The exact reason

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2010/11/10 09:56:01 (permalink)

The exact reason

Found some big rubs a few weeks back. Lots of sign and a few does around.

Snuck in on a wet day and put some tacks to a flat at the base of steep where I suspected the buck to be bedded. One of those places you wait to go into hunt in November. Dad got a new job and works 60-70 hours a week, Saturdays & Sundays. He was off yesterday for the first time in seven days... his last day to bowhunt. Figured I'd take the day off work and go sit with him. With someone who never missed a day hunting, you can imagine the frustration all season.

There has been one guy hunting there as we passed in the mornings. Although the area is huge, never thought going in there with him parked first. Because the deer are traveling a drainage sideways lined with 40 yards of laurel and cuts on each side, it'd be easy to cut the guy off 200 yards down the road. It's not real difficult to underestand what the buck is doing. There has not been a single vehicle there other than him all year and he hasn't been there all that fact he showed up two weeks ago. Me or one of my buddies pass it daily.

So yesterday is the day.. Dad finally off, it's November 9, it's cool and the wind is good.. new rubs daily revealing his pattern. 4 of us plan to line the drainage (me sitting with dad). We met at the spot at 5:15. When I pulled up, it wasn't 30 seconds later here comes headlights around the bend. It's the same guy that's been hunting it. He drives past. Dad pulls up behind me. I take my buddy down the road a half mile and drop him off as planned (he rode with me). Another buddy of ours goes between the two. I return to dad and we get set. Walk in the woods, the guy turns around and passes headed towards the beginning of the drainage. I turn on my light and what do you know, the tacks I put in there are gone. It's a 400 yard walk to the flat and I found one tack on the way. With a tack line that long, someone must have followed them at night (or morning) to be able to see all of them and poked them out on the way in. I find it hard to believe someone would follow a tack line after dark. So we end up on the same flat but 200 yards back further, which is okay. I got down at 8:30 because I had a doctor appt. I drive down the road and there is the guys truck parked cutting us off. What he didn't know was that I dropped my buddy off there and it was he in reality he was "second" in line. I come back after the doctor appt. and the guy is gone. We gather at dad's truck. The guy pulls up with both driver & passenger windows down and asks if we saw anything. Dad didn't, my other buddy didn't, and the guy I dropped off saw 2 doe and a spike. We asked the guy if he's seen anyone else hunting here. He says no, only him. He states this is his first year hunting archery. We asked if he pulled our tacks..he put his head down and says no, I didn't. As I walk up to the vehicle, there sits his sporting arm of choice in the front passengers seat, cocked, locked, and ready to rock. He stated he was on the "flat" up in yesterday morning and hit the buck but didn't find it.

So ... he cut us off, "somebody" pulled our tacks, wounds the buck, and has his sporting arm "loaded" in the front seat. And that's the exact reason I argued for no crossbows in bow season. The folks that say hasn't been gloom and doom.. I'm not sure you are correct. I can understand that wounding deer can happen, but there's no excuse for lack of respect another hunter. While hunters of all kinds can and do show disrespect, I do not find this situation and its circumstances shocking.

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    Big Fathead
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 10:15:24 (permalink)
    Thats the exact reason you argued for no crossbows in archery? How about the kid I posted with his first 4 point with my crossbow, how about a very good friend of mine Tom that harvested a very nice buck with his crossbow? Did I mention this is Tom's first buck and hes hunted for over 20 years in rifle? The crossbow ain't the problem, You don't know that guy pulled your markers, and he wounded a deer, Big Deal you haven't? The kill rate is going to be much better with a crossbow with a scope than any compound or primitive bow used period. Not because the equipment but because the user of the equipment. It harder to make a mistake with a croosbow you just gotta squeeze the trigger. I'm glad for the crossbow, my shoulder would not allowed me to archery hunt many days this year with my Matthews. If the guy had a loaded crossbow why noy get his plate number and make the call? Thats the right thing to do. Complaining here won't fix your problem although I understand its frustrating and you everyone needs somewhere to vent.
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 10:28:37 (permalink)
    Yes, the exact reason. The situation wouldn't have happened if crossbows weren't legal.. cause the jagoff wouldn't have been hunting, as he admitted it was his first year. It was slammed into peoples heads, that crossbows can't be shot out windows of vehicles. So .. that'd be part of the reason I brought it up. Don't make the assumption that I didn't get his plate and call. Who's to say the kid with the 4 pt couldn't have shot a bow ? I train kids to shoot and they can pull 40 pounds easily. I'm not complaining but it is false when folks say nothing has changed because of crossbows. That's the point. Enjoy.

