Re: Aggravating stuff
2025/03/19 11:35:02
Was in semi-slow moving traffic (about 30 in a 40) yesterday and had a full size SUV in the lane to the left of my truck going about the same speed when I caught movement in my peripheral vision and was startled. It was a motorcycle taking the center line between us to pass.
They did that to about 3 sets of vehicles, with one or both nit seeing it until it was between them and most reacting by jerking their wheel in the opposite direction of the motorcycle. How someone didn’t crash, I don’t know. Obviously he startled everyone he did this to.
After he cleared the side-by-side vehicles, he started to weave in and out, often causing the vehicle in his entry lane to have to brake hard — again startling the other drivers and causing near read end accidents.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad
Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.