PGC contradicts AR reasoning

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2010/12/03 08:22:06 (permalink)

PGC contradicts AR reasoning

Someone left the 12/10 issue of the PA Game News strategically close to where I recycle used food at work. I'm off today and I won't have it in front of me until Monday so bear with me. The very first article is by a PGC biologist explaining the latest in whitetail breeding knowledge. In a nutshell he says all bucks share equally in the breeding duties, some does give birth to fawns of different fathers, etc. Basically it shoots down EVERY SINGLE REASON the PGC enacted antler restrictions. This should get real interesting and add more fuel to the fire of all who oppose AR.

Maybe a PGN subscriber can fill in with some more PGC info.

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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 08:32:47 (permalink)
    Still not too many dolts that don't support AR.  HR, well, that is another subject all together.
    Only reason AR was enacted was to get more 1.5 year olds into the 2.5 year old age class.  Applying it to PA's hunting situation is in no way, shape or form "trophy hunting" by any stretch of the imagination. 
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 08:39:50 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

    Only reason AR was enacted was to get more 1.5 year olds into the 2.5 year old age class.  Applying it to PA's hunting situation is in no way, shape or form "trophy hunting" by any stretch of the imagination. 

    Getting them to that age class was to bring the male/female ratio closer to 50/50 for the purpose of mature bucks to do the breeding.
    AR was never meant to create trophy hunting.  The PGC sold that idea as a by-product of having some older bucks around.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 09:02:33 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

    Still not too many dolts that don't support AR.  HR, well, that is another subject all together.

    Only reason AR was enacted was to get more 1.5 year olds into the 2.5 year old age class.  Applying it to PA's hunting situation is in no way, shape or form "trophy hunting" by any stretch of the imagination. 

    I must be a dolt then.
    I don't support AR. 
    I see absolutely no need for it. 
    Antlers don't make the deer, antlers make the deer legal.
    Who I might suggest are the real dolts are those that thought AR was anything other than the sizzle that sold the steak of HR.  AR's total design was to make harvesting a buck difficult, for the average PA hunter (the 70% of license buyers that only get to hunt 3 days or less). to the point that those that are not chef's, connessoirs of antler soup, or can spend the majority of as many seasons as possible hunting, would achive their freezer filling by harvesting the first legal deer they were able to.  By doing so, HR was accelerated to the pace that its goals were achieved before most hunters were able to get onto that "other subject."

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 09:13:58 (permalink)
    ARs were implemented to improve the breeding ecology in an attempt to increase breeding rates,productivity and to reduce the number of late born fawns Dr. Rosenberry has admitted there has been virtually no improvement in any of those three criteria,so ARs have failed to achieve the intended goals. Furthermore , in 2009 we only harvested 2,348 more 2.5+ buck than we did in 2002, but in 2002 we harvested 59,732 more 1.5 buck than in 2009.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 09:53:01 (permalink)
    Well said, both of you Dar & Deer.  Do you think they will abandon AR since it is a failure based on what they proposed? ...or hang onto it as a means of selling all the doe tags they can print?  I say the latter, it is like a tax, once created it never goes away.  I think in the near future, they will sell buck tags at a premium price. 
    Can you imagine how different deer hunting in PA would be if we got to vote on our leadership?
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 09:57:58 (permalink)
    I agree with DarDys on AR. There is no way more does weren't being shot by "average" hunters. How would AR improve "breeding ecology" if,as the PGC suggests in the recent game news that a majority of bucks participate in breeding now? HR was what reduced the number of late born fawns, and concentrated the rut. And productivity (depending on how you define it) is probably the same as it ever was and if it is lower now, that is likely due to higher predation now.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 10:24:10 (permalink)
    If they abandon AR, I will jump off a bridge.
    Who here liked seeing 25 does 3 spikes and a forkhorn every year on the first day? NOT ME.
    You would think with some of the trail camera bucks shown o here, more people would be on board. Iunderstand your woes with H/R.  I really do.  But leave the A/R alone, PLEASE!! It also spreads awareness to the masses that deer CAN/WILL get bigger if they are let live.  If you don't have 400+ acres to manage, than this is the only realistic way.  If you want meat, shoot a doe.  And if there aren't any deer where you hunt, then don't shoot a doe.  Let them all live for a couple of years.  Go squirrel hunting if you want to get out and hunt.  And go half with a neighbor on a local beef if you want meat.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 10:24:23 (permalink)
    Whoa, whoa, whoa...
    you guys are making too much sense in this thread.

