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Hey WAR--who paid for YOUR education.
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Go back and read the post he made on it. He is just testing you guys like Pork stated and proving a point at the same time. Hope to wet a line today but like a Wiseman said "Hope is for fools."
post edited by crappiefisher - 2 days ago
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A friend of mine didn’t refer to the tax’s payed to the county as “property taxes.” He told me one time he was going to the court house to pay his house ransom tax.
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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If you have Township/ local police your taxes will be higher than if you have State police.
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crappiefisher Go back and read the post he made on it. He is just testing you guys like Pork stated and proving a point at the same time.
Hope to wet a line today but like a Wiseman said "Hope is for fools."
I'm just playing along. So Hilary was right? It takes a village?
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I’m pretty confident that you fully support public education as you seem to support most publicly funded services
wonder if he'd join me in advocating to fund higher education (for the high achieving brainiacs ONLY) Meaning not all get it provided. Just the ones that excel in fields like science and engineering. I think some of the commie countries do that? KTF
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Not sure what MyWar’s opinion is on that. But I have shared my views on secondary education. Whether it is trade school, university or other. They should be low cost or possibly free for any degrees/certificates that lead to either in demand employment, including mechanics, electricians, plumbers, any of the stem professions, business, tech, etc. that are jobs not “dreams”. Also to those “on the public dime” positions that are an extreme benefit to society, like police, teachers, fire fighters and other public servants. Whether the tuition itself is subsidized or the loan program is expanded to have far more available with interest rates capped and not compounding while in school (for a reasonable time). Tuition has far outpaced inflation. But yet the federal student loan limit has barely moved. 30 years ago, you could cover a 4 year degree with federal student loans only. Now, 4 years worth of available loan amounts cover about 1 year at most schools, with either private loans or families covering the remainder. Some states are much better than others with instate tuition, PSU and Pitt are about the same for one year in state as the Federal student loan limit for 4 years. Basically, if your family is not wealthy or poor, you are going to be $120k + in debt, with only about $30k of that being federal loans. Neither PSU or Pitt offer very much in merit scholarships as well. Both top out around $5k per year. Edit - Students would need to test into programs and have to maintain certain GPA or other standing. Not just saying to have “free 4 years of partying”. Talking about educating the future workforce, so we are the best and brightest. Not just those that can afford it.
post edited by Porktown - 2 days ago
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Gee I wonder how many kids could afford to go to college if the college use their endowments which is in billions. Lots more could go if college coaches didn't make millions of dollars and even more could go if used the money they may for kids that can run fast or catch a football or whatever their sport is.Maybe even more could go if they didn't have to build new stadiums and facilities every few years.Yea I wonder!
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ICE NUT Gee I wonder how many kids could afford to go to college if the college use their endowments which is in billions. Lots more could go if college coaches didn't make millions of dollars and even more could go if used the money they may for kids that can run fast or catch a football or whatever their sport is.Maybe even more could go if they didn't have to build new stadiums and facilities every few years.Yea I wonder!
Would be nice, but you know were endowments come from and who controls them, correct? Most anre from the ultra wealthy to avoid taxes that buys their kids admission. Most of those endowments don’t touch the principal, they earn enough from interest and investments to pay for their athletic entertainment. You don’t think they really want others joining their generational wealth club, do you?
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Welp, leaking war plans to a journalist because you're stupid is not what I had on my bingo card today.
What an embarrassment.
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DeadGator401 Welp, leaking war plans to a journalist because you're stupid is not what I had on my bingo card today.
What an embarrassment.
I don’t know much about this. FishUSA’s tackle selection is limited…
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Holy $hit. I checked my messages on my phone. I wasn't included in the Group Chat. Not sure why.
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r3g3 Hey WAR--who paid for YOUR education.
crappiefisher Go back and read the post he made on it. He is just testing you guys like Pork stated and proving a point at the same time.
Hope to wet a line today but like a Wiseman said "Hope is for fools."
The flat earther got baited? Unbelievable.
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ICE NUT Gee I wonder how many kids could afford to go to college if the college use their endowments which is in billions. Lots more could go if college coaches didn't make millions of dollars and even more could go if used the money they may for kids that can run fast or catch a football or whatever their sport is.Maybe even more could go if they didn't have to build new stadiums and facilities every few years.Yea I wonder!
redistribution of wealth is super ok as long as it's not one of the talking point ones, right?
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The earth IS flat-never go out of sight of land or you'll go over the edge. Round earthers are just a cult.
post edited by r3g3 - 2 days ago
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dano Holy $hit. I checked my messages on my phone. I wasn't included in the Group Chat. Not sure why.
 ahhahaha this was a good one Dano.
