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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/15 17:25:08
☄ Helpfulby genieman77 2025/02/15 17:35:21
You are entitled to your opinion I'm entitled to mine. Male and Female thats all ,Your not voting for an independent canidate but you are unable to vote for the 2 party's candidate in primaries so limiting who gets on the ballots in the elections.We ended up with a balanced budget not b/c of clinton But because both sides were willing to comprimse there are no Tip Oneals or newt gingrich there now.They wern't worried about letting 18 million illegals into country,or letting boy's into girls sports and bathrooms,or sex changes on kids,and the insanity that goes on today BOTH SIDES
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/15 17:36:22
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/02/15 18:18:57
No dano there are only 2 genders male or female,about that balanced budget you mentioned it wasn't because on Clinton it was back then both party's worked together not like today.Im sure if they had to deal with 18 million illegals allowed to invade the country or the insanity with the sex changes on kids and boys and men playing in women's sports,and the crazy unchecked spending this government does I think things would have been a bit different back then.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/16 10:09:22
You're just repeating what I was saying. Thing is, you can't pick you're gender. So bad analogy. You can pick your party but not your gender. I get what you are saying but I think it was a bad analogy. If I really wanted to vote in a primary for a candidate that I favored above all others, I can always re-register. I almost did this for Nikki Haley. Also, that's why I mentioned Clinton and Gingrich together. (Clinton/Gingrich). And it can still happen today as there was a bipartisan agreement for the border. I'll even go as far as saying that deficit spending is more under control with a split in Executive/Congregational power but then Trump blew that statistic out of the water during his first term. I have no problem with Trump removing illegals. I'm against males playing in women. But lets see what he does with with spending this time around. Hopefully better than his last term.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/16 10:39:41
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget is one of the few news feeds I get. Started visiting this site back in the Tea Party days before the Tea Party got hijacked by the RNC. 4 years of Trump vs 4 years of Biden. Broken down in different ways. Objectively reported.
post edited by dano - 2025/02/16 10:40:51
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/16 11:18:40
Dano we do agree on some things as far as Trumps spending in his 1st term Don't you think COVID had most to do about the spending.I don't care who was president during that time it was needed to to come up with vaccines,PPe equipment and money for business to stay afloat.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/16 11:34:27
IceNut, On the surface, we agree on more than you think. I'ts how we get there? we differ. Yes COVID played a part. But then, check out that link I shared. It's broken down by COVID Spending and non COVID spending. And then while you're at it, scroll down to the Deficit Reductions comparison chart.
post edited by dano - 2025/02/16 17:38:47
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/16 14:15:58
dano I'm against males playing in women.
I much prefer playing around in there and making it last a bit longer. Seems to bring on a more intense finish. Wham bam thank you ma’am at times is good, but shouldn’t be a rule! 100% behind there being sports restrictions. I do feel for those kids that were born with female parts, but male chromosomes. Which was the case of that Algerian boxer. Not sure where they should be classified, but not a fan of them being abused by MAG****holes as if they made a choice for an unfair advantage.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/20 09:58:12
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/02/20 10:11:41
I decided to edit this post because I feel it was wrong of me to criticize porktown for making a post here. He has as much right to post wherever and whenever the same a the rest of us. Mr pork, I apologize if I offended you.
post edited by bigfoot - 2025/02/21 07:31:15
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/20 13:02:33
bigfoot Well do much for this thread. thanks to pork for blowing it up! Why don’t you just keep your nose out of it and stick with the rest of your lib buddies on the other threads!
He's pretty conservative, honestly. Have you read his posts?
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/20 13:16:39
☄ Helpfulby fishin coyote 2025/02/20 14:40:58
Aren’t safe spaces a woke thing?
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/21 07:33:55
bigfoot Well do much for this thread. thanks to pork for blowing it up! Why don’t you just keep your nose out of it and stick with the rest of your lib buddies on the other threads!
He's pretty conservative, honestly. Have you read his posts?
Yes I have. I edited my post because I felt I was wrong in posting what I did.
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/21 08:15:10
bigfoot I decided to edit this post because I feel it was wrong of me to criticize porktown for making a post here. He has as much right to post wherever and whenever the same a the rest of us. Mr pork, I apologize if I offended you.
