Jet Divers

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2010/06/04 20:21:27 (permalink)

Jet Divers

Is tHem tHEre wAllEyes uP oFf of wAlnUt yEt I wAnNa tAke mY pEliCaN PeDDlE bOaT oUt fUr sUM EyES!!
Totally kidding..  thought id start the thread off with some humor...
Well anyway I purchased several more Jet Divers and I am very interested what stick baits I can use with them. Last summer i used a few jet divers trollin but this year i want to figure them out. I know you can pull harnesses but i also know you can pull spoons and stickbaits of the right size too although i have never tried. Do Stingray sized Michigan Stingers work behind them? and also What kind of stickbaits (thundersticks, bagley, reef runners, etc.) also?
All input is much appreciated, just tryin to find my way in the walleye world.

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    RE: Jet Divers 2010/06/04 22:16:17 (permalink)
    I think you may want to get a book called PRECISION TROLLING.
    Precision Trolling
    Big Water 2nd Edition
    by Dr. Steven Holt & Mark Romanack

    The Precision Trolling Big Water 2nd Edition features over 150 "Dive Curves" targeted at the angler who trolls for walleye, trout or salmon in big water. Unlike the Precision Trolling book that provides depth diving data for crankbaits, the Big Water Edition focuses on diving planers, lead core line, snap weights and other big water trolling gear.

    Anglers who are familiar with the Precision Trolling "Dive Curve" format will note that the same technology has been used to illustrate the running depth of diving planers and other big water gear. Included are "Dive Curves" for all the sizes and dive ring combinations of the Dipsy Diver and Slide-Diver, plus invaluable depth information for the outboard settings on these divers. In addition, "Dive Curves" are provided for Jet Divers, Deep Six Divers and the Big Jon Mini Disks. Also included are "Dive Curves" for size four, six and eight ounce Snap Weights and one pound lead balls!

    Dive charts are also provided for 18, 27 and 36 pound test lead core lines fished at all common lead lengths and two popular trolling speeds.

    Each trolling device was tested using several line types and diameters to provide anglers with the most comprehensive information possible. Testing on various line sizes took more time, but it also eliminates the need for confusing line conversion charts. Big divers like the Dipsy were tested with 30# test monofilament, 30# Power Pro and 30# wire line. Smaller divers like the Big Jon Mini Disks were tested with smaller/more appropriate sizes of monofilament and Fireline.

    The pages of this book are laminated to resist water damage!

    This handy flip chart is packed with:
  • Tips for fishing Lead Core
  • Exclusive "Dive Curve" charts
  • Full-color pictures allow for easy identification
  • Each chart shows the trolling depth for any given "Line Out" length If big water trolling is what you do, you'll definitely want to join the ranks of savvy fisherman who practice Precision Trolling!

    This book comes packaged with a plastic ring binder and heavy zip closed plastic bag to protect it when you are out on the water.

    Copyright 2009

    8" x 5½"

    post edited by pghmarty - 2010/06/04 22:37:10

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    RE: Jet Divers 2010/06/05 09:11:41 (permalink)
    Have it!  I was just interested in some personal advice on what works best.

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    RE: Jet Divers 2010/06/05 10:14:56 (permalink)
    You can pull up to NK 28 sized spoons behind them and any shallow diver.  Just check out the action of everything at the side of the boat before you send it back in the spread.  You may need to adjust your speed to get the right action.  Meat seems to work the best behind them though.
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    RE: Jet Divers 2010/06/05 11:20:40 (permalink)
    I would not pull sticks behind them or harnesses for that matter. Only thing I pull behind them is spoons. They will mess up the action of a stick and cause tangles. If you want to get a shallow diver or a harness down while not dipsey fishing (assuming using boards) use snap weights 30-50' ahead of bait,(50/50 method). Try the new dreamweaver WD spoons
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    RE: Jet Divers 2010/06/05 13:21:18 (permalink)
    I'll have to get a couple of them! And yeah im gonna run boards and divers and all that fun stuff this year. We'll see how long it takes for me to get tangled somehow or someway
    post edited by Lundking - 2010/06/05 14:47:37

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    RE: Jet Divers 2010/06/07 11:16:46 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: kingnuke32