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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 10:37:30 (permalink)
    I have to disagree a little.  If CB's were not allowed in the general season, those same guys that can't take the time to shoot regular archery equipment proficiently would still be sitting on the couch waiting until rifle season and complaining about archers getting first crack at the deer or out in the woods small gaming and turkey hunting.  I have to deal with it in 2B like you do, (I think that's where you are at), because they aren't ever going away.  But, I have seen a definite increase in "unsportsmanlike" and borderline unethical behavior since the CB's introduction into 2B many years ago.  Now, I won't blame it all on the CB because todays "shows", among other things, contribute to it as well.  I have learned to live with it but as long as I am physically able to, I'll be using a vertical bow of some sort.  For mentored youth, yeah, let them use a CB since most are too young to use a vertical bow effectively but once they can buy a regular license, then make it vertical bows only.  The min. draw weight is only 35# and 99% of 12 yr old boys and girls can handle that. 
    I always was and always will be a proponent for allowing hunters with physical restrictions the use of a CB during archery season but by permit only.  And come on, we all know it was never too difficult to get a Dr.s note to get the permit.  It may never change and I have accepted it but, that will always be my opinion of it. 
    Silver, sorry things went down like that. 
    Big Fathead
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 10:55:52 (permalink)
    My thing is that same guy with the crossbow could have been hunting this year with a compound bow. I agree that anyone can learn to shoot a compound BUT most people wont take the time. I have seen way to many people buy a compound and go hunting after a few shots, and wound deer after deer. I have spent way too much time trying to track deer for other people. This is where I find the crossbow to be very useful. I agree about the hunters being out of control in 2B. The thing I like is having the ability to turn in the people breaking the laws. I was just on the phone friday with Gary Fujak about things going on in my area. If I had the time and didn't want to hunt I would probably become a deputy. There is way too much illegal activity going on and those officers can't be everywhere. I'm not afraid to confront someone and/or turn them in. I try to stay away from saying anything to them myself because I don't want to deal with the confrontation that could arise. I can see where crossbows added to the problems but I truly believe the opportunity is great for many more good, honest hunters. Most of the problems in my area are still guys with compounds. The shame is, It is only a handful of guys causing most of the problems.
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 11:05:52 (permalink)
    Sorry to hear about the buck, Jon.

    If I was a poacher,(I'm not BTW) I'm pretty sure my weapon of choice would be a crossgun. It's easy to shoot, it's got a scope, It's quiet, it can be rested for a steady shot, and it can be shot out of a vehicle. The crossgun is the perfect weapon for a poacher. It seems the guy Jon encountered knows it.

    Since the inclusion of crossbow, the roadhunters have an advantage they never had before. They can drive around with a cocked crossbow in the cab of their pickup. All they have to do is add a bolt and shoot. There's no sound for the PGC officers to hear during the shot. The deer will run away from the road far enough for the roadhunter to be able to gut the animal out of sight of others who may be driving down the road, making the chances of getting caught very slim.

    Yeah, I'm sure the majority of crossbow hunters aren't doing anything wrong, but I'm sure there are plenty driving around like the guy mention in Jon's post.
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 11:19:58 (permalink)
    Who's to say he would not have been riding around with both windows down with a 30-06 loaded and ready in the front seat... a poacher is a poacher... it's just your opinion because you do not like crossbows .... an outlaw is an outlaw... plus you have no idea who took the tacks... I have over heard guys laughing about doing just that at the local bars...same with the orange strips to follow..

