Beaver Run

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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/05 08:56:32 (permalink)
Ricci, I think you're more than just an "electrician".  Great Job., and Thank You!
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/05 11:42:57 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: plnoldrick

We commonly think of our elected officials as those who would make laws to restrict our freedoms or infringe on our personal liberties for the comfort of safety and security.

I really like and appreciate what you are trying to acheive.  I am planning to contact my representative.  I highly doubt that I would use the lake all that much, but always nice to have another option rather close to home. 
One thing that I would suggest, if you haven't sent your letter yet, is possibly rewording this sentance.  This sentance is basically your introduction to the elected officials of what you percieve they do.  Maybe rewording to, something like "We appreciate our elected officials looking after our safety" or something like that.  It could be just me, but some of these officials that you are asking help from, might get insulted from this sentance.  If that is the case, they will most likely not read the rest of your message.  I don't think any law maker wants to be reminded that they in fact do restrict freedoms in our "free" society.
Thank you for your efforts though.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/05 13:06:56 (permalink)
I can help with getting some of them coppied, please pm me for info
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/05 13:23:09 (permalink)
hey i appreciate the comments and i will reword the letter. i was kinda unsure about it cause i was typing more from the heart then the head. unfortunatly other then my serious insufficiency in english composition i have a bad tendancy to say it how it is, as opposed to saying it how it should be said.

i had to work on it a bit anyway truthfully. another member ran it through a spell check and said it lit up like a christmas tree! apparently all those days i spent staring out the window in english class are coming back to haunt me. sucks because my trial version of office expired and im a little short on cash to get it activated. well at least i start work soon, mayb i should make that a priority! lol.

Another twist also. another member contacted me who IS a graphic designer and said he is willing to work on this thing for us. i would really love to give him a shot at it since he's an actual professional who knows what he's doing. i would like to see what we can get stirring in the next couple days so maybe this thing could be somewhat better and a little more convincing if ya know what i mean. like i told him, i have no problem trashing my whole flyer idea if he can get something better in the works. i am much more focused on the goal then on the means of gettiing there or any personal gratification i might recieve for trying to help.
post edited by plnoldrick - 2007/04/05 13:27:09
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/05 22:20:49 (permalink)
another member made this really nice flyer.
its obvious he does this for a living when compared to mine! i'll still leave mine up but i woud understand if ya'll handed out his over mine! hell im handing out his flyer! hopefully he'll show up in here and take credit for his work.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/05 22:36:43 (permalink)
Whoever made that second flyer did a great job also.  One suggestion...... smaller picture, bigger font.  Also, include Senator Don White from Indiana County.  His district also covers the Beav.  If you make those adjustments, I will print a load also.
Go Pens!
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/06 09:26:03 (permalink)
Wanted to share some updated information from the West Co Sportman's League meeting last night.  WCO Evancho shared that a letter of endorcement from State Rep Petrarca has been written.  Also the DEP has made known that they would not discourage fishing at the reservoir. 
     WCO Evancho will have a private meeting next week with the county commissioners and the manager of the wcma.  ALSO,  Dr. Austen, the Executive Director of the F&BC has written a letter to the WCMA to try to set up a meeting and discuss the details of the proposal.
     On a side note:  For those of you from district 58 who are reading this, please contact Mr. Harhai.  I believe he's getting some false info from the WCMA concerning security needs.
Here's a cool link
Look how nice our neighboring county made their reservoirs for the public to enjoy.  Let's make sure we "Let em know" as the flyer says.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/06 10:56:42 (permalink)
Here is the second one, taking into account suggestions and the additional senator.  I made a B&W one on there too(just click to go to my flickr gallery).
I'll have more time to polish this up this weekend, so let me know of any edits, font resizing...or if you need another version.  This was a first shot, but apparently, everyone likes.  Just let me know.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/09 16:19:21 (permalink)
havent been around in a couple days. had an allergic reaction to poison ivy, something i wouldnt wish on anyone.
where is everyone at on this? anyone print these out yet or anything? trouthater said he has a way to get some copies made but im not sure how we can get them distributed out to people to hand out. if anybody has anything new to offer up im officially out of the benedryl haze and ready to roll!
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/10 08:43:51 (permalink)
I handed a few out over the weekend.  Also got about 20 signatures on a petition.  One guy emailed me and said he made the phone calls.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/10 10:19:44 (permalink)
You guy are doing a great job with this! I am definitely impressed. I live in western Allegheny County and we have the same issue with Ambridge resevoir. Its a beautiful lake, deep, huge fish and you cant fish it unless you know someone.

Thinking about starting a little grassroots thing myself after you guys successfully open Beaver Run!

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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/10 11:24:28 (permalink)
I don't know the circumstances of the lake well enough to form an opinion as to whether, or not it should be opened. It IS good though to see folk actively DOING something, rather than just B' and moan on the boards. Good luck.

