Beaver Run

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Re:Beaver Run 2013/07/28 23:05:30 (permalink)
If you really want to get it done you need to put the flyers at all bait shops near all the Local western pennsylvania lakes.  They can be put on the boards by the boat launches at the same lakes, where you see  the big bass programs, and boat horsepower limits. I think it needs to be done at the beginning of the season around March and april.  Good Luck!!!
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Re:Beaver Run 2013/07/29 00:10:03 (permalink)
After working on getting it open for the past 15yrs or more I am really burnt out,but I will tell you this much,this is the best time that we have ever had for getting it open to the public. After we presented approx. 3000 names (I think) to the Cnty comm. they still turned us down.Also the PF&BC stabbed us in the back & made our WCO back off. Then a little while later they worked to get Onieda lake in Butler Cnty. open & made a big show about what a great job they did. They used some of the same rational & material that we gave them for Beaver Run. Now that the Municipal opened up the Dam to drilling it doesn't seem that they are too worried about pollution or eroding of the shoreline. Also some of the past Cnty Comm. were against opening it ,but they are gone now. Also the Municipal Authority has new leadership now and they may be willing to work with us. We do need some one to take over this project instead of just dreaming about it.  sam
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Re:Beaver Run 2013/07/29 00:26:26 (permalink)
They'll have to pay someone to pick up the trash left by the Fishermen.
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Re:Beaver Run 2013/07/29 00:30:35 (permalink)
Sam, I don't know much about Beaver run but I would do whatever you need to helpout
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