wayne c
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 01:41:18
Yes, id like to see that as well. And not posed in a manner where its completely twisted into something barely comprehensible and self serving. Just a direct answer to the question with the data asked for. Not how many were larger than 165.8" or better and killed on Thursday as compared to Elk county in 2007. Just how many per year would be nice.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 08:10:19
ORIGINAL: RSB ORIGINAL: deerfly To come up with an accurate estimate of the pre-season deer population you need to use fawn recruitment rates instead of the number of fawns produced. Studies indicate that only about 50% of the fawns in unit 2G survive to their first fall and even that is probably high for many years. The 1.1 fawns/ doe is the average number of fawns recruited per adult doe. It is not the number of fawns that are born in the spring. If there were 20-23 DPSM in 2G then the harvests would not be keeping the herd stable. However,the PGC said the 2008 harvest reduced the herd in 2G by 40%, so once again you are obviously wrong. You are once again full of bologna.  The following was taken from the 2009 annual report.  Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) personnel examined 1,307 females during the 2009 pre-fawning season. Seven hundred and sixty-six were pregnant. Twenty percent of the fawns, and 89% of the adults were pregnant or lactating. Pregnant fawns averaged 1.18 embryos/female. Pregnant adults averaged 1.81 embryos/female. The average reproductive rates for pregnant and barren fawns and adults were 0.23 and 1.60 embryos/female, respectively. The average reproductive rate for all females was 1.01 embryos/doe (Table 1).  The annual report clearly states that statewide the number of fawns per doe was only 1.01. It is considerably lower than that in unit 2G. Combine that with the fact that the fawn mortality study showed fawn mortality at or above 50% in unit 2G and you end up with fawn recruitment of less than .50 fawns per doe just as I said.  I don’t believe the present harvests are keeping the population in 2G stable. The deer population currently appears to be increasing in unit 2G. I doubt that last year’s hunters harvested much more than 10% of the 2G deer population, based on the evidence of both the harvest data and the percent of marked deer harvested in the unit, which would put it right in line with the 20-23 preseason deer per square mile I estimated it to have been.   R.S. Bodenhorn Once again you should have quit while you were behind instead of digging yourself a deeper hole. If you would have paid attention you would have noted that I only applied the recruitment rate to the preseason adult doe population and excluded the female fawns entirely from the recruitment calculation. Now if you are claiming adult doe in 2G recruit less than 1.1 fawns/adult doe then you are admitting that reducing the herd and improving the habitat did nothing to improve breeding rates, productivity and failed to reduce the breeding window. Would you have preferred that I used the average reproductive rate for adult doe of 1.61 embryos/doe? Furthermore, the 2009 AWR shows that the harvests have reduced the herd in 2G ,3 out of the five years since 2005 and the 2008 harvest reduced the herd by 40%. Are you saying the PGC professionals are incompetent?
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 09:08:10
The six adults in our group haven't harvested an antlerless deer for at least the last 5 years but And, of course, there is always a but. Broken leg or not, if you whine and cry about the deer numbers, you shouldn't have given the "green light" to harvest a doe. Makes absolutely no sense and is hypocritical, imo. Ironhed
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 09:16:57
Hed-- You are really reaching to find fault on this one.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 09:29:46
I didn't have to reach too far on that one, S-10. Ironhed
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 10:40:19
IMHO every hunter is morally and ethically obligated to harvest a crippled deer whether he wants that deer or not, if he can do solegally. I can't think of anything else that contributes to the negative image non-hunters have of hunters than seeing deer crippled by hunters and not harvested.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 10:41:34
ORIGINAL: Ironhed Broken leg or not, you shouldn't have given the "green light" to harvest a doe. Makes absolutely no sense and is hypocritical. Where is baby Jesus now??
