2010 PA archery stats

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2010/11/13 17:21:29 (permalink)

2010 PA archery stats

OK, so how did everyone do this season?  This is the first year I kept records.  I realize few of the board members hunt 3A, but still interested in hearing about your seasons and sightings.

Total sits: 16, 10/2 - 11/2
Total hours on stand:  ~50
Deer sightings from stand: 16, about half the frequency of last year.
Buck sightings:  8
Legal bucks (3 on side): 7 of the 8
Tags filled: 2, 1 doe inline, buck with bow, nice 2.5 yr old, 5 pt, no brows
Misses: 1, oops-mistake, too bulky clothes, string contact jacket

Overall it was a good season for me as it ended with a deer.  Had I not connected, I would have been left wanting due to decreased deer sightings over previous years.  Came out to about 1 deer per 3 hours.  Blew nearly all my vacation on archery as rifle just hasn't had much appeal the last few years.

7mm mag sighted in, ready for the Saturday bear opener.


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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/13 19:19:44 (permalink)
    Allegheny and Washington Counties.  Close estimates.
    Total days hunted: 22
    Total deer seen:  125
    Total bucks seen: 24
    Legal bucks seen: 8
    Deer killed: 2
    Deer missed: 1
    Overview: Lots of does spotted.  Few bucks till the end of October then it busted loose.  First week of November was best for me. 

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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/13 19:40:42 (permalink)
    crawford county for me
    went out 17 times
    saw 3 bucks, 10 does and 6 unknown
    twenty less than last year
    only 1 buck was legal and offered no shot and passed on all the does(4)that offered shots.

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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/13 21:59:51 (permalink)
    Sits- 17
    Doe- 52
    Bucks- 18
    legal bucks- 7
    Deer killed- One 3.5 year old half rack 4 pt. (11/01)
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/13 22:50:57 (permalink)
    Locations: Two in 2A, two in 2B, one in 2C.
    sits: 12
    hours on stand: around 45.
    total deer seen: 7
    total bucks seen: 2
    legal bucks seen: 0

    Ive kept records since 1996. In terms of deer seen, this year was worse than all except 1997, 2000, and 2009. And in 2000 I took my best buck on the first hour of the first day so I didn't hunt as intensely after that. I do not have access to any primo farms or anything like that, most of my hunting is local and through the course of the calendar year, I'm sure I see every deer living within a mile or so of my home at least a couple of times. There is definitely a finite number of deer in the places I hunt and that number is not too high. I havent hunted in areas of high deer density (except occasional invites here or there) since probably the 70s. I hunt as much and as hard as a father with a job and a working wife can expect to.
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/14 07:09:27 (permalink)
    was out about 8-10 times
    total deer seen 4
    3 doe ....one unknown...walked by about 70 trds away didnt see head
    total hours in woods 40-45
    kills 0
    shots 0

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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/14 07:59:36 (permalink)
    made it out the 1st three days 1st day saw 1 small buck and 7 does 2nd day saw 9 doe 3rd day saw 7 bucks all shooters and filled my tag does 16 bucks 8 legal bucks 7 total deer 24 this was in 2f public land
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/14 09:13:41 (permalink)
    Allegheny and Washington Counties. Close estimates.

    Total days hunted: 22
    Total deer seen: 125
    Total bucks seen: 24
    Legal bucks seen: 8
    Deer killed: 2
    Deer missed: 1

    Overview: Lots of does spotted. Few bucks till the end of October then it busted loose. First week of November was best for me.

    dpms, looks like you're the winner of deer/ hr ratio so far, but also in need of some gender herd balancing.  Unless of course most of the does were daily repeats.
    Big Tuna
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/14 09:31:06 (permalink)
    In Pa. 7 hunts some mornings,some evening,all from same ground blind hours not many 14 maybe,7 does,2 button bucks, 1 shooter buck, Shots taken 2,kills 2 and adult doe Oct 15, 8 pts,Oct 19 in 1A. I'm sure I would have seen a lot more deer if I hunted the more in Nov,but my hunting was good just a little to short,I did get into the woods and do some scouting for my son and saw a lot of bucks and at least 3 better than my 18 1/4 inch 8pt,but the doe count was low,one day I saw 5 bucks chasing 1 doe.
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/14 09:48:02 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Claypool313

    dpms, looks like you're the winner of deer/ hr ratio so far, but also in need of some gender herd balancing.  Unless of course most of the does were daily repeats.

    Yes, many of those are repeats on different days.  Several family groups of does and yearlings in the small woodlots that I hunt.  Saw them most every night.

