PGC contradicts AR reasoning
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/05 08:06:30
trying to compare the percentage of BB killed to the number of total legal bucks killed is about as silly as I have ever heard from you ... I still laugh at some of your attempts to prove your opinions.. Before you start laughing about what someone posts, you should really stop and think about why you are laughing. Every spring the does produce fawns that are roughly 50% M/F and that results in a preseason antlerless herd consisting of roughly 22% BB,22% female fawns and 56% adult doe. In order to determine the effects of the antlerless harvest you have to multiply the % of BB in the antlerless harvest times the total antlerless harvest to get the actual number of BB harvested. The more BB we harvest as antlerless the fewer that will survive to 1.5 and the fewer that will be protected by ARs. So , by increasing the percentage of the male harvest that are BB,we in turn reduce the number of buck that will be harvested as 1.5+ buck in the future. The PGC is very good at only providing the data that serves their purpose of misleading and deceiving the hunters. That is why they represent the changes of deer density as "lamba" instead of using a percentage or the actual numerical value. It is also why the emphasize that 50% of the bucks harvested are 2.5+ buck rather than saying we only harvested fewer than 3000 more 2.5+ buck in 2009 than in 2002, the first year of ARs..
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/05 08:16:28
The only way I can think of to explain this contradiction (One one side, we kill more does than bucks, so the ratio must be close but I see 30 baldies for every antlered deer), is that bucks must use habitat differently, or at different times than does. That is definitely a very significant part of the answer. I spend 28 years driving all over NE PA and I saw at least 20 antlerless for every buck I saw. This year,where I live and hunt, I haven't seen a buck since Sept but I saw the same group of 6 antlerless quite a few times along with a few singles. Personal observations can be very misleading
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/06 10:33:50
Doc, Easy, you change the definition of "protected deer" and you make guys use their buck tag on a BB. If the slobs choose to let them rot, then they are slobs and shouldn't be in our ranks and should lose their license and I won't give them as much as a "good bye." Guys will, oh my gosh, have to slow down and take their time and actually identify their targets. Oh the horror! If they can't tell, then they don't shoot. The end result will be more BB's making it to 1.5, and since these guys will have to actually identify what they are shooting at, more fawn producing does and doe fawns will be taken out of the herd, giving you your net effect of HR. Won't likely be quite as high but, more guys will pass if they don't know and end up eventually killing a doe or doe fawn instead of that first baldy that walked by that had a 1 in 3 chance (in good habitat) of being a button buck. Been hunting since I was 12, 35 now, killed pick-up trucks full of deer, yet, I haven't killed a button buck. It can be done. PS - many of my doe kills were in the "hey day" before AR/HR and in Warren County and Crawford County. PSS - I'd much rather see maybe 10 deer on first day with 2 or 3 or maybe more being bucks than seeing 30-40 throughout the day with all but maybe one antlerless deer and if you were lucky, that one buck was a spike.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/06 10:35:53
put AR on a ballot referendum
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/06 10:55:13
Seeing 10 deer is quite the challenge for most people I talk to. I have been blessed durring the era of AR but can not say the same for my young nephews who get quickly discouraged from not seeing deer. We need to keep AR and close doe hunting. My father and I have not killed a doe in many years and wish more hunters would do the same. Give the herd a break for a couple years and you will see results!
