to walk by, then so be it, great bonus!

    It's really discouraging (and most of the reason that I have not been here much) that guys think horn size is that important. In my mind, plentiful game with the possibility of a trophy is MUCH more important!

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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/28 13:01:22 (permalink)
    Some guys like to fish for big Salmon and some like little brookies- some like both- it doesnt mean that the guys after the big ones are braggards- just that they like a different challenge- unless they are the type to hang it in the front yard for all to see till it rots-like all sports there are those who blemish the others.
       Complaining about  someone who prefers to hunt for a different type of deer is kinda like those antis who find some lousy unsportsmanlike hunter or trapper  to show off and imply he represents us all- just not fair or accurate.
         Its just a different kind of hunting-in fact its one that makes one pass more often than shooting even when one has doe tags too- you learn NOT to shoot up your area-which kinda goes along with a lot of the guys wishes depicted on these posts.
        Personally I enjoy the challenge of older bucks but still take an eating deer now and again. Also those challenges result in No buck at all more often than not- they do however get ya out in the woods a lot more often and I firmly believe that only guys with the luxory of TIME  have the advantage of being able to do it.
     btw- hey Musky- did I hear you say guys think their horn size is important?
    post edited by retired guy - 2011/03/28 21:48:22
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/28 17:40:40 (permalink)
    Here is the link to another article about ARs by Dr. David Samuel's.

    Note that he claims the PGC is collecting data to determine the effects of ARs a,while the PGC claims they aren't collecting the data even though they said they would.
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/28 23:08:15 (permalink)
    I think the PGC is headed back to a more hunter centered train of thought, maybe not completley, but they are at least listening and that is a step in the right direction, over what we have had for the past ten years.

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/28 23:18:56 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: MuskyMastr

    I think the PGC is headed back to a more hunter centered train of thought, maybe not completley, but they are at least listening and that is a step in the right direction, over what we have had for the past ten years.

    Yep just like you said though it is a step backwards instead of forward. At sometime a future Commission will again have to take two steps forward to make up for this yet again backwards movement.
    R.S. Bodenhorn
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 15:35:57 (permalink)
    Blamed already. Must be nice to work with such perfect people. Everyone I know makes mistakes all the time; and the real men fess up...WF
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 16:09:35 (permalink)
    Per the PGC in 2001 = "A LOT OF WHAT WE DO IS TRIAL AND ERROR".---------Perhaps they realize they have errored starting in 2001 and are just now taking small steps to correct it.
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 16:30:01 (permalink)
    Plausible deniablity is a wonderful thing.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
    wayne c
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 17:57:22 (permalink)
    Yep just like you said though it is a step backwards instead of forward. At sometime a future Commission will again have to take two steps forward to make up for this yet again backwards movement

    Yeah, they like to try to move us "forward" any time that environmental extremists gain the majority vote on the boc and they dont feel they need more money at the time.

    Thats why we badly need to take steps to fix the terribly flawed system to prevent anti-deer nuts from dictating deer management.
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 20:10:30 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: wayne c

    Yep just like you said though it is a step backwards instead of forward. At sometime a future Commission will again have to take two steps forward to make up for this yet again backwards movement

    Yeah, they like to try to move us "forward" any time that environmental extremists gain the majority vote on the boc and they dont feel they need more money at the time.

    Thats why we badly need to take steps to fix the terribly flawed system to prevent anti-deer nuts from dictating deer management.

    Oh you mean moving things in the right direction, like issuing fewer antlerless license in the various units, like they have in unit 2G?
    Here are the historical number of antlerless licenses per square mile over the past few decades.
    Period……….Antlerless license/sq. mile
    Has that reduction in licenses and doe harvests resulted in the increased deer numbers the hunters wanted or was it instead simply a useless step backwards because hunters demanded it?
    R.S. Bodenhorn
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 21:12:44 (permalink)
    Did you already forget that we shot you down on that claim when we looked at the numbers year by year? Just because you packaged them in a little different way to muddy the water doesn't change the fact that you are wrong and know it. Keep trying though, I still have a half hour to kill.

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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 21:19:03 (permalink)
    Looks a bit different now doesn't it. Why do you keep trying to mislead and decieve us RSB? It may be fun to do around the water cooler but you are supposed to be the PGC rep and it's just confirming what some of us have suspected about the honesty of the agency at the present time.

    BTW,apparently you forgot about this data that you posted,that clearly shows how the high antlerless harvests in the late 80s and early 90s reduced the OWDD which resulted in a decrease in the buck harvest from the record highs of over 4 buck PSM.

    [Here is what the PGC has done to the herd in 2G.

    Year…….Allocation…………ant’less harvest………..buck harvest…….license/harvest
    02………..12.90………………….4.18………………….2.42 *…………...3.09

    Note that the habitat in 2g that had been over browsed for over 30 years produced a buck harvest rate of over 4 buck PSM from from 1986 to 1988. The new and improved DMP decreased the buck harvest from 3.13 BPSM in 1999 to 1.26 BPSM in 2009./quote]

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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 22:58:11 (permalink)
    If we are so misguided ( the Pennsylvania hunter ) and ignorant then I,m gonna click on the little red hand when a certain individual responds and just stay ignorant and I wont miss all the charts and grafts and all the other rhetorical garbage. I know what I have seen happening in the last 10 years I,m in the woods.       
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 23:13:21 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: rmcmillen09

    If we are so misguided ( the Pennsylvania hunter ) and ignorant then I,m gonna click on the little red hand when a certain individual responds and just stay ignorant and I wont miss all the charts and grafts and all the other rhetorical garbage. I know what I have seen happening in the last 10 years I,m in the woods.       

