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Did you start fishing? Was there a defining moment...or did you just grow up fishing? Personally....I grew up fishing. We took our daily salmon limits from Trout run. We Killed deer and small game....and ate predominately what we killed. It was a way of life....not a sport. My kids....another story...they have "defining moments".... my daughter was a 20" bass that still causes her to watch a bobber with malicious intent. She can't wait to stab somethin else. my boy caught a pike on spoon as he pulled it out of the water for the next cast. It blew up in front of him. Defining moment! While I grew up fishing....I also have a defined moment(s). While I thank my Dad for all the knowledge he gave me.....I thank Indisquiz for having the "One Fly". I learned to flyfish for this competition....and since I've picked up a flyrod.....I'm using it year round....My hole fishing experience has been "re-defined". Thanks Jack Slick
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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To meet chicks, of course! Ok, seriously...Like yourself - and I think it is the case of the majority of sportsmen - it's something I was born into. First day of trout season, walking behind him as a little boy when he'd go archery or muzzleloader hunting. My Dad and I are polar opposites of each other, except when it comes to our love of the outdoors. So it's nice to have that one "thing" with which we can both relate. And I enjoy spending the time with my son that Dad spent with me teaching reverence for nature.
"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley
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For me, It was the memories of fishing with my grandma. Both my folks worked (long hours/shift work) and I was raised by the wonderful old lady who loved the out doors and who hunted and fished. She taught me to respect the fishery and the game I hunted and seemed to "know everything" she even started me on my love of Bamboo. I've had many memorable moments but I think one of my biggest and recurring one is also the "One Fly". The amount of comraderie and excellent fellowship shown by the attendees sets a new standard for me each year. And my final defining instance was seeing the little guy I led along the streams (my grandson) be able to lead me and show me stuff he learned on his own.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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For me, I guess there's kind of two 'starts'. Strictly speaking, I was fishing with dad from the time I was 2 or 3. That's what taught me that bluegills + bobbers + maggots = FUN. Throughout childhood I continued to fish with dad, but in 5th or 6th grade, I got a new rod and reel for christmas, a 5'0" ultralight with my first open-faced spinning reel (had been using a medium ugly stik w/ shimano push-button before that). With that ultralight I slowly made the conversion from "kid who fishes" to "fish bum" as well as developing my love of all things ultralight. From junior high till I started fly fishing a few years ago, 98% of my fishing was done with that ultralight, spooled with 2# test, which outlasted the reel (some springs inside wore out). The rod still fishes on occasion, though its cork is now chocolate brown and pretty much as hard as wood, and all of the cork at the bottom of the handle is totally gone, thanks to the TLC of a teenage boy in the woods. As far as defining moments, first was probably one slow day fishing with dad when I was little, the first time the fishing was slow and he asked if I was ready to leave and I said no, because we didn't catch anything yet. Next was probably in my early teens, catching a 5 lb largemouth from a strip mine pond, on that ultralight and 2# test. After that, late high-school when I started picking up trout through the summer, and finally, a few years ago when I started fly fishing.
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i got cut from a little league team at age 9 (because my dad would not bribe the coaches with cigars like the others-1962) and was devastated. my dad went out an bought me a cheap casting outfit that really wouldn't cast too well, but after ten minutes, i was hooked for life. btw, i started playing ball again in 1964 and did not quit until the mid-90s. ball became something i did when i wasn't fishing.
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I fished as a kid then quit....Later in life, a friend invited me to northern colorado. He said we were going fly fishing with a guide. I was hooked from then on....
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My father started me fishing as soon as I was able to walk, and I underwent the natural progression of rod ownership: The snoopy the dog pole (the reel looked like snoppy's head) was replaced my the killer whale pole-this time the spin cast reel looked like a killer whale, and the handle like a fin or something, it was longer than the snoopy rod so obviously designed for grown ups. The Killer Whale pole was replaced by a 5 foot medium action spin cast rod, which was replaced by my father's myriad spinning rods when I learned how to use them. By the time I was 14 I was fishing an ultralight trout rod most of the time, with a 6 foot light action for rapalas and bigger water. I started fly fishing when I was 12, and the two overlapped for a few years. By the time I was a sophmore in highschool I was only flyfishing when it came to trout, but still using spinning gear for walleye and steelhead. By the time I graduated highschool all the spinning rods were in the closet, and my father and I only fly fished. One unique thing for me was that my father and I learned to tie flies and flyfish together. One year my mother made me a little album called "Colins gone fishing", where she sorted through years and years of old pics to find enough fishing ones to fill an album. I look at it all the time. Theres one of two dead large brown trout laying in a ceramic lined sink. My father and I caught those fish at the Kinzua tailwaters in March, when I was in grade school. I caught my trout slightly upstream of my dad, and trying to carry it back down to him it got too heavy so I put it back in the water (with the hook in its mouth). I remember my dad saying "Don't put it in the water!". he was afraid it would come off the hook, and I'm darn lucky it didn't. I guess at that young age it didn't really occur to me that it could come off. I had caught it, the hook was still in its mouth, so it was mine, right? We ate those fish, we kept and ate a lot of fish back then. Now we release almost everything. Now we carry digital cameras and take a lot of pictures. I'm sure we have more pictures from the last 6 years than from the previous 20 combined. The old pics may be of pretty poor quality, like the dead fish in a sink filled with cold water, but they mean a lot.