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/06 10:59:42
ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz Doc, Easy, you change the definition of "protected deer" and you make guys use their buck tag on a BB. If the slobs choose to let them rot, then they are slobs and shouldn't be in our ranks and should lose their license and I won't give them as much as a "good bye." Guys will, oh my gosh, have to slow down and take their time and actually identify their targets. Oh the horror! If they can't tell, then they don't shoot. The end result will be more BB's making it to 1.5, and since these guys will have to actually identify what they are shooting at, more fawn producing does and doe fawns will be taken out of the herd, giving you your net effect of HR. Won't likely be quite as high but, more guys will pass if they don't know and end up eventually killing a doe or doe fawn instead of that first baldy that walked by that had a 1 in 3 chance (in good habitat) of being a button buck. Been hunting since I was 12, 35 now, killed pick-up trucks full of deer, yet, I haven't killed a button buck. It can be done. PS - many of my doe kills were in the "hey day" before AR/HR and in Warren County and Crawford County. PSS - I'd much rather see maybe 10 deer on first day with 2 or 3 or maybe more being bucks than seeing 30-40 throughout the day with all but maybe one antlerless deer and if you were lucky, that one buck was a spike. +1. Amen brother. Saturday in 2E a guy stopped by our truck after we dragged our deer out and proceeded to say how there used to be 80 deer days and now everything is terrible. I saw two shooter bucks and 4 doe by 8:30am. All of our party saw deer every day, and more than just one or two. Thats pretty good in my book. Deerfly: If it wasn't for game cams you'd think the property I live on was devoid of bucks. My brother in law has pics of 3 different 8pts, a 10, and a 16 (yes, Allegheny co. grows some BIG deer!). He hasn't seen a buck since the first week or archery, and I haven't seen one in daylight since probably June.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/06 12:32:12
Guys will, oh my gosh, have to slow down and take their time and actually identify their targets. Oh the horror! If they can't tell, then they don't shoot. The end result will be more BB's making it to 1.5, and since these guys will have to actually identify what they are shooting at, more fawn producing does and doe fawns will be taken out of the herd, giving you your net effect of HR. Won't likely be quite as high but, more guys will pass if they don't know and end up eventually killing a doe or doe fawn instead of that first baldy that walked by that had a 1 in 3 chance (in good habitat) of being a button buck. Have you considered the unintended consequences of protecting BB in a stable or decreasing herd. If hunters had to use their buck tag on BB, then most would pass on all fawns and small does that they couldn't be sure weren't BB. That means the antlerless harvest would be comprised mainly of mature doe and in 2009 we harvested 80,236 fawns, so instead of shooting BB ,we would have harvested approx. 80K additional adult doe. Those 80K adult doe would have produced around 1.5 fawns/ doe or 120K fawns. So protecting 44K BB in 2009 would have meant 120K fewer deer in 2010 and 60K fewer BB. Is that really what you want?
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/06 22:17:30
Don't shoot bb's... they're barely good for sausage 'cause they stink so bad. Not to mention, you'll keep "small-in-the-pants guy" from putting trophies on his wall. He's the same guy who has kids in sports leagues that hand out trophies to ALL the kids who participate, and drives around in a truck with flared fenders but works in an office building. Let's regulate it so we're just one big happy deer farm. Hell, open the gates to the genetically altered deer "ranches" and let's really get some big antlers. Let someone come up with a recipe book for antlers, and they'll make a statue of him/her. I love to hunt way more than the average license holder, but I'm sick of having to pass on huge deer that simply need 1 more point to be LEGAL. I won't lose a minute of sleep if I fill my freezer with a 4 point on the first day. I'll still go out. I have always gone out in the woods, tag or no tag. Cameras can be just as fun to shoot as my Tikka. Hell, I might even small-game hunt again if I could fill the freezer early. I see a fairly well balanced herd in my main area, and I hunt all seasons, so I'm out there from August through January. I've actually seen as many or more 3 & 4 pnts in the past few years than I have doe. oh, by the way... THERE AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE 10 BIG-RACKED BUCKS IN EVERY HERD! That's not natural!!!!!! But, who cares about nature when we can put bones on the wall and FINALLY have something of any size to brag about in life. Hrmph!
