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Alaska trip pics- A few more added.
Did another trip last year with a few friends from home. One guy was a second timer and the others were first timers. We went mid September and were expecting typical Alaska weather .. mostly an unpredictable mix of wind and rain with a little bit sunshine thrown in. We instead, got a rare treat with daytime highs in the 70's and lows at night in the 40's. Saw very few clouds and never got as much as a drop of rain! About 45 minutes before landing on the flight from Seattle to Anchorage I happened to look out the window and saw a really cool section of coastline and thought to myself it would be really cool to throw a spinner in that river. Then it dawned on me that I would, the very next day. The river I was looking at was the Seal River, and our destination was a few miles down the beach to the east. It took a minute to dig my camera out, but I'm pleased that I was able to at least get a shot of the area from the air. That section of water approaching the coast with all the ice bergs in it is the Seal River. The river parallels the coast for a little ways before it exits. Just beyond that is Midtimber lake, and not really visible just beyond that is the Tsiu river, our intended destination. Just before passing Cordova, the Childs Glacier, and the Copper River. Fast forward 24 hours... We arrived by Cessna 206. It took two trips with the 5 of us and our gear. I was on the first trip and my camera was buried :( so I took video of the trip down. While waiting for the rest of our group, we just HAD to hit the river. The summer had been drier than usual and it really did show in the water level of the river. The flow/volume of the river was less than half of what it normally would have been. You could cross the river at about any point in knee high hip boots and not had a problem. As usual, the silvers were stacked up at the mouth and HUNGRY! We don't need no steenking waders! The fish really needed the high tide to get in the river. It was that shallow.... Ok, you get the idea...  . The first morning, and as it turns out every morning we were greeted by fog. The warm surface temperatures created radiation fog throughout our stay. It made for some cool pictures on the river. The fog presented challenges for the duck hunting as well. Each time we've gone to this place there have been lots of one kind of species. This time it was green wing teal in flocks of a couple hundred. There is some commercial fishing on the river as well. They were bringing this DC-3 in to haul fish back to Yakutat. Love the sound of those things.... There's no way to describe the beauty or the gradeur of Alska without seeing it with your own eyes. Pictures do not do it justice. That is the Bering Glacier in the background in this picture. Driftwood..  playing photographer.. And no fishing trip to Alaska would be complete without some pictures of bears. These two were ran off by their mother earlier this season. They had such a good food source and really showed no fear of people. The male was a little more assertive of where and when he wanted to eat, and the female kinda followed his lead. With the fishing as good as it was in the bottom 1/4 mile of the river, we rarely ventured farther upstream.  The days results were always the same. Fish until it hurts. Fish cleaning island. The 100 lb. smoker. There is nothing better than a warm filet out of this thing.. packing it up...
post edited by Blowchowski - 2011/06/02 10:06:46
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 09:15:06
looks awesome. maybe one day i will get there
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 09:29:09
All I can say is....beautiful!
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 09:34:53
I thought you guys would like them. They were dying to get in the river. It is quite a sight to see. You'll make it there someday pheasanttail85. If you play it right, and go as a group, you can go from Pittsburgh and spend a week up there in Alaska and do that for about $2500 outfitted but unguided including getting there. Thats including the fly in charter. Driving, camping and staying in the driving distance from Anchorage can be done for a lot less, but I have yet to see anything like this, or the numbers of fish without all the people that this place has. Another wave of a few hundred....
post edited by Blowchowski - 2011/03/08 17:02:12
I love cats. I just can't eat a whole one..
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 09:50:06
WOW!!!!! Thank you for posting.
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 10:16:32
Wow,thank you,nice to dream through your photos.Ray
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 11:05:51
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 11:27:43
great pics, looks like a good time. makes me wish my daughter will move there sooner than they plan.. i can't wait!!!
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 12:14:51
Has it been a year since the last trip already???? If so, WOW! Where does the time go!?!?!? Beautiful pics and thanks for sharing them!
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 12:56:59
a trip to alaska is not as expensive as you think... especially if you stay closer to anchorage. great great pics!! i have to ask, is that you behind the lens for those pics, or your guide/service?