Support your local Fly Shop! OHWM
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Double Post: Another quick story. My first flyrod was a Cabela's Youth model, 7 foot 9 in, for a 5 weight. It wasn't a bad rod, though the reel was terrible, but I needed something bigger for smallmouth in the river that ran 200 feet from my front steps. For my birthday my parents got me an Orvis clearwater rod with a rocky mountain cassette reel. This was a big step up in terms of gear. The closest fly shop was the orvis store down in Tionesta, so thats where my dad purchased the rod. He was talking with Dan, the shop owner, and mentioned that I had been experimenting with a double haul. Dan told him "Well, if hes going to be hot-dogging it like that he needs a wonderline" and gave my dad a wonderline for me free of charge. Happy birthday kid. Thats why supporting local fly shops is such a big deal to me, they've always treated me so well. Good memories.
Support your local Fly Shop! OHWM
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It just always has been that way. I cannot remember a time when I did not fish. I have vague early childhood memories of using a stick and a string and a piece of corn while on a picnic at Pinchot State Park. My mom has pictures of me, I was probably three years old.
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I was born in december, and by mid june I was in a back pack on my moms back fishing for smallies....... French creek was so close to the house that I have fed ducks in our driveway while they were swimming (helluva flood). I did'nt have many toys, I had a rod, knife, hatchet, and a bb gun.... If I was not swimming, I was fishing. My dad is 100% the reason I fish, I can never thank him enough. When we go out now after steel head or musky, I outfit him, I figure he had to do that for me I might as well pay him back. Jacob
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Started fly fishing and caught my first trout on a fly when I was 6 from an uncle who married an aunt late in life. Just so happened he traveled all over the world to fly fish and took me "under his wing". Really haven't looked back since then.
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Started going ice fishing with my dad when I was around two years old, he took me along so he didn't have to pay a babysitter. Actually started fishing around 4 years old and that's been it ever since. Soon I was kneeling over the seat of his 24' boat out of Port Clinton catching walleyes,perch & white bass. My dad has been my main fishing partner (when I go with one) for my entire life. He taught me a lot and now I'm passing that along to my kids (who love to fish) as well. Doesn't matter what kind of fishing it is or what we are fishing for, I enjoy it all.
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My parents didn't fish, but when my brother and I showed some intersest in fishing when we were very young, they learned and took us. Most of my pre-teen years were spent fishing a spincast reel with a bobber and night crawler. In my early teens, I got a baitcaster and a spinning rod, and started fishing for smallies on the raystown branch of the Juniata. It didn't take long after that til I became interested in trout. Trout fishing was different than the rest, it was more difficult for me to learn. On one of my fishless days at the age of 15, I watched as a guy with a fly rod caught half a dozen fish in a short amount of time, on a stretch that I had just fished without a bite. He caught them all on dries. Fly fishing seemed like a world apart from the fishing I was doing, and I wanted to try it. When I was 16, my parents gave me enough money for my birthday to buy a rod, reel and line. I didn't know the first thing about fly fishing, so I stopped into the local shop in Spruce Creek, where the owner put together an outfit for me, gave me casting lessons, and showed me only the flies that would work, and how to fish them. I caught three trout on my first trip, all on a small pheasant tail. Once the hatches started that year, the owner of the shop taught me about the hatches as they happened, and how to fish them. He never once sold me a fly that wasn't relevant. In time, I came to know the creeks and hatches around here well. Now, at 30 my life revolves around fishing. In my spare time, I fish and tie. For a living, I guide, and am the regional sales manager for a fishing company. I owe it all to two parents who learned to fish, for no other reason than to take me... and a fly shop owner who is now a very close friend.
post edited by thedrake - 2010/10/04 11:40:05
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These are some really great stories...I enjoyed them all...thanks for sharin'.
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
World Famous
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I started fishing everyday when I was about 4. My parents had pics of me and the whole neighborhood recalls my early fishing exploits. Wasn't allowed to have a hook until I was 7 or 8, used a bent paper clip. The little stream that I fished was polluted and held only chubs and suckers. Caught my FIRST fish when I was about 10. Still fish every chance I get and I am hoping to catch my second fish any day now....WF
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Fishing in Canada as a young boy started the insanity. Since then fishing has become more fun and exciting year after year. Local stockie fishing in my home waters and fishing the Allegheny River have been constants since I was about 16. Now that I've added Erie into the regiment fishing has become a 365 day addiction.
