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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/21 18:25:02
crappiefisher "Out on a limb?" Did you watch the ticktock video?
Ah sorry lol, I didn’t but I’ll check it out when I get a minute.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/21 19:08:18
Lots of variable make test scores. In the City BOE I represented our lower grade schools often had about a 14 percent annual change of students year to year. Therefore the 6th grade classes would only have a small group of kids who had been in our system from first grade on. We had about 12,000 kids in our system. Our inner city community was in constant flux--we were a kind of first entry City for lack of a better term. The English language was difficult at best for many of the younger kids and often it wasnt spoken at home much less parents being able to read it to help their kids, we had numerous bilingual ed classes. Not just Spanish as many might think but in some European languages as well. All at great cost to the Board of ed. Tough to accurately address the quality of ed with these kinds of variable existing all the time. A real smart kid may well be underperforming due to language issues. I used to ask how the kids we had from beginning in grade schools did compared to the overall scores and found that the ones who we had over time when reaching 6th grade, were doing quite well even though our average scores were much lower. As soon as kids began middle and High schools their scores went up dramatically as the parents were becoming stabilized and not moving from town to town for opportunities as when their families were younger and kids were learning English. A guy I worked with came to America with his wife and they had 2 children -when his kids got to school age they moved back to Italy. Seems they never spoke English at home or in their neighborhood and realized the kids would have huge issues in school. We also had a tech school and a Magnet school in town with around 3 to 4 thousand students between them. I was on the Board of the State agency running the magnet schools as well, and my sons attended the Tech school. These are as close to private ( even though still State controlled) as my experiences gave me and were vastly different in their academic accomplishments. No language issues, more parental involvement and goal oriented students wanting something more mean a lot.
post edited by r3g3 - 2025/03/21 20:07:34
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/21 20:06:25
psu_fish PA keeps throwing money into education, but yet test scores dont improve, and my real estate property school taxes each July keep going up…
You know they are down across the country, right? Who would have thought removing kids from a classroom would have test scores down? Especially the youngest kids and those that have parents that weren’t able to be at home helping them actually learn and not just get by. I’d think even PSU branch campus education would require that sort of comprehension skills?
Fed closing education is just shifting taxes. The states that give a chit about equal access to education will raise theirs to capture, the others will just push to local. Most taxes are local regardless. Wealthy areas are already spending 2-3 times the amount of not more as poor areas. Guess who has better test scores, safer schools, nicer facilities, more to offer students? If you give a chit about your kids’ education, you buck up and pay the higher taxes. If you don’t or you don’t have kids, you move to areas with lower taxes. If you sort of give a chit, there are districts for that too… Pretty simple.
Well seeing that we work with my 1st grader nightly on his homework, and he made the accelerated reader hall of fame with 2+ months left in school year, I don't really lean on the teachers unions, which totally ruined a generation of kids with lockdowns. That GD Randi Weingarten should've been fired. Actually, the pro lockdown School Board members got voted out here locally in 2023, but the damage was already done, and all the covid cash was wasted on stupid stuff.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/21 20:26:52
dano It's not the federal government's responsibility to financially support our local schools. It shouldn't be the State's responsibility either. Funding of schools should lie completely on the local taxpayers.
Let’s go even further.
I don’t have any kids. Why should my taxes pay for any schools at all? That’s not my financial responsibility.
Why don’t we just make the people that have kids pay for the education of their children out of their own pockets? Why use any public funds at all?
Can any of the conservative minded folks tell me why this is a bad idea?
I m sure homeschoolers agree with you. I mean I went 8 years of home ownership before needing the local school in 2023-2024 school year, I would gladly take that money back. And when they both graduate, back in same boat. But the reason it will never happen, its the logistical and financial nightmare it would be to collect payment. The 3 taxing bodies (County, municipal, school) already build a non payment fudge factor into their budgets, usually like 1.5-3% So it’s easier to screw everybody and charge real estate taxes regardless of children in school. Rendell sold the whole casino money paying for schools, but my “Homestead” exclusion from gambling revenues is $185 a year. Shapiro was pro school voucher then flipped flopped. Pretty sure he left it out of his 2025 budget proposal. But some of these online and charter schools are shady as hell. I think you would see a mass exodus from public back to catholic and faith based over online charters.
post edited by psu_fish - 2025/03/21 20:31:49
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/22 00:32:05
When I did the ed thing it cost about $10,000 per kid per year, including all expenses of the dozen schools we maintained. Property taxed per house in town averaged about $3,500 each back then. With an average family having 1.4 kids that was a $14,000 cost in those houses just for the education dept alone,. For years 1 through 12 the Ed cost for that family alone were far and away more than the property taxes over decades. Clearly thats why we all chip in even when our turn with kids is over. In towns that split their tax billing between Ed and municipal ED is about half every year, Its the biggest single municipal expense. Also the cost for handicapped kids can be huge per year.
post edited by r3g3 - 2025/03/22 00:33:20
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/22 00:48:19
dano It's not the federal government's responsibility to financially support our local schools. It shouldn't be the State's responsibility either. Funding of schools should lie completely on the local taxpayers.
