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Mountian Man
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RE: Why? Tuesday, October 05, 2010 8:43 PM (permalink)
I was like 1 1/2 when I started fishing since most of the family fishes Caught my first kaRp when I was 5 on opening day of peLethedz, kinda stuck with fishing for everything that swimmed, fly fished only for a year about when I was in 6th grade, then returned to da darkside for the big katz/karpz/pikez

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Veni Vidi Vici...
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RE: Why? Tuesday, October 05, 2010 8:49 PM (permalink)
Don't recall any real defining moments...some of you guys spin quite a yarn...
I do remember fishing Tamarack a lot with dad & mom...hammerd the gills & crappies.
Got a little older & spent a lot of time bouncing jigs on pymy for 'eyes with dad.
Got bored with that & the old man wasn't as 'cool' as he once was, so didn't fish much for a few years there.
Now, with a job that doesn't let me see the light of day, I spend any time I can spare on the water.
Not for the challenge, but for the serenity and time in nature.
Therapy of sorts.
post edited by Pork - Tuesday, October 05, 2010 8:50 PM

"If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
Erie Mako
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Re: RE: Why? Monday, September 03, 2018 9:39 PM (permalink)
Dad started our whole family as soon as we could hold on to a fishin' rod, loaded us into the station wagon for the annual Trout opening day up at Sinnemahoaning.
Even though he is long passed, I thank him for that every time I wet a line in Medix Run, Wykoff or any of the cool water up there!

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Re: RE: Why? Tuesday, September 04, 2018 9:05 AM (permalink)
My father passed when I was 7 so the onus of putting a rod and reel in my hands fell to my mother.  She was raised on a dairy farm and showed me how to catch night crawlers and took me to local streams.  Not sure at what age (about 8) exactly,  but she persuaded a family friend "Uncle Roland" to take me trout fishing. Armed with a metal bait box, wicker creel and an HI bamboo fly rod with an HI National Sportsman reel (all of which I still have) plus a PBJ sandwich which was gone in the first 15 minutes stream side.  Creek chubs and fall fish terrorized me but once in a blue moon the gods smiled on me an I had a trout for the creel.  Fishing for a lifetime (I'm 68) has given me moments of solace and many fond memories and Great Friends.   
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Re: RE: Why? Saturday, September 08, 2018 1:15 AM (permalink)
I was about 6 when I caught my first salmon, my Mom took me down to mouth of Elk when you could drive right to the spot. And ever since then I was addicted to fishing. When I turned 11 years old I took my hunters education in school . Bought my first shotgun for 5 bucks a 16 gauge Ivers Johnson single shot and became very good at not missing grouse.  We had great Grouse numbers in the early 70s-80s here in Northwestern Pa. My Mom and Dad were not together after I turned 6 so nobody in our family could understand why I liked hunting and fishing because nobody did these things ? I was caught a couple of times hunting without an adult but I didn't have anybody to hunt with so the deputy didn't burn me so to speak. He even said if I wanted to go hunting he would take me. I went to his house and he was at work so I went anyhow. Used to take my shotgun to school broke down in my gym bag and leave it with the principal along with shells and hunting vest and hunt after school all the way home through the woods ,  Never looked back just drove on and I'm 56 now, Have mentored several young fellas who wanted to fish and hunt and have had a lot of good times catching steel and walleyes, calling deer and turkey in for others to get their first harvest.
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