"I know not what with weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
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The Fishes!!
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My old man was in the Army and never really had time to take me fishing when I was a kid. That would change later though. I would spend a couple of weeks with my grandparents every year when I was very young. One day I was in the garage looking at Grandfathers fishing rods and reels and he ask me if ever been fishing and I said no. So he stop what he was doing right at that moment and said get in the truck. He put some fishing rods in the truck and we drove to the store and picked up some chicken liver and then to a bait shop and got some worms. We then went to this little creek that did not look like it had enough water to hold fish. We fished for Catfish and I was hooked for life. A lot has change for me since that day I was fishing that Texas creek. But one thing is I still love fishing just like I did when I was a kid. Every chance I get I am fishing.
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.-Thomas Jefferson
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We used to vacation at Conneaut when I was a kid. There wasn't much to do so I started fishing. I was six years old when I started and haven't stopped. Nobody in my family fished, but there was something about it that hooked me as much as the fish. I used to fish from dawn till after dark.
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ORIGINAL: mohawksyd To meet chicks, of course! Me too. I've been fishing since I can recall. Not sure if my Dad took me as early as I have taken my kids. My daughter caught a fish at 17 months. Just yanking up and down on a rod, off of the cabin docks at Moraine. I know from pictures, I was fishing at a golf course pond by my cousins' house when I was 4-5. Pretty sure my Dad started taking me trout fishing around that time, and we were always at Moraine, Pymatuning or Erie for picinics / vacation. When I was 8-9, he'd be mad at me for "bass fishing" instead of "being patient" trout fishing. His definition of trout fishing was soaking maggots or meal worms on the bottom of Cannonsburg Lake. I've always liked moving from spot to spot, tossing lures and exploring. Once my Dad realized that I didn't worship trout like many do, and the Pgh area didn't hold many trout waters, we focused on the other warmwater species lakes and rivers. Although, this is the same time that we discovered steelhead fishing. From about 10 years old until I was too old "to think my Dad was cool", we took a few weekend trips to the Nut, Elk, Trout Run & Godfrey, never going upstream from the parking lots and didn't even know there was an "East Side"... No matter what type of vacation we were going on, I had a rod and gear packed (still do). I took a little break in high school, like Syd mentioned, meeting chicks on the water, just wasn't happening. Although, still managed to fish, but was in transition from the spinning rod to my personal surf rod / telephone pole... When college came around I had figured out how to get chicks with spending 1/4 the amount of effort, and opened up the fishing time again. There was some ok trout streams along with a few lakes relatively close to campus. My senior year, I tried my hands at fly fishing. For about 7-8 years it was my preferred choice of equipment. Then got a kayak and the fly rod was too much of a PIA. After, got a regular boat, and still found the spinning equipment more effective. Now I grab whatever gear seems to fit the situation the best, and give myself the best chance at catching fish. I just recently purchased my first noodle rod, figuring it was better suited for the trip or two that I make to the tribs over either of the 3 fly rods I own. That and I'm too lazy to switch the Rio Clouser line off of my 8wt reel... My first impression of the noodle isn't much. Can't mend the line or do a quick roll cast, but would definitely help on keeping skein or minnows from flying off and probably best for casting lures into the lake. I didn't do any of this, mostly used flys, jigs and wax worms. Probably better off using a fly rod for each...
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i grew up fishing the small strip mine ponds around my house and cool spring creek, so no real defining moment on "fishing" as such but for steelhead and salmon totally different steel head, the guy across the street had been up when i was 10, he asked if i wanted to see what he caught, i said sure....HOLY H#!! where did you get those trout!!! Well been hooked ever since salmon, was on a fall leave viewing trip with the ex, we had been up to niagra and were exploring more of NY, we stopped off at the oak orhard creek....man once i saw what they were catching!! that was it, next week end i was up again...by myself this time not sure weather to curse those moments or love them, but that is how i got to be this way
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Dad didn't fish so it was up to Grandpa to teach me the ways of the outdoors... Started trout fishing in the Brookie stream that flows through my yard.... I can still remember rowing my Grandfather around Sparty Pond watching him work his magic on the Bass with a Purple rubber worm. ( I was 12).. Been hard after it ever since... Here's a pic from the way back machine...My first trout..(1969?)...
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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Awesome pic there bings! Retro for sure duud. Fishing is in my blood...Most of my ancestors did it and dad kept the tradition going for us, thank God. First time I fished was a lake in Missesauga, Ont. with my family....I remember catching frogs for bait. Although refridgerators didn't look quite like the one above, it was still a long time ago!  Grew up fishing Herford Manor, Slippery Rock Creek, Connequenessing Creek, Moraine and many local farm ponds. Grown to love fishing by boat on the lakes and any body of moving water. I got into muskie fishing in college, late 80s, and was introduced by one of the best Todd Young. Not a day goes by when I'm not thinking of my next fishing adventure...its been what has kept me out of trouble once retired from sports; I only hope my children do the same.