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 11:10:27
ORIGINAL: deerfly IMHO every hunter is morally and ethically obligated to harvest a crippled deer whether he wants that deer or not, if he can do solegally. I can't think of anything else that contributes to the negative image non-hunters have of hunters than seeing deer crippled by hunters and not harvested. I agree 1000%. If that deer wasn't crippled, would the hunter have shot it? Ironhed
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 11:11:24
Where is baby Jesus now?? Reading the "Stupid PA Game Laws" thread. Ironhed
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 11:58:08
ORIGINAL: Ironhed ORIGINAL: deerfly IMHO every hunter is morally and ethically obligated to harvest a crippled deer whether he wants that deer or not, if he can do solegally. I can't think of anything else that contributes to the negative image non-hunters have of hunters than seeing deer crippled by hunters and not harvested. I agree 1000%. If that deer wasn't crippled, would the hunter have shot it? Ironhed Yes the hunter would have shot it because the hunter was my 13 yr. old niece who had passed on smaller deer earlier in the season and it was her first deer. And, since we are going to called hypocritical for letting her shoot a doe , we have decided to admit that not harvesting a doe for five years did nothing to improve the herd so we might as well join the slaughter and take what we can while there are still a few deer left. As dedicated ,responsible hunters we will be doing what the PGC says is best for the herd, the forests and the future of deer hunting in the state.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 12:24:09
ORIGINAL: Ironhed Where is baby Jesus now?? Reading the "Stupid PA Game Laws" thread. Ironhed No doubt!!
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 12:40:20
ORIGINAL: deerfly ORIGINAL: Ironhed ORIGINAL: deerfly IMHO every hunter is morally and ethically obligated to harvest a crippled deer whether he wants that deer or not, if he can do solegally. I can't think of anything else that contributes to the negative image non-hunters have of hunters than seeing deer crippled by hunters and not harvested. I agree 1000%. If that deer wasn't crippled, would the hunter have shot it? Ironhed Yes the hunter would have shot it because the hunter was my 13 yr. old niece who had passed on smaller deer earlier in the season and it was her first deer. And, since we are going to called hypocritical for letting her shoot a doe , we have decided to admit that not harvesting a doe for five years did nothing to improve the herd so we might as well join the slaughter and take what we can while there are still a few deer left. As dedicated ,responsible hunters we will be doing what the PGC says is best for the herd, the forests and the future of deer hunting in the state. Do you tell your niece that the pa game comm has screwed up pa hunting and that because she struggles to see deer is because there are none ? If you do, please share the following with her. Then ask her to check out the link and compare her WMU with the rest of the state. 5C 2007 Antlered 6,500 Antlerless 18,900 2008 Antlered 8,700 Antlerless 20,000 2009 Antlered 7,600 Antlerless 23,200 http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/harvest_data/18682
My reports and advice are for everyone to enjoy, not just the paying customers.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 13:23:50
"Do you tell your niece that the pa game comm has screwed up pa hunting and that because she struggles to see deer is because there are none ?" No, I do my very best not to talk about how the PGC screwed up the deer hunting in our area and I do whatever I can to encourage her to keep trying and I guess it is working or she won't have been willing to stay on stand until closing time the last day. If I ask her to compare our WMU with other WMU harvest rates , I would also have to out that the audit said we had 18 DPSM in 2007 , but that we harvested 14 DPSM in 2009, which means there weren't many left for the 2010 season and that would be very discouraging. I would also have to point out that in 2009 we harvested 3 times as many antlerless as antlered ,while in 2G they harvested more buck than antlerless and that would also be rather discouraging.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 13:45:35
Yes the hunter would have shot it because the hunter was my 13 yr. old niece who had passed on smaller deer earlier in the season and it was her first deer. And, since we are going to called hypocritical for letting her shoot a doe , we have decided to admit that not harvesting a doe for five years did nothing to improve the herd so we might as well join the slaughter and take what we can while there are still a few deer left. As dedicated ,responsible hunters we will be doing what the PGC says is best for the herd, the forests and the future of deer hunting in the state. Brilliant!!!! Ironhed
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 13:49:53
Now that the voting portion of the thread appears to have come to an end what is the next step with the votes?