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 08:21:19
ORIGINAL: deerfly The only way I can think of to explain this contradiction (One one side, we kill more does than bucks, so the ratio must be close but I see 30 baldies for every antlered deer), is that bucks must use habitat differently, or at different times than does. That is definitely a very significant part of the answer. I spend 28 years driving all over NE PA and I saw at least 20 antlerless for every buck I saw. This year,where I live and hunt, I haven't seen a buck since Sept but I saw the same group of 6 antlerless quite a few times along with a few singles. Personal observations can be very misleading I would agree that you cant base everything on personal observation, but I've hunted for 33 years in (what is now) 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2F. It's always the same. The antlerless deer I see always far outnumber the antlered. In four full days of dark to dark hunting this rifle season, I've seen 16 deer (on a side note, that used to be how many I saw by 9AM on the first day, back in the old days). Only one of them was a buck, and it wasn't legal. That ratio is around normal for my observations.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 09:12:41
Your observations reflect the antlered to antlerless ratio, not the adult breeding B/D ratio. But you observations are not that far off from what one could expect to see in rifle season with a 1:2 B/D ratio. For example, if the two adult doe had twins the antlered to antlerless ratio would be 1:6. Now ,take a group with 2 buck and 4 adult doe and they produce an antlered to antlerless ratio of 2: 12 If one of the two buck was harvested during archery, the rifle hunter would see an antlered to antlerless ratio of 1;12,which is pretty close to what you reported.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 09:48:47
ORIGINAL: deerfly Guys will, oh my gosh, have to slow down and take their time and actually identify their targets. Oh the horror! If they can't tell, then they don't shoot. The end result will be more BB's making it to 1.5, and since these guys will have to actually identify what they are shooting at, more fawn producing does and doe fawns will be taken out of the herd, giving you your net effect of HR. Won't likely be quite as high but, more guys will pass if they don't know and end up eventually killing a doe or doe fawn instead of that first baldy that walked by that had a 1 in 3 chance (in good habitat) of being a button buck. Have you considered the unintended consequences of protecting BB in a stable or decreasing herd. If hunters had to use their buck tag on BB, then most would pass on all fawns and small does that they couldn't be sure weren't BB. That means the antlerless harvest would be comprised mainly of mature doe and in 2009 we harvested 80,236 fawns, so instead of shooting BB ,we would have harvested approx. 80K additional adult doe. Those 80K adult doe would have produced around 1.5 fawns/ doe or 120K fawns. So protecting 44K BB in 2009 would have meant 120K fewer deer in 2010 and 60K fewer BB. Is that really what you want? YES.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 12:19:16
So, do you still support protecting BB and if so,why?
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 15:01:26
Well, your figures assume a 100% success rate for guys passing up BB and taking only a mature doe. Since we know that won't even be close to being correct (won't be 100% successful and many doe fawns will be killed in lieu of mature doe), your numbers are meaningless. Run your numbers with a 50-60% success rate and with 50% of those being doe fawns and see where the numbers land. That will probably be more realistic. You can tweak your imaginary numbers any way you like to make them come out any way you like. I won't play that game though. Net real world effect would be a substantial increase in 1.5 yr old buck the following year. More buck sightings = happier hunters.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 15:50:04
Net real world effect would be a substantial increase in 1.5 yr old buck the following year. More buck sightings = happier hunters. That would only be true for the first year. If shooting a BB is going to cost a hunter his buck tag he will pass on all small doe which means for every BB saved , two adult doe will be harvested. So for every additional BB saved there will be three or four fewer fawns the following year, which means fewer BB and fewer mature buck in the future. BTW, how are you going to handle a guy that shoots his buck in archery and then shoots a BB or two during the following seasons?
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 17:02:36
If shooting a BB is going to cost a hunter his buck tag he will pass on all small doe In your perfect mathematical world, yes that would be true. You do realize that he is talking about PA hunters here, right? Ironhed
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 17:18:44
Are PA hunters passing on 1.5 buck that aren't AR legal? Are they passing on 2.5+ buck that aren't AR legal? What percentage of our buck that aren't AR legal, are harvested illegally?
Dr. Trout
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 18:50:06
I know of 2 this season alone within a mile of my home... the guys took the deer and will probably try "get away with it" ... one was the 4 point we knew was showing up in the field,, thick mass and a 20+ inch spread, one of the hunters in the neighboring camp saw it but his daughter could not get a shot.. it went about 200 yards and another guy (from who knows where)shot it.... BUMMER that made two 4 pointers shot by adult hunters... and another hunter found two spikes that were laying dead over at Clear Creek.. so that's 4 .. I would imagine there are ALOT of "protected bucks" shot and left in the woods... especially with fewer hunters in the woods to "catch" or "turn" the shooter in..... I heard of guys finding dead deer around here after the first day of rifle season every year as long as I can remember...
