Walnut Creek Conditions (9-30-09)
Cloudy, Cold (apprx 52 degrees), rained a little early in the morning then stopped. Wind coming in S/SW about 10-15mph with some gusts. Definately fishable but dress very warm and expect some challenge.
Water flow is strong, but creek is wadable. Water is fairly muddy (visibility about 4"-5")
Fish are pouring into the channel (reports of fish caught in channel area) as well as making it upstream. The cold and high water has allowed large numbers of fish to migrate past the bridge, as well as bring in reinforcements from the lake. Several fish caught in and "above" Manchester Hole as well as all along the wall down to the lake.
Conditions should continue to simmer down as long as it stays dry between now and Friday.
standing on east bank, near the end of the wall looking SW
standing on east bank looking NW at the wall area
standing on east wall area, looking due north
walking south on the east bank, facing SW
under the trees in a nice shady area on the east bank, looking N/NW
at the same shady area under the canopy of trees, this time facing SW
stop sign hole
from east bank, continuing to walk south. facing SW
walking on east bank, this time facing due north
The "V"
"last jump before the bridge" standing on east wall facing west
standing atop Manchester Bridge, facing due north
standing atop Manchester Bridge, facing due South
Manchester Hole
Nice Steelie! This one was caught south of the Manchester hole, just around the bend in the fast water.
Nice creel limit, all taken from Manchester Hole