No offense Bigfoot. Your post was completely in line. No personal attack or threat of violence, which has become a rarity in our modern political climate. Compared to yourself and any of the MAGA supporters, I am liberal. To what the DNC has become, I am conservative. Both parties try to force their social agendas onto others, which I find the most disturbing. When one is in power, the other sides protests things are forced on them, but silence when their side is forcing things on others. I made it pretty clear when Biden was in office my opinion, which was mostly not favorable for him. Since I didn’t buy into him being Satan, I am labeled liberal? I give Trump credit where due, but has a pretty lengthy track record of being a horrible person. When acknowledging his achievements, those on the left say I am mistaken, those on the right call me liberal for not claiming he walks on water.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/21 11:30:35
bigfoot I decided to edit this post because I feel it was wrong of me to criticize porktown for making a post here. He has as much right to post wherever and whenever the same a the rest of us. Mr pork, I apologize if I offended you.
No offense Bigfoot. Your post was completely in line. No personal attack or threat of violence, which has become a rarity in our modern political climate. Compared to yourself and any of the MAGA supporters, I am liberal. To what the DNC has become, I am conservative. Both parties try to force their social agendas onto others, which I find the most disturbing. When one is in power, the other sides protests things are forced on them, but silence when their side is forcing things on others. I made it pretty clear when Biden was in office my opinion, which was mostly not favorable for him. Since I didn’t buy into him being Satan, I am labeled liberal? I give Trump credit where due, but has a pretty lengthy track record of being a horrible person. When acknowledging his achievements, those on the left say I am mistaken, those on the right call me liberal for not claiming he walks on water.
I appreciate your response. But one thing that I would like to mention. One of my doctors who has taken care of me for about 40 years or so has 3 children. Occasionally he would mention them in some way or another, but I didn't know until right around the election last November that his one son is a secret service agent! He passed on his son's opinion in regard to Mrs. Harris and Mr. Trump . In regard to MR. Trump and I quote "he is a really nice guy."
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/21 11:49:40
I obviously have never met him, going off of actions only. How he has treated his ex-wives (while married to them), how he has treated his ex-cabinet, ex-business associates, his ex-workers, etc. If a handful of people said that he was a jerk, likely a political hit. When half of his own ex-cabinet is calling him out, you know “the best and brightest” that he hand chose, maybe there is a little truth to it?
He shows narcissistic traits. Usually anyone with those traits will be “a really nice guy” to those that serve their interests. To anyone else, they mean nothing to him. Not someone I’d consider to ever have the best interests of a country, especially if those interests would be different than his own. Those actions have been hard to ignore, by me at least. Some others either choose to ignore them, deny reality, or drown out any other media that doesn’t praise his every move. And yes, I know it happens on the other side as well. Not sure if ever to the extent as Trump though.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/21 12:04:17
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/02/21 12:14:53
He for sure has his faults BUT he is soooooooo much better than the alternatives esp the last fool
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/21 12:19:41
In his first term Trump knew there was a deep State but really didnt know how deep on the right or on the left--he likely appointed a few--look at Bolton for example- for bad choices. This time around he has clearly seen the light in that regard and IMHO has- for the most part - made great choices on our behalf. Most of his actions so far have been a cleanup detail changing the progressives rules and mandates--As time goes on we will see a changing society in my HO for the better but we will see. Just a few months ago we were on a bobsled ride downhill and it seems thats over and we are climbing back up.
post edited by r3g3 - 2025/02/21 12:20:55
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/21 12:44:13
Porktown I obviously have never met him, going off of actions only. How he has treated his ex-wives (while married to them), how he has treated his ex-cabinet, ex-business associates, his ex-workers, etc. If a handful of people said that he was a jerk, likely a political hit. When half of his own ex-cabinet is calling him out, you know “the best and brightest” that he hand chose, maybe there is a little truth to it?
He shows narcissistic traits. Usually anyone with those traits will be “a really nice guy” to those that serve their interests. To anyone else, they mean nothing to him. Not someone I’d consider to ever have the best interests of a country, especially if those interests would be different than his own. Those actions have been hard to ignore, by me at least. Some others either choose to ignore them, deny reality, or drown out any other media that doesn’t praise his every move. And yes, I know it happens on the other side as well. Not sure if ever to the extent as Trump though.