wayne c
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 14:00:01
"Do you tell your niece that the pa game comm has screwed up pa hunting and that because she struggles to see deer is because there are none ? If you do, please share the following with her. Then ask her to check out the link and compare her WMU with the rest of the state. " Is that a testament to how great the hunting there is? Or is it a testament to how poor the rest of the majority of the state has become? Comparing areas of Pa, at least on wmu-wide basis'(and not specific spots or pockets within) is Kinda like comparing whos the richest among the homeless folks vagrants. One guy has pocket lint, another guy has a nickel, the third has pan handled for 5 bucks. Is he rich? Or is he just less poor than the other 2?
post edited by wayne c - 2010/12/14 14:04:47
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 14:01:28
I was gonna wait until hunting season was over but if you wanna tally them up, go ahead. Ironhed
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 14:16:51
Naw, I'll pass, wouldn't want to get accused of mis-counting the hanging chad
post edited by S-10 - 2010/12/14 14:18:35
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 14:43:10
So far: AR: Yes - 36 No - 19 HR: Yes - 19 No - 36 Ironhed
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 15:57:38
Looks like a vote in the Senate!!!!
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 20:30:32
ORIGINAL: S-10 RSB A few days ago I asked you how many bucks made the Pa record book in 2000. Your numbers for the years you posted were apparently more up to date than mine as the numbers were higher. Would you post the numbers for 2000? Thanks Here you go but I am also going to include several years prior to 2000 so people can see what is normal and what an anomaly the record book harvests for 2000 were. I am also including the number of record book bucks taken in both the South West and South East regions of the state for each year along with the percentage taken in just those two regions. Year….total record book bucks…..# from SW………# from SE………% from SW & SE 1993…………46……………………11…………………17………………….61 % 1994…………83……………………28…………………16………………….49 % 1995…………42……………………14………………….9…………………..55 % 1996…………40……………………17…………………12………………….72 % 1997…………32……………………11…………………11………………….69 % 1998…………65……………………22…………………15………………….57 % 1999…………68……………………23…………………16………………….57 % 2000………...148…………………...38…………………33………………….48 % 2001…………34…………………….7………………….13………………….58 % 2002…………40…………………….3………………….17………………….50 % 2003…………48……………………10…………………17………………….56 % 2004…………32…………………….8………………….11………………….59 % 2005…………41…………………….6………………….17………………….56 % 2006…………68…………………….9………………….16………………….37 % 2007…………44…………………….8………………….16………………….55 % R.S. Bodenhorn
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 20:38:46
Looks to me like the rack size of 2.5+ buck in PA is decreasing just like in Miss. Thanks a lot for proving once again the PGC was wrong when they claimed ARs in PA wouldn't result in high grading and smaller 2.5+ buck.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 20:43:52
ORIGINAL: deerfly ORIGINAL: RSB ORIGINAL: deerfly To come up with an accurate estimate of the pre-season deer population you need to use fawn recruitment rates instead of the number of fawns produced. Studies indicate that only about 50% of the fawns in unit 2G survive to their first fall and even that is probably high for many years. The 1.1 fawns/ doe is the average number of fawns recruited per adult doe. It is not the number of fawns that are born in the spring. If there were 20-23 DPSM in 2G then the harvests would not be keeping the herd stable. However,the PGC said the 2008 harvest reduced the herd in 2G by 40%, so once again you are obviously wrong. You are once again full of bologna. The following was taken from the 2009 annual report. Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) personnel examined 1,307 females during the 2009 pre-fawning season. Seven hundred and sixty-six were pregnant. Twenty percent of the fawns, and 89% of the adults were pregnant or lactating. Pregnant fawns averaged 1.18 embryos/female. Pregnant adults averaged 1.81 embryos/female. The average reproductive rates for pregnant and barren fawns and adults were 0.23 and 1.60 embryos/female, respectively. The average reproductive rate for all females was 1.01 embryos/doe (Table 1). The annual report clearly states that statewide the number of fawns per doe was only 1.01. It is considerably lower than that in unit 2G. Combine that with the fact that the fawn mortality study showed fawn mortality at or above 50% in unit 2G and you end up with fawn recruitment of less than .50 fawns per doe just as I said. I don’t believe the present harvests are keeping the population in 2G stable. The deer population currently appears to be increasing in unit 2G. I doubt that last year’s hunters harvested much more than 10% of the 2G