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anyone not a fly fisher?
i envy you pa. guys. you seem to have streams everywhere, streams that actually can sustain trout. seems as though every pa. guy has a fly rod and a 30.06. not so over here in the flatlands. i was just wondering, are any of you not fly fisher-folks? anyone just use spinning gear? just curious, again.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 16:52:33
....no fly rod in my arsenal. Somehow still manage a fish or 2.  BTW, thanks for the heads up on those whisker fish rap. Ended up taking the boy the following weekend & we had a blast.
"If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 16:54:26
I only fished spin gear till last year at the one fly. While I now own a flyrod...and really like to fish it... I'm far from a "flyfisherman"...I'm a spinguy with a flyrod
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 17:03:34
Rich: I use the spinning rod till later in the fall but I normally use flies with it for steel. I also may head up the end of this week (Thurs. or Fri) and my normal partner can't make it if you want to fish over here and aren't working.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 17:10:03
Spin fisherman here... nothing against fly fishing, but just wasn't something I was exposed to growing up and never felt the urge to pick it up. It may be great fun, or very satisfying, but I feel that all the different types of fishing are, or at least can be.... and it comes down to a phrase I have used before... to each their own....
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 17:21:06
Never used a fly rod but I do own a couple of them. Fly fishing is part of my list of things to do that I never get around to. I cheat and toss flies under an indicator with my noodle rod. And for 30-06 I do have 1 and have sold 4 others. I use a Ruger 77 because it fits me better than the Remington, Winchester and Savage I had. It is not quite as nice as a custom pre 64 action with adjustable stock, Douglas Barrel I had but when I sold it I could buy 3 of the others. Have at least 10 more deer rifles-enough for me and a friend in any type of deer hunting.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 17:38:46
I use both fly and spinning and have no preference. What ever it takes to catch a fish. Sooner or later I may even catch one!!!...WF
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 17:45:25
Sooner or later I may even catch one!!!...WF   +1 dave, i have to work both days. just ain't right. i am planning saturday though. appreciate the offer, too. if you guys can sneak away some weekend...........
post edited by rapala11 - 2010/10/04 17:47:12
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 17:45:46
pork, did that place produce?
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 18:01:26
I use a fly rod for steel and other things. I do not always necessarily use a fly though--even on a fly rod. I like it for a better presentation. I use spin for about every thing as well--but for steel in the streams I use a fly rod.
Wally Cat
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 18:08:18
Fly, spin and casting(level wind reels) - use them all at some time or another, they all have their place. I'm far from a purist when it comes to a fly rod. I'll use anything from drys to dough ball and use it for anything. Whatever I can use to catch fish is fine by me. And yes I have a 30-06.
Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Go Fish - Often! "God has blessed America - may He continue to do so, even though we are not worthy of it". Author..... Wally Cat
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 18:13:20
Used to fleefish not for me.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 18:33:28
rap, whaile you MAYYYY think of me as a total flyfisher. I still like to use a spinning rod for some species (bass, blues, cats, etc) and I do own a 30-06 but I prefer my 38-55 or my 45-70. So I guess I'm well rounded, or im my case just "round".
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 18:47:23
spinner gear all the way for me. Ill save the fly gear for retirement.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 19:02:07
spinning gear is for lake fishing not river fishing.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 19:03:57
your world must be defined in black and white?
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 19:06:46
ORIGINAL: chartist spinning gear is for lake fishing not river fishing. So what about the cricks/ditches/trickles that PA has to offer for steelhead fishing? They certainly can not be considered rivers....
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 19:15:00
I mainly spin fish. I have a cheap old Daiwa fly rod to use when I want to fly fish. Back when I used to fish for steelhead (before kids interrupted my hobby), I caught more steel on flies fished with my spin rod than with bait or other lures. Black wooly buggers and wooly worms did the trick. Oh, yeah. I also have a 30/06. Husqvarna model 8000 in a Brown fiberglass stock.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 19:48:52
I used to own a fly rod/reel set up...for me, there are far more effective and fun ways to catch fish. Fly fishing just isn't for me. Now, this spey thing I may give a try someday. chartist, you're clueless dude....Just sayin'
post edited by ShutUpNFish - 2010/10/04 19:52:14
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 19:50:30
fly fishing for the 2nd time ever this weekend at one-fly thanks to MO... ought to be interesting, there's no bail to open up before i cast
go back to spain 11-12-11: the last time i got punched in the face
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 20:24:28
i learned how to fish with a spinning reel. don't use it much anymore except when i use jigs. to me it's 3rd on the totem pole behind my fly rods and centerpin outfits. jimhalupka, however, is a spin fisherman.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 20:36:02
ORIGINAL: dru2112 i learned how to fish with a spinning reel. don't use it much anymore except when i use jigs. to me it's 3rd on the totem pole behind my fly rods and centerpin outfits. jimhalupka, however, is a spin fisherman.  -------you're gonna pay for that one. i think he will grow old and die with a fly stick in his hand.....just sayin.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 21:05:41
ORIGINAL: rapala11 -------you're gonna pay for that one. i think he will grow old and die with a fly stick in his hand.....just sayin. truth be told, me and jimmy spin fished for 15 years together before we ever fly fished. grow old and die with a fly stick in his hand...... perhaps, but you better pry my centerpin away from him before that happens.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 21:21:56
Myself and my 3 older brothers all did it backwards. As soon as we were old enough to walk we had fly rods in our hands and none of us owned a spin rod until we were probably teenagers. Me being the youngest I think I may have a closed face zebco that I put on a 6 ft fenwick fly rod, somewhere around age 9 or 10. We all still flyfish allot but spinfish more often than not. I fly fish when I can catch them on dries or stripping streamers. Rarely ever bobber fish with a flyrod. Maybe occassionally for stocked trout, but bobber fishing isn't flyfishing.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 21:23:04
another convert, eh? dru...tell him silver skull says howdy.
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 21:24:10
jim, what do you use for steelhead on the tribs?
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 21:26:25
In the fall when the water is warm I use both fly and spin. Especially when the water is clear. Once things start icing up I put the fly rod away for winter.
Erie Mako
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 21:31:48
Can I use my 30.06 in place of a fly rod??? I haven't been huntin' in several years and might get more use out of it fishing!
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 21:31:55
ORIGINAL: Stillhead ...but bobber fishing isn't flyfishing. i'm sure there is a huge variation of what people consider and don't consider "fly fishing"
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RE: anyone not a fly fisher?
2010/10/04 21:35:37
ORIGINAL: KJH807 ORIGINAL: Stillhead ...but bobber fishing isn't flyfishing. i'm sure there is a huge variation of what people consider and don't consider "fly fishing" You are right. I should have worded it differently. Bobber fishing isn't the type of flyfishing I prefer to do.