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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/14 10:48:52 (permalink)
    Over the archery season I have little time to hunt but I did manage to spend a total of 24.5 hours out there hunting. During that time I saw 11 deer, all of those that I could get a good enough look at were antlerless, but that is ok because I was looking to fill a couple DMAP permits. I think two of them were bucks but there were in so much brush between us I wasn’t sure. I did harvest one of the adult does.
    All of my hunting was on a large timber company lands enrolled in the Game Commission Forest Game program and open to public hunting in Elk County.
     R.S. Bodenhorn
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/14 19:03:22 (permalink)
    Here's mine === all in 2F

    total hunts = 19
    average hunt = 3 hours
    bucks = 6 (3 legal)
    antlerless = 21...
    unknown = 10

    ...Clear Creek State Forest :
    4 hunts.. 2 protected bucks.. 3 antlerless..7 unknown

    ...SGL#54 :
    8 hunts..3 legal bucks.. 1 protected buck.. 14 antlerless.. 3 unknown

    3 Private Properties :
    7 hunts.. 4 antlerless (all 4 on one of those hunts)

    One shot taken at a legal buck on SGL = clean miss

    only saw one of the males that appeared to have any interest in females on my hunts

    all and all a very satisfing early fall deer season.... the private property hunts (7) were the less productive at two of the three spots = I never saw a deer ...

    Ready for rifle season = SGL#54 and Clear Creek ONLY...
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2010/11/14 20:06:27
    redneck steel
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/14 19:33:33 (permalink)
    WMU 1A
    DEER SEEN: roughly 30
    TOTAL BUCKS: 12 (5 legal)
    The season started out very slow for me.  Actually went about a week where I didnt hardly hunt.  From the 19th of october til the end was a different story.  Saw a 17-18inch wide 9point twice.  His buddy a 7pt twice.  And saw a nice 6point (3x3) 4 different times.  The bucks where mostly doing their own thing.  The same with the does.  October 19th was the only day I saw a buck chasing a doe.  Drew on the 9pt at 30 yards and to thick for a shot.  No arrows released, no kills. 
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/15 05:38:34 (permalink)
    total hunts 27-28 Does seen around a 100 most repeats!! Bucks seen 23-25 6 being monsters 2 big 8"s,1 11 point with some stickers, 3 that were seen through the brush could not get a point count. But all you could see was huge racks threw the brush!!! the rest were of all kinds of non-shooters shots 2 deer harvested 2 Does both 3-4 year old and very tasteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Dave
    post edited by BIGHEAD - 2010/11/15 05:51:05
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/15 05:54:27 (permalink)
    I used the rage 2 blades on both doe. 1 doe went 30 yards and the other made a little over 40.

    Big Tuna
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/15 21:25:58 (permalink)
    Rage heads are deadly,Rage in the cage,40-50 yards ,maybe,some very short tracking jobs,love the pass throughs,and blood trails,I'll never shoot anything else.Second year I've used them 3 shots,3 kills,20,35,50 yards.I've had a lot of deer run farther with my 270 130 gr fed.N.P. bullets.
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/16 13:39:02 (permalink)
    hunts: every day i was off work other than 5 days and i only work 3 days a week
    deer seen: about 15 does and 6 bucks
    deer shot: 1 doe and 1 buck

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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/16 13:40:30 (permalink)
    Yeah the Rage head leave one heck of a blood trail. But the thunderheads SOUND THE BEST!!!!!!!LOLOL Just about as good as hearing a striper hitting a top water lure.LOL I'll be going back the the thunderheads next year. I just found a couple of the style packs in the gun cabinet. They seam to be better than the newer ones,well as far as them being straight. BESAFEANDMGOODLUCK Dave
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/16 20:22:33 (permalink)
    Hunted 26 evenings
    14 mornings

    Management unit 1A

    Legal bucks sighted (4 on a side) 3
    illegal bucks 2
    Does 1

    Misses 1 ( it happens!)

    Deer killed 0

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/16 21:00:31 (permalink)
    I hunted 5 evenings, and 3 mornings in 4A.
    I saw 8 different bucks, all legal except one 4 point. I missed one of the bucks but harvested a nice maple.
    Only saw 5 does.

    I started a new career shortly before archery season that requires a lot of travelling. I wasn't home much, and didn't hunt much. In the past 5 archery seasons i've killed 5 bucks. This year my luck ran out. I'm bummed to say the least.

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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/16 22:25:31 (permalink)
    Days hunted 16-20
    Hours 60-70ish
    Deer Seen 2
    Legal bucks 1
    Deer hit 1
    Deer found 0

    Just a terrible season in general, land was overrun with people and farmer did not cut his corn yet so the deer are completely nocturnal.
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/17 11:18:33 (permalink)
    I trying to think.

    Saw 10 bucks. 2 spike, 2 three pt, 5 pt, 6 pt, and four 8 pts.

    I think I missed two days in October.

    I stopped counting at 22 deer. It was probably close to 35 by the end of October. Total probably around 40-45 sightings. With not hunting much the last two weeks, that's a lot of deer sightings. I think deer numbers are rebounding where I hunt. That is based on scouting since July, not just hunting. The wind was good borderline fanastic every nite I hunted but two, so that certainly has something to do with deer sightings.