Let’s go even further.
I don’t have any kids. Why should my taxes pay for any schools at all? That’s not my financial responsibility.
Why don’t we just make the people that have kids pay for the education of their children out of their own pockets? Why use any public funds at all?
Can any of the conservative minded folks tell me why this is a bad idea?
I m sure homeschoolers agree with you. I mean I went 8 years of home ownership before needing the local school in 2023-2024 school year, I would gladly take that money back. And when they both graduate, back in same boat.
But the reason it will never happen, its the logistical and financial nightmare it would be to collect payment. The 3 taxing bodies (County, municipal, school) already build a non payment fudge factor into their budgets, usually like 1.5-3%
So it’s easier to screw everybody and charge real estate taxes regardless of children in school. Rendell sold the whole casino money paying for schools, but my “Homestead” exclusion from gambling revenues is $185 a year.
Shapiro was pro school voucher then flipped flopped. Pretty sure he left it out of his 2025 budget proposal.
But some of these online and charter schools are shady as hell. I think you would see a mass exodus from public back to catholic and faith based over online charters.
What exactly is this incoherent mess of a post supposed to mean exactly?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/22 01:13:04
crappiefisher "Out on a limb?" Did you watch the ticktock video?
You got a non tik tok link? I can’t get this to work without installing tik tok
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/22 09:51:49
dano It's not the federal government's responsibility to financially support our local schools. It shouldn't be the State's responsibility either. Funding of schools should lie completely on the local taxpayers.
Let’s go even further.
I don’t have any kids. Why should my taxes pay for any schools at all? That’s not my financial responsibility.
In NY, the state pays roughly half my school tax. The last three years they paid nearly all of it. The rebate program goes to homeowners who make under 1/2 million married or 1/4 million single. Starting this year, Seniors get a special exemption to local school tax. If a Senior makes under 55K, they are completely exempt from school taxes. Prorated after 55K.
post edited by dano - 2025/03/22 09:53:03
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 09:00:41
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 09:22:10
dano It's not the federal government's responsibility to financially support our local schools. It shouldn't be the State's responsibility either. Funding of schools should lie completely on the local taxpayers.
Let’s go even further.
I don’t have any kids. Why should my taxes pay for any schools at all? That’s not my financial responsibility.
In NY, the state pays roughly half my school tax. The last three years they paid nearly all of it. The rebate program goes to homeowners who make under 1/2 million married or 1/4 million single. Starting this year, Seniors get a special exemption to local school tax. If a Senior makes under 55K, they are completely exempt from school taxes. Prorated after 55K.
Doesn’t answer my question though, Why should I have to pay for schools at all if I don’t have children? Why use any public funds for education? Why not just make all parents pay out of their own pocket?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 09:31:08
genieman77 anyone against Trump's healthcare transparency exec order? KTF
Do I have any problem with pricing transparency on principe? No. Does this action do anything to actually address healthcare costs or make it more affordable? Definitely not. People don’t “shop around” to find the best deal for healthcare. They try to find the best doctor. If you get hit by a car you don’t shop around for the most affordable ER. I have otosclerosis. I’ve had stapedectomies in both ears. I didn’t shop around for the best deal on an otologist, I found the best damm stapes surgeon I could find. This had also been in place since 2019 and it has done nothing to affect healthcare costs. It’s typical Trump BS. It doesn’t actually do anything.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 10:31:05
dano It's not the federal government's responsibility to financially support our local schools. It shouldn't be the State's responsibility either. Funding of schools should lie completely on the local taxpayers.
Let’s go even further.
I don’t have any kids. Why should my taxes pay for any schools at all? That’s not my financial responsibility.
In NY, the state pays roughly half my school tax. The last three years they paid nearly all of it. The rebate program goes to homeowners who make under 1/2 million married or 1/4 million single. Starting this year, Seniors get a special exemption to local school tax. If a Senior makes under 55K, they are completely exempt from school taxes. Prorated after 55K.
Doesn’t answer my question though,
Why should I have to pay for schools at all if I don’t have children? Why use any public funds for education? Why not just make all parents pay out of their own pocket?