    I have traveled with my crossbow cocked in the truck to get home and unload it.. now I do not have to worry I can use a field tip and unload it in the woods.. but we had to clear trhat matter up a few weeks ago... but I was never hunting or had the intention.. just because the crossbow was cocked and bolts in the quiver...
    if the guy had a bolt in place on the crossbow railing .. then it matters none... this guy is an outlaw and a serious JERK.... accidents do happen... has nothing to do with crossbows causing more illegal activities....

    outlaws will be outlaws no mateer what the season or weapon...
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 11:26:54 (permalink)
    The crossgun is the perfect weapon for a poacher.

    and many many poachers have been using one for years and years and years around here.....

    The local WCO busted guys for night hunting with a crossbow years before crossbows were legal... and arrested some for saying they were using it because they were handicapped....

    again outlaws will be outlaws.. no matter the season or weapon.. a weapon will not automatically make a person become a outlaw....

    it's just most of us here do not think like they do... and are afraid of getting caught or the embarrassment involved in getting caught...

    outlaws could care less about either...

    OFF TO WORK.......
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2010/11/10 11:27:44
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 14:48:13 (permalink)
    i was going to mention a true poacher, doesnt care about if its legal weapon or not. but back to the topic of post, thats unfortunate that, that happens silver... just how in rifle season when a guy sits infront of you and shoots a deer. just get more ballzy with people. instead of asking him did ya pull my tacks out, i woulda said where are my tacks? you're the only one hunting you obviously know where they are.

    I do think it has change archery season to some extent. you do see more guys out with a crossbow. but if any archer hunter turned crossbow, i think they'd still hunt as before. i just see way to many guys walking around like its a gun, not in a tree, a blind,..just walking threw the woods slowly. good luck to them on that one....

    the only thing im for with crossbows is, gives new oppurtinty to some guys, and if people hunt correctly with them, and not treat it as a "gun". --with any arrows vertical or horizontal you will have wounded deer.

    Against-everything that goes wrong, crossbows, bows, guns, muzzleloaders flints, and hunters doing stupid things. to some that in a nutshell.

    I dont know what it is with some of the folks that can't just get in the woods and do it right. but there again we'll never understand everything.

    i had a nightmare saturday hunt.-guy in my stand in the morning, kicked him out, hunted it after arguing thinking nothing will show, (Small area, a guy has property ajoining and hes in his tree stand also...) so deer actually come off down the hill to the other guy he shoots a doe, badly with a crossbow....but im sure he should recover it, anyway, that guy tells me its bogus im hunting 80 yards away from him(not on his land), this guy took up hunting 5-6 years ago becuase he inherited that land... the way the property is the deer use it as a funnel,each side of the "woods" has a feild and houses the deer cross between them. its a bottom, each "big" woods is a hillside they come down from either one. sometimes on "his" trail and sometimes "my trails".

    so why is it bogus that im hunting on the property? he has his little 5 acres, all feild(other sideof funnel),and oneacre in tell me who is wrong here? i've hunted that area in the 90's til now. not saying "time" is over-rule. and i know common respect, but for him to say its bogus me and my dad hunt there is obserd. its bogus that he even took up hunting. he does illegal things too, bait the deer, shoots two bucks last year, used his sons tag for it, ALMOST got busted the game wardens just could totally prove it. dont even jump on me saying i hunt there because he baits them, if you read before we've hunted there before him. in the past years he's been there, we havent been there that much for that reason.

    and this hi=jacked stuff my bad.

    just do your best, keep at it, dont give up and good things i feel will come to all.
    post edited by Bull Lifter - 2010/11/10 14:51:47
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 20:03:42 (permalink)
    Sort of on topic...

    Several years ago, I was watching a hunting show featuring folks with physical disabilities.  To my surprise a one armed man fashioned his own archery devise which hooked to his shoulder and a release he could trigger with his mouth.  As I reflect back upon that now, I wonder if given the choice, would that man use an arrow-gun?  Seems to me he was doing just fine without it.

