Twin Lakes Carp and Catfish

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2007/05/29 21:13:24 (permalink)

Twin Lakes Carp and Catfish

Does anyone but me fish for carp at twin lakes? ive pulled out two real nice carp and a 24" catfish out of the shallow end of the upper lake. anyone have a suggestion as to how to get a fish in less than 6 hours when theyre swimmin' right over my bait? ive been using about 6 pieces of quality canned corn on a size 6 hook and im getting bored...

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    RE: Twin Lakes Carp and Catfish 2007/05/30 11:46:46 (permalink)
    You my want to chum them up a little before you start fishin...
    use a few cans of corn and throw it out to get them feeding...
    Look on this site for some bait recipes i will post some when i have the time....
    I was told there is some carp in that lake!!!
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    RE: Twin Lakes Carp and Catfish 2007/05/30 13:29:08 (permalink)
    i've fished both the top and bottom lakes a good many times recently without much success. i'm still mad about the one channel that i missed a couple weeks ago at the bottom lake, it was pretty big. the carp dont seem to be as active as normal, i have yet to catch one this year.
    my guess is that if you want to catch anything at twin your gonna have to fish at night, probably after 2am.
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    RE: Twin Lakes Carp and Catfish 2007/05/31 12:18:31 (permalink)
    I fished it a couple of times last fall, but didn't have any luck.  There are a few carpers more local to the lake that have been fishing it some since last fall and catching some.  I've read about a couple of pigs that have been pulled out of there in recent years.
    Like mentioned, ya might want to pre-bait a spot to get the carp feeding more actively.  As a cheaper alternative to canned corn, you can boil up some hard field corn til it swells and softens up (about an hour of boiling should do) and chum with that-----a 5 gallon bucket at a time this time of year wouldn't be too much, but at least a couple of gal. should get 'em rippin'.  Then keep on fishin' the same baited up spot(s).  Chum and they will come.
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    RE: Twin Lakes Carp and Catfish 2007/06/01 22:56:53 (permalink)
    hey thanks for the advice guys. we have been been baiting before fishing but only about a half can of corn, certainly no five gallons but you can still see them coming in and cruising around the baited area, a friend i was fishing with today on the allegheny caught one about 18" on a crawler.
    Wally Cat
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    RE: Twin Lakes Carp and Catfish 2007/06/03 22:41:53 (permalink)
    I know a fellow that has been fishing Greenlick(Jacob's Creek Park) and has caught nearly 80 carp so far this large ones....most 18 to 24 inch.....I think his largest this year was around 10 pound. He makes his own dough ball bait of various flavors and generaly uses a hair rig.
    I've fished the lower lake at Twin Lakes and landed a few in the 15 - 20 pound range and I do believe there are some much larger than that in there.

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    Author..... Wally Cat
    venomous grin
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    RE: Twin Lakes Carp and Catfish 2007/06/16 12:38:43 (permalink)
    I think i met the guy your talking about last night, I think his name was Bill real nice guy ,he shared alot of tips and I believe he is up to 85 if it is the same guy
    post edited by venomous grin - 2007/06/16 20:33:54

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    Wally Cat
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    RE: Twin Lakes Carp and Catfish 2007/06/26 02:01:32 (permalink)
    Yes, the mans name is Bill and sometimes he fishes with his wife. Lawn chairs, rod holders and his specialty dough ball bait. He's made about 40 different flavors and fishes with a "hair rig" set up.

    Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Go Fish - Often!

    "God has blessed America - may He continue to do so, even though we are not worthy of it".
    Author..... Wally Cat
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