    One shot one kill- 8 pt. I pulled back on a doe the first friday then heard hoofy steps and grunting so I just had to turn around and look. It was a sissy grunt but curiousity was too much. The doe usually saves the buck. Vice versa on that day.
    post edited by SilverKype - 2010/11/17 11:24:14

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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/17 11:20:25 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: MuskyMastr

    Hunted 26 evenings
    14 mornings

    Management unit 1A

    Legal bucks sighted (4 on a side) 3
    illegal bucks 2
    Does 1

    Misses 1 ( it happens!)

    Deer killed 0

    Are or did you hunt west virginny, MM ?

    Buddy shot a 135" 10 pt with a recurve in one of the bowhunting only counties.

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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/17 12:48:38 (permalink)
    hm. days hunting........30? number of sits 60? hours..130?probably more then that but thats all a guess...i was out more then any other year combined i think from the first morning to last.

    Sitings- i'll have to break this down from locations..

    spot 1 - 7 does, 4 bucks, (one legal 8) a 4, 5, and 6. and a coyote. a dead one.
    ( i had my camera in this location..had 8 different bucks on it. with 5 above average in my book, three 8 points, two 10 points. none of which i saw.) the bucks i saw, one was from the camera, the other ones were not. a few family of does were on camera as well. so 11 different bucks roaming that area. kinda crazy but not unheard of. oh i saw a buck chasing a doe right around dark near my truck parked in the feild as i was walking out...did look like one of the bigger deer i think it was one of the 10's.

    Spot 2 - 5 does- one button. 5 bucks, 2 legal (8 and a 7), two 5's and a spike..
    spot 3 - 9 does zero bucks.
    spot 4 - 7 does, 3 button bucks, 3 bucks, two 8's and a seven.

    so 12 bucks(6 legal). 28 does. 4 confirmed button bucks.

    number of shot chances at any deer.. 9 times i coulda pulled back my bow. on deer, not saying legal deer, just saying in my range of 25 and under. i'd say this year was very down for me compaired to last year. as far as numbers goes, i sat alot of days. a whole week went past morning and nights where i didnt see a deer.
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/18 00:49:13 (permalink)
    4 Hunts= 0 Deer and happy
    With the weather, fishing seemed to be the thing to do.
    Took my 10 year old out a few times to shoot some squirrels.
    I love PA.
    grimm reaper 2
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/11/19 17:32:00 (permalink)
    congrats to all who shot one.havent been on for a while bc of computer problems. i saw tons of deer this year with many bucks as well just could not get a arrow in any of the buck.
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/12/13 21:05:47 (permalink)
       This might upset some of you guys but you dont seem to stay on stand very long. The first  guy only sits about 3 hours on average per hunt.
        Dont know about PA but here in CT I sit from about 45 min before light till very late Am before leaving. On most oak ridges the deer dont move  in any reliable numbers till the sun hits about 8 30. Thats a good 3 1/2 hrs into the hunt before it even starts to get interesting.
       During the early rut I have had some of my best sightings from 10 Am till well after lunch time.  Yea yea I know we can get real nuts on stand but nothing pays off better than patience.
         I always start to feel that the deer are all somewhere else just out of sight- but you gotta get over that stuff.
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/12/14 11:48:13 (permalink)
    well your name may have alot to do with the amount of time you get to hunt...i work full time and if i get 3 hours in the evening after work then it a good night...now that we moved the clocks i get zilch...zero none...get it...

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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/12/15 23:47:36 (permalink)
    I remember those days. It was lousy. I hated it when the clocks changed too. Here in Ct there is no Sunday hunting so Saturday or a vacation day was always good for a real long sit.  Was lucky with ample vac. time and comp time from work that I saved up for bow hunting. Also had the luxery of a swing shift for a real long time, sometimes life is good.

    For all the talk of poor deer hunting in PA you guys see a lot of deer. I remember it in the 60s and early 70s, it was good - from what you guys write it still is. There are lots of guys out there in lots of places who wait all season for ONE deer to walk past their stand.
    post edited by retired guy - 2010/12/16 20:36:12
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    RE: 2010 PA archery stats 2010/12/18 08:25:20 (permalink)
    The first guy only sits about 3 hours on average per hunt.

    I guess you mean me.  And good observation.  You are right, about 3-3.5 hrs per sit, but not hunt.  I only count the time my feet are in the stand and do switch-up stands during the day.  Sure I probably miss a few, but experience on the property has taught me the more productive locations at different times.  Plus sometimes you just need to move when the wind isn't right.  Also consider that I didn't hunt past 11/2 with a lot of the prime rut days still ahead.  I also shot 2 deer which ended up having to 2 sits cut short, which brings the average down.
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