    Bull Lifter
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 22:20:39 (permalink)
    hey i saw that too! that was an awesome show. that guy had some passion eh?
    Big Fathead
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 22:57:15 (permalink)
    Tonight I wish I had my Matthews! Three bolts later and one wounded doe in 2B. It seems my red dot scope got knocked way out of adjustment. First shot over the deer at 30 yards, I figured I may have used my 40 yard red dot somehow. Cesond shot same deer 5 minutes later walks back up hill next to the tree I just shot with my range finder 30 yards, figured no chance to miss this one, well I was wrong another clean miss! Not much time to figure out what was going on here comes Mama Doe 17 yards broadside on the range finder, I shoot and watch her run 30 yards, stop and stand there, I'm figuring shes gonna fall any second, no she just stands there for about 5 minutes and walks away. I get down walk 17 steps and theres a pile of hair, about 4 or 5 steps is my bolt stuck in a tree with a little fatty stuff on the broadhead and 2 inches of the arrow. Good news no blood. I go to Dicks buy 6 more arrows and broadheads which they are very low on choice and come home and check the bow on my target. Yep I know why I missed now shooting about 4 inches high and 10 inches to the right. My guess got a little brisket on the doe at 17 yards. I have no idea how the scope got knocked out but it did. My compound is up north so that isn't an option until friday morning. I can honestly say I screwed up today. I'm pi**ed noe things have to die tomorrow!
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/10 23:21:15 (permalink)
    "Hit em high, say goodbye".


    Blacktop Charters
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/11 05:43:29 (permalink)
    Big Fathead I'm not being a wise guy. On the first you think maybe you used the wrong yardage pin OK,2nd shot misses HMMMMMMM DID YOU NOT think something was wrong with your crossbow At that point??? and then wound a deer with a 3rd shot.Man there is always time to think about whats going on and why your missing shots!!! Don't get me wrong I feel for ya.But Holy Cow! After the second shot missed. I would have gave up for the day and go check my bow/crossbow or whatever weapon I was using. I am sorry that you was not able to recover the doe. BESAFE AND GOOD LUCK DAVE
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/12 15:50:15 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: SilverKype

    And that's the exact reason I argued for no crossbows in bow season. The folks that say hasn't been gloom and doom.. I'm not sure you are correct. I can understand that wounding deer can happen, but there's no excuse for lack of respect another hunter. While hunters of all kinds can and do show disrespect, I do not find this situation and its circumstances shocking.

    Sorry you got hit.  I got hit last year.  It happens.  I find no fault with the weapon that people happen to be carrying at the time.  Treestand, poaching and tack theft was rampant way before crossbows were on the map.

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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/12 20:45:31 (permalink)
    It was the guys first year hunting archery.  He may be a poacher, a theft, and a jagoff for cutting us off but he wouldn't have been there without crossbow legalization.

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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/12 21:15:10 (permalink)
    he wouldn't have been there without crossbow legalization.

    He could have owned that crossbow for years ....

    are you a psychic or something ?? ..... Do you do fortune telling too ????
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2010/11/12 21:16:14
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/12 21:24:34 (permalink)
    BTW ===

    I have a ford ranger... this morning I went and cocked my crossbow.. and tried getting it in a safe position to shoot out the window of the truck .... guess what I do not think there is a way I could shoot it without exiting the truck, especially with someone else in the truck... the counsol.. rear view mirror.. seat.. steering wheel.. and the window is to small itself to put the bow thru fully cocked ...

    maybe a larger truck would provide a safe environmewnt to shoot from inside ... don't know...

    anyhow if I was going to road hunt I'd use a handgun or rifle... just road hunting alone is illegal so why not use an easier weapon to kill something with ????
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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/13 19:11:39 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: SilverKype

    It was the guys first year hunting archery.  He may be a poacher, a theft, and a jagoff for cutting us off but he wouldn't have been there without crossbow legalization.

    Wonder if he was a poacher, a thief and a jagoff during the past however many years he has hunted? 

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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/13 19:38:39 (permalink)
    I think logically dpms.  I expect you to as well.  I've already pointed out what you are refering to above.  I did it prematurely to cover my****  The situation happened for one reason and only one. 

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    RE: The exact reason 2010/11/13 20:03:06 (permalink)
    The guy sounds like a bum.  With full inclusion the guy decided to buy a crossbow and now he is a bum in archery season as well, logically speaking.  

    I meet bums all the time in every season.  It has been and will always be an issue. 
    I am okay with a few more bums in archery season as I have seen and have talked too many folks that have taken their first archery deer.  Good stuff going on for those that look for it.
    post edited by dpms - 2010/11/13 20:12:54

    My rifle is a black rifle
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