Arthur eye pics, hopefully

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RE: Arthur eye pics, hopefully 2010/07/09 16:50:21 (permalink)
Thanks all, we actually got them all late in the afternoon/ evening.  I got the 27 incher at about 9:45 right after my buddy hooked one and lost it halfway up.  It was either another real nice eye, or catfish.  Definitely not a striper. 
Thats my summer shirt!  I've seen my truglo commercial on quite a few times this week on the outdoor channel.  They must be using it more often.
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RE: Arthur eye pics, hopefully 2010/07/27 21:56:55 (permalink)

I think I might ov saw it on FSN last weekend?? The last part u were siting next to a swamp & slowly reach for the shotgun??? Purdy serious lookin' if u ask me. u da man!

 Wanna get out in Oct. sometime? I know how much huntin' u do that time ov yr. but we can get in a little waterfowl in +++ >>((((:> & kill two Byrds in one outin'.

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RE: Arthur eye pics, hopefully 2010/07/27 23:13:57 (permalink)
That was probably me.  Sounds good about the fall.  I know we talked about it last year, but for sure I'll be keeping the boat out till November this year.  My buddy and I were talking about that this evening when we were trying to catch walleye and kept hooking catfish and stripers.  I'm gonna try and hold off archery hunting till the end of October and do some serious fishing before I break out the bow.  Or at least semi serious fishing. :) 
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RE: Arthur eye pics, hopefully 2010/07/28 22:10:09 (permalink)
 I thought that was u, them things pass by me sooe fast but couldn't forget that ugly mugg  Even in war paint.

 Don't worry about the boat, the one I'll be on is ready for fowl & fishin'.

 Take care ov them boys IN THE MEANTIME.

Brandon Sosack
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RE: Arthur eye pics, hopefully 2010/07/29 11:04:58 (permalink)
I got a question for the walleye fishermen. What is the fastest you ever had a walleye hit trolling? I had a big walleye hit a muskie plug in arthur going 5.6 miles per hour. Dr. Walleye was with me and it was actually his lure a 6 inch straight Wiley. 
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Re: RE: Arthur eye pics, hopefully 2018/08/02 19:49:07 (permalink)
Here's a few more from yesterday.  Got three stripers as well.  I hope this storm tomorrow doesn't screw things up

  Hey Mike, give me a buzz sometime. Sorry missed your stop at camp last year.
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