    Yea you do, it now seems pretty obvious that you don’t have a clue what is going on even if you are in the woods a lot.
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/29 23:21:10 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: S-10

    Looks a bit different now doesn't it. Why do you keep trying to mislead and decieve us RSB? It may be fun to do around the water cooler but you are supposed to be the PGC rep and it's just confirming what some of us have suspected about the honesty of the agency at the present time.

    BTW,apparently you forgot about this data that you posted,that clearly shows how the high antlerless harvests in the late 80s and early 90s reduced the OWDD which resulted in a decrease in the buck harvest from the record highs of over 4 buck PSM.

    [Here is what the PGC has done to the herd in 2G.

    Year…….Allocation…………ant’less harvest………..buck harvest…….license/harvest
    02………..12.90………………….4.18………………….2.42 *…………...3.09

    Note that the habitat in 2g that had been over browsed for over 30 years produced a buck harvest rate of over 4 buck PSM from from 1986 to 1988. The new and improved DMP decreased the buck harvest from 3.13 BPSM in 1999 to 1.26 BPSM in 2009./quote]

    Posting it for each year just further proves how much the allocations and antlerless harvests have been reduced over the past twenty years. Also notice I updated the data for this past season.
    Has the reduction in allocations and doe harvests resulted in the more deer you claim you get when you harvest fewer does?
    Dance around that question all you want but while you are at it I think everyone already knows the answer to the question and it hasn’t been working out the way you claimed it would.
    The deer numbers and harvests were stable when they allocations and harvests were maintained at higher level. They more they reduced the allocations and harvests the more the deer population declined. Anyone being the least bit objective and honest can clearly see that. But, I also know that a lot of people will not accept what is perfectly obvious simply because it doesn’t fit into what they want to believe.
    R.S. Bodenhorn
    post edited by RSB - 2011/03/29 23:23:46
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/30 06:42:49 (permalink)
    This user is on my block list.
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/30 07:31:15 (permalink)
    Numbers are wonderful things. One can make them show all kinds of scenerios. Looking objectivly at the numbers and useing them in all lights; ah , now thats the trick. Its easier to close ones eyes and call someone an idiot.....WF
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/30 07:53:18 (permalink)
    But, I also know that a lot of people will not accept what is perfectly obvious simply because it doesn’t fit into what they want to believe.

    R.S. Bodenhorn

    < Message edited by RSB -- 3/29/2011 11:23:46 PM >

    It's interesting that members of the BOC, PGC, and even many foresters within the DCNR are on record as recgonizing that 2G is too large, that there are large parts of it that are capable of supporting more deer than currently exists, and are looking at ways to remedy that situation.
    RSB has been so steadfast in his contention that the only way to save the deer is to kill them all for so many years that he sees no choice but to continue with that claim. He appears, IMHO, to believe if you continue to tell the same story long enough, even when the data you posts counterdicts that story,some folks will believe it.
    When the PGC hires a guy to tour the state convincing hunters to kill more deer, increases antlerless licenses, adds DMAP tags, Red Tag areas, adds seasons, increases the length of seasons, increases types of weapons used,lowers age of hunters,etc, all to increase the deer kill it is reasonable to believe the lower deer numbers are related to hunters killing more deer. Some would want us to believe it is due to starvation in the winter of 2003 and 2004 even though the PGC experts said the winter kill those two years was only slightly higher than average and the collard deer study in 2G showed survival rates of 95% and 98% for those two years. Either one WCO ic correct and all the other PGC experts are incorrect or one WCO is incorrect. You be the judge. I'am going fishing
    post edited by S-10 - 2011/03/30 07:54:12
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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/30 09:58:11 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: World Famous

    Numbers are wonderful things. One can make them show all kinds of scenerios. Looking objectivly at the numbers and useing them in all lights; ah , now thats the trick. Its easier to close ones eyes and call someone an idiot.....WF

    Why close one's eyes? lol

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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/30 10:02:12 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: S-10

    But, I also know that a lot of people will not accept what is perfectly obvious simply because it doesn’t fit into what they want to believe.

    R.S. Bodenhorn

    < Message edited by RSB -- 3/29/2011 11:23:46 PM >

    It's interesting that members of the BOC, PGC, and even many foresters within the DCNR are on record as recgonizing that 2G is too large, that there are large parts of it that are capable of supporting more deer than currently exists, and are looking at ways to remedy that situation.
    RSB has been so steadfast in his contention that the only way to save the deer is to kill them all for so many years that he sees no choice but to continue with that claim. He appears, IMHO, to believe if you continue to tell the same story long enough, even when the data you posts counterdicts that story,some folks will believe it.
    When the PGC hires a guy to tour the state convincing hunters to kill more deer, increases antlerless licenses, adds DMAP tags, Red Tag areas, adds seasons, increases the length of seasons, increases types of weapons used,lowers age of hunters,etc, all to increase the deer kill it is reasonable to believe the lower deer numbers are related to hunters killing more deer. Some would want us to believe it is due to starvation in the winter of 2003 and 2004 even though the PGC experts said the winter kill those two years was only slightly higher than average and the collard deer study in 2G showed survival rates of 95% and 98% for those two years. Either one WCO ic correct and all the other PGC experts are incorrect or one WCO is incorrect. You be the judge. I'am going fishing


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    RE: ARs the New Fad 2011/03/30 12:23:40 (permalink)
    this is great its like plugging your ears and humming you cant hear a thing !
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