deer population, based on the evidence of both the harvest data and the percent of marked deer harvested in the unit, which would put it right in line with the 20-23 preseason deer per square mile I estimated it to have been. R.S. Bodenhorn Once again you should have quit while you were behind instead of digging yourself a deeper hole. If you would have paid attention you would have noted that I only applied the recruitment rate to the preseason adult doe population and excluded the female fawns entirely from the recruitment calculation. Now if you are claiming adult doe in 2G recruit less than 1.1 fawns/adult doe then you are admitting that reducing the herd and improving the habitat did nothing to improve breeding rates, productivity and failed to reduce the breeding window. Would you have preferred that I used the average reproductive rate for adult doe of 1.61 embryos/doe? Furthermore, the 2009 AWR shows that the harvests have reduced the herd in 2G ,3 out of the five years since 2005 and the 2008 harvest reduced the herd by 40%. Are you saying the PGC professionals are incompetent? It doesn’t make any difference which data you used since you didn’t apply it correctly to come up with the fawn recruitment rate no matter which data you used in your misguided attempt to prove a point. The fact remains that you didn’t use fawn recruitment rates for ANY group of deer and fawn recruitment rates is what counts when applying fawns toward the number of deer available the next fall. Actually all you have done is prove to everyone wishing to be objective and/or logical that you are less than honest with what you post by frequently and I believe intentionally misleading people with misrepresentations in what you do post. I will have to say though that you are without a doubt one of the best at disrespecting both the facts and the truth I have ever encountered. Perhaps that is something you can be proud of? R.S. Bodenhorn
wayne c
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 20:59:48
Thanks for the data Rsb. But wow, 148 entries in 2000!!! Vs. 32 to 68 since?? Man, i wouldve never expected such a huge disparity. If you believe pgcs data, there shouldve been a 25% decline if the herd was decreased 25%. Then if we were to give a benefit of a doubt, and say that the habitat was improving thanks to those reduction and since ar has undeniably upped the average age of buck harvested... How in the holy heck do you explain the fact we had over double, to FOUR TIMES as many record book entries in 2000????? Smells like something amiss here??
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 21:09:40
t doesn’t make any difference which data you used since you didn’t apply it correctly to come up with the fawn recruitment rate no matter which data you used in your misguided attempt to prove a point. The fact remains that you didn’t use fawn recruitment rates for ANY group of deer and fawn recruitment rates is what counts when applying fawns toward the number of deer available the next fall.  I used a fawn recruitment rate of 1.1 fawns /adult doe which was much lower than the 1.55 fawns/adult doe reported for 2G in the 2009 AWR. therefore I erred on the low side rather than inflating the data as you do repeatedly. Using the 1.55 reproductive rate instead of the 1.1 rate I used. the preseason herd in 2g would have been 27 DPSM ,while the PGC data shows the PS herd was only around 8 DPSM in 2009. You have direct access to all of the PGC data ,so i challenge you to provide any PGC data that supports your claim that the herd is increasing in 2g. The PGC data shows that the preseason herd in 2G has been reduced to around 8 DPSM.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 21:11:33
Thanks RSB, Those numbers should make for another interesting debate for the next few days. Your numbers are more up to date than mine but show the same trend. Thanks again.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 21:17:26
And what trend may that be?
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 21:21:27
RSB should also provide the percentage of 1.5 buck that aren't AR legal as 2.5 buck, the number of 2.5+ buck that are harvested as antlerless deer and the number of 2.5+ buck that die from non-hunting mortality.
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 21:25:13
The interesting thing I see is even if you disregard the year 2000 and compare the 6 years leading up to 2000 with the last 6 years we were putting way more bucks in the books even with a harvest 40% greater than we have today and 5 of the 7 best years in the last 15 were before AR/HR. Not bad for a bunch of stunted starving deer.
wayne c
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RE: AR/HR Poll...
2010/12/14 21:42:18
Proof the promise of "more and bigger bucks" was completely false. The statement wasnt made back in the 80's either. It was made around the time of the highest deer herd, and highest record book entries.