Because you chose to. And, because if you don't, the'll foreclose on you property.  When you bought your property, you chose to pay taxes. Otherwise, you could always rent. Or better yet, move to Sun City for the winter and Alaska for the summer.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 10:37:21
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 12:07:31
dano It's not the federal government's responsibility to financially support our local schools. It shouldn't be the State's responsibility either. Funding of schools should lie completely on the local taxpayers.
Let’s go even further.
I don’t have any kids. Why should my taxes pay for any schools at all? That’s not my financial responsibility.
In NY, the state pays roughly half my school tax. The last three years they paid nearly all of it. The rebate program goes to homeowners who make under 1/2 million married or 1/4 million single. Starting this year, Seniors get a special exemption to local school tax. If a Senior makes under 55K, they are completely exempt from school taxes. Prorated after 55K.
Doesn’t answer my question though,
Why should I have to pay for schools at all if I don’t have children? Why use any public funds for education? Why not just make all parents pay out of their own pocket?
Because you chose to. And, because if you don't, the'll foreclose on you property.  When you bought your property, you chose to pay taxes. Otherwise, you could always rent. Or better yet, move to Sun City for the winter and Alaska for the summer.
I didn’t ask why you should pay your taxes. I asked why schools should be publicly funded.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 12:34:57
Parents couldnt afford to spent ten grand or more per kid per year to go to school thats why, schools like anything else govt provides are shared in cost by all of us. People dont cry about the Fire dept part of their taxes or the roads or library or other services WE all enjoy them together not on an as needed basis.
post edited by r3g3 - 2025/03/23 12:37:56
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 12:38:54
r3g3 Parents couldnt afford to spent ten grand or more per kid per year to go to school thats why, schools like anything else govt provides are shared in cost by all of us.
So why is that my problem if you can’t send your kid to school?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 13:25:33
r3g3 Parents couldnt afford to spent ten grand or more per kid per year to go to school thats why, schools like anything else govt provides are shared in cost by all of us. People dont cry about the Fire dept part of their taxes or the roads or library or other services WE all enjoy them together not on an as needed basis.
Kinda like Socialism?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 13:59:09
MyWar Let’s go even further.
I don’t have any kids. Why should my taxes pay for any schools at all? That’s not my financial responsibility.
MyWar Doesn’t answer my question though,
Why should I have to pay for schools at all if I don’t have children? Why use any public funds for education? Why not just make all parents pay out of their own pocket?
dano Because you chose to. And, because if you don't, the'll foreclose on you property.  When you bought your property, you chose to pay taxes. Otherwise, you could always rent. Or better yet, move to Sun City for the winter and Alaska for the summer. MyWar I didn’t ask why you should pay your taxes. I asked why schools should be publicly funded.
You did ask why, as in; "Why should I have to pay for schools at all if I don’t have children?" I answered that. You don't have to. It's your choice. As far as why schools should be publicly funded? They found that the Socialist approach was the best approach.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 14:48:57
So why is that my problem if you can’t send your kid to school?
IMO, the answer to that hinges on this question will a society be better or worse if over half the genpop can't read or 'rithmetic? if determined worse, would it be werzer enuff to decide public funded education is essential? KTF
post edited by genieman77 - 2025/03/23 14:50:02
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 15:10:37
MyWar Let’s go even further.
I don’t have any kids. Why should my taxes pay for any schools at all? That’s not my financial responsibility.
MyWar Doesn’t answer my question though,
Why should I have to pay for schools at all if I don’t have children? Why use any public funds for education? Why not just make all parents pay out of their own pocket?
dano Because you chose to. And, because if you don't, the'll foreclose on you property.  When you bought your property, you chose to pay taxes. Otherwise, you could always rent. Or better yet, move to Sun City for the winter and Alaska for the summer.
MyWar I didn’t ask why you should pay your taxes. I asked why schools should be publicly funded.
You did ask why, as in; "Why should I have to pay for schools at all if I don’t have children?" I answered that. You don't have to. It's your choice. As far as why schools should be publicly funded? They found that the Socialist approach was the best approach.
Sure, ok that was one of several related questions. I also asked several others, and the broader question I was getting at is why should schools publicly funded? What exactly do you mean by “socialist approach”? And why was it found to be the best approach? What’s so great about making all citizens share the cost of education?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 15:18:29
So why is that my problem if you can’t send your kid to school?
