Thief at Canoe Creek
Just a heads up for anyone who hunts the gamelands around Canoe Creek SP in Blair County. I was there yesterday afternoon bumping around the place in case they'd released any pheasants. I didn't find any birds, but I did find out that there is a thief in the area. I parked in the small public lot on the east side of the lake and placed my keys under my back tire in the grass as I usually do so they don't fall out of my pocket in the field. There were two other vehicles there at the time. This parking area is also in plain view of a number of houses. While I was gone someone used my keys to enter my vehicle and steal all of my cash from my wallet which was in my glove compartment. No credit cards taken nor anything else in my van (had another gun in there too but it was covered up), so they didn't rifle through the van....just quickly took the cash and bolted. I'm thinking a kid who was home from school before parents got home, but maybe someone in one of the other vehicles whom I did not see at the time. I guess it could have been worse but it still ****es me off to no end. Nothing I hate more than a thief and/or liar. Just wanted to share in case anyone else is as stupid as I am to leave your keys anywhere near your vehicle while afield.