Suggestions for the "One Fly"?

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2010/10/11 19:43:24 (permalink)

Suggestions for the "One Fly"?

Gentlemen and Ladies!  Since the "One Fly" is just over and the memories are still in our heads I'm interested, as I was last year, to see if there can be any ideas to improve the event?
     One idea that was presented to me by pm is that we should ask each person to chip in 25 cents to help cover the cost of sundries that didn't get brought to the event.  Like paper towels, plates, ketchup, mustard, salt, pepper and Basils (no wait, that WAS brought).  It seems that some things get pledged and then the person doing the pledgeing can't show; due to unforseen circumstances, and  an emergency supplies run has to be done.  Any unspent money would go into the fruitbaskets fund.  It'll bring in about $35, before spending any.. Plus if we do get things pledged then the money can go to the fund.   We cannot have a money prize because that get's us into a whole can of worms.
     Now this is the first suggestion and I'll wait to see what the group thinks.
     The second suggestion is to have both teammates names on one card to make scoring easier?  Not bad but again I'd like feed back.

Illegitimis Non carborundum

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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 20:05:20 (permalink)
    Make it a week long event


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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 20:06:18 (permalink)
    Rent me a limo to drive me up next year.

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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 20:16:13 (permalink)
    BriNg Baack GuRU
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 20:29:16 (permalink)
    Jack I suggest you stop worrying about it all the time. It always turns out to be a wonderful success every year. So for next year I want you to relax more as everything will turn out fine no matter what.

    The Deetz

    The Deetz
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 20:30:11 (permalink)
    first of all, i think we should not forget to thank schlemoc for the patches. he did one heck of a job again and we sure missed him. taking that a step further, if you happen to look in the pic thread, almost everyone is wearing a ballcap (or hat). maybe if schlemoc has a design put together early enough, we can offer the patch affixed to a ballcap for a buck above cost. .50 cents could go for the condiments and paper towels, the other .50 cents could go towards the fruit baskets.

    also, next year, i would be more than happy to help out at the pavilion, guarding the food, so skip could finally fish at one of these events.

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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 20:41:47 (permalink)
    one more about a "crip" award for someone who expressed a very positive attitude throughout the event?

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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 21:06:59 (permalink)
    I wholeheartedly agree that some of the administrative duties can be lightened on Indy... and to echo something Skip mentioned on another thread....  cancellations need to be timely to allow folks time to make needed adjustments, though I understand nothing can be 'mandated', just hoped for...
     Skip and Deb did an incredible job trying to make up for shortcomings in supplies, but it certainly wasn't fair to them or others that may have wanted to come and not been able to. So maybe keep a running list of those signed up (and what they are bringing for the picnic), with a request for a confirmation 2 wks prior... since sign up is so far ahead of the event, maybe a confirmation request would help provide more notice of folks whose plans have changed.
     The $.25 donation at registration would work great... or even $.50... seems like a tiny price to pay!
    And I loved the idea of a hat or T-shirt at a fair price to generate proceeds toward the picnic basics and the landowner baskets.
     And I will volunteer to make a sign for the registration area reminding folks to have their flies with them at time of sign up...
     The event is wonderful as it is... (though I could handle it being an extended weekend! LOL) and the only changes I would really like are the ones to reduce the stresses on the folks we really have to thank for the event!
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 21:11:10 (permalink)
    Jack, this was the first One Fly I have been at so I really cannot compare it to past events. I really don't see how you can improve on it. As I was sitting there when the prizes were being handed out, I mentioned a few times to Deetz and Tank that I could not believe the generosity of everyone with the amount of prizes - especially how the youth were recognized. That is truly what it is all about. It was a fantastic time. 

    "They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it..... you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore."

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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 21:22:00 (permalink)

    If there is a need for some money for misc. items, put out a coffee can at the sign up table and ask for donations.  You may be surprised at what you will get. 

    pax vobiscum +
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 21:32:14 (permalink)
    bug, too many guys chew may be really surprised by what you get

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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 21:55:47 (permalink)
    Jack my wife had an idea about the door prizes. Set it up like a chinese auction with the proceeds from ticket sales going to the fruit baskets. Everyone would still get one ticket at sign up. but they would have the option to by more if they wanted too. just an idea to give everyone a choice on what they see on the table

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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 22:31:46 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Skip16503

    Make it a week long event

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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/11 23:10:09 (permalink)
    Gentlemen, and ladies.  The concept of asking for money is, for me, off putting.  I prefer to depend on the generosity of everyone.  I'd hate to turn anybody away because he/she doesn't have the money or a gift.  It's just not how I work.  But I will try to listen to all suggestions.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 08:44:20 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: rapala11

    bug, too many guys chew may be really surprised by what you get


    Jack you know you have a behind the scenes support system.  All you need to do is ask and yea shall receive.

    pax vobiscum +
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 09:49:45 (permalink)
    we need a lawn 'mower' so the casting field events have a nice groomed lawn!
    post edited by doubletaper - 2010/10/12 09:50:04
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 10:00:20 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: doubletaper

    we need a lawn 'mower' so the casting field events have a nice groomed lawn!

