Helpful ReplyTrue rotary vice

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2021/02/16 14:44:12 (permalink)

True rotary vice

Thinking about buying a true rotary fly tying vice. Not looking to break the bank cause I'm a man of modest means, but don't want to end up with a piece of crap. Been looking around but figured I would like to get some advice before I made a final decision. I was thinking something less than 200.00. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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solitario lupo
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Re: True rotary vice 2021/02/16 15:04:34 (permalink)
Probably not the best to give you advice on a cheap one since I’m tired of them after mine broke for being cheaply made and I would just put the extra money into a good one like your tops regal, renzetti, and dyna king. I went with dyna king expensive yes but not cheaply made. I also waited for a good sale on them.
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Re: True rotary vice 2021/02/16 15:34:41 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Fisherlady2 2021/02/16 19:18:56
The Renzetti 2000 cam vise would be the best bang for your buck coming in at $189.99. I have personally found that the jaws on this vise are the easiest to ajust when switching hook sizes. While other brand like atlas offer true rotarty, the ajusting of the jaws to fit different size hooks can be difficult at times. If you are in the area some time, stop into the Fishusa Pro shop. They are on stock most of the time and you can mess around with one and see how you like it.
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Re: True rotary vice 2021/02/17 15:50:49 (permalink)
I've had a peak rotary for years. No problems w it at all. Highly recommend it.
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Re: True rotary vice 2021/02/18 11:17:29 (permalink)
I have a renzetti traveler that I purchased 12 years ago that does everything I want. The only adjustment I have made was to change it from a clamp on to a solid base so I did not mark up any tables. 

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Re: True rotary vice 2021/02/20 10:44:36 (permalink)
I just bought a Regal Medallion clamp model vise from Fishusa for $175.00 with free shipping.   Love this vise.  Holds just about any size hook without any adjusting.  The pedestal model costs $250.00.
post edited by Panfisher - 2021/02/20 10:47:31

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Re: True rotary vice 2021/02/22 16:44:58 (permalink)
I have tied on renzetti peak regal and I have a griffin honestly I like em all , I and I tie 26# - 3/0 size flys they all have pros cons

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Re: True rotary vice 2021/02/26 09:37:49 (permalink)

Thinking about buying a true rotary fly tying vice. Not looking to break the bank cause I'm a man of modest means, but don't want to end up with a piece of crap. Been looking around but figured I would like to get some advice before I made a final decision. I was thinking something less than 200.00. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

What did you end up getting?

The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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Re: True rotary vice 2021/02/28 15:12:29 (permalink)

Thinking about buying a true rotary fly tying vice. Not looking to break the bank cause I'm a man of modest means, but don't want to end up with a piece of crap. Been looking around but figured I would like to get some advice before I made a final decision. I was thinking something less than 200.00. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

What did you end up getting?

After careful consideration including looking up reviews, and watching some videos  and also taking into account country of manufacture, warranty, features and something within my price range I bought a Griffen mongoose. I research the various makes and models suggested and it took me awhile to make up my mind. The Renzetti was my second choice. I also gave some thought to the Peak and the Wolff Atlas.
All things considered the Griffen with the added case and accessories won out. I am not disappointed in the least. Quality construction and a real joy to tie on.

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Re: True rotary vice 2021/03/01 11:44:32 (permalink)
Have fun and enjoy the addiction!!!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."  Abraham Lincoln
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