AnsweredHot!Aggravating stuff

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Re: Aggravating stuff 2025/02/20 11:13:57 (permalink)
I didn’t realize that going after 8AM makes that much of a difference? Working folks still eat and many are on some sort of meds as well. They just only have limited amount of time during a day, which always seems to be when the non-workers want to use the same services. Not sure why the retiree rush at lunch and after work times?
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Re: Aggravating stuff 2025/02/20 11:42:35 (permalink)
It was aggravating to me last week when I had to get blood drawn a couple days before my yearly doc appt and the bastage center punched my nerve....first for me having that happen and the dude was not gentle, felt like I got shocked in that arm....  still feeling it down my arm and into my fingers, especially if I move my arm in just the right way but slowly getting better.
At least my cholesterol was good, even backing down on my already low dose statin....its hell getting, my B12 and Vit D, ehhh...need to start getting those puppies back up.
Hoping for some fresh powder skiing tomorrow up at 7 springs....that will make me not so aggravated.
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Re: Aggravating stuff 2025/02/20 12:47:02 (permalink)
I think both of those are a side effect of statins, among other things. As long as not way off, supposedly “normal”. At least that is what my Dr. told me. Sucks to hear they struck a nerve.
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Re: Aggravating stuff 2025/02/20 12:54:33 (permalink)
A friend told me once while playing golf -now we get to the age where all the itisis and isms start showing up we laughed--that was about 20 years ago.
Now he cant golf at all and I feel lucky to be back to 9 holes a week after a 2 year layoff.
Played in Spartanburg S Carolina just last week then drove back to CT.
post edited by r3g3 - 2025/02/20 13:01:05
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Re: Aggravating stuff 2025/03/17 16:57:36 (permalink)
Shumer was Trumps biggest hurdle in Congress--Now even his own party is talking about running AOC (of all people) against him and he is cancelling events.
He has certainly fallen fast and dems are in chaos,
post edited by r3g3 - 2025/03/17 19:18:44
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Re: Aggravating stuff 2025/03/19 11:35:02 (permalink)
Was in semi-slow moving traffic (about 30 in a 40) yesterday and had a full size SUV in the lane to the left of my truck going about the same speed when I caught movement in my peripheral vision and was startled. It was a motorcycle taking the center line between us to pass.

They did that to about 3 sets of vehicles, with one or both nit seeing it until it was between them and most reacting by jerking their wheel in the opposite direction of the motorcycle. How someone didn’t crash, I don’t know. Obviously he startled everyone he did this to.

After he cleared the side-by-side vehicles, he started to weave in and out, often causing the vehicle in his entry lane to have to brake hard — again startling the other drivers and causing near read end accidents.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Aggravating stuff 2025/03/19 12:13:17 (permalink)
Was in a fast moving line on 95 in NJ a few weeks ago and a flatbed swung into my lane and took out my side view drivers side mirror only a foot or so from my head, close traffic front and back and a rail on my close right--hadda just sit there and take the hit -the driver saw it and corrected fast.
People drive like asses on the highways.
post edited by r3g3 - 2025/03/19 12:17:59
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