RE: Check out this Walleye
2010/07/14 16:06:45
Looks like a blue pike....
d show them your picture and be prepared to divuldge the EXACT location where you caught the fish. It could mean some real money for you. If those fish could be returned to the great lakes it could become a VERY viable fishery resource. Good luck. OH and nice fish!
Agree, and supposedly extinct, someone might be interested in it!
Nah - these are very common in Quebec... especially in the waterways around lac Kipawa and the Western side La Verendrye Parc.
Here's a 28" / 7.5 lb. blue morph that a guy in our group caught in 2008 on Lac Dumoine, Quebec (not the best photo to see the fin color, I know...):
post edited by bartidge - 2010/07/14 16:08:44
Dance the Bucktail Jig...