    Here, let me help...
    If I've shot 6 bucks since AR with a total B&C score of 800, but shot 10 bucks before AR with a total score of 750. So, that's 62.5% of my bucks prior to AR, but 51.6% of my score-able points have come since AR. So, the buck hunting is definitely better since AR, the #'s prove it.

    Add to this, during the period prior to HR I shot a doe every year except one. And since HR I haven't killed a doe because I haven't bought a doe tag on general principle. So, by this logic, I've added 50 score-able points to my running buck total & 0 pounds of doe meat to my freezer. Some will say my extra points don't count because they were B&C points & not P&Y points, still others say, as long as you didn't use a crossgun; they still count.
    No one cares about the 0#. Nobody's fault but mine.

    The 50 extra points were delicious.
    BTW, between a dolt & a dork, which one is most likely to defend tax rocks?

    Let me add, the above is totally fabricated in my own sick mind & just for grins.
    There is no truth to anything I say.
    Except that I am, admittedly, a dolt.

    "If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 10:38:02 (permalink)
    HR was what reduced the number of late born fawns, and concentrated the rut. And productivity (depending on how you define it) is probably the same as it ever was and if it is lower now, that is likely due to higher predation now.

    HR may have reduced the number of late born fawns but it didn't reduce the breeding window or produce a more concentrated rut. The simple fact is that neither HR or ARs had any effect on the breeding ecology,breeding rates ,the breeding window or productivity of adult does.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 10:39:06 (permalink)
    Good points,AR's were designed to let the bucks grow in size,as well as, in numbers. This is why the pgc said if you shoot more doe it will make more room for the buck population to grow, both ways. Honestly I don't see where it has done both. Sure there are some deer running around that have better size and bigger antlers however everywhere I look I still see more doe than buck. I have never been anywhere in PA where I have seen say ten deer running and even more than two in the group being buck unless they were button buck and I couldn't tell for sure they were.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 10:39:35 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: deerfly

    HR was what reduced the number of late born fawns, and concentrated the rut. And productivity (depending on how you define it) is probably the same as it ever was and if it is lower now, that is likely due to higher predation now.

    HR may have reduced the number of late born fawns but it didn't reduce the breeding window or produce a more concentrated rut. The simple fact is that neither HR or ARs had any effect on the breeding ecology,breeding rates ,the breeding window or productivity of adult does.

    Beautiful day outside. Still raining there ?

    My reports and advice are for everyone to enjoy, not just the paying customers.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 11:18:03 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: tippecanoe

    Who here liked seeing 25 does 3 spikes and a forkhorn every year on the first day? NOT ME.

    Truth is, I like seeing deer.  I like seeing them all year round.  I like knowing I have a reasonable chance of getting one when I give up a days wages to hunt them.  To answer your question, over the 38 years I've been hunting deer, I've shot my fair share of bucks and 1 doe about 3 years ago(I got bored and desperate for freezer meat).  Of all the bucks, 1 was a late season spike, the rest went on the wall.  If that's what you saw every year, you weren't very good at picking a spot.  I take it you like AR because it makes for better photos and bragging when you get one.
    You would think with some of the trail camera bucks shown o here, more people would be on board.

    When I compare them with my trailcam pics from before AR....wait...trailcams weren't around then.  Don't get me wrong, I LIKE big antlered bucks, but not at the high costs involved.  Really, how important can big antlers be?  Maybe I don't watch enough of those Texas deer baiting shows. 
    It also spreads awareness to the masses that deer CAN/WILL get bigger if they are let live.