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 19:10:41
ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout I know of 2 this season alone within a mile of my home... the guys took the deer and will probably try "get away with it" ... one was the 4 point we knew was showing up in the field,, thick mass and a 20+ inch spread, one of the hunters in the neighboring camp saw it but his daughter could not get a shot.. it went about 200 yards and another guy (from who knows where)shot it.... BUMMER that made two 4 pointers shot by adult hunters... and another hunter found two spikes that were laying dead over at Clear Creek.. so that's 4 .. I would imagine there are ALOT of "protected bucks" shot and left in the woods... especially with fewer hunters in the woods to "catch" or "turn" the shooter in..... I heard of guys finding dead deer around here after the first day of rifle season every year as long as I can remember... If your observations represent what is happening statewide, how did we harvest more 2.5+ buck than 1.5 buck in 2009,if so many non-AR legal buck are being harvested?
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/07 23:14:34
Are PA hunters passing on 1.5 buck that aren't AR legal? Are they passing on 2.5+ buck that aren't AR legal? What percentage of our buck that aren't AR legal, are harvested illegally? Yes and yes. How in the hell do I know? Ironhed
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/08 08:13:24
"More buck sightings = happier hunters." I would say this is about half true. I would tweak to read More LEGAL buck sightings = happy hunters. If a buck isn't legal, I don't care if I see it or not. To me its the same as seeing a doe when they can't be harvested.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/08 17:51:19
And if Eyes was successful in protecting BB, you could add over 300K fawns to the number of deer that were off limits to hunters.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/08 19:56:16
how about the pics in my local paper 1 five point shot by a seven year old also a spike shot by an eight year old with his dads 30-06 at that and every year there is pics of kids 7,8,and nine shooting these small bucks how many of these kids really shoot these deer.
RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/08 20:04:32
Some do some don't. Is the youth mentor program a recipe for taking deer unlawfully ? ORIGINAL: streamerfisher1 how about the pics in my local paper 1 five point shot by a seven year old also a spike shot by an eight year old with his dads 30-06 at that and every year there is pics of kids 7,8,and nine shooting these small bucks how many of these kids really shoot these deer.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/08 20:18:22
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures Some do some don't. Is the youth mentor program a recipe for taking deer unlawfully ? ORIGINAL: streamerfisher1 how about the pics in my local paper 1 five point shot by a seven year old also a spike shot by an eight year old with his dads 30-06 at that and every year there is pics of kids 7,8,and nine shooting these small bucks how many of these kids really shoot these deer. some will abuse the program, hopefully most dont
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/08 22:24:36
Just a view from a Connecticut guy who started chasing deer with family in PA 48 years ago and hasnt hunted there in 40 years. Hunted about all the Northern states many times so have experience for comparisons. I have taken many deer including more than my share of bucks-not a brag ,just fortunate enough to have the time and an agreeable wife. I started in East Mauchunk ( now Jim Thorpe) with family. Saw many deer each day. Then Hunted by Dads home in Sugar Grove in Warren Co for years and if we didnt see 15 to 20 a day it meant there was a blizzard or an earthquake. That was the best hunting I ever had for seeing numbers of Deer and I was young with little experience. Remember that back then they talked about deer being over populated. Times change and deer populations vary without human intervention but Pa is large with climactic and environmental differences, it is alarming to read generally poor results statewide. Your liberal doe harvest system is clearly a factor. There is no sense to have antler restrictions with a large number of BB being removed each year. It is about impossible to restrict this "antlerles" system - one would have a VERY difficult time seeing buttons or those other 2 things prior to a shot. Either / or tags would seem to be the answer. If hunters had 2 tags, one doe only and one classified as any deer, some of the problem would be diminished. Your hunting population has reduced by about 25% and the deer have gone down even more. It must be remembered that some guys only get out a day or two a year @ have very little experience- so everyone isnt going to fill both tags- nor even want to. I leave many doe tags just to buck hunt It would be interesting to know the per sq. mile population compared to 40 years ago. Most states that still have significant farming like PA have had increases over this period, even with liberal hunting seasons so to some degree you have to wonder if the doe tags are the whole reason for the decrease. In areas it may be proper for herd restoration to restrict licenses to just the one either deer tag or to a buck only till the herd comes back. Sorry this was so long but I hate to hear things have changed so much for you guys. Hope things change.
