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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 14:11:19
r3g3 Hey Ice-- Remember all the Hunter dealings with foreign businesses and the BIG GUY and Joe telling a country to stop investigating a business Hunter was with or NO US funding-so they stopped the investigation. All the suspicions of influence peddling with Hunter and Joe? Mostly ALL UKRAINE business. Explains a lot.
Where is ole Rudy Giuliani these days? I used to believe that conspiracy too, or at least something fishy was going on. Until that star witness Smirnov got arrested and admitted to lying. He said it was a smear campaign directed by a Russian Lieutenant General and his team of handlers. The whole thing ended up being a russian hoax.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 14:24:47
ICE NUT Good Job Dems not 1 vote on the Protection of women and girls sports act.You guys really are the party of women,and thats funny cause you all can't even define one LMAO
I actually agree that there needs to be some accepted standard about this. It really only matters if the kid in the transition is any good though. I've been at contests with my daughter where there were "transitioning" participants on the other teams but they sucked and I didn't care. If they would have been good I probably would have been pi$$ed. But, I generally DGAF otherwise. Is MAGA for states' rights or not then? Or, are they only for states' rights when it's something they want?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 14:27:13
How would you fell if they were in the girls showers b/c they say their a girl.I bet you would feel different
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 14:47:33
ICE NUT How would you fell if they were in the girls showers b/c they say their a girl.I bet you would feel different
Good question...I would probably feel different if I thought there was a question about the validity. Mostly, I would listen to my daughters and if they were comfortable and protective of the student then I wouldn't care. If they felt like it was an invasion then I would certainly oppose it. Females will certainly let you know what they think about those things. I would go with their intuition. I do think there should be a scientific, testosterone based answer to the sports question though.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 14:52:36
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/03/04 16:18:32
LDD then explain to me why not 1 Democrat voted for the bill? The dem party is that infected with TDS even when whats presented is right!! And dems claim MAGA and Rebub are a cult.I can forsee women young and old will remember their vote come the mid-terms.I sure hope
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 15:37:01
ICE NUT LDD then explain to me why not 1 Democrat voted for the bill?
Because the bill is not an attempt at serious governance. It’s a political stunt designed to make people like you foam at the mouth. Because apparently nothing gets you more excited than punishing trans people for existing.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 16:36:45
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/03/04 18:11:31
LMAO, they can exist. They can also play on the correct team. Pretty damming no women are on NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB or major D1 sports, but somehow Men have dominated women sports and defended by moonbats. Only to a lib its normal for the 554th ranked male become the women's national champion in swimming. Or boys pole vaulter tied for 5th in 2023, wins the girls event in 2025
post edited by psu_fish - 2025/03/04 16:42:23
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 16:59:25
This is an interesting debate. One that I think will eventually have the Supreme Court decide. I agree with the competition level, especially at the younger ages. Is an 8 year old “transgender” kid, really transgender because they identify as the other? Many sports are coed at that age anyway, so shouldn’t matter. When they get older, especially after puberty, that is really the issue. This is extremely evident in sports like swimming, running, jumping, weight lifting or other where there are set measurables. A good HS boy is equivalent to an Olympic level girl. Regardless of hormone suppressing or whatever, there are just so many other factors. The man lungs, bone structure, muscle mass and other is just more than a woman on average. In my opinion, there should be no biological born male competing in a female division in competitive level sport. I think a good thing that Trump signed the EO, which gave the NCAA and others some sort of legal backbone. If not, they would brunt the legal costs of challenges. Which as noted, I think this will end up with the Supreme Court deciding. I have a daughter who has played multiple sports at a rather high level. She has yet to compete against any trans athletes that I am aware of. There have been some that looked rather masculine. Of any sport she has played, she has yet to shower with any teammates or opponents. I imagine there might be some teams that shower together? She will be competing the next four years on a D1 scholarship. Her showering with a trans athlete is on my list of worries, right below the moon falling out of the sky and Chuck Norris wanting to eat pudding out of my ear.
post edited by Porktown - 2025/03/04 17:03:07
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 17:15:58
LDD Trade war launched...with...our closest ally?