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 12:59:22
great pics and thank you for posting them. i hope one day i will be able to make it there.
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 13:19:28
ORIGINAL: topdog99 the amazing thing is... we all can do that without paying thousands.. we have trout run and thats alot closer.. the scenery though...Breathtaking... thanks for the pics.. How many 70+ fish days do you have on Trout Run? Do you really want to compare the table quality of a Coho to a Steelhead?
I love cats. I just can't eat a whole one..
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 13:21:48
ORIGINAL: musthuntmusky a trip to alaska is not as expensive as you think... especially if you stay closer to anchorage. great great pics!! i have to ask, is that you behind the lens for those pics, or your guide/service? Thanks, I'll add more pictures when I have the time. I'm behind the camera,... and played guide..
I love cats. I just can't eat a whole one..
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 13:29:41
ORIGINAL: eyeassassin great pics and thank you for posting them. i hope one day i will be able to make it there. Make it happen!
I love cats. I just can't eat a whole one..
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 14:00:56
ORIGINAL: topdog99 the amazing thing is... we all can do that without paying thousands.. we have trout run and thats alot closer.. the scenery though...Breathtaking... thanks for the pics.. the tsiu river is the most abundant and healthy stock of wild/native coho in the world. You really can't get that anywhere else... great pics blow, I've been looking in to tsiu for 2 years now; hopefully oneday. Do you mind sending me a pm of your outfitter because I haven't seen rates like that yet. Also, did you get any surface strikers at all? Tight lines...
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 15:03:45
I wouldn't mind knowing who your outfitter was either. Seems like a great time and it wasn't even all that expensive.
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 15:26:59
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 15:49:34
Great trip and pics Blow! I still can't believe there are guys on here that claim a Coho or Steelhead from Alaska or the Northwest is any different from a Lake Erie fish. Guess they have tags stamped "made in Yukon river" inside their south mouths or something. That one picture sure did remind me of Trout Run though!
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 16:13:39
Could you send me the name of the outfitter also ! Great pics ! Can you fly fish successfully there ?
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 17:48:24
Thanks for the pics and story Blow. August 12th, my son and I will be landing in Anchorage to fullfill my lifelong dream. We'll be fishing Lake Creek off the Yenta River after a fly-in. I've seen so many pics and some videos but I cannot imagine what it will be like to actually be there. It'll be Silver time when we're there. Along with the Chums and those beautiful rainbows. It's what occupies my thoughts quite a bit and it cannot come soon enough. And to share it with my doesn't get any better. Thanks again.
"They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it..... you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore." John Gierach
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 18:12:53
Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 18:37:40
Pics like this always make my day. How can anyone not get charged up to go fishing after seeing those pics.
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 18:41:43
awesome pics and thanks for the vacation seems thats the only way to get one at the moment is from all you great people that share yours with us.
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 19:04:18
Great pics Blow! Looks like a really great trip. Just like every fisherman I know i'ts my dream trip. Belize and bone fish were great but salmon and trout would be better. Hope to make it up there one day. Just like several other people asked I'd like to know the name of the outfitter you used. Wife wants to go on a cruise to Alaska and I've agreed as long as we can stay an extra week and fish. Have to wait and see how things pan out. Thanks for posting.
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 20:29:37
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 21:37:35
Wow!!! Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing them
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.-Thomas Jefferson
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/08 21:44:02
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/09 13:49:16
ORIGINAL: capcity_tim Fly all that way and not drink some good Alaskan Beer Cans save weight and space on the plane.. Wasn't my first choice in beers!
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/09 13:52:29
ORIGINAL: buggerman Great pics Blow! Looks like a really great trip. Just like every fisherman I know i'ts my dream trip. Belize and bone fish were great but salmon and trout would be better. Hope to make it up there one day. Just like several other people asked I'd like to know the name of the outfitter you used. Wife wants to go on a cruise to Alaska and I've agreed as long as we can stay an extra week and fish. Have to wait and see how things pan out. Thanks for posting. PM (s) sent
post edited by Blowchowski - 2011/03/09 13:53:06
I love cats. I just can't eat a whole one..
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RE: Alaska trip pics
2011/03/09 14:04:58
I love cats. I just can't eat a whole one..