    I would not pull sticks behind them or harnesses for that matter. Only thing I pull behind them is spoons. They will mess up the action of a stick and cause tangles. If you want to get a shallow diver or a harness down while not dipsey fishing (assuming using boards) use snap weights 30-50' ahead of bait,(50/50 method). Try the new dreamweaver WD spoons

    Not doubting you but, we never had a problem running meat or certain shallow divers behind jets.   Some sticks wouldn't run right behind them but that is why I would always check the action boatside.  One other thing, when we were running these, we usually had 1 to 4 oz of beadchain weight connected to the front of the jet on its deepest setting and I think it helped with the orientation of the jet/bait.
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    RE: Jet Divers 2010/06/07 11:28:25 (permalink)
    Just easier to run snap weights with Meat, no benefit to running a Jet with a harness, IMO.
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/02 21:07:44 (permalink)
    Stupid question about jet divers....I never ran one before but I am holding a purple one that someone gave me in my hand marked "30" which means presumably that it will dive to 30 feet. Some are also marked 10, 20 and 40. So my stupid question is.....what makes this diver sink to 30' ? Don't trolling speed, line weight and distance the diver has been let out on the line counter also control its depth?

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/02 21:47:20 (permalink)
    The Jet Divers by Luhr Jenson & other similar jet divers are naturally bouyant, and will float while at rest. The volume of air enclosed in the diver of course varies with the relative size, so the larger divers will have more bouyancy than the smaller ones.

    Like you mentioned, they are marked according to their diving potential, i.e. 10, 20, 30, etc. When attached to your line correctly, the bottom plate or fin will gradually begin to pull the diver under the water when tension is applied to the line. They have dive curves that show at what set-backs {how much line out] and trolling speeds will produced a desired depth. In general, they will dive slightly deeper when trolling at a faster speed, and also dive deeper when more line is let out. I do believe that they will eventually reach a break-even depth, whereas no more speed or line out will result in any more dive depth.
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 05:52:53 (permalink)
    Go to there is dive charts there. I like powerpro 20 for jet fishing it is pretty small diameter to obtain max depth.

    Spoons with jets are a great combo.

    Ok. Here goes and hope this helps,

    Harness fishing with jets vs. inline wieghts or snap wieghts off of boards big or inline boards.

    The summer of 2010 I ran all jets, and I caught a some of fish. The summer of 2011 I ran inline wieghts and caught a ton of fish.
    The biggest difference between jets and wieghts is jets float and wieghts sink. (Da, um ok George!) I know I impress my self all the time.
    Anywho, if you are trolling straight ahead with no speed variations and no turns, your jets or wieghts will maintain a certain depth. The summer of 2010, I trolled in a straight line. When I was fishing shallow and my jets would bottom out I would just shorten the lead length off the boards to keep off the bottom. If I would have to slow down or stop the boat to boat a fish or for whatever reason, my spread would float. Back down again when you move forward. A jet works just like a crank.
    The summer of 2011, I ran all inline wieghts. The only reason why is that I meet some walleye tourney guys that fish Erie west all the time. Boy, did I learn a lot. Thanks guys!
    So anyway, when you fishing harnesses with wieghts and you change up your speed and do some zig-zagging you will put your spread all over the water column. When you turn the inside baits will flutter down and then speed up when the boat begins to turn the other direction. It vis-versa on the outside board. The board basically acts a big float. Boy o boy does this create more strikes. The eyes love that stop and go with a big juicy crawler and a hot pink blade and some bright beeds. (I would getting me excited just thinkn about it!) When there is a slow bite, give it a shot. Zig-zag some and slow roll some colorados at 1.5 mph. You will box some fish up.
    Jets work the exact opposite. The outside will dive a bit with the speed increase and the inside with float up to the surface with the speed reduction.
    One thing I have to caution you about, when using wieghts and boards its very easy to get tangles. You just gotta put your time in.....The major thing is when you are bringing in the outside line, you MUST let it swing behind the boat before bringing it in. If not you will be strung up with everything on that side.
    Usually, charters will run jets so they can stack several lines off each side. It is very difficult to run anymore than 3 weights on a side. It's a lot easier to run a bunch of jets. has a inline wieght chart. Good luck, I hope I didn't confuse you.

    post edited by eyedreamn - 2011/11/03 09:07:49
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 10:26:25 (permalink)
    Thanks, that is some valuable input.  A couple terms I didn't understand please clarify......harnesses.....inline weights.......boards.......are you talking about trolling with planer boards?    Inline weights??   Are you talking about something like a slinky???      Harnesses????

