Best Tactics For Big Cats

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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/08 19:01:32 (permalink)
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/08 23:21:57 (permalink)
I second the Power Pro for Flats I use 65 or 80#.Channels usually 40#.Braid is very sensitive to rocks and logs. Check it often for frays or weak spots and set your drag tight to drag them out before they can get in the nasty stuff.
ORIGINAL: saltydog

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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/09 07:49:05 (permalink)
Tasty make sure you wind on a,few yards of mono on the spool before you tie on your braid the line may just be slipping on the spool. This happens to a lot of people. I use 50 lb power pro. 30 lb fire line should be fine if the area your fishing isn't too snaggy but its a little on the light side from my experience use a uni-uni splice to tie the braid to mono
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/09 12:00:34 (permalink)
started messing around late last year with yaking out big live bait's had some hook up's but lost all of them. well last night i didn't lose her and landed a short FAT 19 lber, looked like she was full of eggs so you know what that means. hows that for a not sure why i look like a freaking deer in moose
post edited by moose22dog - 2011/06/09 12:02:01

your "game fish" is my flathead!!
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/09 13:20:12 (permalink)
actually, moose I got a big question about that...

one of the reasons I only tried fishing from a canoe twice, was hard darn hard it was to keep it still, AND once it moved, how the motion would rub my carolina rigs right into the snags. (it was usually stuck within seconds of being cast).

I really think I need a more mobile technique than the big sit and wait.

Kayaks are even harder to STOP aren't they? how would you able to keep it on the bottom without getting your rig stuck??

Are you using a fancy rig? does it help to get rid of weight or maybe add a heck of alot more??

I'd really like to learn how to wade for them. I think the mobility would increase my catch (while remaining practical for where and how I fish). but first I need to find something better than laying the rod down and waiting (which you can't easily do in the middle of a river).
post edited by jolie - 2011/06/09 13:21:26
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/09 23:38:18 (permalink)
I don't want to be considered "spot burning" but where do you fish on the Mon? I saw the lock and dam in mason town by the baseball field, is there more places to fish?
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/10 08:54:55 (permalink)


actually, moose I got a big question about that...

one of the reasons I only tried fishing from a canoe twice, was hard darn hard it was to keep it still, AND once it moved, how the motion would rub my carolina rigs right into the snags. (it was usually stuck within seconds of being cast).

I really think I need a more mobile technique than the big sit and wait.

Kayaks are even harder to STOP aren't they? how would you able to keep it on the bottom without getting your rig stuck??

Are you using a fancy rig? does it help to get rid of weight or maybe add a heck of alot more??

I'd really like to learn how to wade for them. I think the mobility would increase my catch (while remaining practical for where and how I fish). but first I need to find something better than laying the rod down and waiting (which you can't easily do in the middle of a river).

Playing around with weight does NOT seem the answer. Instead a snaggy bottom is just problematic with or without weight.

I tried changing my technique a little last night. It worked until the bite went away, then in desparation I picked my goto place and just waited!
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/10 16:38:53 (permalink)
I think the flatheads spawn may be on in the lower Allegheny fished 8 hours last night and only landed 1 small channel on a jitterbug of all things. Any info to the contrary would be great. 74 deg. Water temp
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/10 23:01:55 (permalink)
Since we are on the topics of big cats, what pole would you recommend? I will be purchasing an Okuma baitrunner from fishusa this Friday.I prefer a one-piece. Thanks
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/11 00:06:50 (permalink)
Always liked the ugly stik big water anr the ugly stik tiger rods. Best bang for the buck and can be used for multi species.
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/11 03:27:54 (permalink)
The spawn is definately on, or atleast getting going. Many of the flatheads are starting to show spawn marks. The channels will be a couple weeks behind, Im guessing around the second week of July or so before they start showing spawn marks and swollen heads.

As for rods, I have Berkley glow stix and I like them. Ive also used Ugly stick Tiger rods and have been pretty impressed. If you want to spend the money, I think the best is the St. Croix musky rods. Only thing about the St. Croix is that I can buy 3 Glowstix for the price of one St. Croix
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/11 03:29:21 (permalink)
74* is basically right at the beginning temps for the flats. The channels wont start until it hits 80* or above.
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/11 11:14:20 (permalink)
Tasty,you said the line still pulls when the drag is full tight....
If it is just the line sliping add the mono like he said,If the spool is still sliping you have a drag problem...
Take your spool off,remove the clip holding the washers and clean them add a dab of grease as you put them back (as they came out)
or if you have a good reel you can upgrade washers to improve your drag, has most washers....
I hope this is helpful...
Ripp a big one!!!!!!
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/13 22:53:05 (permalink)


Tasty make sure you wind on a,few yards of mono on the spool before you tie on your braid the line may just be slipping on the spool.

Thanks a ton Fishinguy. I was just bored so I took the line off and but some 6 pound on just to see how the reel works. Sure enough the drag worked fine...must have just been the line slipping. Now I need to decide what line to get on there.

Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.
Jimmy D Moore

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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/13 22:55:47 (permalink)


Ive also used Ugly stick Tiger rods and have been pretty impressed.

I have the Ugly Stick Catfish. It's the all white one just for catfish that comes with the big spinning reel. Is that what you meant by Tiger rod or is there another version as well?

Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.
Jimmy D Moore

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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/13 23:03:09 (permalink)
Another question for you guys...I was just looking at the Power Pro on good ol' FishUsa and notice it comes in Moss Green (for finicky fish) and hi-vis yellow. Any preference?

Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.
Jimmy D Moore

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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/14 11:06:17 (permalink)
I use moss green though I doubt cats will mind I think the yellow is more for saltwater guys that use long wind on leaders. but I sometimes use my cat rods for other species and so I get green. tiger is different than catfish. the tiger rods are more heavy duty. I have both a 7'm tiger and a 7' mh catfish and the tiger is definitely the more sturdy of the two. I like the tigers for big heavy baits(4oz sinker and a large panfish). but the white rod at night makes a big difference. I also have a,9' mh glow stick and love it.
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/14 23:21:10 (permalink)
i high recomand the new sufix 832 braid!!! or momoi daimand braid very tought ****, as close to daiwa samaurai or jerry brown that your going to get but half the cost. and cats can care less what color the line i have green,yellow,red, and black and all catch flatty's. don't recomand black pretty **** hard to see at like the yellow very easy to see. tight lines moose

your "game fish" is my flathead!!
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/06/14 23:27:21 (permalink)
Tasty like FishinGuy said the Tiger line is different than the catfish line. It was originally designed for saltwater use but lately more and more guys are using them for cats. Here's a link for you showing what they come in.

As far as the line I have 4 rods rigged up specifically for cats right now. 2 have high vis and 2 have moss green. I prefer the high vis because there are times when a fish will grab the bait and swim toward the boat or upstream or whatever and never set the clicker off. There have been times where the only way I knew that a fish was on the bait was because the high vis line showed up in the dark and I could tell it was slack or moving upstream. I really doubt that the cats care either way. They are not hook shy whatsoever so I dont see why they would be line shy. Plus most guys run a swivel off the main line so if you are concerned about it you could run high vis main line and then a crane swivel (excellent swivel) and then moss green line for a leader. I would highly advise you to use a mono shock leader anyway.
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/07/10 18:20:13 (permalink)


ORIGINAL: moose22dog
LMAO!!! thats no 32# or 41" looks like a cookie cutter 10-13 lbs

I'm sorry if I upset any of the reputable members on this board, but for my own sake, I need to call moose22dog on this one.
Here is the full pic from that nite.
The weight was taken with a Rapala digital scale, and length was with a Stanley pocket tape measure.

In the pic you see a yellow and white bait bucket - it measures 12" from top to bottom with the lid on. - compare it to the fish.

Also, I an 6'5" tall - compare me to the fish.

If you want to measure the bucket for yourself for comparison, that CAN be arranged!

Gather your information before calling another member a liar.

doesnt look like a 30lber you should get pics with the scale next time.
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/08/26 12:37:45 (permalink)
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/08/27 05:16:12 (permalink)
here is a 23.3lb flatty caught in the ohio
post edited by BIGHEAD - 2011/08/27 05:17:37
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/08/27 12:44:39 (permalink)
nice flat big head, in the day time too!! congrats!!!

your "game fish" is my flathead!!
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RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2011/08/27 17:33:40 (permalink)
Thanks MOOSE yeah we caught 4 flats in the daytime. The one in pic and a 16/17 pounder,2 bout 6/8 pound range and a couple dink channels. GOOD DAY tho Dave
Cat DADDY and Son
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Re: RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2019/01/11 16:48:48 (permalink)
My son and I have really killed it the past few seasons.  It's really about presentation and depth...
We will be going over in detail on our YouTube channel if anyone is interested.
post edited by Cat DADDY and Son - 2019/01/11 16:52:01

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Check us out on YouTube and SUBSCRIBE to our Channel!!  Search "Cat DADDY & Son"
Cat DADDY and Son
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Re: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2019/01/11 16:54:41 (permalink)
A solid bit of research on the water that you are fishing is most important!  Know where they like to be.  Holes and cover, depths, etc.  From there it's really about presentation of bait..
We will be talking about it on our YouTube channel if anyone interested.  Search "Cat DADDY & Son"

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Re: RE: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2019/04/21 20:06:10 (permalink)
ALWAYS have a steel leader, or VERY strong line. Make sure your weight can slide so the catfish doesn't know he has a hook in his mouth.
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Re: Best Tactics For Big Cats 2019/06/23 06:33:12 (permalink)
Does anyone here happen to fish below the Kinzua Dam above Warren, Pa.? I've been wondering if there's any Flatheads up in that area?
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