Pacu in PI Bay

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2010/07/26 11:55:15 (permalink)

Pacu in PI Bay

Do they eat Gobies?

Just saw this in today's paper. Some guy caught a Pacu--a toothy relative of the Piranha--in Presque Isle Bay. Photos on the web site:

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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 12:25:52 (permalink)
    What the heck is that doing there?That thing is huge and I sure hope that was the only one out there!
    ORRRR is this a joke??
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 12:31:17 (permalink)
    somebody had it as a pet and turned it loose into the bay....i doubt it can survive cold water come winter
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 12:32:30 (permalink)
    its just somebody's released aquarium pet....people buy them all the time as juveniles not realizing how big they get until the thing takes up an entire 20 gallon fish then its too big to flush down the toilet so into the nearest body of water they can find.  Pacus are tropical fish and wouldn't survive over the winter in Lake Erie so somebody had to have dumped it in the bay recently.
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 13:42:22 (permalink)
    Gives "once in a lifetime" a whole new meaning !

    Eat what you catch,troll for cows.
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 13:51:30 (permalink)
    are the Pacu to rt5 yet?
    if i comeup next weekend, i want to make sur its worth it

    you think he got cagin or regular

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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 14:01:49 (permalink)

    sloppy joe 2
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 14:55:18 (permalink)
    That pacu needs to go to the dentist...looks like he has been hitting up the chew too much.
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 15:31:28 (permalink)
    boy i sure would like to carch a mess of bluegills like that on foam bugs what a fish fry that could be
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 16:03:06 (permalink)


    are the Pacu to rt5 yet?
    if i comeup next weekend, i want to make sur its worth it

    you think he got cagin or regular

    No, the gators in Elk are keeping them south of rt 5 right now.

    Personally I would go with cajun.

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 17:43:08 (permalink)
    They are able to overwinter here I believe. I caught one on the mon a few years back on a shrimp. It's weird hearing the pliers grind on the teeth when you take the hook out. They're often mistaken for piranha.
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 18:03:08 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: MuskyMastr


    are the Pacu to rt5 yet?
    if i comeup next weekend, i want to make sur its worth it

    you think he got cagin or regular

    No, the gators in Elk are keeping them south of rt 5 right now.

    Personally I would go with cajun.

    i thought the bears killed all the gators north of rt20...

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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 20:04:47 (permalink)


    ORIGINAL: MuskyMastr


    are the Pacu to rt5 yet?
    if i comeup next weekend, i want to make sur its worth it

    you think he got cagin or regular

    No, the gators in Elk are keeping them south of rt 5 right now.

    Personally I would go with cajun.

    i thought the bears killed all the gators north of rt20...

    nah duud they made it to beavers
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 22:18:25 (permalink)
    Addressing several of the posts: They are related to Piranha , but they are not carnivorous. They have teeth that look very much like human teeth . Very creepy if you've ever seen them . Is overwintering possible? Red belly Piranha have been found in either Table Rock or Lake of The Ozarks and have been caught there multiple years , multiple times . The location isn't that important as they aren't expected to live in either of those places . How they got there and are they breeding could involve a 700 word article easily , so I'm not even going to start writing about that . I wouldn't be surprised if Pacu could overwinter in Erie despite them being tropical ,not because of the relation to Piranha , but because so many plant and animal invaders have found new homes in America . It wouldn't be hard to test that theory if one has an aquarium .
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 23:00:57 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: fish5000

    It wouldn't be hard to test that theory if one has an aquarium .

    Maybe put one in freezing water?
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 23:03:45 (permalink)
    And thank you everyone for posting all of the classics. I was expecting a smoked fish joke, but I had forgotten about the gator and bear, Rt. 5 and 20.

    Now, who was it who hooked into something big last month fishing the bay and if I remember right just about got spooled but could not figure out what kind of fish did it?  How do one of these fight? I know the bay is pretty big, but could this have been anywhere near there?
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 23:07:00 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: cbeagler

    Now, who was it who hooked into something big last month fishing the bay and if I remember right just about got spooled but could not figure out what kind of fish did it?  How do one of these fight? I know the bay is pretty big, but could this have been anywhere near there?

    That was Mr.Slickfish and I already explained that I was swimming near by and was hungry too!

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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 23:08:09 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: deetz4352

    ORIGINAL: cbeagler

    Now, who was it who hooked into something big last month fishing the bay and if I remember right just about got spooled but could not figure out what kind of fish did it?  How do one of these fight? I know the bay is pretty big, but could this have been anywhere near there?

    That was Mr.Slickfish and I already explained that I was swimming near by and was hungry too!

    Slick must have been using cheese for bait  


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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/26 23:11:48 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Skip16503

    ORIGINAL: deetz4352

    ORIGINAL: cbeagler

    Now, who was it who hooked into something big last month fishing the bay and if I remember right just about got spooled but could not figure out what kind of fish did it?  How do one of these fight? I know the bay is pretty big, but could this have been anywhere near there?

    That was Mr.Slickfish and I already explained that I was swimming near by and was hungry too!

    Slick must have been using cheese for bait  

    Yer not gonna let dat go R U ???

    The Deetz
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/27 08:42:40 (permalink)
    I could see them overwintering in the rivers fairly easily if they located a warm water discharge of some sort.  Not sure what is getting pushed out into PI bay as far as warm water in the winter but I am sure there are warm water discharges on other parts of Erie (Dunkirk Harbor maybe?).
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/27 17:28:51 (permalink)
    All research I have read in the past 15 min says any cool water at all will kill them.

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/27 17:53:26 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

    I could see them overwintering in the rivers fairly easily if they located a warm water discharge of some sort.  Not sure what is getting pushed out into PI bay as far as warm water in the winter but I am sure there are warm water discharges on other parts of Erie (Dunkirk Harbor maybe?).

    didn't they find tilapia in the mon doing that?
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/27 21:42:36 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: cbeagler

    ORIGINAL: fish5000

    It wouldn't be hard to test that theory if one has an aquarium .

    Maybe put one in freezing water?

    Not exactly . Slowly lowering the water temps over a period of weeks . Of course if the water is frozen , O2 has to be generated . It would take some dedication to providing the right conditions , but it could be done by any serious aquarist .
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/27 23:42:10 (permalink)
    Does it qualify as a PA State record fish? ? ? Could be a record that will stand for a while.

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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/28 11:11:11 (permalink)

    i thought the bears killed all the gators north of rt20...
    Nope the gators got the bears !
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/28 13:55:43 (permalink)
    i wonder what it was caught on
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/28 14:01:37 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: moooooo4me

    i wonder what it was caught on



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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/28 14:58:56 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: indsguiz

    Does it qualify as a PA State record fish? ? ? Could be a record that will stand for a while.

    I doubt they would grant record status on a non native species !
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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/28 15:00:42 (permalink)
    I doubt they would grant record status on a non native species !

    There is a PA brown trout record, isn't there?

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    RE: Pacu in PI Bay 2010/07/28 16:00:09 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy

    I doubt they would grant record status on a non native species !

    There is a PA brown trout record, isn't there?

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