How to Calculate Actual Let-off

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2010/11/14 13:07:40 (permalink)

How to Calculate Actual Let-off

Let off is the percentage of draw weight held while the bow is at full draw. We typically hear of three different factory settings and they are 65%, 75%, or 80%. We as archers prefer to shoot different let-off weights for different situations. For instance 80% is common among bowhunters due to longer holding times in the field waiting for that animal to step into the shooting lane while target archers usually prefer a let off closer to 65% to ensure, for lack of a better word, a cleaner more concise release utilizing back tension. No matter what you prefer here is how you figure your actual let off:

You will need a scale and will measure your bows peak weight and the holding weight at full draw. Subtract the holding weight of the bow from the peak weight of the bow and then take that total and divide it by the peak weight. Here is how it would look on a 70 # bow with 80% let off. 70# peak, 14# at full draw

70 - 14 = 56 56 ÷ 70 = 0.80 or 80%

You can do this with any bow set at any weight as long as you get the draw weight of the bow and the holding weight at full draw

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2 Replies Related Threads

    Expert Angler
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    RE: How to Calculate Actual Let-off 2010/11/14 17:09:34 (permalink)

    I reread what you posted. First time through i was thinking somthing else.

    Has let off % been a concern of yours?
    post edited by anzomcik - 2010/11/14 17:14:24
    Pro Angler
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    RE: How to Calculate Actual Let-off 2010/11/14 18:16:59 (permalink)
    no was just bored today and thought these could help or was just interesting

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