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 10:53:37 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: spinnerspooner

    Thanks, that is some valuable input.  A couple terms I didn't understand please clarify......harnesses.....inline weights.......boards.......are you talking about trolling with planer boards?    Inline weights??   Are you talking about something like a slinky???      Harnesses????

    These are inline weights:
    Best used with inline planer boards IMO.
    Run this weight on your main line with a harness a couple feet behind, put your board on, then troll SLOW.
    I had boats next to me in ohio having trouble keeping lines in the water running this set up while I had trouble moving a rod.
    post edited by freshwaterdrumR - 2011/11/03 10:58:30
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 11:11:46 (permalink)
    Ok, a picture's better than a thousand words.  Now I understand inline weights.    But what are harnesses?      I was thrown a little because the only planer board fishing I have done was running in 4-15 feet of water trolling parallel to the Lake Ontario shoreline for Browns in the spring using thin lightweight spoons 4-5" long.   Never thought about running Planers in deeper water.
    Is there a difference between the kind of planer boards I describe above and "inline planer boards".  

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 11:24:04 (permalink)
    inline planer boards clip onto your line whereas big boards are run from a mast and your line is clipped to the tow line. A harness is a worm harness
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 11:29:46 (permalink)
    So when a fish strikes a lure/harness/bait on an inline planer board the board never separates from the line, correct?   It must all be wound in.    If you can show me or direct me to a picture of an inline planer board I'd appreciate it.

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 11:37:59 (permalink)
    Another question......or statement.....tell me if I'm mainly run harnesses with inline weights all trailing an inline planer, correct?
    And with Jet Divers you can have anything lightweight trailing behind them.......spoons, stick baits and harnesses, correct?     But you don't have an inline weight trailing a Jet Diver, correct? 

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 12:14:29 (permalink)
    Lovgren, thanks again alot.   Are these inline planer boards used mostly for walleyes or are they also a prime way of catching chinooks, cohos, browns, steelhead, and lakers while trolling in L Erie or Ontario?
    Beginning to wonder if I need to invest in some expensive downriggers at all.

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 12:17:14 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: spinnerspooner

        But you don't have an inline weight trailing a Jet Diver, correct? 

    Correct, however, I've added snap weights (sort of like an in-line weight, snapped on instead of tied on) a foot or two above the jet to achieve a bit more depth.
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 12:39:48 (permalink)
    So many different ways to troll and achieve different depths.....Dipsy's, Jets, Inline Planers, Inline Weights, Side Planers. I'm wondering if it's worth getting a variety of Jet Divers in something other than just 30 Depth.  Every week or so Dix Sporting Goods will pick out one size Jet and put it on sale at about $5.97 or about $2 off.  They also seem to carry a little bigger selection  of all of these trolling devices than Gander Mtn and are also a buck or two cheaper.   
    Y'all seem to have lotsa ways to get a bait down in the water column, am just curious if any of you have trolled with some naturally diving lures like Kwikfish, Flatfish, J-Plugs, etc.......lures that float until they are put in motion.   For instance, I think it might be interesting to trail a U20 Flatfish behind a #30 Jet Diver.     Maybe do something like that with 4 different rods.    If you get a fish on and you are understaffed you just cut the engine and everything comes floating to the top.
    post edited by spinnerspooner - 2011/11/03 12:56:24

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 13:35:19 (permalink)
    There is a thousand ways to skin a cat, especially out in open water.
    I don't recommend inline boards for salmoniods. They will pull them right under with their strong fighting power. There will be way to much resistance between the fish and the submerged board. The fish has more chance to break off. Inline boards are good for the eyes. They fight like a old boot.
    As far as as not needing riggers because of all the other divers on the market, wrong.......
    I thought that too. I fished Erie and Ontario for 2 years without any riggers. Now I have them and they are awsome. There is not much of a need for the eyes, but the salmoniods love the riggers!
    post edited by eyedreamn - 2011/11/03 13:38:48
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 14:14:48 (permalink)
    Reminded me of a joke I once heard....something about catching a fish that was a cross between a Walleye and some other kind of was called a Kowallski......I don't remember how it went exactly, much less the punch line, but it was based upon how weak a Walleye fights.   Are Dipsy's and Jet Divers OK for salmonoids in your opinion?
    post edited by spinnerspooner - 2011/11/03 14:23:11