Interesting you mentioned President Trump showing narcissist traits. A lady friend of mine said she wouldn't vote for Trump because he reminded her of her recently divorced husband. He was a narcissist to. I don't think that made any difference in how she voted. She votes the democrat party from what I have determined.
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/21 12:56:08
☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2025/02/21 20:38:08
A woman relative said she voted for Trump and I was shocked--She was a blue voter all her life but it seems when Trump spoke of a tax break she believed would be in her favor she switched now shes antsy because it didnt happen in his first month and she had actually made a longer term commitment based on a speech lol. Welll everybody gets to vote I guess. IMHO one small issue is not enough reason for switching a presidential vote but to each his or her own. I voted for him 3 times because of his overall views for America.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/27 20:18:11
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/02/27 21:13:07
Actually, just extending the tax breaks that have been in for the past 5 years or so is still a present relief. MAGA is looking for increased breaks in "one big beautiful bill", which I seriously doubt will happen, but we can hope.
Often times, a Conservative is a former Liberal who's been mugged!
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/27 22:32:38
Things are going extremely well in my humble opinion. My oh my is he stirring things up and ruffling some feathers! I’m loving it 😍
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 15:02:55
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/02/28 18:13:59
I'm loving it as well.He is doing what he said he would do sometimes a little too fast and without much thought.I just wish he would take it down a notch or two but the things they are doing NEED to be done.The federal government is without a doubt bloated some of the waste that has been exposed is downright criminal.You would think Dems would applaud some of the cuts of our tax dollars But NO i guess their the reason for them.I am all for America first!!!! Keep draining the SWAMP!!!!!
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 15:59:58
the meeting today at the White House was a cluster fk KTF
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 16:09:32
genieman77 the meeting today at the White House was a cluster fk  KTF
A little awkward yes But as long as Americans and anywhere are suffering in say NC Kentucky and California or any where else I don't want to see another dime or in Ukraine's sake Billions and Billions to be spent there.It's about time Europe the Eu whatever you want to call them steps up and were is that worthless NATO ? It's Europe's turn Let's take care of our own problems we sure have enough of them.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 16:23:50
We look like a shameful disgrace after that.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 16:58:08
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/02/28 18:14:39
crappiefisher We look like a shameful disgrace after that.
You should have seen what we looked like with the previous numb nuts in office SUCKERS. The disgrace is that our own citizens are suffering and we give billions away to every where else.
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 17:59:31
ICE NUT A little awkward yes But as long as Americans and anywhere are suffering in say NC Kentucky and California or any where else I don't want to see another dime or in Ukraine's sake Billions and Billions to be spent there.It's about time Europe the Eu whatever you want to call them steps up and were is that worthless NATO ? It's Europe's turn Let's take care of our own problems we sure have enough of them.
my position, Ice, from the very beginning is this was/is Europe's war, not ours. here's the sad thing though, we (with bi-partisan support) took the lead. Now we're throwing them under the bus we did the same in Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now the Ukrainian people. I don't know why any country would trust us Putin (a REAL "dictator" and commie thug) wins and that's a gawd daamd shame KTF
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 18:12:26
Cant believe the guy showed up at the press meeting for the deal and then tried to change it right there-and got Cocky when he couldnt do it, Glad he got tossed
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 19:03:52
genieman77 we did the same in Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now the Ukrainian people. I don't know why any country would trust us Putin (a REAL "dictator" and commie thug) wins and that's a gawd daamd shame KTF That's really what it comes down to. Trust. Can anybody in the world trust the US anymore. Putin trusts us. He said that when things got tough, America would bail..
post edited by dano - 2025/02/28 19:19:03
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 19:08:37
Zalenski demanded security guarantees- which usually means troops on the ground--NO WAY
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Re: Trump 2025. For conservative leaning folks only.
2025/02/28 19:18:24
r3g3 Zalenski demanded security guarantees- which usually means troops on the ground--NO WAY
Why sign a deal with the US. Russia is going to do what they want anyway. While Elon Musk walks away with their Lithium.