musky maniac
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/23 22:15:14
no never fished allegheney..i fish the mon i live 10min from two boat launches in two diff pools, do really good close to home, i live in carmichaels so if i drive up to pittsburgh to fish the allegheney i keep going and hit the lakes instead lol. i just rather fish pymie or arthur than hit the river.
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 08:39:18
ORIGINAL: Eman89so Not sure what a stick bait is? I fish all of those locks too lots of little fish but a joy to catch for sure. I might try agian this weekend but last weekend when i fished lock 3 the water was pretty high no fish or bites. Ed PM sent Ed
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 09:14:45
ed, if your talking about fishing pike run you should check regulations cause thats approved trout waters and im sure you dont want to get fined lol, once the weather starts to warm ill pick you up down cal and show you theres no need for a boat on the mon, youll catch smallies that are in the 5 lb range hybrids that are huge walleye well over 20 inches carp cats and whatever else you want, trust me you dont need a boat to catch big fish on the mon ill see if i can find a few pics from last year to post from the mon
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 09:32:24
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 09:33:35
forgot the eye pictures lol ill get it later im at work
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 10:17:50
Looks like below the lock in brownsville to me but you have to walk a ways to get to it
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 10:20:51
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 14:07:35
Looks like you've been fishing with Timothy Leary...
wayne c
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 14:31:13
Somethin' tells me there are alot of fat 'coons downriver from that feeshin' hole.
musky maniac
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 16:06:29
lol..junky dont give his fishin spot away after he made those pretty distorted backgrounds. kreamy i cruise the mon reguraly one of those picks look very familiar but im used to looking at the shoreline from the water and not from the bank and it all gets lookin alike after awhile. nice fish kreamy u should do the jimmy houston kiss with them, ive posted a few pics of my kissing some small muskys but i got accused of needing a women lol.
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 16:50:36
That was me! Don't drag Kreamy into your perversion! Hey Kream, I have to argue the boat thing. My boat is like a huge tackle box, it's getting to the point I can't fish without it. Some days it is nice to be able to cover alot of water.
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 18:12:55
Sounds like a plan Kreamy, I got no classes tuesdays
musky maniac
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 19:46:37
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/24 22:00:20
Its not that far of a walk if you drive up from the Denbo side... Just sayin. All the locks and dams are were the eyes are, no big secret. White and chartreuse twister tails, Creek chubs and small suckers, and night crawlers catch fish all day.
post edited by egg_drifter - 2011/02/24 22:04:19
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 06:30:16
egg drifter, why dont you shut your mouth and go back to driftin eggs, most people know where my pictures are from but you dont have to tell the whole dam world where it is when most people dont know where to fish the mon for good eyes, and obviously you dont have any idea what your doing because theres alot of other secrets on the mon and thats not the only place i fish the mon, so mind your own buisness and go do something else
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 06:37:13
the one day i decided to keep some fish for the table from the mon
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 06:38:55
tull i can understand your point, i had a boat for two years and i just couldnt catch the amount of fish i could from shore, just give me my backpack and some soft plastics and ill keep myself entertained all day, i know alot of good spots to catch fish so usually if one place isnt producing ill try the next place and so on.
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 11:36:02
ORIGINAL: Kreamy egg drifter, why dont you shut your mouth and go back to driftin eggs, most people know where my pictures are from but you dont have to tell the whole dam world where it is when most people dont know where to fish the mon for good eyes, and obviously you dont have any idea what your doing because theres alot of other secrets on the mon and thats not the only place i fish the mon, so mind your own buisness and go do something else Whoa Dude! What makes you think I was refering to your post at all? Somebody stated that it was a far walk, and I was explaining an easier way to get there. I can careless where you fish. Last time I checked this is a walleye info thread right? Well, The locks in Charleroi are just as good as Maxwell, along with all the creek mouths.. Pigeon creek, Mingo creek, Pike run, Mitchell power station, and Ten Mile are all great places to get into not only walleye, but smallies, sauger, White bass, crappie,big cats, and even an ocassional trout. Oh by the way... I only drift eggs in the fall and early spring. Heck! I might even see you at one of our "secret locations", and we can swap tactics, but you probably won't want any of mine since I don't have any idea what i'm doing. Tight lines..
post edited by egg_drifter - 2011/02/25 11:45:13
musky maniac
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 11:53:57
lol..gettin little frisky on this thread. no worrys about me i dont fish for eyes. but i did at one time and if u havnt ever tried the pymie spillway eye hunt in march u should at least its a blast you will see guys threatning each other from the bank and shore. if you do take a camera with video you will sure get some good video of fish and maybe a good scrap or two. i know pymie is northwest but reading the walleye squirmish here just brought back old memories.
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 12:34:02
Its just the fact I don't want more careless people at select locations that litter everywhere and park where they shouldn't, not a whole lot of places where u go and see more garbage than u do on trash days, I've cleaned up a lot in the past and it keeps getting worse I just rather keep new people from finding good spots and trashing them cause before you know it you won't be allowed to fish in these locations
musky maniac
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 13:18:58
its unfortuate but thats true kreamy..only true fishermen respect the waterways because we know how precious it is...but we must clean up after everyone else, just the world we live in,thank god for real fishermen.
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 13:53:02
People don't realize what they are destroying, there is not very many places around the area that produce good fishing and theywill ruin it for the people that respect the waterways so we are stuck cleaning up after the pigs just/ so we can keep the oppurtunities open to us
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 14:00:25
Kreamy, My boat is litter free! (just trying to lighten things up)
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 14:05:13
haha, thats a good thing tull i wish everyone was as respectful as some of us. ill just never understand why people litter on our waterways. i will just keep cleaning up after them thats all
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 14:14:32
i think next weekend im gonna cast by the mouth of pike run :)
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 14:25:21
good luck eman, should be some smallies around, maybe even some eyes, never targeted that area but it should be decent
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/25 20:05:01
The litter bugs irritate the heck out of me too. This past summer a boat with 2 adults and 3 kids came floating down the Yough with trash floating all around it. I watched one of the kids throw an ice tea carton into the river which pushed me over the edge. After confronting the 2 adults they fished in all the trash and it stayed in the boat at least until they got out of sight.
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/26 14:59:59
when i fish from shore i always get bag of rubbish to take home with me and alot of it is glass wich ticks me off i got a nice gash on my heel when i was a kid now i worry about my kids getting cut cant stop them from playing or they will never want to fish you take it fishing take it home its just that easy
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/26 20:41:30
It's not just the rivers... Last year on 3 separate occasions, I filled an entire garbage bag near the 528 launch area at Moraine. The people sitting there fishing looked at me like I had 2 heads. It's a disgrace, there's a dumpster and several garbage cans RIGHT THERE. No reason for that, I'll never understand people...
musky maniac
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RE: Walleye fishing the 3 rivers
2011/02/26 21:03:28
what it is people are just plain lazy. theres no other excuse. i know a guy that lives along 10mile creek he had the nerve to tell me that he puts trash at the creek bank at end of his property the night before he knows creek is gonna flood a little so the water will wash it away that way he doesnt feel guilty that he didnt just toss it in the creek..needless to say i educated him in not a nice way we dont speak much anymore.