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 14:31:40 (permalink)
    It was a cross between a coho,walleye & musky - called a kowalski, but they were having trouble teaching it to swim!

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 14:46:41 (permalink)
    Dipsys and jets work great for them. We crushed a pile of lake trout last weekend on jets and riggers. Didn't need to put any dipsys down, but if we did I'm sure we wouldn't have been hooked up.
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 14:47:02 (permalink)
    I once was wading in the Allegheny River at a place just below the Highland Park Dam, called Sonny's Landing.   It was during the Spring spawn, April.    I'm with my dad and I catch this fish that was probably a cross between a Sauger and a had characteristics of both fish, the rattlesnake skin of a Sauger and the white bottom tail tip and glass eye of an eye.   I got him on a red-headed jig and a motor oil colored mr. twister worm.   I put my rod underneath my arm to remove the hook, I  drop the hook into the water, toss the fish back in the water and before I could get my rod back in my hands that same saugeye had attacked my lure again after being caught 10 seconds before.   Illustrating how some fish, at least that time of the year, are "pure instinct".   
    Flounder in the ocean have always been notoriusly weak fighters also.   Don't know how many times I had one on in FL and didn't know it.

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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 16:22:32 (permalink)
    This one time at band camp.......
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 20:26:13 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Lundking

    Is tHem tHEre wAllEyes uP oFf of wAlnUt yEt I wAnNa tAke mY pEliCaN PeDDlE bOaT oUt fUr sUM EyES!!

    Totally kidding..  thought id start the thread off with some humor...

    Well anyway I purchased several more Jet Divers and I am very interested what stick baits I can use with them. Last summer i used a few jet divers trollin but this year i want to figure them out. I know you can pull harnesses but i also know you can pull spoons and stickbaits of the right size too although i have never tried. Do Stingray sized Michigan Stingers work behind them? and also What kind of stickbaits (thundersticks, bagley, reef runners, etc.) also?

    All input is much appreciated, just tryin to find my way in the walleye world.

    Any shallow diving lure be OK LK; ripsticks, bombers, renosky, etc.....also can run harnesses behind them....6' lead will do ya just fine.
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/03 20:40:02 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: CroatianSensation

    ORIGINAL: Lundking

    Is tHem tHEre wAllEyes uP oFf of wAlnUt yEt I wAnNa tAke mY pEliCaN PeDDlE bOaT oUt fUr sUM EyES!!

    Totally kidding..  thought id start the thread off with some humor...

    Well anyway I purchased several more Jet Divers and I am very interested what stick baits I can use with them. Last summer i used a few jet divers trollin but this year i want to figure them out. I know you can pull harnesses but i also know you can pull spoons and stickbaits of the right size too although i have never tried. Do Stingray sized Michigan Stingers work behind them? and also What kind of stickbaits (thundersticks, bagley, reef runners, etc.) also?

    All input is much appreciated, just tryin to find my way in the walleye world.

    Any shallow diving lure be OK LK; ripsticks, bombers, renosky, etc.....also can run harnesses behind them....6' lead will do ya just fine.

    I agree. My hot program this year was regular Renosky's or Chattersticks, or harnesses way, way, way back on jets off big boards.
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    RE: Jet Divers 2011/11/04 20:20:32 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Lundking

    Is tHem tHEre wAllEyes uP oFf of wAlnUt yEt I wAnNa tAke mY pEliCaN PeDDlE bOaT oUt fUr sUM EyES!!

    Totally kidding..  thought id start the thread off with some humor...

    I'm sorry but I really don't see the HUMOR in trying to imitate the jerk--wads on here that TyYpe LIke dIs.
    Sooooo kindergarten.

    That is a club you don't want to join!

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