RE: blade sharpeners
2009/02/05 10:06:28
I agree with changing the blades, but I didn't have an extra set with me. I happened to have a hand sharpener that I bought on clearance 2 years ago after ice season. It waqs taking forever to drill through the ice prior to sharpening the blades. After I sharpened them it took less than 30 seconds to blow through 10-11 inches of ice. If you read the directions on the sharpener they say to put the short sharpening stone facing the top of the auger and the long stone downward. Also says it is VERY IMPORTANT to keep bootom stone on against bottom og blade while sharpening (my guess this is due to angle being so critical). It took me less than 5 minutes to sharpen. I would imagine just a few times across the blades with the sharpener is all it would take kinda like a chain saw.