    +1 LOL
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 10:33:12 (permalink)

    post edited by Johnny_Johnson - 2010/10/13 11:44:50
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 10:38:27 (permalink)
    I like the donation idea. Just set out a bucket for the donations at the registration table and see what you get. That way you don't turn away anyone who doesn't have the money, but at the same time, you allow those, who may not be able to donate a "fishing" prize, to donate something towards the event.
    Honestly, I leave every year feeling like I didn't donate enough to make up for what I brought home. I've been soo blessed by what everyone has given me and my wife (with just the door prizes alone, not counting the food, fellowship, tips, etc.) that I tell myself I need to do more for next year. I'm sure others feel the same way. The more I think about it the more I realize how great of an event this really is...

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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 10:50:56 (permalink)
    Guys and Gals  Those suggestions are all good and trust me they have been talked about......

    As Jack said  Legal Issues are only one problem ....

    Lets say Angler A has plenty of residual income  He buys 30 tickets to one of Jacks Rods..... 

    Angler B has a hard time feeding his family and Probably keeps Steel to feed the kids  He has One chance to win  ....

    Jack wants all to have an equal chance

    Does that make sense ....


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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 10:53:34 (permalink)
    Skip, that absolutely makes sense... keeping things even for folks is important...
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 11:15:32 (permalink)
    Very well put skip!

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 11:18:14 (permalink)
    Maybe we should make everyone Play Bingo for the Prizes.........  


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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 11:21:59 (permalink)
    PSA was there at the same table. I updated my membership and Brandons'.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 11:32:13 (permalink)
    How 'bout we start an anual award. The Jack Gripp Fishing Fellowship Award, call it the "Indy". Give it to the individual who has done something above and beyond to promote friendship and fellowship amongst us fisherpeople. I nominate Jack...

    Jack, you've done an amazing thing here, there are no changes necessary. Thank you again for your foresight in getting this amazing event started.
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 11:37:40 (permalink)
    Bulldog, that's generally what the "personal rod" that DT won is for. I really don't need any more recognition, just the thanks and fellowship of people who feel the way I do and who enjoy a nice picnic.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 11:41:04 (permalink)
    Reverse raffles are always fun.
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 12:45:09 (permalink)
    first of all, let me say that it would be hard to improve on this event. I think it was amazingly well organized and I congratulate and again thank all who were involved.
    I like the idea of hats (or t shirts). You could sell them at $0.50 or so above cost and use any profit either for essentials for the picnic or for donation to the food baskets. That way purchase would be completely voluntary and the one fly would remain a totally free event as Jack has intended.
    I know somebody who could hook us up with the hats or the shirts. I would be happy to cover any production costs as my donation. Let me know what you think.
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 14:48:02 (permalink)
    post edited by Johnny_Johnson - 2010/10/13 11:44:05
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    RE: Suggestions for the "One Fly"? 2010/10/12 16:17:00 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Johnny_Johnson

    If you insist that EVERYONE have a chance to win the bucket raffles, then give one ticket to everyone at registration and sell additional chances.  It only takes one to win. 

    Everyone "should" have gotten a ticket at registration this year. And it would depend on how many door Prizes got donated would depend if everyone would walk away with a prize or not. As far as people winning 5 or 6 times was because some of those people won the special "big" prizes that are given away. So hopefully you were paying attention to what those were, like first place team, first place individual, etc, then there were awards given as excellence awards, so to speak. (not sure what they are called)

    The whole money at registration thing, really in my opinion would just cover costs for anything that was forgotten to be brought, or like this year, we actually ran out of pop, water, plates, napkins, in the middle of the get together. And I don't see how it is fair for the same people to keep on paying for something that we all enjoy. A quarter donation or 50 cent donation is nothing. Because the people that can't donate food, or prizes, etc, I am sure they all can find a quarter or 50 cents in their pockets or vehicles, for their contribution then we wouldn't ended up having some thirsty people by 3pm.

    Just my 2 cents.
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