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Going back to the basics!
The other day I had a great conversation with another angler that I've known for some time. He, like myself, takes his fishing very seriously. We spoke about what we have become as an angler and how we look at our sport compaired to how we use to look at it... We spoke about how things have change so much over the years, and how we have matured as anglers and sportsman. This got me thinking a lot about what we become after a while. Take steelhead fishing as an example.... When I first started fishing these fish it really didn't matter how I caught them. Bait, lures, eggs, powerbait...it didn't matter! I was after one thing and one thing only....The fish! I didn't care about what kind of rod I was using as long as it was strong enough to catch one. I didn't care what kind of waders I was wearing, as long as the kept me dry! Most of those years I didn't have two pennys to rub together so I fished with what ever I could afford. Some how over the years those "basic" things about fishing I had forgotten all about. I evolved into that "not challenging enough" type of angler most become with time. Me fish with bait? No way, to easy! Me spin fish for steelhead? No way, anyone could do that! So for the last few years I've challenged myself with all the expensive gear, lightest tippets, smallest hand tied flies! But in the last few weeks I've found myself loosing a little motivation to get out there and catch some fish. So today I went back to the "basics". I was browsing in the fishing department at walmart while my wife did some shopping and came across their bait fridge. I noticed they had some nightcrawlers so I decided it would be fun to fish "old school" style this evening. I grabbed a container and put them in the basket. My wife looks at me with a strange look on her face and ask "What are you gonna do with those things"? Anyway, I got home and grabbed up my gear! But not the expensive fly rod, not even the noodle rod, but rather my cheap old ultralite rod I normally use for perch! Night crawlers in hand, I go to a spot about 10 minutes from my house.... Just like when I was a kid, I tied on a big slimey crawler and was ready for action! Yes, even us fly fishing yuppys get our hands dirty sometimes! I didn't get 2 drifts in when my trusty bobber goes under.... My first fish in a LONG time caught on a nightcrawler under a bobber! After I released that one, it was one fish after another for about 2 hours! I had one of my best times on the creek remembering back when fishing was just that....fishing!! No expensive $400.00 rod, no Sims waders, no Costa Del Mar sunglasses, no ridiculous fly patterns, or $60 WF fly lines...Just me with a spinning rod and a bucket of worms! But here's the part that made me want to write about today's fishing... Eventhough all my gear was differant, eventhough my bait of choice was differant, eventhough a bunch of things were differant about the way I was fishing... There was ONE thing that was the exact same.......... The huge smile that stretched across my face for 3 solid hours!!!!! For a little while today, I was a kid again! Not a worry in the world, not a ounce of pressure, not a single bad thought was in my head while I landed fish after fish! It was just me, my nightcrawlers, and a hole bunch of hungry, hard fighting fish!!! Today was a day to remember! I guess it took 2 dozen night crawlers to make me realize that it really isn't the fish I've been after all these years! -Mike
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 20:17:08
Yep. Just have fun. Whatever u want to use.
post edited by steelydaze - 2008/12/17 20:23:47
She had bad body odor but boy could she sure skin a salmon! "Trust but verify" R.R.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 20:48:40
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 20:57:04
Nice post, i know how you feel. I have recently started teaching my son and daughter to fish. They are 3yo and 5yo. I started pulling out the old spinning rods, and the memories started flowing. Those little ultra lites are a blast to fish with. Makes every fish fun to land.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 21:08:27
Great post that should put things into perspective for everyone! I'm headed mup in the mornin'!
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 21:55:53
Great post Mike. That's the way I have always fished and hunted. Basics. I am a workin' class guy (yes...my name is on my shirt), and I don't buy alot of expensive equipment. I use middle of the road equipment, and catch enough fish to make me happy. We should try to apply a little more of your feeling that day to our lives. Thanks for sharing.
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 21:56:12
Mike you gave away the big secret of steelhead fishing. You don't need a ton of equipment or flies, or whatever. You need a few hooks, some bait, a float and time to fish. I landed a huge male Sunday on some two week old skein. Nothing fancy, kinda smelly, but very rewarding.
Kokanee Killer
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 21:58:22
i have been using the same 2 color jigs for the last 15 years no secret with me just what works lol lol great post mike g
I have become comfortably numb
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 22:26:53
There is going to be a run on nightcrawlers at the local bait stores, lol.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 23:04:59
Thanks for "admitting" that you would stoop so low to use such undignified, tacky and classless items for fishing. You must be ashamed of yourself for your actions. Ha! Mike that's awesome. As I said on a post in the Southwest Pa forum, it doesn't matter if I'm tossing size 2 hooks with a piece of hot dog for carp or size 16 flies for trout, I try to have fun with it and hopefully catch one or two. Let's not let this hobby, pleasure and pasttime become an obsessive, upper class, highbrow affair. Not saying the Orvis guy is wrong, just saying whoever you are, as Mike has exemplified, enjoy yourself.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
Over the Hill
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 23:06:22
Way to go... Get out and have fun the simple way! Some of the most fun I've had is a spontanius simple fishing trip. Worms and bobbers. Good job....
OVER THE HILL Some people are like slinky's; not really good for anything, but, they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs...