We don't care about that. Don't matter, stop da fentlyal! Don't worry - we Maga are more interested in pruhtektin er women in sports. But only sport, not healthcare, rights, etc. Just sports! Surely not protecting the kids in school from ya know - gun violence. That's our rights! We just needta make sure there's no tom foolery in the local softball game!
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 17:28:10
LDD Trade war launched...with...our closest ally?
We don't care about that. Don't matter, stop da fentlyal!
Don't worry - we Maga are more interested in pruhtektin er women in sports. But only sport, not healthcare, rights, etc. Just sports!
Surely not protecting the kids in school from ya know - gun violence. That's our rights! We just needta make sure there's no tom foolery in the local softball game!
I’d like to see the stats of girls killed in schools with guns vs girls abused in a bathroom by a transgender.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 17:35:23
Of any sport she has played, she has yet to shower with any teammates or opponents. I imagine there might be some teams that shower together? She will be competing the next four years on a D1 scholarship. Her showering with a trans athlete is on my list of worries, right below the moon falling out of the sky and Chuck Norris wanting to eat pudding out of my ear.
Hahaa...yup...I was going to say that kids don't shower anymore after their sports. They just put their $hit on and go home and shower. The Chuck Norris thing is terrifying tho...
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 17:36:36
What's the over/under on whether Trump gets in a screaming match with congress tonight during his speech??
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 17:40:30
That's exactly what the dems want. How much you want to bet the dems kick the helll out of their highchairs?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 17:41:05
psu_fish but somehow Men have dominated women sports and defended by moonbats. Only to a lib its normal
They haven’t dominated sports, there’s what? 10 NCAA trans athletes in the entire country? It’s not “normal”. It’s an imaginary problem and I think there are more important issues that require the attention of Congress and the president of the United States. The way republicans are obsessed with trans people is actually quite bizarre.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 18:01:28
LDD The Chuck Norris thing is terrifying tho...
I mean, do you just let it happen or take a whoopin’ trying to defend your ear? And would you rather him use a spoon and have a bunch of pudding in your ear with possible ear infection or have him lick it out? Not sure what would be a creepier sensation, his tongue up in your ear or his satche hairs rubbing against it. This has just moved up my list of worry about 20 spots.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 18:08:58
LDD What's the over/under on whether Trump gets in a screaming match with congress tonight during his speech??
You mean the squad or someother moonbat screams first? Then 100%
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 18:17:34
The TDS sufferers will be out in force today and tomorrow. Never matters to them if Trump does good or bad its just all bad because its Trump. They will boycott hoot and holler and try to disrupt and generally attempt to ruin the speech at all costs. Dems in Congress will be just as bad--remember Nancys antics. The lib press will eat it up and even on FOX it will be the big story--thats the lib plan.
post edited by r3g3 - 2025/03/04 20:22:44
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 19:08:02
Where does nuclear non proliferation fit into your high moral ground of “isolationism”?
has nothing to do with morality, moron GFY
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 19:36:56
☄ Helpfulby BloodyHand 2025/03/04 19:42:28
Dem women will be wearing pink tonight to show their support for women on TV This after voting to against Trumps no men in womens sports legislation in Congress. Orrrr they still dont know what a woman even is. Typical libs trying to have it both ways as they try another poor bad Trump move people see right through,.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/03/04 19:40:59
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/03/04 20:23:53
r3g3 Dem women will be wearing pink tonight to show their support for women on TV This after voting to against Trumps no men in womens sports legislation in Congress. Orrrr they still dont know what a woman even is. Typical libs trying to have it both ways as they try another poor bad Trump move people see right through,.
Didn't they all wear white back during a State of Union address in the first term? I cant keep track of all the fake outrage. Hell, he should come out pro Oxygen, and they would all use a plastic bag and cover their head/mouth/nostrils to prove a point.
post edited by psu_fish - 2025/03/04 19:42:14