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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/12 16:40:25
post edited by Johnny_Johnson - 2010/10/13 11:44:22
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/12 16:43:48
We are not Allowed to collect any money...........
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/12 16:49:53
ORIGINAL: capcity_tim Just my opinion... keep anything having to do with money out of this. It's not what the event is about. If we really need something post it up I'm sure it will be taken care of almost immediatley. There's always someone looking for more to do. Keep this as DIY as possible. This thing has gotten huge(not that that's a bad thing) but don't let it lose the original idea it was started on. Remember it's not about the "PRIZES", what you take home with or what you donate. It's about an idea of promoting the sport, and the commradery of all who make it such a great time. I think the best thing coming out of this in my opinion is the young kids and the smiles on their faces, like Frisco's kid and that other little dude Deetz and I watched catch his first steelhead behind the shop right after lunch. If I'm wrong I'll shut up and you won't hear from me on this again. +1
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/12 16:51:32
ORIGINAL: Johnny_Johnson it would alleviate the pressure on those that are getting the shaft now. Can you explain how anyone got the shaft please
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/12 17:58:05
Okay, then I think the jar for just "donations" would be sufficent enough and that money can go to any expense that is above and beyond what was brought as a donation. It just sucked cause I was sitting by the drink buckets durning the hand out of the prizes, and watched a lot people come and say **** nothing to drink? I know that some people do bring drinks themselves, but it was just upsetting to see that we ran out of things. Again just my two cents.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/12 18:01:24
I would support a donation jar, this was my first One Fly and hope to have many more in my future. I would also like to see a unified team card, this would help speed up the check in greatly.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/12 18:04:56
Ok, let me 'splain this. Some of the prizes were "performance" prizes based on a persons ability, or luck at fishing; some are based simply on the luck of the draw For example the little girl 'bug' won for 2d place female and 3d out female. THEN she won another prize in the drawing. She only won ONE drawing prize. Dardys won 2d overall, and 2d biggest fish, and nothing in the drawings. When we have 50 drawing prizes and 150 folks somebody is not going to win (2/3 of the folks) and some folks who just came for the picnic won drawing prizes. With the exception of the bamboo rods, the plate and the watercolor almost every major prize was on the drawing table. And some folks took themselves out of the drawing all together, Skip, Debi, Slick, VP, me, skeeter and a few more. Some won and re-gifted the prize to another attendee (the little boy). I don't see how it could be any more democratic unless we reduced the amount of performance prizes. But every person should have walked away with a free patch, a free commemorative coin, a small led light and a discount coupon if they went thru the entire sign-in process. Plus they were entered for free in the drawing.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/12 19:03:44
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/12 19:04:29
OK, I can understand why collection of any money isn't an option, and I don't have a problem with it. The quarter at registration idea was a token amount and more to get a head count of people... 80 quarters= 80 people... so you would have a good idea of amount of materials needed and go get them before lunch. But it can be accomplished other ways... I don't see any reason for complaints about the prizes, everyone gets a ticket and has a chance to get a door prize, I can't see how anyone got 'shafted'?... free event, free meal, great folks... I worked weddings and dinner parties for years with a volunteer fire dept, I saw the same problem Saturday as happened with them years ago. Planning right requires the numbers be right... so next time it just needs to be stressed to notify whoever asap if you have to cancel and were expecting to bring something, and even if you weren't, so your slot can go to someone else and adjustments made as needed. What Jack has started is a great thing, it should be appreciated and helped along... not taken advantage of or turned into something 'commercial' or 'about the prizes'. If everyone pitches in it will remain the great event that Jack and others have helped it to become.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 08:16:36
Jack I would not change a thing! the performance prizes should stay the same along with the door prizes the bamboo rods are the symbol of the One Fly they make it a true honor to receive one imo. The One fly to me is not about the prizes but of people to come together that share a common bond in there love for the sport of fishing. If more is needed in the way of help and donations just ask there are a lot of people out there willing to help. Once again Thank you and the whole crew for a great event.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 08:43:34
I look at the performance prizes as much as a trophy as a prize. It is the symbol of a good or lucky day. And it should remain that way. As for the doorprizes, they are a tremendous bonus that happens to go along with some great food and even better company. I see no reason for any changes other than perhaps a donation jar.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 09:45:12
I haven't been to a "one fly", but it seems like a really cool day and maybe some day I will attend one. There are very few people that are willing to take their time and set forth their efforts to make an event like this one happen. Kudos to you guys and gals! Adding selling shirts or hats will require more time and efforts by someone, a donation jar seems to be a great idea, although I agree the persons supporting this function now will be most generous in donating also. What about a 50/50 at the event and use the cash for supplies and any left over monies throw it to door prizes for the next event. We sell tickets at our club 1 for $5.00, 3 for $10.00 and 10 for $20.00. They sell and bring in a fair amount of cash. It would be nice to keep money out of it but with an event that size it seems impossible, unless certain individuals spend a lot of their own money. Just my thoughts
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 10:47:41
This really is kind of a sad thread, anyone who attended this event "won". If you really feel the need for a prize stop on your way to your fishin' spot and buy a lottery ticket. There really is NOTHING that NEEDS to change. While I did win a very nice box of flies, I would have been content with the meal and fellowship. I'll bring drinks next year instead of food, seems we had enough food  . I will say that, since my son decided to attend the Homecoming dance rather than fish with the old man, getting paired up with someone I didn't know (Killdeer) was fun. Maybe draw for partners for those that don't mind fishin' with someone new.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 11:29:44
post edited by Mr.Slickfish - 2010/10/13 23:14:35
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 11:52:30
I just know in years past there was an abundance of things donated, any where from food to door prizes to whatever else. And we have been attending for 3 years. I know that everyone likes a "free event" however, a donation jar isn't such a bad thing, we already have one for the fruit baskets, and if we combine the both of them, and split it between sundries and the fruit baskets, that isn't such a bad thing. Because you never know it may all go to the fruit basket donation. This event has just gotten so big over the years, I think it's time for "US" to start helping out more and still make it other wise a "free event". I can't tell you how many times I had tears coming out because of the kind and genoristy of the board members and businesses that were contacted about this event. I would like to see in the future that it still stays that way and see more donations, of anything. I am also curious, do we have a total of the donation for the fruit baskets yet, between the poker tourney and the donation jar?