IMO, the answer to that hinges on this question will a society be better or worse if over half the genpop can't read or 'rithmetic? if determined worse, would it be werzer enuff to decide public funded education is essential? KTF
Well what is your opinion on the answer to that question? I’d like a conservative to explain to me why public schools should exist. Because frankly I’m tired of paying for them. I don’t have kids. I went to catholic school and paid my own college education. I never have and never will receive any benefit from this system and there are plenty of other people like me in this country. Why should we be required to fund the education of others?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 16:25:40
(permalink),the%2520needs%2520of%2520the%2520Commonwealth. https://www.usconstitutio...-fathers-on-education/
post edited by Porktown - 2025/03/23 16:30:00
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 18:30:35
Well what is your opinion on the answer to that question?
What's funny, I'm considered "conservative" here? but the other site I frequent, I'm considered liberal anyway, I think it essential all learn basic education fundamentals. I believe it makes us a better society in general. It gives the opportunity for le$$ fortunate to advance beyond what would in effect would be a "cast system" they would be stuck in. It also affords the opportunity to imbue (indoctrinate if you prefer) a national identity, national goals, national principles, national unity. I consider that critical to prevent multiculturalism becoming so tribal it spawns tribal war is there a better way to fund it than property taxes? donno, I'm willing to discuss it. Not willing to support abolishing public funded Might be shocking to some, but i vote for school levies. No kids in school (youngest graduated in '04,) and my g'kids aren't in my school district KTF
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 19:22:17
Yinz guys are getting "owned."
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 21:50:51
genieman77 anyway, I think it essential all learn basic education fundamentals. I believe it makes us a better society in general. It gives the opportunity for le$$ fortunate to advance beyond what would in effect would be a "cast system" they would be stuck in. It also affords the opportunity to imbue (indoctrinate if you prefer) a national identity, national goals, national principles, national unity. I consider that critical to prevent multiculturalism becoming so tribal it spawns tribal war is there a better way to fund it than property taxes? donno, I'm willing to discuss it. Not willing to support abolishing public funded
Interesting. If I said that society as a whole, benefited from having an educated populace, would you agree with that statement?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 21:58:03
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/23 22:11:36
Let’s go even further.
I don’t have any kids. Why should my taxes pay for any schools at all? That’s not my financial responsibility.
Why don’t we just make the people that have kids pay for the education of their children out of their own pockets? Why use any public funds at all?
Can any of the conservative minded folks tell me why this is a bad idea?
OMG!!A subject I can actually agree with MyWAR on. Who'da thunk it! Your question is something I can't answer, eccept if it's just one of those known American truisms: You will pay taxes and like it.
post edited by Mitchell - 2025/03/23 22:14:49
Often times, a Conservative is a former Liberal who's been mugged!
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/24 06:06:03
If I said that society as a whole, benefited from having an educated populace, would you agree with that statement?
Yes, and said as much in my second sentence "I believe it makes us a better society in general" KTF
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/24 06:47:39
☄ Helpfulby genieman77 2025/03/24 06:56:40
My issue with paying school taxes when I never had kids in the system, and thereby don’t use the system directly (I get the educated society thing), centers on those that do have kids in the system getting a discount on their taxes, at least federal, in the form of a tax deduction, while I pay full freight for their kids to use the system. In no other instance do I see someone that doesn’t use something pay for someone who does use something, while the one who uses it pays little to nothing. It’s akin to me visiting an area that has an additional sales tax to fund a sports stadium that I will never use while the team owners, who will reap the benefits, pay nothing. I do understand that it is my local taxes, without dependent deductions, that pays a portion for schools, but so do the state and federal. Heck, I’ve lived in this area (same school district) for 35+ years, and I couldn’t even tell you where the schools are. In addition, we live in a 6-house development that has a private road, so my local taxes do not got to plow or maintain it (it exits onto a state road, so no local involvement there). The utility infrastructure was paid for by the developers, so I paid for it when I bought the ground and I pay for the services as well. The police are not permitted on the property unless called, something that has never happened. The fire department is volunteer. The EMT service is a paid service. We don’t have street lights that the township pays to light. If I use the court system to look up deeds, get a gun permit, etc., I pay to do so. Why am I paying these property taxes again (as I write the spring check and await the fall bill)?
post edited by DarDys - 2025/03/24 07:12:13
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/24 07:39:27
There are so many ads on here I can’t even make heads or tails … but ima go out on a limb and assume the founding fathers were in favor of public education?
First link is the PA State Constitution (without any ads). Shows pretty clearly what our founding fathers thought of education. The second shows where the founding fathers were on education on a national level. It is not specifically written in the US Constitution, but there was a law passed for every state to join the Union must have public education. I’m pretty confident that you fully support public education as you seem to support most publicly funded services. I’m guessing you are masterfully baiting some. I’m just shocked a few haven’t went back and edited their messages to follow the FoxNews, voucher/privatization party line. I’m sure some will in the next couple of days.