    Are you saying the average dolt out there thinks growth stops when you kill them?
    If you don't have 400+ acres to manage, than this is the only realistic way.

    To what?????
    If you want meat, shoot a doe.  And if there aren't any deer where you hunt, then don't shoot a doe.  Let them all live for a couple of years.  Go squirrel hunting if you want to get out and hunt.  And go half with a neighbor on a local beef if you want meat.

    Boy, you make this all about you!  Go hunt this, but don't shoot that, get some of these to eat...I'm trying to grow antlers here!
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 11:23:42 (permalink)
    This is straight out of the 2009-2018 DEER PLAN from page 51-52 and should put to rest the reason for the AR part of AR/HR--------To meet management objectives, the Game Commission employed a new strategy by providing new opportunities for hunters to harvest older antlered males while seeing fewer deer. It was hoped this new approach would improve hunter tolerance for reduced deer populations and permit the game commission to meet it's deer management objectives.

    So--AR met none of the originally claimed goals, it didn't meet the real reason for implementing it and there is growing indications it is leading to long term reduction in antler mass in this state and others. What's the PGC going to do??? Try this for size--- Since one of USP's demands is go back to any buck and there is talk of some kind of settlement of the suit the PGC will agree to that item and let the USP take the heat. They(PGC) don't care about AR, They have got all the mileage they could get out of it, they have achieved HR on all public land which was the real goal, they won't have to defend the long term effects of AR and they won't have to deal with the upset hunters because it's all the USP's fault.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 11:25:45 (permalink)
    Sign me up for the dolt column....WF
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 11:26:43 (permalink)
    "Beautiful day outside. Still raining there ?"
    Its pouring a final term paper here, unfortunately.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 11:51:34 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: S-10

    This is straight out of the 2009-2018 DEER PLAN from page 51-52 and should put to rest the reason for the AR part of AR/HR--------To meet management objectives, the Game Commission employed a new strategy by providing new opportunities for hunters to harvest older antlered males while seeing fewer deer. It was hoped this new approach would improve hunter tolerance for reduced deer populations and permit the game commission to meet it's deer management objectives.

    Well that sure answers this:
     Do you think they will abandon AR since it is a failure based on what they proposed? ...or hang onto it as a means of selling all the doe tags they can print? 
    And confirms this:
    I say the latter, it is like a tax, once created it never goes away. 
    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz
    Still not too many dolts that don't support AR

    My my, you sure brought the dolts out of the woodwork with that misguided statement!
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 12:19:46 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: deerfly

    HR was what reduced the number of late born fawns, and concentrated the rut. And productivity (depending on how you define it) is probably the same as it ever was and if it is lower now, that is likely due to higher predation now.

    HR may have reduced the number of late born fawns but it didn't reduce the breeding window or produce a more concentrated rut. The simple fact is that neither HR or ARs had any effect on the breeding ecology,breeding rates ,the breeding window or productivity of adult does.

    Ignoring personal observation, simple logic indicates that the rut should be more concentrated and intense now than it was before AR/HR. Now there are more bucks and fewer does. How could the rut NOT be more concentrated? AR?HR couldn't affect productivity rates or breeding window as these are determined by does body chemistry and evvironmental factors.

    I thought HR was sold as a way to allow an increase in forest regeneration and AR was sold as an effort to have more mature bucks in the population. Maybe I misunderstood it.

    Now we can argue whether or not those goals were met (personally I doubt it- especially the regeneration part).
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 12:20:54 (permalink)
    But I paid for those tax rocks, darn it! 
    Any links to the article so those of us that are interested can read it?
    PS - Alt rocks! 
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 12:32:38 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: tull66

    ORIGINAL: S-10

    This is straight out of the 2009-2018 DEER PLAN from page 51-52 and should put to rest the reason for the AR part of AR/HR--------To meet management objectives, the Game Commission employed a new strategy by providing new opportunities for hunters to harvest older antlered males while seeing fewer deer. It was hoped this new approach would improve hunter tolerance for reduced deer populations and permit the game commission to meet it's deer management objectives.

