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Lake Arthur Question
Question: I have noticed this year that on underwater sturcture (branches, logs) that there are these spore-like blobs that are kinda clear/golden color. They range from baseball to softball size. They seem to have black dots on them symetrically placed all around the thing. What are they? Are they showing up as fish on the fishfinder? Do they even have enough density to show up? Anybody no what I am talking about? I will try to get a picture next time I am up there....In the meanwhile please help if you know. Thanks
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/13 18:44:45
I know what you are talking about. They've grown on the underwater trees there for as long as I can remember. I don't know exactly what it/they are though, some type of fungus I suppose.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/13 18:50:55
cacoon eggs/... take some home & next time you take a bath put them in the water ahead of time makes you feel years younger works for me
post edited by crappiefisher - 2007/09/13 18:55:28
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/13 19:10:07
crappie: Have you ever touched one? They are NASTY! Accidentally grabbed one pulling in the anchor...
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/13 19:56:21
Oh yEah/... lOl ...
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/14 00:24:32
Crappie that is some nasty crappie stuff.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/14 16:38:20
So what is the consensus? Do they show up as fish on the fishfinder? I think that they do on mine, but not sure.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/17 13:16:39
I've seen what you are describing too. I wonder if they are some type of fresh water sponge? I did a little research online and what I found sort of describes what we have seen. If the colony of animals was large enough, they could show up on a fishfinder. I also found some info on fresh water jelly fish. But I doubt that is what we are seeing.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/17 19:12:12
Fishon, you may be right about the freshwater jellyfish..I remember reading about them somewhere a while back.
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/18 15:56:18
Hey Guys, I saw something on the news about these things in Texas I believe. They are protozoa that have gathered together for whatever reason. They look like jellyfish and are completely harmless.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/19 13:43:19
Was just wondering how deep these things are being observed? I know that salamander eggs are attached to submerged trees in shallow waters. They are basically a gelatinous mass with a lot of small black dots (growing salamanders) throughout them. I had a professor in college that studied salamanders and I remember wading into the shallows along lake edges to collect these 'balls of goo' and letting them finish develop/hatch in the lab. Just a thought...
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/19 16:57:16
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/19 21:37:57
They definitely aren't amphibian eggs. I found one for the first time last year and it's consistency and opacity along with red algae (I hope) growing on it made me think it was a breast implant or something!! I took pictures but they're on another computer. I'll post 'em when I get a chance. I saw two more this summer.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/20 09:05:42
The red algae has me confused, but the hellbender egg masses are much more dense and dark in color (in comparison to what was posted above). The picture looks like a spotted salamander egg mass to me. Again, I'm not saying what you guys are finding is an egg mass, just throwing additional ideas out there about what it might be. Has anyone inquired with the PFBC about dangerous blooms in the lake?
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/20 22:53:48
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/21 13:43:34
This first shot is next to my cell phone for scale:  This next shot is to show the whole thing. Sorry it's a bit fuzzy: When I found it, it was much rounder and full of moisture, but I put it in a garbage bad in order to bring it home and put a slice under the microscope (which I never got around to) and forgot about it on the back porch and it had deflated substantially. When fresh though, it was pretty solid. I saw one a few weeks ago that was about half this size.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/21 13:46:19
outdrwriter: opening your second picture triggered my virus detector! The picture was accurate, but something is going on there.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/21 16:46:42
luvin, That's strange, I have a very good anti virus program on my puter and it hasn't found anything. It is a foreign website so who knows. Bob
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/21 23:41:43
Darn foreigners... Just kidding, just kidding! :)
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/23 20:26:40
Saw the gelatin masses first hand today. I hadn't realized they were that prevalent in the shallower bays of the lake. Definately not salamander eggs, and I would believe they are indeed the bacterial colonies that were talked about above. Not very attractive, but if they aren't hurting the ecosystem I wouldn't be too worried about them... My anti-virus software suite did not detect any viruses on that link either. Some anti-virus suites are more sensative to malware than others, it might've looked like a suspicious website and that's what triggered your anti-virus software.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/09/24 11:47:47
Ah, cool. I do keep it set pretty high.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/10/01 15:50:27
A friend of mine took some kids to Pymy yesterday and they found one there. From the picture she took it was the same size as the others.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/10/01 17:11:17
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/10/02 12:21:09
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/10/07 16:32:14
Found the biggest one yet yesterday on Arthur near the Bear Run boat launch area. It's the first one I've seen with multiple sections and it was like 6 softballs stuck together. It floated past me while I was wading under overhanging trees and man, I kept waiting for it to expand and attack me! I've gotta stop watching "Blob" type movies.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/10/07 18:07:38
was up a couple weeks ago and came accross a submerged tree that was covered in the things, just about every branch had one or 2 on it
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/10/17 20:10:53
last night on the ohio river i had a small chunk attached to one of my hooks of this stuff. looked exactly the same.
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RE: Lake Arthur Question
2007/12/19 17:30:52
I found one of these five or six years ago while fishing at Greenlick Dam. I was fishing the shallow side and saw it a few feet out in the water. I tried snagging it a few times and eventually got it to shore. It was about a foot in diameter and 3-5 inches tall while laying flat...haven't seen one since. I always wondered what that was. Good post.
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Re: RE: Lake Arthur Question
2014/07/06 23:11:39
Hmmm, 7 year old post? NECRO'D! Saw these blobs today fishing Arthur. Thought they were perch egg masses, turns out they are colonies of bryozoans. Filter feeders that form coral-like masses.
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Re: RE: Lake Arthur Question
2014/07/07 09:53:57