under water fish cameras

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2010/12/22 11:01:54 (permalink)

under water fish cameras

Hey folks first off Merry Christmas have a safe one.  Okay so i am seriously considering getting an underwater camera for ice fishing and maybe for calm days on the boat down at cross creek.  Can anybody give me any infomation on them.  I am looking for ppl who have used them and had a good or bad experience with them.  Thanks for the help


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    RE: under water fish cameras 2010/12/22 13:22:31 (permalink)
    I have one, and it sucks... Not sure about Cross Creek, but it is worthless in Arthur, where the water is just too stained. You can only see about 2-3 feet in front of the camera. If you are fishing in a relatively clear lake, then I'd imagine they would be great. I would guess, that since most of our waters are dammed up creeks/rivers, they all have a bit of color to them. Probably be a pretty cool to take on Erie.
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    RE: under water fish cameras 2010/12/22 13:32:45 (permalink)
    ive had mine on cross creek works great ah but if u dont have a flasher i recamend gettin one b4 u get a cam
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    RE: under water fish cameras 2010/12/23 09:14:45 (permalink)
    I have an Aqua Vue (earlier model).  Unfortunately it's now broken.  I found it to be helpful in most bodies of water.  Yes, on Lake Arthur it has limited use due to stained water.  I've used it on Kinzu and in Canada (clearer bodies of water) and it was great.  We would mark fish, but were not sure what species.  I'd drop the camera and confirm.  Once in Canada the fishing for Walleyes was slow.  We changed spots dropped the camera and saw a bunch of eyes.  From that point on all we had to do was figure out what we needed to get them to bite.  Also, I have seen muskie and many other species of fish with the camera.  My experience is that when you drop the camera carefully fish don't move away from it but will actually come up to it out of curiousity.  The Aqua Vue camera I have is actually in a sunfish body.  I've had muskies swim around the camera making me wonder if one might someday hit the thing.  My friend has used on on the rivers and if the water is normal flow he can see fish up toward 20 feet.  In Canada and on the Zoo we saw fish at 25 ft.  Obviously the deeper you go the less light and less vision.  I haven't looked at models lately, but with mine you have to wind up the cord by hand -- pain in the butt.  More expensive models have a reel device that makes that easier. 
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    RE: under water fish cameras 2012/03/22 10:45:59 (permalink)
    Canon PowerShot D10
    I've had this camera for over a year and have used it for multiple outdoor activities in a wide variety of conditions - underwater in pools, freshwater lakes, and saltwater snorkeling; as well as cold/icy/snowy conditions while skiing. It has definitely lived up to the "waterproof" claim as I haven't had a single issue with it. The image quality is great. I know this camera has a handful of one-star reviews for people claiming that it leaked on the first use and was irreparably damaged but I've had it underwater dozens of times and haven't had any issues, so my best guess is that a lot of those people didn't make sure all the seals were properly closed before going underwater (although I guess there's some chance that a percentage of the cameras are actually defective and I just got lucky).

    Orange Contender Elite 50-60# GTX 31" drawWhite Carbon Matrix plus 60-70# RKT 31.5" draw
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    RE: under water fish cameras 2012/03/22 14:06:06 (permalink)
    Eyeassassin, I have a Marcum and used it as cross creek. Actually believe you were on the ice one day last year when I was there using it. No problems with it during ice but ice out and spring fishing the water is too murky to see anything. I have tried. Tightlines. Ron
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