    Well that sure answers this:

     Do you think they will abandon AR since it is a failure based on what they proposed? ...or hang onto it as a means of selling all the doe tags they can print? 

    And confirms this:

    I say the latter, it is like a tax, once created it never goes away. 

    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz
    Still not too many dolts that don't support AR

    My my, you sure brought the dolts out of the woodwork with that misguided statement!

    I always knew how to stir the pot...I make a mean stew.  Things were a little slow on the board lately anyhow, don't ya think?
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 12:35:55 (permalink)
    How could the rut NOT be more concentrated? AR?HR couldn't affect productivity rates or breeding window as these are determined by does body chemistry and evvironmental factors.

    You answered your own question. The length of the rut is not determined by the B/D ratio or the buck age structure as you stated in the second sentence ,even though you didn't realize it.

    This fall there was no evidence of any rutting activity in my area of 5C. Even the local farmer commented that he didn't see any chasing while harvesting corn.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 13:35:53 (permalink)
    This was the beginning and the stated reasoning------On April 9 the Pennsylvania Game Commissioners approved a limited version of the proposed antler restrictions for this fall, with four categories. In 10 western farming counties with good deer habitat, all bucks must have 4 points on one side. In special regulations areas that include the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia counties, plus four counties in the populated southeastern part of the state, bucks must have one antler of 3 inches or more, or one antler with at least 2 points. In all other counties hunters must take a buck with at least 3 points on one side.

    One of the complaints about antler restrictions in Arkansas and Mississippi was that junior hunters were limited in shooting a buck. Pennsylvania solved that problem by allowing all junior license holders to harvest a buck using the old antler restrictions of one 3-inch antler or one antler with at least 2 points. Even so, the antler restriction rule did not come easy; there was plenty of opposition. A recent study done by Pennsylvania State University showed that 57 percent of resident deer hunters supported antler restrictions. With less than unanimous hunter support, and a commissioners split vote -- with four in favor of antler restrictions and three opposed -- everyone will be watching the results of next fall's hunt quite closely.
    Deer Management Supervisor Dr. Gary Alt noted that his goal with antler restrictions is to "improve our deer breeding ecology and increase the number and size of bucks in the herd." The antler restriction is expected to protect 85,000 small bucks. To make room for these deer, Pennsylvania has implemented several strategies to increase doe harvests, with a harvest goal of 1,029,350.
    wayne c
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 13:37:33 (permalink)
    My thoughts are this....

    I voted "no" on ironheads poll when asked if i support hr and yes to ar. I actually support hr, in theory, but not as applied. I believe some areas needed hr, while others did not. I also believe it went too far in many areas that lesser amount of hr should have been implemented, and blanket strategies were applied. So even though i support hr generally speaking, on that poll had to vote no because he stipulated no explanations and i couldnt give any reasoning for my answer.

    As for ar, i support it. For several reasons. I dont believe it had much effect overall on breeding etc. as shown by pgcs data. But i do believe it effects hunter satisfaction in a more or less positive way. From what ive seen, I think most do support it, though some do strongly oppose. I think those who oppose it would oppose it somewhat less if the herd were allowed some growth, and the "plan" were not so extreme and being run by people who most just dont trust.

    But, I think the herd would be truly an absolute joke if you were to take "ar" away and still keep current herd levels, and i dont think the previous herd levels will ever be permitted again, although id like to see some growth to the herd in many areas and continuing decline stop in others.

    The way i see it, the number of better bucks in the herd has always been low, and thats what Pa has always been known for unfortunately. A product of so much hunting pressure. But it would be even far far worse if we had the now MUCH smaller herd, yet permitted the harvest of a huge percentage of the total bucks from 3" spike up.

    Not gonna argue it, and i respect others opinions on this, but thats my views and they wont be changing anytime soon.
    post edited by wayne c - 2010/12/03 13:46:14
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 13:37:43 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

    But I paid for those tax rocks, darn it! 

