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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 14:25:33
I was thinkin the same thing. All that tandom rigging, color changing, tippet tying...It does get a little "boring". Next time I go, it's spinning rod and some bait for me. Btw, thanks for reminding us all how we started. Thanks Jason
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 14:25:50
Mike, I found your story very entertaining. And it just proves that worms are still a "go to" bait. Some of the biggest fish I've ever seen on the tribs were taken on worms. But to make the story the best, you should have been barefoot, and whistling the "Andy Griffith" theme, while fishing with a cane pole. One of the biggest fish I've ever seen on the tribs was taken by my friend on a spinning rig and worms. We were on lower Elk and there were two of the biggest salmon I've ever seen running up and down in the long pool. (Personally I think they were kings but I don't know) My buddy threw out a nightcrawler in their general direction and the biggest fish (male) swerved about 6 feet and hit the bait running. After about 15 minutes we got the fish in and since it looked worn out we released it. It immediately joined the other fish and when last seen was heading downstream rapidly.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
egg sac
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 14:36:34
ORIGINAL: brown trout Awesome post, Mikeg, that's what fishing is all about. On a side note, many people, even bait fisherman, have no idea how good nightcrawlers really work when fished right for trout/steelhead/salmon. Stopped using Night Crawlers years ago as they made it even easier then chumming
post edited by egg sac - 2008/12/18 14:54:50
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 14:38:56
Uuuum...Don't you mean chumming? lol
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 14:38:59
please edit your message eggie haha thanks Mike!!
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 14:48:21
ORIGINAL: mikeg Uuuum...Don't you mean chumming? lol Uhh ohh. yikes!
Wally Cat
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 14:48:53
Darn worm fishermen. Next they will be setting chairs and sticks along the bank like they are carp fishin'. Think I might go get my worms out of the downstairs fridge and go drown some bait(locally). I need the practice to get my hand and arm back in shape from some surgery about a month ago. Great post Mike - that's what it's really about - just enjoying being there(anywhere).
Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Go Fish - Often! "God has blessed America - may He continue to do so, even though we are not worthy of it". Author..... Wally Cat
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 16:43:46
Mike G. That was cool to read. By Sunday all bait shops will be out of crawlers. We will need a Federal nightcrawler bailout.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 17:27:49
Mike, great post and great story. I've got boxes full of different flies for steelhead. I guess I'll have to give it a try like you did. Leave it all in the truck and go after 'em with a coffee can full of worms and my mitchell 300. My Dad always told me that was the only sure way to fish - God Bless Him.
"They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it..... you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore." John Gierach
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 18:07:07
Oh Shift!, Now this means I'm going to have to start restoring bamboo baitcasting rods and level wind reels. Luckily I have a few.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 18:53:10
I can really relate to this thread. You mentioned $400 rods? How about a couple that cost over $600 each ? Started off many, many years ago with a fiberglass Shakespear rod and a el-cheapo reel. Caught fish. Got away from flyfishing for quite awhile. When I returned I decided to buy better equipment. I more or less figured the better, higher tech, alas, more expensive rod and reel and all the other stuff that tagged along for hundreds more would somehow turn me into a better fisherman. Wrong! All it did was make me lighter in the wallet with far more rods and reels, lines, leaders, flies, etc., that I would ever use in two lifetimes. Hard to believe I was so dumb to have ended up with all that stuff. Same with tieing flies. All I wanted to learn how to tie was a black woolybugger. Fellow at the hunting and fishing store showed me how. Bought what I needed to get started includeing a vice that cost about $35. Needless to say things escalated from there. Probably over $300 in another vice plus a couple of grand in assorted odds and ends through the course of time. There are so many feathers in my basement, it looks like a aviary! I surely do wish I never, ever got so involved in this hobby. As a side note, about 4 years ago I took that old fiberglass rod along on a trip to fish some ponds at a resort, permission and a pass were needed to fish. The ponds had some nice sized rainbows in them. Used the expensive stuff and didn't catch a fish. The ponds also had some stripers in them. Broke out the old fiberglass 7 wt. and hammerd quite a few of those stripers. They went about 3 to 5 pounds, Had a blast. No doubt I could have done as well with the "Better" rod and reel if I had targeted the bass, but it just goes to show you don't need high priced gear to catch fish. It was just a trip down memory lane I suppose. If I had to do it all over again as far as flyfishing and tieing is concerned I would have followed this axiom, "keep it simple, stupid."
post edited by bigfoot - 2008/12/19 11:08:53
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/19 19:39:00
I still have a very, very old Prince Albert can (Anybody remember those?) in a cupboard down in the basement. When spring arrives, I plan on digging up some garden hackle, put them in that can, put my old Mitchell 400 on a spining rod, take along a pair of knee high rubber boots, some #8 baitholder hooks, some split shot, and a jar of salmon eggs, and head on out and try and catch a few pellet heads!
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/19 19:57:07
ORIGINAL: bigfoot Prince Albert can I prefer the legendary Hillsboro Coffee Can..
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/19 20:41:31
With a hills bros can don't you wind up passed out with a cheap blond hooker and a terrific case of sunburn on your butt?
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/19 22:13:57
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/19 22:17:22
ORIGINAL: indsguiz With a hills bros can don't you wind up passed out with a cheap blond hooker and a terrific case of sunburn on your butt? (from the book) You also like fishing for those shadows called "suckers," because they're here and the trout are all the way over there.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/19 22:20:56
Only if your lucky.
She had bad body odor but boy could she sure skin a salmon! "Trust but verify" R.R.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/20 00:45:05
absolutely loved this thread. makes me appreciate what i have but takes me back to a simpler time. think i may even water the lawn tonight and go out and catch some garden hackle myself. dt, you don't read gordon macquarrie, do you?
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/22 19:23:18
"i left the city in the darkness, alone but not lonely" i believe i have eight different books by gordon, including the trilogy. if there was a man who could write fireside, who could make you want to be cold or wet, it was he. sometimes doubletaper seems to parallel macquarrie.
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Re: RE: Going back to the basics!
2012/08/13 21:14:11
Thanks Coldfront. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread.
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Re: RE: Going back to the basics!
2012/08/13 23:29:11
 nice encore presentation!
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Re: RE: Going back to the basics!
2012/08/14 00:23:36
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Re: RE: Going back to the basics!
2012/08/14 07:25:15
I talk to Mike at least one a week...I'll send him a FishErie hello.
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Re: RE: Going back to the basics!
2012/08/14 09:34:47
I'll do that. I never really ruffed eggy up....did do alot of chuckling at his expense. Remember "The Manifesto"?
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Re: RE: Going back to the basics!
2012/08/14 22:01:36
I remember this thread, this was a great one!
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: RE: Going back to the basics!
2012/08/14 22:27:49
Mike says YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Duud aint got cable or internet no mo....dont want it. He's got chickens, a garden, and a 270. He's blessed.
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Re: RE: Going back to the basics!
2012/08/15 08:01:51
LMAO....more like a super intelligent redneck. What do you call a neurosurgeon with a rifle and an itch to poke somethin'?.......Mike G of course.
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...