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 23:27:33
I love to blow them up a little with a needle (junky worm) all trout cant resist a big hunk of meat LOL.... thanks Mike...
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/17 23:34:45
Yup guys should practice what they preach. Hope u do good.
She had bad body odor but boy could she sure skin a salmon! "Trust but verify" R.R.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 00:00:25
mike, great, great post. after having given away better than two dozen rod and reel combos over the last few years, i still have better than two dozen. all are situation specific. ultra light to leadcore, noodle rods to fly rods. two huge tackle boxes, a tackle bag, two vests, boxes of crap and so on. twelve dozen raps, nine dozen hot n tots and so on. i remember when i had four glass rods, one tackle box, a pair of rubber waders and caught lots of fish. it was more fun then, but i still enjoy myself immensely. sometimes i wish i could go back. you done good, friend.
brown trout
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 00:08:48
Awesome post, Mikeg, that's what fishing is all about. On a side note, many people, even bait fisherman, have no idea how good nightcrawlers really work when fished right for trout/steelhead/salmon.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 00:15:42
Nice post must say that was very interesting read. I have been reading this board for about six months now. That couldn't have been said any better. Nice post Mike. I just never created a screen name,Till tonight just thought i would finally chime in. Hi to all, i will always try to do my best to watch my step with all the pro's here don't want to create any waves.
dont stand to close i don't have my deodorant on today. I might scare your fish.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 00:20:45
i will always try to do my best to watch my step with all the pro's here don't want to create any waves. speed, you wade right on in with the rest of us. very few attitudes here, just good guys who all take turns being knuckleheads from time to time  . welcome aboard.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 01:26:56
Great post. I really enjoyed reading it.
The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 03:07:54
" I hear we got a devolution well you know" You've finally devolved! Nice boots too. Wow, you went the whole deal didn't you? Ditch the columbia jacket too ? Good ole garden hackle. NOW, you're a purist. Nice write . Dave
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 06:38:41
yo mIkEG, tolL yU, no kAtch anYthiN wiFf tHAt fLEa poLL u dIDn't gIt thAat wAAtch slIMy diId yoO P.S. maybe this will be the thread that brings back the guru. I can't even come close to imitating him well.
post edited by Stillhead - 2008/12/18 06:40:24
Sculpin 14
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 07:22:29
Mike, that was a very enjoyable and refreshing post.....I agree with you totally!!!!!!!
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 07:53:02
The first time I ever went to Erie was with a 6' spinning rod and a bucket of crawlers. I was standing over 3 fish that were the biggest trout I had ever seen hahaha I was shaking and threaded on an entire crawler and caught one on the first cast. I was running down stream after it as it peeled the drag off. I had no clue what I was doing but I was having a blast. It took me into a falled tree about 100yds down stream and broke me off. I was shaking with adrenaline. I walked back up and on the next cast I hooked into another one. And did the whole thing over again haha I remember I had it stopped in about ankle deep water and had my little trout net. Bent over to net her and off she went again with me running after her. Glad no one was around to see me haha. I've come a long way since then but I'll never forget that first trip. We still keep it real all summer by fishing for carp with corn. Just like when my brothers and I would ride our bikes to the river and fish all day during the summer. Great post.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 09:00:52
I too love to use my flyrod and my special home tied flys, but I still catch plenty of fish on crawlers, the steelies love them.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 09:45:23
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 09:52:25
Clearly MikeG has a problem. I'm betting he threw his bait container in the creek too. All bait "fishermen", if you can even call them "fishermen", do it. It's true.
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 09:57:47
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 10:09:38
No, I didn't keep my limit! But only because they don't taste that good! "Traitor!" Ya I know...I crossed over to the dark side, didn't I! lol
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 10:13:19
ORIGINAL: elephanthead " I hear we got a devolution well you know" You've finally devolved! Nice boots too. Wow, you went the whole deal didn't you? Ditch the columbia jacket too ? Good ole garden hackle. NOW, you're a purist. Nice write . Dave Nah, I still sported the Columbia! I went back to the basics, but I didn't want to freeze my arss off!
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 10:15:50
ORIGINAL: anadromous I urge you to attend a NA meeting (nightcrawlers anonyomous). You will find good people there just like you that have fallen off the wagon. You can share your experience in a non-judgemental environment. There are some hardcore users that attend...some are flashlight hand-pickers, some electro shockers, and even those like you that have bought from street dealers. I find it easier if I stay inside on rainey evenings,stay away from peatmoss, also avoid styrofoam containers of any kind!! Its hard Mike, but if you eliminate the triggers you avoid temptation. See you for you one month chip Buddy!!! Don't forget to say the Serenity prayer!!! My name is Mikeg and Im a crawlerholic!!
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RE: Going back to the basics!
2008/12/18 10:19:57
all the money spent to educate you to become an elite fly fisherman. all the upgrading of equipment to show your prestige and accomplishment and you had to resort to garden hackle  . i can see it now under the christmas tree. a garden hackle box with a bag of worm bedding with the name 'MIKEG' printed on it! the smile on your face when you look beneath the tree! (good post by the way) ~dt ps. didn't need the visual aid