    Any links to the article so those of us that are interested can read it?

    PS - Alt rocks! 

    how much public land do you hunt on average?
    wayne c
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 13:43:32 (permalink)
    "PS - Alt rocks!"

    Has he joined a band out there in California? lmao.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 14:03:30 (permalink)
    Actually a pretty good post and I agree with just about all of it.  HR did go too far in some areas and I won't argue that fact.  But, even in those areas, where there's a will, there's a may take much more work than the typical hunter was used to but, you can make your own success, even on public land. 
    psu, during a typical archery season, I may hunt on publicly accessible land 15-20% of the time.  This is "institutionally owned and unposted land" that anyone can access here in 2B.  The other times, I am hunting on private land that is either unposted or posted.  I have permission to all those spots and my best spot is unposted, unpatrolled by the owner and the neighbors and pretty much anyone that finds it and chooses to hunt it can access it without getting in trouble. 
    I don't take rifle season seriously at all as I don't get enjoyment out of it anymore.  I will definitely get back into that season once my kids are old enough to be mentored.  They'll both be getting bows of some sort for christmas this year, though.  I did "scout" out a bunch of public land in Cambria county by the inlaws this year just tooling around with the kids in the woods and there were plenty of deer there.  Lots of sightings and lots of sign, esp. buck sign. 
    As discussed before on the other thread answering S-10, there are some public land areas up in Warren county that still hold huntable populations but access is not easy by any stretch of the imagination.  Me, I'll continue to do what I need to in order to make my experience enjoyable.  My go to area will soon be too crowded since the new owner doesn't care about it other than for gas wells or a big payment from a developer so when things get too bad, I'll work on landowner relations on another piece or two of property and do chores, cut wood, help with hay in the summer (like I did with the previous owner) to secure new places to hunt.  That can be accomplished no matter what part of the state you are in and the more rural you are, the easier it should be. 
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 14:28:21 (permalink)
    S-10, are you talking about a new proposal from April 2010, for antler restrictions beginning in the 2011 season?

    Otherwise, all of Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) and parts of Butler, Beaver & Westmoreland (maybe one or two others as well) are in 2B which is currently a 4 points-to-a-side area.
    post edited by rsquared - 2010/12/03 14:31:17
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 14:35:49 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: deerfly

    How could the rut NOT be more concentrated? AR?HR couldn't affect productivity rates or breeding window as these are determined by does body chemistry and evvironmental factors.

    You answered your own question. The length of the rut is not determined by the B/D ratio or the buck age structure as you stated in the second sentence ,even though you didn't realize it.

    This fall there was no evidence of any rutting activity in my area of 5C. Even the local farmer commented that he didn't see any chasing while harvesting corn.

    When the buck doe ratio is skewtered towards does, then the rut would have to be prolonged because there are so many does, the bucks cant breed them all during their first cycle. Some would come back into heat 28 days later again. With a more 1-1 ratio, the rut would be more concentrated because there would be a buck for every doe and they'd all get bred around the same time.

    Personal rut observation: I saw some seeking, but no chasing. I saw one or two small bucks traveling about during daylight. All of that was about what I normally see. I saw fewer rubs than usual but I saw probably 3-4 times as many scrapes as usual. There were scrapes all over the place and I'm not sure why there were so many more. Those are my personal observations and I dont read much into that. I think the timing of the rut fell later than usual this year, to the point where the majority of it was after archery ended. That doesn't happen every year. Again, this is just my observation; dont read a lot into it.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 14:41:43 (permalink)
    Wayne: I have to say, I pretty much agree with you.
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    RE: PGC contradicts AR reasoning 2010/12/03 14:54:09 (permalink)
    good post wayne... exactly why i said "Both" to HR, some areas were grossly overpopulated and needed it.  other areas though didnt have the population to begin with and now the numbers are dwindling

    go back to spain
    11-12-11: the last time i got punched in the face
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