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 12:05:17
I agree if it is made known it will be provided, however, it just happened that people either didn't show and that left us without the supplies or people didn't bring what they were supposed too. It was taken care of this year, no questions asked and it wasn't a big deal. I would just like to see more donations from people. Anyway, again just my 2c. I am done agruing for what I think is only fair out of "US" as a community.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 13:14:35
 I give up. I'm done with this.
post edited by Johnny_Johnson - 2010/10/13 15:00:26
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 13:27:48
I've got a suggestion... how about a time machine so we don't have to wait that long for next year!!! In all seriousness, I hate to think that someone comes just for the prizes and if that's you, stay home. The purpose of the one fly is for us to meet each other and spend some time fishing. Maybe we should not have prizes next year? Would we get more or less people? Would those who have be there this year still come? It's not like we had 150 anglers and 149 prizes... If you want more prizes, how about donating more? Like Jack said in the rules, "Prizes: As most of you know the prizes given away are donated by YOU out of your kindness." We give out prizes because people are kind and donated them. Anyway, I love bulldog's idea of randomly matching anglers together, but I also know that with all the child/parent, husband/wife, etc. teams out there, it would be tough to do. Maybe have that as an option when signing up? Having our partner's name on the score sheet wouldn't be a bad idea. It doesn't change the fishing, but if it'll help keep track of who caught what then it's a good idea.
Some people are like Slinkies...not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 13:55:10
post edited by Mr.Slickfish - 2010/10/13 23:15:26
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 14:03:19
I don't think anyone "felt shafted" I think he meant that the people paying for everything were the ones getting shafted.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 14:07:02
and I agree that the desserts should be last on the food table, or that the line should start at the other end I also think a couple more tables would help spread things out and maybe move along a little faster. I have 2 folding tables (1 8ft, 1 4ft) I could bring them next year. It's not about prizes, or winning anything for me either. I personally wouldn't mind if there were no "female" category...
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 14:48:56
More Cheery Juice ???
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 15:09:04
before i forget, FISHERLADY, thanks for the cup of coffee at the end. i would have paid 5 bucks for it (i am a caffeine fiend) but i put it in the fruit basket jar. it was worth every penny.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 15:09:31
but if there wasn't a female catagory, how would Jole win her dish???
Some people are like Slinkies...not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 15:16:37
It's Jolene! An if You look at it she actually out-fished over 60% of the guys too. I say it each year, that girl can flat fish.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 15:25:46
I would still show up if there were no prizes. I have actually went to quite a few outings this year just meet up with old friends and make new ones. I don't think the fishing community on here is getting what most of us is saying. "US" as a community needs to help more with a fishing event like this. It has gone way and above Jack's expectations, and to be only fair, donations from us, would allivate any monies coming out of his own pocket. We are the reason this event goes every year.Like I said years past were great. And not that this year wasn't great, but I would of loved to see more donations. Weather it be money, supplies, food, prizes, etc, etc, etc.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 15:32:43
ORIGINAL: rookie5781 We are the reason this event goes every year.Like I said years past were great. And not that this year wasn't great, but I would of loved to see more donations. Weather it be money, supplies, food, prizes, etc, etc, etc. +1
Some people are like Slinkies...not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 16:10:37
Killdeer Thank you. I hope everyone else understands where I am some other folks are coming from. it. I think "US" as a fishing community can lend out more of a helping hand to help support the costs of running something this tremendous and big! Either way, I still would like to volunteer my time for next year, and fish the 4 hours with my new partner.
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 18:37:55
I'll only show if I get that limo...
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RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"?
2010/10/13 19:27:03
You know, as I was driving back home on Sunday, thoughts of Friday night and the day on Sat. kept my mind occupied for quite a while. And the one thing that kept coming back and stood out was the amount of generosity of so many people who donated their time and energy for this event. This includes the organizers who rightly deserve so much credit, those who brought the food, those who helped set everything up, and those who donated prizes. Personally, I feel what I donated pales in comparison to what so many others brought to the event and the amount of energy they put into it. In addition to my prize donation, cookies and macaroni salad..... I could have done more. As everything was handed out, I commented either to Deetz or to Tank or to myself quite a few times how amazing the generosity is at this event. I never experienced anything like it before and I felt priviledged to be there and be part of it. For me - the best part of it all was meeting everyone for the first time. Although I had my tying stuff with me on Sat. I failed to get it out - perhaps next year a few of us can sit down at a few vices and swap some ideas... just a thought. Bottom line for me though is this event is one I will never miss in the future. Memories I'll never forget!
"They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it..... you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore." John Gierach