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r3g3 The earth IS flat-never go out of sight of land or you'll go over the edge. Round earthers are just a cult.
When are you going to tell us vouchers are a great idea?
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They are not imho. Aside from Religious schools and a few High end Prep Schools and occasional Home schooling the concept of privatizing education has been much talked about with little actual on the ground movement for many years. Even with a voucher system (which I dont like) I doubt there would be many who participate. If it did ever catch on in a meaningful way one would think the local taxation on Ed would likely diminish with less schools and staff being necessary--I doubt it will ever happen though. Frankly over the past 20 years or so the opposite has occurred. The city I was in had many religious schools and most have closed with the kids (primarily K-6) being absorbed into the public system. There were well over a thousand kids requiring building additions and teaching staff increases thus increasing the BOE budget. The ripple effect shortly had impact on the middle and high schools as well.
post edited by r3g3 - Yesterday
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DeadGator401 Welp, leaking war plans to a journalist because you're stupid is not what I had on my bingo card today.
What an embarrassment.
This is easily the dumbest, most incompetent cabinet in the history of this country. And it’s not even close. We will be extremely lucky if something catastrophic doesn’t happen before the end of trumps second term.
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Re: Trump 2024
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 Yesterday
DeadGator401 Welp, leaking war plans to a journalist because you're stupid is not what I had on my bingo card today.
What an embarrassment.
This is easily the dumbest, most incompetent cabinet in the history of this country. And it’s not even close. We will be extremely lucky if something catastrophic doesn’t happen before the end of trumps second term.
Naw you might want to look back at obama's hillary and gang about Bengazi,then maybe even lock back at the Afghanistan surrender those 2 are hard to beat!!!.Not much of a chance Yemen can do much but those souls in bengazi . and the 13 serviceman at AbbyGate
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And the liberal outrage over ICE Raid leaks---oooops must have missed it,
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DeadGator401 Welp, leaking war plans to a journalist because you're stupid is not what I had on my bingo card today.
What an embarrassment.
This is easily the dumbest, most incompetent cabinet in the history of this country. And it’s not even close. We will be extremely lucky if something catastrophic doesn’t happen before the end of trumps second term.
Naw you might want to look back at obama's hillary and gang about Bengazi,then maybe even lock back at the Afghanistan surrender those 2 are hard to beat!!!.Not much of a chance Yemen can do much but those souls in bengazi . and the 13 serviceman at AbbyGate
Well I guess we’ll see how long it takes before these idiots get some US service members killed. Because in case it’s not blatantly obvious to you, the morons that included a rando journalist in a group chat discussion between the highest ranking officials in our federal government are not being very careful.
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Re: Trump 2024
20 hours ago
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 19 hours ago
DeadGator401 Welp, leaking war plans to a journalist because you're stupid is not what I had on my bingo card today.
What an embarrassment.
This is easily the dumbest, most incompetent cabinet in the history of this country. And it’s not even close. We will be extremely lucky if something catastrophic doesn’t happen before the end of trumps second term.
Naw you might want to look back at obama's hillary and gang about Bengazi,then maybe even lock back at the Afghanistan surrender those 2 are hard to beat!!!.Not much of a chance Yemen can do much but those souls in bengazi . and the 13 serviceman at AbbyGate
Well I guess we’ll see how long it takes before these idiots get some US service members killed.
Because in case it’s not blatantly obvious to you, the morons that included a rando journalist in a group chat discussion between the highest ranking officials in our federal government are not being very careful.
Well let's see Bush thousands Iraq G Bush thousands in Afghanistan Biden thousands in Afghanistan Johnson thousands in Vietnam Nixon thousands in viet but did end it. TRUMP 1st tern NONE second term so far NONE .You want to talk about embarrassment Obama and Clinton and the idiot biden in America's largest surrender in US history he even left the civilians there and pulled out the military before them and left billions of equipment there for our enemies. Ya some relally smart administration's prioe to this ones don't you think!
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TRUMP 1st tern NONE
You Trump people really do live in your own alternate reality don’t you?
More American soldiers were killed during trumps first term than Biden’s term.
At least 45 service members were killed in Afghanistan alone during trumps first term.
Biden surrendered?? “Later that month, Trump and the Taliban reached a deal which excluded the Afghan government that called for U.S. forces to leave the country by May 1, 2021.” Wrong name. But double down on false information. It is the Trump thing to do. Sort of like your parrot buddy on the “don’t hurt my feelings” thread. I’ve heard the Flat Earth Society is trying to ban him for making them look so stupid.
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I erased my last--why bother- with the progressives becoming so odd lately they have put themselves into a third party status, welllll just let them rant in their little echo chamber.
post edited by r3g3 - 15 hours ago
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Really? No comments on the Signal Scandal? Seriously?