post edited by retired guy - 2010/12/08 22:42:47
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/08 22:34:05
ORIGINAL: streamerfisher1 how about the pics in my local paper 1 five point shot by a seven year old also a spike shot by an eight year old with his dads 30-06 at that and every year there is pics of kids 7,8,and nine shooting these small bucks how many of these kids really shoot these deer. I just started my son who just turned 7 last month shooting this year. Started in late summer with a Red Ryder, progressed to a 10 pump & then a 22. He's pretty proficient for his age, and if I had a small caliber deer rifle for him in .223 I have no doubt he could kill a deer with it. I let him try an old single shot 20 gauge with slugs, but it was a little much for him yet. As for an 8 year old handling .30-06, well I'll give you that one.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/08 23:27:44
ORIGINAL: tmiller Wayne good posts but, to add to it. I don't want to see them do away with AR's either, just modified a little. If the pgc did away with AR's could you imagine what that might do to the herd. Possibly a lot less deer. Very good posts and I agree. From pictures im seeing posted AR has helped the north....or is it less hunters and deer make it longer...many hunters sold there northern camps... as far as southwest i dont see any better maybe worse....the typical 17"..8 points are few and far between.... Is it AR??? Wouldnt these big bucks been taken starting 2004..05..or 06... i say less active hunters and more sanctuaires is why bucks are now being taken from 170 to 200"... If it was AR...which most have practiced for years before ALT why is it 10 years down the road it is just starting to work.... jmo...
post edited by benthook62 - 2010/12/08 23:29:00
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/09 10:05:01
It was all smoke and mirrors folks. AR in Allegheny Co. is a joke.Why is Allegheny Co. a special regs WMU and you got AR. in it. If you want a big racked buck go for it you can and will practice AR but dont force it on the hunter like it was done. Its a big joke.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/09 10:20:55
AR----love 'em....glad they finally implemented in the SRA's after not having them the first few years. Though, biologically, they don't make sense for the SRA's, they sure make for a lot more 2.5 yr old bucks. But then again, the habitat in 2B is in great shape (other than the county parks) even with all the high deer numbers. The only reason a large kill is warranted in 2B is for the societal demands due to lyme's disease, gardens and landscaping damage and most importantly, deer/vehicle collisions. Deerfly...nowhere did I say that BB were "protected". They should be treated as a buck and tagged with a buck tag if they happen to be shot. If guys take the chance to shoot an antlerless deer with only an antlerless tag in their possession and they accidentally kill a BB, then they pay a small "fee" and also forfeit their antlerless tag (just one if they have multiples). If guys can't tell it is a BB then they shouldn't shoot it. Plain and simple. Of course my view is biased as 95% of my hunting is with bow in hand (even during rifle season) so I am forced to identify and shoot at closer targets. No reason rifle hunters can't be more careful about their targets though and even with high antlerless allocations (which have been reduced, by the way), more antlerless deer will survive so the herd will most likely increase slightly, which is what everyone wants, right?????? After this winter though, not so sure what is going to happen to the herd in the northern tier snow belts. After this weekend's upcoming storm and another round of massive lake effect that is predicted, some areas will have 5 to 6 feet of snow, or more.
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RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning
2010/12/09 11:47:28
"If guys can't tell it is a BB then they shouldn't shoot it." Easy to say from the top of a high horse, much harder to do. Last evening my wife shot a BB. She did not intend to do so. We were hunting a farm that has waist high grass in most spots. Deer are often viewed from the middle up only. Three deer appeared in the grass at about 150 yards. One deer, with no apparent antlers, was notably bigger than the other two. For all intents and purposes, it appeared to be a 1.5 year old doe with two fawns. I told her to pass on the two fawns because one might be a BB and to take the bigger deer that appeared to be the mother doe. She shot the deer. When we apporached it, it was a BB. There was absolutely no way, under what could be considered ideal viewing conditions -- it was in a field, not woods -- that the deer could have been identified at 100+ yards (she shot it at about 125 yards as a BB, even using a Nikon 4-12 set on 8 power. By not being able to see buttons, and the circumstances that made it appear to be the mother, not the brother, the BB ended up dead. I appologized profusely to the land owner and he said that he had done the same thing -- the BB's grow so rapidly in the habitat of the farm that they are the size of, or bigger than, 1.5 year-old doe. Keep in mind, not every one is archery hunting where the deer are extemely close and, as in this case, even ideal conditions did not permit the deer to be identified as a BB. What do suggest? Checking genitals?
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.