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lake leboeuf
i hear there big tiger muskie's in there.years ago i was there but play golf at mound grove.there a place up there i use to go to it was called bootscooters a dance hall. i hear it closed. i guess it been so many years i think it was on donation road . can some help me out how to get to the lake . i hear then catch them on suckers . i know there's many suckers up there i hope a can fine some . just one
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/09 22:44:43
Can't give you any recent info, but I remember the old timers talking about the big muskies in that lake when I was a kid. I remember that the old guy that owned Nick's Bar in Cambridge Springs (long gone) always fished up there and he had several really large Muskies mounted in the bar. Most came from LeBeouf. Would like to fish it sometime.
raccoon bandit
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/10 21:36:13
Turn west at at the eagle hotel right in town (Waterford). Next left takes right to the lake at the PFBC launch. There are muskies, I think mostly purebreds. Someone got their picture in the Erie times last year. I think the fish was pushing 50". I have not done well this year, only out a couple of times. Muskie fishing can be like that, hours of nothing interupted by moments of absolute chaos.
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/14 19:19:08
some boby told me i can buy suckers up there he said on Donation rd . i hope i can get some all i need is one. just one sucker be good
raccoon bandit
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/14 22:46:36
I am not aware of any bait shops on Donation Road. Lebouf Creek crosses Donation Road near the intersection with Sampson Road. Years ago this was open to fishing and suckers could be caught there... Perhaps that sounds dumb. Anyway Donation runs parallel to Route 97 from Depot Road to just past Zwilling. I travel the section from Depot to Sampson often enough and I don't see anyone selling any bait. Let me know if you find out anything different.
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/14 23:28:29
Peacy, I think you're stressing about those suckers too much. Stop by the stream described above, and get yourself a dozen big chubs, and head over to LeBoeuf with your biggest plugs in your box. Don't hesitate to throw a Mepps Musky Killer either. I've fished there plenty, and all that stuff will bring you success on any given day. Plus, if you go to that stream, you don't have to worry about cross-contamination, as that stream empties into the lake.
raccoon bandit
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/15 06:11:32
I suppose I should note that stream section is private property. The last time I fished there I didn't have any gray hair. At that time fishing there was common. Perhaps it still is common to fish there. If it is posted or you do not gain permmision,... Go to the PGC rifle range on Sampson Road, walk South on the rail road tracks. It may be 1/4 mile or less to the same stream, now you are on state game lands. There is a pretty good hole there with plenty of suckers. Not trying to be difficult but I shouldn't have advised anyone to fish private property without knowing it was OK. If you have a question let me know, or just post it up, more bang for the buck that way.
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/15 06:14:43
Buddy of mine caught a 19" wally there on a big safety pin style spinnerbait once. 20 years ago the old timers used to talk about old moss back.. Supposedly a huge musky..
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/15 08:34:14
Does anyone know if you can waterfowl hunt on LeBoeuf? We were there earlier this spring fishing with two fish trailing our baits to the boat but no takers and they were only around 30" each but we saw a ton of nice ducks. Might be a great spot come fall.
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/15 09:10:33
thanks i be up some time i hear the best time to fish for muskie's when the weathers bad and the water rolling .someone told me this is the best muskie place in pa. state
raccoon bandit
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/15 11:35:34
ORIGINAL: bingsbaits Buddy of mine caught a 19" wally there on a big safety pin style spinnerbait once. 20 years ago the old timers used to talk about old moss back.. Supposedly a huge musky.. You don't know how funny that is, I don't know how many times I've heard about 'ol mossback. I was told that Life magazine came to town and did a story on that fish. I suspect that modern tackle would have brought that fish down to size. But I dare you to try and convince the old timers of that!!
post edited by raccoon bandit - 2007/06/15 11:40:16
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/15 12:05:13
Most of those fellows are gone now..But the legend lives on..
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/15 13:14:41
All good musky lakes that get any pressure have thier own "mossback". The nature of musky fishing dictates these types of stories. You know cast, cast cast,cast...................Cast, cast, cast, cast...............cast, cast, cast, cast........HOLY F***.......cast, cast, cast.......I have had my share of experiences with these fish on many lakes. Its why we have the addiction.... My experience is that I have seen lots of REALLY long fish, but when the head following your lure starts to resemble the size of a normal garden shovel, its time for fresh underwear.
Better too far back, than too far forward.
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RE: lake leboeuf
2007/06/16 19:17:05
neaver cot a muskie . i like to see what it's like if there a muskie in there catch him. i have to wait until the weather gets bad i guess . is troyer potatoes chip still there .i like to go down donation RD nice road and see some some country roads see you soon my dream may come true [ DREAM ON]
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Re: RE: lake leboeuf
2015/03/11 09:41:14
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Re: RE: lake leboeuf
2015/03/12 22:35:30
4 out of 3 people don't understand fractions.
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Re: RE: lake leboeuf
2015/03/12 23:24:40
ol' mossback huh? Had someone approach me at the dock and tell me that there is a "120 incher that probably weighs 80 lbs" in flb. yup, 10 footer. almost the length of the 2 world records combined.
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Re: RE: lake leboeuf
2015/03/13 09:16:19
Nobody has ever told me a story of a 120" musky before, I hear alot of stories mainy 6' muskies, just smile and be polite... But my story from FLB a bank fisherman told me that the other day they caught a 38" crappie... thought maybe a photo of that world record would have surfaced...
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Re: RE: lake leboeuf
2015/03/13 23:51:58
peacymike thanks i be up some time i hear the best time to fish for muskie's when the weathers bad and the water rolling .someone told me this is the best muskie place in pa. state
I agree with part of that statement.............
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Re: lake leboeuf
2015/03/18 21:53:43