Like lovethoseeyes was saying they stock the walleye and it take a few years for them to get to legal length. Because they stock walleye fry less than an inch long (most fo the fish) so fish are hatched and then that year put in the body of water, maybe 1 or 2 out of 10,000 might live to see adaulthood.
While trout that are kept to 7 inches take much more man hours and food... is why there is a trout stamp to pay for the extra time.
In PA they stock
Species Life Stage 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Grand Total
American Eel Elver 17,504 17,504
American Shad Fingerling 6,490 1,240 7,730
Fry 10,406,000 6,370,463 2,246,500 11,932,722 4,709,872 5,164,275 4,490,184 2,246,619 3,832,584 51,399,219
Black Crappie Adult 1,140 500 500 2,140
Fingerling 2,911 253,122 98,624 845 4,735 193,786 270,373 18,355 842,751
Bluegill Adult 410 500 650 50 50 50 1,710
Fingerling 265,400 12,000 22,299 18,900 228 6,500 25,123 6,700 200 357,350
Brown Bullhead Adult 10,731 10,731
Chain Pickerel Adult 2 2
Fingerling 4,287 1,639 3,362 463 1,635 4,750 3,448 3,750 2,570 25,904
Channel Catfish Fingerling 164,123 205,828 353,728 265,652 253,601 209,327 156,146 62,350 110,900 1,781,655
Coho Salmon Fingerling 137,204 99,855 237,059
Yearling 27,786 100,289 69,912 197,987
Common Sucker Species Adult 300 300
Emerald Shiner Adult 385,120 385,120
Fathead Minnow Adult 104,000 299,500 105,500 105,500 50,000 664,500
Golden Shiner Adult 8,788 2,700 8,463 19,951
Fingerling 185,000 26,650 211,650
Grass Carp Adult 200 200
Hickory Shad Fry 100,000 2,950,000 6,115,730 17,248,435 9,104,914 7,815,640 7,180,216 50,514,935
Lake Trout Adult 2,357 160 80 2,597
Fingerling 39,789 52,998 58,905 67,999 81,990 120,446 21,461 31,572 51,975 527,135
Yearling 59,194 85,499 57,890 202,583
Largemouth Bass Adult 205 20 26 251
Fingerling 38,232 23,927 18,500 585 16,850 18,419 3,158 22,034 52,305 194,010
Muskellunge Adult 37 547 584
Fingerling 126,280 111,938 122,938 78,719 122,389 105,839 111,376 104,243 162,470 1,046,192
Yearling 1,308 1,465 1,603 2,062 2,864 2,525 1,665 13,492
Northern Pike Fingerling 4,590 5,620 6,618 4,520 6,620 6,530 6,530 6,530 6,530 54,088
Paddlefish Fingerling 10,905 8,297 5,688 1,602 5,717 32,433 2,706 4,502 71,850
Pumpkinseed Adult 30 30
Rainbow Trout - Steelhead Fingerling 1,107,440 1,020,738 51,000 2,179,178
Yearling 57,031 1,029,985 717,814 1,074,384 1,056,946 1,064,983 1,004,907 1,071,426 7,077,476
Redear Sunfish Fingerling 34,700 34,656 18,001 34,700 34,700 19,500 176,257
Rock Bass Adult 3 3
Fingerling 3,539 6,800 10,339
Sauger Fingerling 2,000 11,450 7,265 1,000 18,624 62,858 103,197
Saugeye Fingerling 2,650 22,057 13,992 2,200 4,000 18,505 63,404
Smallmouth Bass Adult 40 40
Fingerling 11,115 25,762 22,400 448 1,080 60,805
Striped Bass Adult 600 27 81 708
Fingerling 270,476 223,906 24,081 446,716 37,017 301,048 352,922 212,934 386,857 2,255,957
Fry 6,650,000 13,690,000 7,499,998 6,880,000 6,199,000 1,800,000 42,718,998
Yearling 278 278
Tiger Muskellunge Fingerling 63,455 84,275 73,475 89,011 80,474 87,314 94,198 102,202 75,359 749,763
Yearling 7,400 7,400
Walleye Adult 500 500 500 1,500
Fingerling 749,666 588,641 574,718 710,219 793,065 681,752 1,434,541 1,015,578 1,137,234 7,685,414
Fry 76,070,500 69,489,750 71,015,250 83,798,550 84,057,550 73,389,545 92,392,332 51,407,257 32,000,000 633,287,445
Advanced Fry 244,382 88,907 333,289
White Crappie Fingerling 300 1,075 8,088 1,200 1,958 12,621
White Sucker Adult 4 247 300 551
White X Striped Bass Fingerling 11,400 158,148 92,336 89,295 93,125 45,492 50,670 155,816 67,290 763,572
Yellow Perch Adult 4 438 484 100 1,026
Fingerling 46,800 106 81,588 128,494
Fry 1,120,000 1,120,000 1,411,000 1,000,000 947,598 944,600 947,600 1,456,600 8,947,398
That was from the PFBC websight, its a little jumbled but you get the point. What you are saying doubletaper is we should buy a stamp for every fish listed?
For more clear view here is the link
post edited by anzomcik - 2010/02/08 11:53:20