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I don't remember how old i was when i started but ever since i could walk i've been hunting and fishing with my dad. during dove season, he used to take a bag of monster trucks and lock me in the corn crib while he'd go sit along the fence line... one time he stuck me in the cornfield and forgot what row i was in, after that it was the corn crib every time until i was old enough to follow along and get his doves for him after he shot them. Grew up fishing a little stream outside of somerset, we used to go up to camp a few days before to scout and see where they stocked everything then we'd go to bed early and be on the stream by 6am just so we'd have our spot. Dad used to hook a trout and then hand me the rod so i could bring it in. But soon enough, i was old enough to have my own spot (but not without dad standing just upstream of me telling everyone that they shouldn't crowd me out of the hole). By the time i was 7 or 8, it was a race against dad to see who could get their limit first out of their respective hole... as far as i knew, i always won (but never knew that he would catch most of his and throw a few back just so i would). As i got older, i ventured farther and farther away from where he was fishing just to see if i could catch that stocked palamino or a couple of the big browns that were in the holes that i had scouted the day before. When I was 21, my grandfather started to join me and dad because his best friend had passed away and he didn't have a fishing pal anymore so the first day of fishing season it was me, dad, and grandpap for a few years. Pap died a few years ago, so it's been just me and dad but last year I couldn't make the trip home and he skipped the first day of trout season for the first time in 58 years because "it didn't feel right". The defining moment for me was always catching a lot of fish and winning the contests against dad for as long as I could remember, but last year fishing took on a whole new meaning.
go back to spain 11-12-11: the last time i got punched in the face
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Quite simply put , Thanks Gramps. He always had time to take me fishing after school and on sundays. First as a youngster it was the piers around the Bay for perch and crappies. Usually spring and fall times. He always showed me what to do,how to cast,how to tie(knots),how to bait the hook, Techniques Ive kept for many years. Secondly he took me on the boat( "The Pimp Daddy Caddy" ). I be getting older and more Sperienced. Trollin for eyes. How to feel for the bottom, what to use,plugs ,spoons,harnesses. Thirdly he showed me how to catch steelies. Ive become my own fisherman by now and Gramps still always had time to take/go with me. Ive always enjoyed his company and I never forgot the things he shared with me. Especially his patients to teach me about fishing all the different kinds of species of fish. He now cannot do any of it but every time I visit him I share my fishing stories with him and to see his smile makes me happy to know he'd be right there with me if he could. Thanks again Gramps. The Deetz
The Deetz Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
pheasant tail 2
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I'm not really sure who thank for my start in fishing. My grandfather worked in a coal his entire life and never had time to fish (so I'm told). After retiring from the mine, he took up fishing but did not own or drive a car. Mom my would drop my grandfather off at various lakes and streams and as I understand it, if she would drive him to and from his destinations, I was part of his fishing gear. Yes I looked forward to weekends and summer. We fished alot. PT2
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my dad and grandfather got me started at an early age.we used to fish for catfish at the mouth of elk and used to walk down from the road.this was before the access was built.i can remember sitting on grandpas shoulders walking down that steep trail that led to the mouth.we would fish all nite and sometimes take a tent,(when we were allowed to tent)and stay all weekend.my first fish was a 23 inch chanel cat that i got on my little zebco rod and reel dad had bought me the day before we went.i was 2 if i recall,and dad let me fight it the whole way to net.of course he stood behind me so i didnt get drug in. lol.i wasnt gonna let go of that pole.when i got it in everyone around us started clapping and hollering about the "little"kid and the big cat.these memories ive kept for years until now.im trying to make new memories with my grandsons as they both like the outdoors.thanks for starting this post.it reminded me of why i do this thing called fishing and try to pass it along as i go.
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my dad and grandfather got me started at an early age.we used to fish for catfish at the mouth of elk and used to walk down from the road.this was before the access was built.i can remember sitting on grandpas shoulders walking down that steep trail that led to the mouth.we would fish all nite and sometimes take a tent,(when we were allowed to tent)and stay all weekend.my first fish was a 23 inch chanel cat that i got on my little zebco rod and reel dad had bought me the day before we went.i was 2 if i recall,and dad let me fight it the whole way to net.of course he stood behind me so i didnt get drug in. lol.i wasnt gonna let go of that pole.when i got it in everyone around us started clapping and hollering about the "little"kid and the big cat.these memories ive kept for years until now.im trying to make new memories with my grandsons as they both like the outdoors.thanks for starting this post.it reminded me of why i do this thing called fishing and try to pass it along as i go.