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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/10 19:43:27 (permalink)
I hope it opens to public fishing but it will be up to the Municipal water authority and the county commissioners. I live only two minutes from the lake and I can tell you that they do NOT want it opened as it is THEIR private fishing lake. I have notified my county commissioners of my opinion and hope for the best.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/11 18:02:58 (permalink)
helped stock turtle creek today. handed out quite a few flyers and got some good responses to them. anyone who says the size of the fish this year are the same as any other year is nuts. i floated 2 barrels down today and released at least 30 fish over 20 inches. one bow in there was easily an 8lb fish. i thought i was stocking steelhead for a minute.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/14 21:42:11 (permalink)
Anyone talk to or get some of the flyers in the hands of trout anglers on the first day?
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/14 23:50:01 (permalink)

Anyone talk to or get some of the flyers in the hands of trout anglers on the first day?

affirmative. handed some out up at laural hill and im going out tomorrow solely to distribute. im gonna try to hit twin lakes and northmoreland. also had the oppurtunity to speak with quite a few wco's over the past couple days and all of them have allready done thier parts. one wco from somerset county i spoke to today said there is a petition website setup that wco evancho showed him. i gave him my email and he said within the next couple days he will be sending me the link to that site. i'll post it up when i get it.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/22 23:40:30 (permalink)
I talked to a PFC officer today at blackleggs about Beaver Run, as he seems to think there is a good chance this could open. The only opponets to this our the landowners and water authority to which he says is there private fishing hole.So if we continue to put preasure on our legislaters we will make this happen. Theres power in numbers guys, so keep on making calls, an lets get this done.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/23 17:02:17 (permalink)

I talked to a PFC officer today at blackleggs about Beaver Run, as he seems to think there is a good chance this could open. The only opponets to this our the landowners and water authority to which he says is there private fishing hole.So if we continue to put preasure on our legislaters we will make this happen. Theres power in numbers guys, so keep on making calls, an lets get this done.

ive been handing out flyers galore! had to eat through about 150 of the cheesy ones i made first since there wasnt any point in wasting 40$ a cartridge ink but now im on to the high dollar flyers. ive been geting some real good responses from people so im real hopefull. all i think we can do now is hand out flyers and try to reach out to people and hope for the best.
its just sad because in the end we all know the future of the lake relies on the people who would keep it closed. the negative side of humanity is growing a little tiresome. guess i just wish that people or companies or anything really could learn to think beyond thier greed. i know some people would say we are greedy for wanting it opened to us and that may be true to some extent but at least its so much more beneficial to the area as a whole then just a select few.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/28 07:03:22 (permalink)
Why did this article appear in the Pittsburgh Edition of the Tribune Review, and not in the Greensburg Edition?
I thought we were doing well with our efforts.  Everywhere I go I see those petitions and it seems like there's alot of people signing them, but what are they going to do with them?  Give them to someone?
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/28 07:58:13 (permalink)
We will be discussing this subject along with others at the regular meeting of the Westm'd County Sportsmans League this thursday,May 3rd at 7-30pm at the county court-house.public welcome,we can use more suggestions & help.   sam
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/28 18:41:29 (permalink)
I'd like to know what they plan to do about the litter problem if they open it to fishing. Just take a look at Northmoreland park trash everywhere and it's only been two weeks.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/04/28 21:04:03 (permalink)
That's the thing.  We need some groups formed to self-police fisherman after it gets opened.  Nothing is good if everyone consumes without giving anything back.  Making weekly/daily walkthroughs would probably take about an hour at most?  Trash can placement, trying to get a grant from the city/county for some garbage cans/disposal areas would be an avenue to explore.  Getting private donations from clubs/fisherman for those items would be another thing to consider.  There is also the traffic issue needs explored.  Are there any needs for some landing areas?  Retaining/construciton of any type will be needed?  Will there need to be trails/tree disposal and cleanup need to be done either on a volunteer or paid for status?
Someone private, not in a club of any type, or affiliated with any representative or senator or even city/county government(all of these could have fingers pointed at them for several reasons down the line), wants to come forward and take lead to form a group for the opening of this to the public.  Getting a plan and backup for certain circumstances would be a further step as commisioners could see less work in front of them and a clearer picture of where journey is going to go for opening the run back up.
I can't offer heading anything, but I could offer webspace and design work if this is something needed.
Anyhow, just more thoughts.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/05/02 16:05:05 (permalink)
I would really like for this to happen.  I am not a member of any sportsmen's clubs or anything but I'd be more than willing to help police trash and make trails or whatever else needs done.  It's a real shame to have this resource lying there unused.  Can't count the number of times I have driven over the bridge on 286 wishing I could get out and fish. 
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/05/02 22:20:25 (permalink)

One question. Why show a small cove instead the of main lake? That cove doesn't show how big the lake really is.
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/05/02 22:37:12 (permalink)
I think if Beaver Run opens it should be Catch and Release only.
post edited by Little35 - 2007/05/03 08:41:45
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RE: Beaver Run 2007/05/03 09:04:25 (permalink)
I disagree other than bass, pike, and perch, though I don't think it should be opened at all.
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RE: Beaver Run 2009/01/06 15:11:34 (permalink)
It seems this thread died out about 20 months ago.  What ever became of the effort to have Beaver Run open to the public?  I fished it (illegally of course) back in the 70's and it seemed to contain lots of bass and panfish.
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RE: Beaver Run 2009/01/06 15:27:16 (permalink)
I think the county commisioners and water authority had a public meeting and in the end stated that it would not open Beaver Run Res because of "national security reasons"
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RE: Beaver Run 2009/01/07 07:22:00 (permalink)
That is hogwash. If someone wanted to poison that water they would not have to be fishing to do it.  Having more people there fishing would deter a would be terrorist.  More eyes and ears watching.  JMHO
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RE: Beaver Run 2009/01/07 13:45:49 (permalink)
"national security reasons", what a joke.  i bet this country would be brought to it's knees if the Westmoreland County water supply was poisoned.  If Westmoreland County opened up Beaver Run and the Latrobe Reservoir i'm sure it would really help out the local ecomomy.  I can't see any good reason to not open these lakes, at least open them to shore fishing, what harm would that do?
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